Is Buddhism a Failure?

SAM said:
Do you think the concept of Buddha abandoning his family and material goods is based on Varnashram?
Is actually my own feeble grasp of contents of very large collection of writings, compressed into somewhat meaningless sentence, so sorry.

But essentially, ascetics particularly in Sikh, Buddhist traditions proselytised a/the way of non-materialism which, many wealthy and privileged sought at end of life, to fulfil manifest destiny. Then tradition of guru who leads those destined to be lead, from the darkness of materialism and pain, of attachment to such things and desires to have, to the light of freedom from desire, and even desire to remain in world, because not important after all.

Whole of life then means to abandon everything, all material wealth, all idea of "owning".

Only can "own" next breath, in actuality. Can see inner, true nature without money for guru, palace of comfort, etc..:)
Is actually my own feeble grasp of contents of very large collection of writings, compressed into somewhat meaningless sentence, so sorry.

But essentially, ascetics particularly in Sikh, Buddhist traditions proselytised a/the way of non-materialism which, many wealthy and privileged sought at end of life, to fulfil manifest destiny. Then tradition of guru who leads those destined to be lead, from the darkness of materialism and pain, of attachment to such things and desires to have, to the light of freedom from desire, and even desire to remain in world, because not important after all.

Whole of life then means to abandon everything, all material wealth, all idea of "owning".

Only can "own" next breath, in actuality. Can see inner, true nature without money for guru, palace of comfort, etc..:)

This phenomenon is not only limited to Eastern religions (Indian, Aryan, or Chinese origin), but present in the Abrahamic faiths as well, particularly Islam and Christianity.
I still can't understand how racism is allowed on these forums.

followed by

anyone who preaches violence and hatred will be judged by God.

followed by

How sad will be those people on the Last Day. They thought they were the winners, but ended up being the losers.
where They takes on the meaning of Atheists, Polytheists and other people who reject Allah and the Muslim faith (which is exactly a form of intolerant racism) Oh, and how sad will those GOOD HEARTED LOGICAL THINKING people be? Very because Allah (and It's Earthly proxy, DH) preaches violence (hellfire) and hatred (eternal damnation) against them.

It's funny isn't it?
Where are these "good hearted and logical" people? Saying everyone is accountable for their actions is not racism.
Your posts are bigoted and racist against Arabs. This is why I referred to them as racial epithets. You are welcome to challenge my notion that presenting Arabs as polygamist, cow-eyed, lying, obese people is racist. Imagine if you described Jews that way, you would be banned immediately.

As far as my statement, those who commit injustice on others will be the losers as truth shall always triumph over falsehood. God judges on behalf of the oppressed, the wronged, and those who maintain a higher moral ground. It is up to us to be acceptable to God, not vice versa. Furthermore, I have no right to judge who is worthy of Paradise or Hellfire, this is God's decision. I don't make myself a judge when I have no right to.

I am openly advocating that racism should be banned in this forum in all its evil and vile manifestations, and this includes racism against Arabs as well. We cannot tolerate racism towards one group while forbidding it against another.
So why doesn't it work? Why don't practising Buddhists learn any of this? Why do they still support [for example] tribal relationships, killing people as collateral damages and war for land?

Religions don't work, nothing works. It's not supposed to. Buddha realized this. It's the main teaching of Buddhism, although it is bad form to explicitly mention it. The essential teaching can't be taught intellectually. No words will suffice, only experience. That's why Buddhism is the religion of no religion.

It's not a moral code. Because that's what people are looking for, they made one up. This was a public service, but it is not the essential truth. As an institution, Buddhist temples had to fit in with society and make some teaching accessible to the layman. Maybe a lack of concern for warfare is a byproduct of enlightenment, I don't know. I tend to think people stay more or less the same. It promises something no more miraculous than ordinary life.
Where are these "good hearted and logical" people? Saying everyone is accountable for their actions is not racism.
Like the polytheistic Arab Meccans?

How about Muslims that decide they want to worship multiple Gods and Goddesses and become polytheistic good heared Satanistic Scientologists?

Many Muslims say Allah will condemn such people to hell-fire.

I'm wondering - JUST which people will be condemned to eternal Hell Fire?

What does your belief say about those who will burn in Hell Fire for eternity?

How about homosexuals DH? Allah love homosexuals?
How about polytheists? Allah love polytheists?
What about apostates? Allah love those that convert to another belief - polytheism per say?
How about Muslims that become atheists?

I happen to know Muslims that are ALL of the above.

Arab culture (because that's what Arab refers to) minus the Islam is actually pretty good. Nice food, women are very honest people and the men good family types. Actually, people from Arabic cultures are like everyone else - so long as their not too religious. I congratulate those people living in KSA and raised in Islam that manage to rise above it's inherent intolerance. SAM is a good example of someone has become a really great apologist for Islam - she'll change it for the better. And those that follow her will make real and significant change. Islam in 30 years will seem like an entirely different belief system compared to the one of today.

We will change it for the better. Just as we did to Christianity.


