Is Buddhism a Failure?

One big circle jerk again.

The next time an American rapes an Iraqi go back and re-read your excuses for him. The next time a Jew drops a bomb on some Muslims, go back and read your excuses for the him. The next time an American shoots a missile into Crapistan, read your posts on why it's perfectly fine to kill people and take their land - be cause they were .... Oooo "provoked".

I'm really looking forward to how a power India and China deal with the ME when they are "provoked".

Hell, we remember the last Muslims "provoked" Mongolians - they had their arses handed to them. Haa, remember when they wrapped the Caliph up in a rug rode thier horses over him - well, Arsalan thinks that's all good, they were "provoked" after all.

Hell according to Arsalan India was a spice warehouse before the English brought civilization and high culture to the place - gee, it's anything goes for Arsalan.
Buddhism is perfect. How do they prove it, by blaming Muslims, and Arabs in particular, for all ills of mankind. A simplistic mindset borne from racism and propaganda.

A hatred of Arabs in particular, and Muslims in general, according to the Hadith, reveals the identity of Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog). The signs of these human beings is thus: a hatred of religion (Islam and monotheism in particular), claim of being religious but actually being godless, sexual perversion and deviation, moral decadence, materialism and selfishness, an unstoppable thirst for human resources, tremendous violence against peaceful or primitive people (America, Australia, Africa, Central Asia, etc.), and an obsession with the Holy Land (esp. in bringing the Jews there). They will naturally pave the way for the coming of the Anti Christ (al-Masih ad-Dajjal, false Messiah) who shall be one-eyed. The people of Gog and Magog are none other than the Anglo-Saxons, Khazars (Ashkenazi 'converted' Jews), and Russians. They represent the godless way of life. 999 out of every 1,000 of the human race destined for the Hellfire, the people of Gog and Magog are those who embrace openly their way of life, marked by an aversion to monotheism, Islam, and morality.
See, DH is the PERFECT example of a Muslim.

I mean right down to the T.

Yes, yes, Michael tried to use that in his argument ages ago. What people like you and Michael would have us believe is that the military campaigns were always aggressive in nature and were done to spread Islam. Thats not true.
I never said they were done to spread Islam. They were done to steal land, to loot, to rape, pillage, to kill. Islam was simply the unifying force.

Taxing people into becoming Islamic was a means of Arabizing the conquered people. Just like the English tried to do to Aboriginals in AU. It's a means of controlling people. Forcing them to lose their history and culture and adopt the rulers history and culture. The difference, we NOW think it was wrong, YOU on the other hand think it was GODLY and just.

Oh and yes, Military campaigns are always aggressive in nature when you're stealing other peoples land, raping their women and looting their monasteries - hat last one Muslims like to re-brand as "preserving Greek literature". Which they then pathetically try and to pass off as Islam being a main reason for the EUROPEAN Renascence. Funny then it didn't have the same effect in, oh, I don't know, ISLAMIC countries? Just pathetic but then, what can you expect from a people that lost the ability to sculpt and founded all of one major city - and that being built by Persians.

Which all goes back to why Muslims make a thread shitting on peaceful Buddhists while defending their militant religion Islam - looking down on their stunted manhood called the Qur'an they exist in perpetual penis envy of the other major theist philosophies. Like anyone with little man syndrome they have a serious attitude problem.

Can you imagine how confusing it must be to watch as all the other countries modernize and move into the future while at the same time "knowing" Ishlam is da bestest weligion in da world ... daaar .... da only trwoo book from magical Awa...dar...
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See, DH is the PERFECT example of a Muslim.

I mean right down to the T.


I am not perfect, only God is perfect. Furthermore, you erroneous posts explaining 'my views' were incorrect and designed to create hatred of me and Muslims in general. I do not ascribe to your stereotypes and racist views.

If anyone wants to know my stances, please contact me personally, I will be more than happy to explain it to them.

Seeing your post cherishing the destruction and massacre of Muslims makes me sick. You have become so desensitized that are now openly relishing an idea that India and China would one day destroy the Muslim world. This reveals a complete lack of human decency. You are not capable to think of clearly in anything related to Muslims.

Hitler would have loved you.
DH, you are the typical example of a Muslim. Perfect really. You fit "Muslim" down to a T.

