Is Athiesm The Answer?

Indeed, nothing wrong with that.

But there is, though.
Your argument assumes that Logic can tell us something about Reality outside of our minds, and as far as I know we don't know that that is true (true as in absolutely certain about something).

This of course makes the question of the origins of Logic arise, and for now I tend to think that logic comes from and exists only in our minds.
If I ask you, for instance, whence comes that absolute certainty that you feel when you think 2+2=4, you will agree with me that you have an intuitive assurance on that, you will tell me that 2+2=4 is not true because your elementary math teacher told you so, but because you understand the idea of the number 2, the operation + and the sign =, and your mind tells you that those ideas lead inexorably to the idea of 4.
It seems to me that logic is an attribute of our mind and not of anything else. It is a consequence of the way our brains are wired. It is latent from the day you are born, and can be developed and expanded with proper exercising.
When someone is arguing with you and commits a fallacy during his reasoning, it doesn't mean that his or her mind is not bound by logic, all it means is that he made a mistake in his reasoning, and that if you were to show him or her the proper reasoning, his mind would acknowledge this, precisely because it is bound by logic.
Of course, not all operations of the mind are "logical" operations. Experiencing an emotion, for example, or imagining whatever, are not logical operations.

Again, I don't think that logic necessarily can tell us anything about reality outside of the mind.

He cannot be omnipotent either, as that's a logical impossiblity (it's proven to be an incoherent concept).

I'm familiar with an argument of this kind, as a consequence of Gödels Incompleteness Theorem. I don't claim anything near deep familiarity with this theorem, but the simplified explanations I've seen of it are sound to me, so I would agree with you on Omnipotence being a logical impossibility.

Pushing God to "another level of reality innaccesible by humans or by their feeble minds" is known as the "God of the gaps" and is simply a way of defining God in a negative way. That is, he's not this, he's not that, etc., etc. An argument specifically designed to be unfalsifiable (though I don't think it is). Any attempt to push God "outside time" makes discussion of God incoherent, and the terms become meaningless.

Yes, but keep in mind that nothing stops the idea of God from soaring beyond our minds, and if anything, I'd totally expect God to be completely outside the reach of our current understanding, completely outside of our conception of Reality.
I understand it annoys you that the discussion of God then becomes incoherent and the terms meaningless, but perhaps that is nothing but proof of our complete incompetence on "discussing" God and His nature.

Everything is bound by logic. It's a fundamental truth

Like I said earlier, your mind is bound by logic, not "everything", and maybe only the parts of reality graspable by your mind are bound by logic, precisely because they would need to be logical in order to be understandable.

Lies? I don't think you know what a lie is

You are right, a correct term to use would be "untruth"

Religion is not impervious to logical arguments, it is one's belief in it that may be impervious.

Religion, and it's foundations are impervious to logic because it's full of unverifiable statements, and unverifiable statements in logic are meaningless, since no useful deduction at all can take place if we don't know the truth value of any proposition in an argument.
Furthermore, even the supposition of the truth value on several religious statements is absurd, since then we would be trying to apply logic to ethereal or supernatural concepts, and logic may or may not apply in this case, we don't know

This is, the points can be proven and the truth found out, it's a matter of whether or not the opposing side will admit it. If the points are proven and the opponents don't concede, then their beliefs are irrational.

Yes they are irrational. Whether they admit it or not enough work has been done to determine that there are several logical contradictions in their beliefs. And yet they believe, perhaps because of what I said before, namely that logic does not need apply to the ethereal realm, whatever that might be.

A studious enough christian will realize, given enough time, that he has a Faith that disregards and disrespects his reason, an irrational Faith, but for the reasons I explained, that doesn't have to be a problem for them.
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Atheism fails when it makes humans believe that the possibility of god as theists believe is an impossibility but that’s not a problem in RATOINALISM, so we Rationalist get an natural edge in evolution when competing with Atheists, We don’t rule out any impossibilities and hence you fail where I succeed.