Anyway DH, when you can accept a homosexual atheist Muslim as your equal then come talk to me.

As for Mohammad the LITERARY character (can one be raciest, itself a flawed concept, against a work of fiction?)

He was purposed to be FAT. As there are no Gods, he was a Liar (or mad, but I made the case he wasn't mad). He ordered a singing girls head be cut off, hence, he's a murderer. He had more than one wife simultaneously and that's called polygamist - so he was. The people who followed him were cow-eyed (naive) to believe his airy-fairytales. So you can see, there's nothing racist about it.

Now as for "Jews" they are not a race either. Judaism is a belief. However, like Mormons and Muslims, their intolerant monotheism kept them to their own and INSTEAD of integrating into societies they migrated to they worked to KEEP from integrating and thus brought about their own demise.

How's that?
Anyway, this thread is supposed to be about Buddhism so I want to know: WHAT crimes send a person to HELL in Buddhism?
DH, you are the typical example of a Muslim. Perfect really. You fit "Muslim" down to a T.

As for Muslims, I have many friends who are Muslims. I've dated Muslims. I have dinner and drinks with Muslims. If they aren't too religious then they are no different than Jews or Christians, for the most part. Just believing the fairytale bullshit their parents brainwashed into their baby brains.

What I don't like is the racist bigot philosophy called Islam. What I don't like it people teaching their children that me, an atheist, will burn in hell for eternity. Especially considering that atheists can not help but be atheist. It is impossible for us to change our belief system to monotheism, just as it is impossible for you to sprout purple colored eyes. What I don't like is some racists bigoted Muslims refusing to touch me because I'm not a Muslim. You want to pull that in Crapistan, go for it, but act like that here and you should be publicly condemned in the exact same way that white supremacists are publicly condemned.

I don't like Islam nor it's polygamist obese slave-owning prophet who ordered a singing girl to have her head chopped off. The murdering bastard ordered that people's religious relics be smashed.

See this is really simple. REAL SIMPLE. Once you realize that there is no God, what does this say about MoMo? He was a fat plagiarist liar.

See, it's east to grasp.

MoMo the illiterate arsehole with nothing novel, nothing enlightening about humanity to offer, nothing but a bigoted liar who murdered innocent Meccan's for worshiping their Gods. MoMo the arsehole who refused to enter the city until his henchmen destroyed everything there. All so he could be worshiped by cow-eyes imbecilities like yourself as The Last Prophet. Oh and add to his harem (magical Allah said me gets more poon-tang dan you... darr... .daaaarrrrrr....) and add to his slave collection.

We can see this why Muslim blow up 2500 year old Buddhist statues. Which, for many, where like Mecca. The most important religious icons in the world. Oh, but I forgot, this isn't because of Monkey See Monkey Do (me want to be like me Prophet when he smashed stuff) its all "The Wests fault" ...

Simply put, you are a great example of a Muslim.

RE: OP Buddhism is a failure?

Well, I have told Buddhists that I not only don't believe in any of their mythological beliefs I actively think they are bullshit - - and you know what - they think that's perfectly fine. It will not matter as I will be judged for my actions only. Monothiests on the other hand, they say their pathetically insecure pin-dick God will send me to Hell, and they teach their kids that bullshit and they imply that there is something "evil" about me. Satan has me .. Ooooo Booogidy Booggy. And that creates problems.

See the difference?

Probably not, because you are the perfect example of a brainwashed monotheist.

You think that Arabic is God's language, Only Your Magical Book is real, Only your Prophet was the Last, Only your superstitious bullshit is correct and Only if the Whole Wide world was Islamic it's be perfect. Yeah, polythistsic Shinto Japanese, you don't respect their religions, their Gods, no you think they'd be better is they were Muslims. That's called being a BIGOT DH.

We both know all of this is true. You are the perfect example of an intolerant bigoted Muslim.

In my mind the tolerance inherent in Buddhist teaching compared with the intolerance inherent in monotheism with it's broke-dick God, more than shows that in this multicultureal world where we not longer rally behind cults of personalities, it is the superior philosophy.


You should show the above post to your 'muslim friends'.

Remember that christians also think those who do not adhere will burn in hell and when you refer to 'their' god remember they are referring to the same god in all occidental religions (judaism, islam and christianity).

As for hell in Buddhism its called Naraka:

The Narakas of Buddhism are closely related to 地獄 Dì Yù, the hell of Chinese mythology. A Naraka differs from the hells of western religions in two respects. First, beings are not sent to Naraka as the result of a divine judgment and punishment; second, the length of a being's stay in a Naraka is not eternal, though it is usually very long.
Instead, a being is born into a Naraka as a direct result of his or her previous karma (actions of body, speech and mind), and resides there for a finite length of time until his karma has achieved its full result. After his karma is used up, he will be reborn in one of the higher worlds as the result of an earlier karma that had not yet ripened.
The mentality of a being in the hells corresponds to states of extreme fear and helpless anguish in humans.
Physically, Naraka is thought of as a series of cavernous layers which extend below Jambudvīpa (the ordinary human world) into the earth. There are several schemes for enumerating these Narakas and describing their torments. One of the more common is that of the Eight Cold Narakas and Eight Hot Narakas, which are described below. (wiki)

There are cold Naraka's:

Arbuda – the "blister" Naraka. This is a dark, frozen plain surrounded by icy mountains and continually swept by blizzards. Inhabitants of this world arise fully grown and abide life-long naked and alone, while the cold raises blisters upon their bodies. The length of life in this Naraka is said to be the time it would take to empty a barrel of sesame seed if one only took out a single seed every hundred years.