As for Muslims, I have many friends who are Muslims. I've dated Muslims. I have dinner and drinks with Muslims. If they aren't too religious then they are no different than Jews or Christians, for the most part. Just believing the fairytale bullshit their parents brainwashed into their baby brains.

What I don't like is the racist bigot philosophy called Islam. What I don't like it people teaching their children that me, an atheist, will burn in hell for eternity. Especially considering that atheists can not help but be atheist. It is impossible for us to change our belief system to monotheism, just as it is impossible for you to sprout purple colored eyes. What I don't like is some racists bigoted Muslims refusing to touch me because I'm not a Muslim. You want to pull that in Crapistan, go for it, but act like that here and you should be publicly condemned in the exact same way that white supremacists are publicly condemned.

I don't like Islam nor it's polygamist obese slave-owning prophet who ordered a singing girl to have her head chopped off. The murdering bastard ordered that people's religious relics be smashed.

See this is really simple. REAL SIMPLE. Once you realize that there is no God, what does this say about MoMo? He was a fat plagiarist liar.

See, it's east to grasp.

MoMo the illiterate arsehole with nothing novel, nothing enlightening about humanity to offer, nothing but a bigoted liar who murdered innocent Meccan's for worshiping their Gods. MoMo the arsehole who refused to enter the city until his henchmen destroyed everything there. All so he could be worshiped by cow-eyes imbecilities like yourself as The Last Prophet. Oh and add to his harem (magical Allah said me gets more poon-tang dan you... darr... .daaaarrrrrr....) and add to his slave collection.

We can see this why Muslim blow up 2500 year old Buddhist statues. Which, for many, where like Mecca. The most important religious icons in the world. Oh, but I forgot, this isn't because of Monkey See Monkey Do (me want to be like me Prophet when he smashed stuff) its all "The Wests fault" ...

Simply put, you are a great example of a Muslim.

RE: OP Buddhism is a failure?

Well, I have told Buddhists that I not only don't believe in any of their mythological beliefs I actively think they are bullshit - - and you know what - they think that's perfectly fine. It will not matter as I will be judged for my actions only. Monothiests on the other hand, they say their pathetically insecure pin-dick God will send me to Hell, and they teach their kids that bullshit and they imply that there is something "evil" about me. Satan has me .. Ooooo Booogidy Booggy. And that creates problems.

See the difference?

Probably not, because you are the perfect example of a brainwashed monotheist.

You think that Arabic is God's language, Only Your Magical Book is real, Only your Prophet was the Last, Only your superstitious bullshit is correct and Only if the Whole Wide world was Islamic it's be perfect. Yeah, polythistsic Shinto Japanese, you don't respect their religions, their Gods, no you think they'd be better is they were Muslims. That's called being a BIGOT DH.

We both know all of this is true. You are the perfect example of an intolerant bigoted Muslim.

In my mind the tolerance inherent in Buddhist teaching compared with the intolerance inherent in monotheism with it's broke-dick God, more than shows that in this multicultureal world where we not longer rally behind cults of personalities, it is the superior philosophy.

SAM said:
By poor condition, I was referring to moral values, not socio-economic status
You have now been reduced from circularity to tautology - since in your world morality is as the local theism imposes, the association of degraded morality with degraded theism is merely a renaming.

The gross immorality of the female oppression ubiquitous among Islamic societies is, for example, not part of your reality. They have family values, are happy decent people, can justify their morality by reference to a strong theism, so no problem.
arsalan said:
The invasion of East Timor had nothing to do with religion, unlike your post would suggest.
Had it been successful - and it may still be - it would have had the effect of spreading Islam by the sword. That was my point.
arsalan said:
This would be like blaming Christianity for the rapes, tortures and murders during the Iraq war, or Atheism and Communism for the rapes, torture and murders during wars involving Communist countries. And this is also one of the reasons I have to point out BS like this from people like you. There is a reason war is not desirable, and that is that it brings the worst out in humans.
That is not the point. The point was that Islam has been spread by the sword, and to this day is being spread by violence. Whether you blame Islam for this is another discussion. In point of fact, I do partly blame Christianity for the US invasion of Iraq, because I am familiar with the political background of that war and I know how large a role the fundie Christian church played in handing power to the people who launched that invasion. I also know that many powerful people in the US regarded that invasion as an opportunity to bring Christianity to the Muslims, and attempted to do just that. Whether Islam has played a similar role in such events I leave for the analysts of each event - but that Islam has been and is spread by force, violence and imposition and overt pressure, in fact, is undeniable.
I dont persecute anyone.