We are going to completely inherit your planet, The Future is Rationalist.
RawThinkTank said:
Atheism fails when it makes humans believe that the possibility of god as theists believe is an impossibility but that’s not a problem in RATOINALISM, so we Rationalist get an natural edge in evolution when competing with Atheists, We don’t rule out any impossibilities and hence you fail where I succeed.

We are going to completely inherit your planet, The Future is Rationalist.

You are funny in a rambling maniac way, sort of like that guy in
I very much hope you are not talking seriously, because that would be sad.
Yes, but keep in mind that nothing stops the idea of God from soaring beyond our minds, and if anything, I'd totally expect God to be completely outside the reach of our current understanding, completely outside of our conception of Reality.

God is a word with no identity, other than that given in religious text, which they describe that god is incomprehesible to humans, this makes god an improbablity, because nothing can be incomprehesible to the human mind, all knowledge can be aquired within time. Death for instance, is at the moment incomprehesible to us, because we lack the knowledge to eradicate death. We've come to accept that death is something that happens, we've not yet come up with enough know how to save lives, and prolong the living process, eternally. Biological immortality perhaps has been reached by other beigns such as us, however it's the decease of mysticism and the acceptance of death that makes biological immortality seem like an imposibility.
Article on biological immortality:

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But there is, though.
Your argument assumes that Logic can tell us something about Reality outside of our minds, and as far as I know we don't know that that is true (true as in absolutely certain about something).
No, it can indeed. There are two types of truth: necessary truths, and contingent truths.
Necessary truths are things that are true in all possible worlds. Contingent truths are truths that happen to be true in this world, but aren't necessarily true in all possible worlds. One may arue that we don't really know anything for sure about contingent truths (as a nihilist would), but we do know about necessary truths, and from there we can learn more about reality by inferences from these truths. I would also argue that we can indeed learn about reality from contingent truths, simply from our senses. Through reason and logic we can tell that some contingent truths must be true. Although, once again, some would argue that such contingent truths are purely subjective and don't necessarily apply to anyone else. This may be true, but I would only argue otherwise depending on the context.
If I ask you, for instance, whence comes that absolute certainty that you feel when you think 2+2=4, you will agree with me that you have an intuitive assurance on that, you will tell me that 2+2=4 is not true because your elementary math teacher told you so, but because you understand the idea of the number 2, the operation + and the sign =, and your mind tells you that those ideas lead inexorably to the idea of 4.
Well, I have a problem with that. It's math. While math definitely happens to be useful, it is purely abstract and some mathematical concepts simply don't apply in reality, or don't apply in the way people attempt to apply them. Calculus is one such example. It is useful, but is only an approximation. You can claim 2+2=4, but two what? You may say, two anything, but I can argue that not only do the numbers not neccessarily apply/exist in reality, but the concept of addition doesn't either. Say, for example you have some apples and you count them. There's one on a table, and some in a basket. You take the ones in the basket and place them on the table to count them. In reality you're just moving apples around, and the group only exists in your mind as an abstract concept. The mathematical analogy in your mind breaks down when compared to reality.
It seems to me that logic is an attribute of our mind and not of anything else. It is a consequence of the way our brains are wired. It is latent from the day you are born, and can be developed and expanded with proper exercising.
It is a method for finding truth, and people don't always think logically. If that were true, how could we harbor paradoxical and incoherent concepts? Logic is what seperates the truth from the untruth (I say untruth because true and false aren't the only truth values).
When someone is arguing with you and commits a fallacy during his reasoning, it doesn't mean that his or her mind is not bound by logic, all it means is that he made a mistake in his reasoning, and that if you were to show him or her the proper reasoning, his mind would acknowledge this, precisely because it is bound by logic.
Actually it does show his mind is not bound by logic, because if it were, it would not be possible to commit a logical fallacy, or make a mistake in reasoning.
