Is Buddhism a Failure?


Believe it or not most Muslims I know don't really give a rip to talk about religion. Although, my one buddy Mo, you should have seen his face when I said (on more than one occasion) Mohammad was a Jew. Or a Christian-Jew, one or the other. And that's my opinion.

The jaw drop was just too funny :)

Yes, Christianity and Islam are like two ideological peas in a pod. Christians may be tolerated in Muslim countries because they are "People of the Book" but Muslims are considered under the influence of Satan in any serious Christian congregation. the Qur'an is explained as a work of the Devil. Yeah, just what do you think would have happened had someone opened a Mosque in 1800's southern America?

As for the Buddhist Hell, seems harsh, but as a mythological place I'd say that's not as important as the idea that it's entirely based on ones karma versus on worshiping a God. You see, a Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Bahai' and Shinto can all do their thing and be rewarded or punished based on their karma. IN the Abraham religions if the other people rejected God then only the Muslim goes to heaven. And for some Muslims this also included the idol worship of the Qur'an and veneration of Mohammad. This sets up a mentality of US verses THEM. And it's the reason for many problems in the world.
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Yes, veneration and ritualization becomes problem. People want to worship and feel this is the correct karmic following. But God does not require ritual or worship, since one who knows God, knows themself and has no need to worship themself.

True attendance to any worshipfulness, or prayer is to one's own nature which is God. God is not in temple or in words of holy man or priest, is inside, true worship is attendance to one's own nature which is to be oneself, with or attending to one's godhead as small part of larger universe in which God exists, since one also "exists".
Bigoted racists who daily condemn Arabs or Muslims do not have friends from these demographics. That is the major problem. It is like a KKK member having Black friends.

Indeed, how can you at one point cherish the destruction of Arabs and Muslims and then claim you have friends amongst them? It's called hypocrisy.

As for you swarm, I am still waiting for you to prove your allegations against me. if you don't. I take it that you are dishonest and cannot back up your lies with proof.
Of course you can't, you practice a bigoted ideology that ostracizes and condemns people such as Japanese Shinto or Indian Hindu polytheists, atheists, homosexuals, women who want to read or drive, etc... to hell-fire for eternity.
Just as those scientists who support the Big Bang theory view other scientists who disagree with their view as wrong, this is how Muslims view people of other religions. Fact is fact, regardless of the views of any human on earth. The sun is hot, regardless of what anyone says about it being cold. These are what we believe to be facts.

I don't believe in ostracizing anyone, Hindu, Shinto (I don't even know how this comes up), polytheists, and atheists. God shall judge all of us, it is not my position to judge.

As far as women reading and driving, you can't possibly be serious. Who do you think taught me how to drive? Indeed, who do you think taught me to read? I think it is quite foolish and dishonest for you to imply Muslim women do not read or drive. Something which I frankly have never heard of in my personal life.

God decides who is worthy of Paradise and who is not. It is not my place to be a judge when I have no right to be.

It is only you who is curtailing this discussion on this thread in regards to Buddhism with your off-topic racist rants against Arabs and Muslims.
The funniest part in all this is that Michael could never be good at practising Buddhism. He adores an ideal he would abhor to actually live by.

Since when has that ever stopped anyone from practicing Buddhism, or any other religion?

What does it even mean to be "good at" practicing a religion? I wasn't aware that it was a competition.
diamond said:
Fact is fact, regardless of the views of any human on earth. The sun is hot, regardless of what anyone says about it being cold. These are what we believe to be facts.
When others observe that that religious people tend to confuse religious beliefs with physical facts, how do you respond?
diamond said:
I think it is quite foolish and dishonest for you to imply Muslim women do not read or drive. Something which I frankly have never heard of in my personal life.
Not too long ago you were claiming all the Muslims as one world, your world. Now you deny this or that faction and sect, these people or those others - you do not admit them as "Muslim".
SAM said:
The funniest part in all this is that Michael could never be good at practising Buddhism.
Or Diamond repeatedly claiming that it is not his place to judge others.
Since when has that ever stopped anyone from practicing Buddhism, or any other religion?

True. But they are usually known as hypocrites.
What does it even mean to be "good at" practicing a religion? I wasn't aware that it was a competition.