I'm not so sure. People who deny clear historical facts like islame being spread by conquest usually are up to no good.

Also your objection that some military actions were for other reasons doesn't excuse the ones which weren't.
Muslim... polygamist ... obese ... slave-owning .. intolerant ... cow-eyed imbeciles .. fat ... plagiarist ... liar ... Monkey ... etc

And some people call us racists.

You sub in Jew and start mentioning this stuff, you would have been long banned. It shows how desensitized some people are to racism.

It is revealing of a deep moral void. Utter contempt and even violent insults against other human beings. Sad really.
Muslim... polygamist ... obese ... slave-owning .. intolerant ... cow-eyed imbeciles .. fat ... plagiarist ... liar ... Monkey ... etc

And some people call us racists.

You sub in Jew and start mentioning this stuff, you would have been long banned. It shows how desensitized some people are to racism.

It is revealing of a deep moral void. Utter contempt and even violent insults against other human beings. Sad really.
You can't be racist against an idea. The ideas perpetuated but the intolerant philosophy called Islam are worth denigration. Just as is white supremacy. MoMo is no different in my mind than an intolerant WASP Klan member. I will always take a stand against such bigotry. Just because a large portion of humanity thought the world was flat doesn't mean it is flat. Just because a large portion of humanity was morally blind to slavery didn't mean some people weren't. Just because a large portion of humanity is morally blind to the intolerance of Mohammedanism doesn't mean we all are. Many of us have advanced to the stage where we can clearly see that monotheism is on par and equal to racism.

Instead of saying MY race is superior you say MY God is superior or MY belief is the only TRUE BELIEF or MY Prophet is the ONLY LAST TRUE ONE.

And hence you kill one another.

I wonder DH, DO you think it's good for Christian Preachers to teach little children that Mohammad was possessed by Satan and that the Qur'an is the work of the Devil and that Muslims are all possessed and in the hand of Satan. Why do you think that God has turned away from the lands of the Muslims? Because they have turned away from Jesus the Messiah. If Muslim are ever to know peace it's through their conversion to TRUE God and his Son Jesus.


Do you THINK maybe, just maybe, this could lead to support for the invasion of Iraq? The murdering of Iraqi?


How about this DH. DO you think it's good for Muslims to teach little children that Mohammad was the ONLY true LAST Prophet. The that the Qur'an is the Only TRUE work of GOD, The Muslims the only true followers of ALLAH. Why do you think that God has turned away from the lands of the Hindu? Because they have turned away from Allah. If Hindus are ever to know peace it's through their conversion to TRUE God Allah and the message of his Last Prophet the Qur'an.


Tell me DH, do you think that Polytheists Shinto Japanese religion is equally as VALID as YOURS?

No, you don't. You think they'd be better as Muslims. They'd be better if they learned Arabic not Japanese, that way they could read their TRUE words of Allah. Which is after all, the main focus of life. They'd be better off if they stopped worshiping their Idols of multiple Gods. They'd be better off if they prayed towards the magical rock in Mecca...

iceaura hit the nail on the head. We can see how Xianity influenced people's desire to attach Muslims in Iraq.

As for my China and Indian comment. China is a HUGE market for Christianity. Millions are converting daily. I know Chinese in Nanjing that are atheists that think Christianity may be a good thing because it's "Western" and part of the reason why the West is ahead of China. Add to this they have been taught that Confucianism was bad (as Communism replaced this ideology). So they are actually prepped and in a good position to be marketed to. IF Chinese become Christian, born again evangelical Christians, and IF they teach that Muslims are worshipping Satan and IF they run out of room and need to expand and IF Muslims bomb them with suicide bombers in Western China, all of which seems reasonably likely, THEN you will know what I am talking about when I say MONOTHEISM is INTOLERANT.

Then you'll realize that Mohammad was a plagiarist, was obese, was a slaver owner, was a polygamist and was a liar.