Of course, not all operations of the mind are "logical" operations. Experiencing an emotion, for example, or imagining whatever, are not logical operations.
Well that just goes to show again that the mind is not bound by logic.
Yes, but keep in mind that nothing stops the idea of God from soaring beyond our minds, and if anything, I'd totally expect God to be completely outside the reach of our current understanding, completely outside of our conception of Reality.
Hehe. How can the idea "soar beyond our minds"? There is absolutely no reason to assume God is beyond the possibilty of conception or even understanding. Also note, one must be able to have at least a conception in order for there to be a definition of the word. If there's no conception then we are not talking about anything when referring to "God". One may argue that the definition is incomplete, and that's fine, but there must at least be some (however limited) conception/definition.
I understand it annoys you that the discussion of God then becomes incoherent and the terms meaningless, but perhaps that is nothing but proof of our complete incompetence on "discussing" God and His nature.
I don't find it annoying. It only proves that either he doesn't exist, or that one or more of the assumptions/premises aren't true. Since the proof shows God doesn't exist based on the assumptions required that he does, that means if the assumptions/premises are false, then he doesn't exist. Either way, the paradox proves it.
maybe only the parts of reality graspable by your mind are bound by logic, precisely because they would need to be logical in order to be understandable.
Things do not need to be logical in order to "understand" them unfortunately. Fact is, our minds are not logical, but our minds are within reality, and would not work without the laws of nature. Our minds are physically within our brains, and are the result of the firing of neurons and all that. While our minds form an abstract layer not necessarily bound by these laws, it's foundations are (reality and the laws of nature). It's these laws that are logical, and logic in our minds is where it comes from. The "laws of logic" are what we have discovered from necessary truths which are based in the laws of nature.
Religion, and it's foundations are impervious to logic because it's full of unverifiable statements, and unverifiable statements in logic are meaningless, since no useful deduction at all can take place if we don't know the truth value of any proposition in an argument.
I disagree that it's claims are unverifiable/unfalsifiable. Also, useful deduction can take place without knowing the truth value of a proposition. One can assume a truth value and show a contradiction that would arise if it had that truth value. This is what I've done in my proof of atheism. I assumed a value of true for "God exists/existed".
Furthermore, even the supposition of the truth value on several religious statements is absurd, since then we would be trying to apply logic to ethereal or supernatural concepts, and logic may or may not apply in this case, we don't know
Ethereal simply means incorporeal; that is, non-physical. Supernatural has two meanings. One is "beyond the laws of nature as we know them", and another (2) is "beyond the laws of nature as they actually exist". There are no problems with the supernatural in the first sense, but by the second definition the supernatural doesn't exist. There is nothing in reality logic does not apply to, and I challenge anyone to try to show otherwise. Even with apparent paradoxes, the way out is through logic. The very way a paradox is arrived at is through logic (via false assumptions). Well, one can arrive at paradoxes through reason not bound by logic, but that's another matter.
To say something is supernatural is to say it is beyond existence, and to say the supernatural exists is a contradiction. I arrived at that conclusion through logic. :p
Yes they are irrational. Whether they admit it or not enough work has been done to determine that there are several logical contradictions in their beliefs. And yet they believe, perhaps because of what I said before, namely that logic does not need apply to the ethereal realm, whatever that might be.
It is not because reality doesn't conform to logic, it is because their beliefs do not (as I said, the mind is not bound by logic). I think it is mainly due to emotional reasons they continue to believe and allow the contradictions to exist in their mind.
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Übergänger said:
… I very much hope you are not talking seriously, because that would be sad.

Yes , that is sad , but not for me because by default you wont be around for long as much if U have not yet digested the idea of Rationalism.

Godless said:
LOL, really you've got to be crazy or just a kid.

Only time will tell that.

As if I didn’t know, stop acting childish , get real,

You should take some of your own advice.

I am Raw Think Tank , How dare U insult me by preaching me such trivial matters.

You don't need me to insult you, you're doing a fine job of insulting yourself.