Mahāpadma – the "great lotus" Naraka. Here the whole body cracks into pieces and the internal organs are exposed to the cold and they also crack.

And Hot narakas:

Tapana – the "heating" Naraka. Here Yama's servants impale the beings on a fiery spear until flames issue from their noses and mouths. Life in this Naraka is 5,308,416*1010 years long.

Pratāpana – the "great heating" Naraka. The tortures here are similar to the Tapana Naraka, but the beings are pierced more bloodily with a trident. Life in this Naraka is 42,467,328*1010 years long.

Those last two sound familiar don't they.
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Was there a Buddha?

Good question. Certainly there is reason to doubt all of the myths that have grown up around him, particularly in the later "found" mahayana sutras.

Also, its obvious that the original stories were embelished or at the very least had anachronisms applied from when they were written down. The "prince" would be better described as a chief's son, for example.

It is possible that there was a founder of Buddhism and by that name from that area with the basic facts of his life. Probably though there were a number of early leaders that got lumped together. It was traditional in the day in Buddhism to ascribe things to people of note instead of the actual author.

Ultimately though it doesn't matter. The Buddha was just a guy. Buddhism isn't anything requiring "special revelation." So it falls back to does it work?
Thats an interesting way to look at it. Do you think the concept of Buddha abandoning his family and material goods is based on Varnashram?

There is disagreement about the abandoning his family bit. I tend to favor the side that thinks he was a dead beat dad. Certainly he is portrayed as a misogynist concerning his mom, wife and women in general becoming nuns (although he repents his original position) and he has trouble later with his son.
Anyway, this thread is supposed to be about Buddhism so I want to know: WHAT crimes send a person to HELL in Buddhism?

A samari asked a zen master this question and the zm started insulting him.

The samari got so mad he started to draw his sword.

The zm said "here are the gates of hell."

Realizing what the zm was teaching him, the samari controlled his temper and bowed.

The zm said "here are the gates of heaven."
Buddhist and Sant Mat version of Hell is, desiring material things and having attachment, causing sorrow after "joy" of having, of fulfilling desire, for new TV, car, swimming pool. Then when person has "everything" person still not happy.

Since happiness is not possession, but availability. Play an instrument, and be attached to playing it, not owning or having nice piano for furniture, expensive Indian sitar, for show and boastfulness of appreciation, of "having" but not knowing why or for what.
Religions don't work, nothing works. It's not supposed to. Buddha realized this.

What Buddha? :bugeye:

You should show the above post to your 'muslim friends'..

Yes, in fact, he should show all his posts on Muslims to his 'muslim friends'.

There is disagreement about the abandoning his family bit. I tend to favor the side that thinks he was a dead beat dad. Certainly he is portrayed as a misogynist concerning his mom, wife and women in general becoming nuns (although he repents his original position) and he has trouble later with his son.

Based on what? Whats the basis for all these stories? :confused:

Is actually my own feeble grasp of contents of very large collection of writings, compressed into somewhat meaningless sentence, so sorry.

But essentially, ascetics particularly in Sikh, Buddhist traditions proselytised a/the way of non-materialism which, many wealthy and privileged sought at end of life, to fulfil manifest destiny. Then tradition of guru who leads those destined to be lead, from the darkness of materialism and pain, of attachment to such things and desires to have, to the light of freedom from desire, and even desire to remain in world, because not important after all.

Whole of life then means to abandon everything, all material wealth, all idea of "owning".

Only can "own" next breath, in actuality. Can see inner, true nature without money for guru, palace of comfort, etc..:)

I thought the phislosophy of abstention and ascetism [or self deprivation] was Vedic in origin? Where in Sikh or Buddhist philosophy does ascetism fit?
SAM said:
Where in Sikh or Buddhist philosophy does ascetism fit?
Not sure, but, if Sant Mat tradition is from same root as Buddhism asceticism is certainly part of this following. I am follower of such tradition, and can say "I know guru", but this important person is also person, like me. Someone who knows me.

Not that one is required to give away all material things, and be fed and clothed like Siddhu who is beggar living on kindness, of people who respect such ascetic holy man, for surrender of all desire to own even clothes, or have food for next day. Such people, many in India are accepted, but this way of life is not practical in many parts of modern world.

Such that certain "adjustments" to the ascetic code are needed. But true ascetic is not truly concerned with such external details, every person has life, and life is "difficult" or unexpected, this is the way of it for all things who have life.