Oh, IMO, Judaism is also an intolerant bullshit belief and the reason why Jews have not successfully integrated into many Western nations and why from Egypt to Roma to German throughout history have been persecuted. Teaching your children not to integrate can have that effect. Of course if didn't help once Europeans became Xian, then the two of them mutually intolerated one another. Culminating in the creation of Israel and the hatred just keeps on rolling in. Only now between two other monotheists. Muslims and Jews.
OH, lastly, because Buddhism doesn't suffer from this form of intolerance it is therefor LESS of a failure.

As most Humanity are nationally inclined to be theistic sheeple, I'd say Buddhism would be, in a multinational, multicultureal world, a success.
All those things you just mentioned are Western stereotypes of Arabs. Hence why I ascribe them as inherently racist. Your posts are just a collections of racist insults directed against Arabs and Muslims.

Don't expect any agreement from me. I am well aware of your dishonest and racist posting as regards Muslims on this thread.
Oh, I was under the impression you did not think that polytheism is equally as valid as your own belief system.

Some Arab culture is good and other aspects I disagree with. A really nice Arab girl gave me a nice set of leather cup holders the other day. That was truly sweet of her. She also likes to point out that in KSA she works with Jews and Hindus and that KSA is really starting to become multicultureal. That's really great. How she can reconcile this with Islam is something I am very interested in. But, of course, I would NEVER broach the subject as I think that could be rude. Other than to say I'm atheist we never spoke much about religion.

Sciforums on the other hand in a religion subform is a place of skewed debate.

SAM made it clear that it was fine to murder polytheistic Arabs... .because they were desecrating Mecca or threatening Mohammad or because he was Arab and they were Arab or a whole host of other reasons. At the end of the day it's justifying the murder of people because they think differently, worship differently, have a different culture. This is embedded in Islam because it's intimately intertwined with this jerk-off Mohammad.

Could you imagine refusing to enter Mecca until every last peace of Islamic iconography was destroyed?!?!? You don't think that this would be wrong??? Yet, it was OK when Mohammad did it to the Meccans? Destroyed their temples to their Gods?

anyway.... re-boot
Buddhism doesn't appear to suffer from this short sightedness.

Again, as I said, once you realize that there is no God then you have to ask WHY were people motivated?

Buddha was a philosopher. His motivation was as a philosopher. He certainly never claimed his information came from the divine. His treaties on humanity were after careful reflection and meditation. He offered his ideas based on the merit of his ideas. Take them or leave them.

Mohammad was a liar. He lied when said Allah told him his information and he did so because people wouldn't have listened to him any other way. If people would have, then he wouldn't have wasted his time making up this whole "Allah" story. But, his information wasn't worth listening to hence the magical Allah. Now, WHY?

Why did Mohammad lie? Seems to me he got a lot of personal gain, actually he fits perfectly with any cult of personality.

Hence we have Buddhism, a philosophy and Islam a cult of intolerant lies.


It should be noted that Mohammad had ONE god so that no one could challenge his authority. That's it. If there were multiple Gods then he would have had to debate things using his intellect. Something he was in short supply of. With one God this problem is solved. Likewise with being the LAST Prophet. It was pure bullshit to secure his grip over his followers. All of this makes perfect sense when you realize there is no Xenu. But, when you still drink purple coolaid and pray to Alpha centary 81736 ... meh... opps re-boot, I meant Allah not Xenu :p
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All those things you just mentioned are Western stereotypes of Arabs.

So are you not your typical misogynist islamist?

Do you see jews as your brothers? Can you appreciate their achievements?

Are you able to look critically at the koran and see its faults and defects?
Mohammad was a liar. He lied when said Allah told him his information and he did so because people wouldn't have listened to him any other way. If people would have, then he wouldn't have wasted his time making up this whole "Allah" story. But, his information wasn't worth listening to hence the magical Allah.
So you are a mind reader? and of the dead?

Or are you making the assertion that every person who claims to have a religious experience is actually lying with certain personal gains in mind?
Why did Mohammad lie? Seems to me he got a lot of personal gain, actually he fits perfectly with any cult of personality.
Which the Buddha did not get? People did not hang on his word and treat him like a leader?

Hence we have Buddhism, a philosophy and Islam a cult of intolerant lies.

Is this what passes for rational discourse where you come from?

Assertions based on mind reading - in this case the Buddha implicitly and Mohammed explicitly, since you somehow know the motives the Buddha had and did not have and can contrast Mohammed's with them.

Then a dash of 'logic' to tie it all up.


And you are on the 'rational' team?