Not assuming just gauging. U don’t hav much to offer to me of Ur thoughts.
Except as a means of entertainment just like a pet cat.

Well mabye your simple mind can understand this; meow!!

Wow , U don’t understand a bit of what I quote about survival with respect to evolution.
She who thinks less than he who doesn’t shall be out competed in survival of the fittest.

I understood perectly what you meant and my reponse was a fitting one. Maybe you didn't understand it.

Off course the best time is now, Here in 21 century, I would have never met an interesting specimen like U without todays technical wonders.

Why thank you.

Clearly what is obvious to me is completely oblivious for U.

And what is oblivioius for me is obvious for you. Brilliant! You are indeed the Raw Think Tank.

Human are the evidence of entirely new and advanced species and that was only after 4 billion years.

Another genius answer.
You're just too clever for me..... R..TT. (that rhymes)

Unfortunately Ur days r numbered, bcas I am to a human what U r to a cat. a cat, i am a human RTT. :(

I just did.

Erm....of course you did...errr..moving on..

A great subject for me as a humanalogist ( and that’s not only what I am ) ,

And that's why my enquiry was heinous.
I'm glad we got that sorted out.

Guess what we r upto with that kinda study ?

I've no idea. But i would seriously like to know.

now that’s like asking to prove 1 + 1 is 2.

It's nothing of the sort.
Now please answer the question.

And secondly I did not propose anything , it was justa logical conclusion of a scientific mind that unscientific cannot comprehend.

You said;
And even if some did he would have proposed an alternative scientific theory.

By using the word "alternative " you are proposing that what you have is an established scientific theory.
And there is nothing logical about this enquiry;
...and the rats that apes evolved from, or was it the first sea worms that evolved in to fish and then amphibians and then rats, or was it the first cell or virus ?

Angelina jolie is a very good example of what can be done without praying. Don’t just sit there in the church , get up and start doing, U r the master of U destiny, Ur actions r its paths.

I will, but first i must go to the church and pray about it.

Typical of an human.

So you're not human?

Their actions are less compared to us.

Just nonsense speculation.

With that kinda mentality humans r doomed in evolutionary race with us, long live rationalism ( unless something better is on offer ).

There is something that thwarts all including megla-maniacs and empire builders in the end. DEATH.

When Theist will be only in history we will look back to U as our prehistoric specie.

Oh happy days!

I apologies to all the Atheists here for disappointing them.

Why would you not being atheist, disappoint atheists?

Jan Arden.
Only time will tell that.

Yea, the time you spend in a loony bin may perhaps bring you to grasp reality, by logic and reason, instead of seeking the easy way out and rationalize reality by whims and wishes.

Bombarding fruit flies with radiation or different breeds of cats and dogs? Hardly natural?
Jan, in one of my previous posts, I provided two huge lists of speciation observed in nature.

Please, get educated before making wild, ridiculous assertions.

And yes, flies were bombarding with radiation. The researcher was not interesting in creating new species, but what merely interested in what effects radiation had on the genome.

As to the cats and dogs example, thank you for bringing that up. Yes, it is evolution, and it is amazing, isn't it? Even Creationists admit that the poodle and the great dane share a common ancestor. Even Creationists admit that evolution can cause such structural differences.


Human are the evidence of entirely new and advanced species and that was only after 4 billion years.
No species is 'advanced'. Merely adapted to it's niche.
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Here's version 1.1 of my proof:

D1 - God: The creator of the Universe.
D2 - Time: Change(s) of state.
D3 - Universe: All of existence.
D4 - Causality: Law of cause and effect.
D5 - Creation: Change of state from nonexistence, to existence.

I1 - From D2 & D5: The creation of the Universe requires at least an instant of time.
I2 - From D3 & D1: Time & causality were created by God.
I3 - From D4 & D5: The creation of the Universe requires a cause.

C1 - From I1 & D1: God required at least an instant of time to create the Universe.
C2 - From I2 & C1: God did not create time.
C3 - From I3 & D1: God required the power to cause the Universe to exist.
C4 - From I2 & C3: God did not create causality.
C5 - From C2 & C4: God did not create the Universe.

