Is Athiesm The Answer?


… Point being that Judeo-Christians and athiests have more in common than they might imagine; they both require a firmly dualistic view of reality.

Western atheists have a dualistic view? How do you mean?

Both would struggle mightily to fathom the mindset of, for example, a Zen Buddhist.

Aren’t Buddhists essentially non-materialist atheists anyway?

But the Indian atheist organization is very strong and they appear to hold the same non-supernatural world view as do atheists the world over.

My conclusion about athiesm is that it is only a way to give themselves a reason why they are (athiests) committed to nothing!!

That seems a bit strong. Atheists are certainly not committed to anything theistic but that doesn’t say anything about any other philosophies they might follow, although it is unlikely any would have a supernatural basis.

So is atheism the answer? Hmm, what was the question?
There seem to be a lot of misconceptions about atheism (which is not capitolized, by the way).
Alpha said:
There seems to be a lot of misconceptions about atheism
Almost by definition, we arrive at atheism alone - I mean, not in a group. For us it is a personal discovery. Most atheists are also very suspicious about efforts to "organise" atheism; after all, one of the compelling reasons for casting off religion is distaste for the trappings (eg, the Cathars versus the Catholic church in the middle ages) no matter how much you like fungi or cocks-comb soup (references to the sophistication of Catholic clergy 300 hundred years ago). Given these circumstances, it is small wonder that each atheist puts a different spin on the word. I am as guilty as anyone.

Buddhists claim their's is an atheist religion but they hold beliefs for which they have no evidence. The big momma shibboleth here (IMHO) is life after death. It's very difficult for most people, including would-be atheists, to accept that it doesn't exist. So, if you cruise the Internet, you find a whole raft of "atheists" whose beliefs entail things like souls, creatures from outer space, rebirth, inner cosmic lights and the special destiny of mankind.

On the other hand, if you accept that life after death is a myth, several other tumblers in the lock click into place. If true, then we have no special purpose, no special right (only a supreme being could bestow such a right anyway). Homo sapiens, stripped of its vanity, can be seen as just another species driven by the same engine that drives all life -- success in reproduction. As any biologist knows, our vaunted intelligence and technical expertise are just a crust, barnacles built by the same mechanism that drives the Australian bower bird to build a pretty nest. I claim these are all inherent in the initial premise. End of soapbox. :eek:

With so much disparity one can appreciate the problems of defining any common ground. Why bother? What could we gain?

I could create an idea of something so insubstantial and indefinite too, and call it Bog. What is your proof that Bog does not exist? Bog was God's creator, and contained both good and evil. Does it take faith to say there is no Bog?
But tell me, why does God exist and Bog doesn't?

Bog DOES exist. Bog is a Slovene word for God, any many other Slavic languages have a very similar if not the same word for God. Originally, this is an Iranic word (but I don't know more about its etymology so far).

Well, I know this isn't what you were trying to point out with your question about the existence of Bog, but as I was reading this thread, I immediately saw a word from my native language, and felt called to say something. :)
Alpha said:
There seem to be a lot of misconceptions about atheism (which is not capitolized, by the way).

So , Why do people have these so called misconception about U for so long now , or is that they are actual facts and U r the one who is under that misconcept.
RawThinkTank said:
So , Why do people have these so called misconception about U for so long now , or is that they are actual facts and U r the one who is under that misconcept.

When they wish to destroy Civilization by tossing out any solid basis for Moral Behavior, and are thus treated as Enemies of Society, they think it is all just a big misunderstanding.
When they wish to destroy Civilization by tossing out any solid basis for Moral Behavior, and are thus treated as Enemies of Society, they think it is all just a big misunderstanding.
Religion is not a solid basis for morality. Experience is.
Is Athiesm The Answer?

Interesting how you worded a question with an answer in it, without defining the question: self-reference. Answer to what? Life? Belief, unbelief, everything? An answer is arrived at by the question. So if your question already has an answer - what then?
Interesting how you worded a question with an answer in it, without defining the question: self-reference. Answer to what? Life? Belief, unbelief, everything? An answer is arrived at by the question. So if your question already has an answer - what then?

Good point, mainly everyone "including me" took it to mean is atheism the logical aproach to life? or theism which is the answer. Which starts a good debate about both views.