To be at least in general agreement with its basic premise to the extent that it forms the basis of your life philosophy.
SAM said:
What does it even mean to be "good at" practicing a religion? I wasn't aware that it was a competition.

To be at least in general agreement with its basic premise to the extent that it forms the basis of your life philosophy.
That seems to conflict with the "no Torah, no Jew" approach to identification. Presumably, there are premises more basic to Islam than the details of Quranic admonishment - so one could be good at practicing Islam by living in general agreement with its basic premise, without ever having encountered a word of that book?
Just as those scientists who support the Big Bang theory view other scientists who disagree with their view as wrong, this is how Muslims view people of other religions.

So, Muslims are the kooks and crackpots of the cult world?

Fact is fact, regardless of the views of any human on earth. The sun is hot, regardless of what anyone says about it being cold. These are what we believe to be facts.

The sun is observable, your cult's claims are not. Big difference in what you believe to be fact is simply delusion.

God shall judge all of us, it is not my position to judge.

Yet, you judge, incessantly.

I think it is quite foolish and dishonest for you to imply Muslim women do not read or drive. Something which I frankly have never heard of in my personal life.

Really? The ban on women driving has yet to lifted, surely you must have heard that. Or, are you lying again?
Just as those scientists who support the Big Bang theory view other scientists who disagree with their view as wrong
Interesting that you bring up science because as a scientist I know that we will admit we MAY BE COMPLETELY WRONG.

See here: I think the Big Bang explains the formation of this universe. But, I may be wrong. It may have formed a few milliseconds again with my thoughts as they are in situ.

See, this is the NATURAL tolerance that comes about by being a scientist. As a scientist we all agree to follow the scientific method and let the data lead us where it may.

How about you DH? Is it possible that your belief system, that is "Islam" is COMPLETELY WRONG? Is it possible that there is no Allah, that Mohammad never existed and the Qur'an is a book or mythology based on storied and nothing more?

Kind regards,
See, this is the NATURAL tolerance that comes about by being a scientist.
Are scientists more tolerant than other people? I don't know the answer to this question, but when I read your assertion, in which this idea seems implicit, I found myself doubting it heavily. In my experience scientists are much less tolerant than, for example, people who work in the humanities or actors, as two examples off the top of my head of other groups I have socialized with a great deal. If I have not unfairly interpreted your assertion, can you back it up? Is there some research that shows scientists are more tolerant?

If it turns out scientists are not more tolerant, are you are liar or insane?
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I think this forum is an excellent representation of the tolerance of scientists. Basically they tolerate everything except what they disagree with. :p
Are scientists more tolerant than other people? I don't know the answer to this question, but when I read your assertion, in which this idea seems implicit, I found myself doubting it heavily. In my experience scientists are much less tolerant than, for example, people who work in the humanities or actors, as two examples off the top of my head of other groups I have socialized with a great deal. If I have not unfairly interpreted your assertion, can you back it up? Is there some research that shows scientists are more tolerant?

If it turns out scientists are not more tolerant, are you are liar or insane?
By following the scientific method, scientists are very tolerant toward change in their ideology. They are skeptical, that's true. If you walk in to the lab one day and say HEY the brain makes new neurons! and every single neurosceintist on the planet thinks the brain can not make new neurons, it takes time for them to repeat the work. During that time they will be skeptical of your claim. But, when it's said and done (repeat the work). They will agree - yes, they were wrong, the brain does make new neurons. etc...

Science is FILLED with these sorts of events. As an ideology science is very tolerant of fundamental change. It's built TO change. (some say Buddhism is too - to bring it back to the OP :)

Anyway, I would like to see what DH post is.

I have said on MANY occasions, I might be wrong. Mohammad might indeed have been a real person and everything that DH thinks is true is true. It's certainly possible.
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...their view as wrong, this is how Muslims view people of other religions.

Ah yes, isn't it great how every religion believes every religion but their's is wrong?

Maybe they are all correct except for excepting themselves? :D

Lie about god. Lie about Mohammad. Lie about the koran. Lie about Jesus. Lie about the Bible. Lie about Moses and Abraham. Lie about Kirshna.

It was asked what religion is? Its a lie.