.: From C5 & D1 - Therefore D1 is false.
Alpha; that was a good attempt, however one can't explain "god" by logic alone, cause god's existence has not been determined physically, only suggested, by fundies for centuries, the logic went out the door centuries ago.

God= an entity with no identity, other than that given by humans because they have no other explanation for the existence of the universe.So we suppose this entity created it.
Universe=Only the known universe, not every universe that could possibly exist, or other realms of existence yet to be determined.
Time=the first instant of motion or action in a universe.

The Universe may have always existed, no beggining no end only oscillating eternally from billions of years of expansion and billions of years of contration at the present moment there's overwhelming evidence that the universe is expanding. So we exist in this universe that just recently started several billions of years ago and is expanding.

There is no evidence that such a entity such as a god, can escape the oscillating cycle of the universe, of course fundies will explain that god may exist in another universe or another realm of existence. However then there's the problem of infinite regression because if such an entity exists, then something has had to create it, and so on. And (it's) god's universe may also follow the natural phenomenon of an oscillating universe as well, so therefoe god's universe had a beggining and it may have an end just as ours. so god's existence could not be eteternal.

Pure theory really!!
Look, we are a couple of chomosomes up on the monkeys. Let's face then fact that we really don't have the slightest clue what is really going on around here. Imagine an ant's level of understanding of the universe. He just not capable of that sort of insight.
He's got a pretty good grasp on how to built an ant hill, but thats about it. Why do we assume our brains are wired to understand this whole thing. Maybe on the scale of universal brain power the ants are at .00001 and we are at .05.
Yeah it's fun to talk and think about this stuff is fun and maybe even necessary, but anyone who thinks they have the answers is kidding themselves. I'll bet we don't even have the capability to ask the right questions.
God= an entity with no identity, other than that given by humans because they have no other explanation for the existence of the universe.So we suppose this entity created it.
God is defined as the creator of the Universe, otherwise we're not talking about anything even when you say God has no identity.
Universe=Only the known universe, not every universe that could possibly exist, or other realms of existence yet to be determined.[/quoe]No, I was not referring to only the known universe, and God is supposed to be the creator of all, not just the known universe.
Time=the first instant of motion or action in a universe.
Time is any instant of change, not just the first.
The Universe may have always existed, no beggining no end only oscillating eternally from billions of years of expansion and billions of years of contration at the present moment there's overwhelming evidence that the universe is expanding. So we exist in this universe that just recently started several billions of years ago and is expanding.
That indicates there's an origin to the known visible universe, but in no way implies there was a beginning to time and the Universe itself (notice the capitol).
There is no evidence that such a entity such as a god, can escape the oscillating cycle of the universe
That's only a theory, and I don't think I subscribe to the oscillating universe theory.
Look, we are a couple of chomosomes up on the monkeys. Let's face then fact that we really don't have the slightest clue what is really going on around here. Imagine an ant's level of understanding of the universe. He just not capable of that sort of insight.
He's got a pretty good grasp on how to built an ant hill, but thats about it. Why do we assume our brains are wired to understand this whole thing. Maybe on the scale of universal brain power the ants are at .00001 and we are at .05.
Yeah it's fun to talk and think about this stuff is fun and maybe even necessary, but anyone who thinks they have the answers is kidding themselves. I'll bet we don't even have the capability to ask the right questions.
Pure speculation. There's nothing there to refute my proof; just opinion. There's nothing to suggest we're not capable of said insight.
It is evident that atheists are (or should be) people who think objectively and give weight to reality. These characteristics should therefore bring them to see faith and religion as understandable characteristics of human society. True atheists do not argue with people of faith anymore than Buddhists argue with Christians. Furthermore attempts to justify atheism can be very disturbing to older people who believe strongly in life after death and that is not a useful goal. And I believe that an inner compulsion to attack religion is very much like another form of religion. Thus atheists should strive to live in harmony with the religious, to earn respect and to be allowed to contribute to society in a fruitful fashion.
Thus atheists should strive to live in harmony with the religious, to earn respect and to be allowed to contribute to society in a fruitful fashion.
Its very difficult to do when religious people have the attitude of 'if your not with me your against me', i think it would be fairer to extend the state to everybody not just atheists and say everybody should try to live together harmoniously and be fruitful as a part of society.
It's also somewhat difficult when relatives are buying your kids jesus books and jesus music. It's not that bad though, I just throw it away for the most part. But I'm also looked down upon a bit from them because I don't have jesus in my heart. :rolleyes: It's annoying!