Is religion logical?. NO!! Then is atheism the logical answer to existence? The quest for ever more science and knowledge, or the "god did it" answer to existence.


I'm tired and it's late I don't know if I made sense. :eek:

Watcher said:
Actually I was referring more to the psychological, or spiritual, if you will, aspects of the Western ego-centric world view. Point being that Judeo-Christians and athiests have more in common than they might imagine; they both require a firmly dualistic view of reality. Both would struggle mightily to fathom the mindset of, for example, a Zen Buddhist.
Sorry, I didn't notice your post and I am still not sure I have grasped the meaning. Duality is often on my mind but I mean the duality of Zoroaster, Mani, the Bogomils and the Cathars.

They believed - like the Buddha - that life was pain. Everything physical was evil and life is a struggle between light and darkness.

If you are still Watching, how does this include atheism? :bugeye:
Is Athiesm The Answer?
your answear is in --->Is Thiesm the Answear?
prove me wrong!!!!

Philosopher Philocrazy
the timeless
fabius said:
...Duality is often on my mind but I mean the duality of Zoroaster, Mani, the Bogomils and the Cathars.

They believed - like the Buddha - that life was pain. Everything physical was evil and life is a struggle between light and darkness.

If you are still Watching, how does this include atheism?

Interesting point, but I don't really see why that implies theism.

Personally, I see "light" and "darkness" in a secular sense. Wether you're a believer or not, life is a struggle. Wether you're a believer or not, you have to deal with "good" and "bad" situations. I don't see how this reality says anything about the existence of god(s) one way or the other.

Nature shows us this struggle everyday, and no one asks whether bacteria or squirrels are believers... they just try to deal with their environment.
Philo: *Is Thiesm the Answear?
prove me wrong*

If theism is the answre the Catholic church has shown it's true colors, seducing kids is good for sexual frustration.

Buffys, don't underestimate the psycholgical split that's been fostered on us via myth, ideology, and science over the centuries
the writers of those patriarchal texts, puls our own oppressive mindset didn't do this device fornothing mate. it is for CONTROL. make no mistake about this. the very way you LOOK at the animal world, Nature and so on willbe a idrect reult of this view of duality you've been indoctrinated with

in the theocracy it was that you are somehow wrong in your natrual state, and need the assistance of the church so as to save you from being 'damned'

NOW, in our 'secular' state...hah! is that in order to have 'mental health' you need to accept the 'faith'--which is meritocratic success....IF, by tthe 'god of scientism' you should 'breakdown'...being the biochemical machine they tell you now that you is...yeah? then you need the assistance of the new priests, the psychiatrists, to cure you of your 'mental illness'

so what's changed?

this is why it is VERY important you don't dismiss this ongoing indoctrination.

it is STILL going on!
buffys said:
Interesting point, but I don't really see why that implies theism.
I think Watcher was saying that the basic mindsets of atheists and judeo-christians have many points in common - for example "a dualistic view of existence". I am just curious about her or his meaning.

Duality was defined by Mani in the spiritual sense - so I believe - around 300AD. At least it figures strongly in his legacy. His interpretation of Jesus' teachings was hounded to death (literally) by the Christian Church for about a thousand years and perished in the 13th century. By all accounts it was much more enlightened than the Roman version. For example, they ordained male and female priests and chatted happily with atheists and muslims . . .

But I am losing the thread. I suspect that any similarity between atheism and some religions would not have any bearing on whether it is the answer or not.
duendy said:
so what's changed?
Well, I can certainly sympathise with that view. HOWEVER, how come we did nothing or very little to fight this process? Because the rewards were luscious?

We accept control by the establishment or - put another way - we give up our freedom as individuals. Would you agree these are basically the same thing?

So far the rewards of society in terms of economies of scale and specialisation have meant we work less and live better than, say, the people in Sudan. But it also means we are more restricted in our daily life. Looks like a classical trade-off doesn't it? Freedom for affluence.

I don't think atheism has much effect on that convenant.

But that's not the end of the story. Perhaps the trade-off process is running out of steam and the rewards are now unattractive? Might that explain the Boomer Bible, terrorism, anti-globalisation gangs, neo-nazis and the like? And might it be the question to which atheism is the answer? Q.E.D.