I understand it for them and can appreciate how useful is to them, and they are absolutely wonderful people... however I don't care to "be saved" and they are mandated (at least a little) to do so. It's okay though, they don't mess with me about it for the most part.. but this is what annoys me about the scenario... I'm fine with it until someone wants to "tell me what the facts are" and they are completley deluded by their cult mindset. Then I find it annoying and get a smidge spiteful about it, in the hopes of encouraging them to stop pretending they make sense in an objective manner. Their world somehow makes sense to them I suppose, but ultimately it's simply unreasonable. All I can do is nod and minmize conflict with those who are close to me - and sometimes I take it out on those who are NOT so close to me who spew the same horeshit.
It is evident that atheists are (or should be) people who think objectively and give weight to reality.

Thanks!, for the most part most of us do.

These characteristics should therefore bring them to see faith and religion as understandable characteristics of human society.

Well these characteristics are ancient and most atheist view them as a stagnantion upon our society!.

True atheists do not argue with people of faith anymore than Buddhists argue with Christians.

This is a religious forum! we come here to discuss ideas, don't you see the argument between alpha and I?. we are arguing on the identity, or lack of identity of this entity you call god.

Furthermore attempts to justify atheism can be very disturbing to older people who believe strongly in life after death and that is not a useful goal.

I can relate to that, I'm 40 years old, my mom is 71. No one looks forward to death, so perhaps if there was homongenous ideas on how to prolong life, and end the sicness of MYSTICISM we might all benefit!!.

And I believe that an inner compulsion to attack religion is very much like another form of religion.

There's no compulsion here, however I can relate to some that do, to the point of going to church and hilighting all contradictions of the bible.

Thus atheists should strive to live in harmony with the religious, to earn respect and to be allowed to contribute to society in a fruitful fashion.

Why? when most of the part of history we've been prosecuted, burned, beaten, killed, all in the name of Jesus?. Why the hell did you use the word "allowed"? as if it were not for free thinkers that pulled society out of the dark ages!!. Most part the the free thinkers, atheists, humanists, are the one's we must be thanking for making our society as it is, if were up to religiousity, we still be riding on horse buggys!!. This country was founded on the freedom of religion and for the most part, it let ideas flow, thus showing the free thought has done its work and advanced society, we are lacking though, do to religioius wars, religious ideals, this society is stagnant!. Not as stagnant as some other very religious societis such as Iran, Idia, etc..

Furthermore attempts to justify atheism can be very disturbing to older people who believe strongly in life after death and that is not a useful goal.
Disproving God does not necessarily disprove the possibility of the existence of a soul and/or afterlife.
And I believe that an inner compulsion to attack religion is very much like another form of religion. Thus atheists should strive to live in harmony with the religious, to earn respect and to be allowed to contribute to society in a fruitful fashion.
I agree somewhat, but I also believe religion does more harm than good, and so I try to do what I can to rectify that.
Its very difficult to do when religious people have the attitude of 'if your not with me your against me'
Good point.
we come here to discuss ideas, don't you see the argument between alpha and I?
I prefer the term "debate". "Argument" implies anger, unless used in context of a logical argument.
is atheism the answear?
answear is what god is and isnt
i am what i am
you are ?

the greatest Philosopher
Greek God