Is Allah...

... the god of the Old Testament?
Yes, I'd say that Allah is similar enough to the God of the OT to be the same God. But maybe it's two Gods with similar dispositions. The God of the NT is altogether completely different.
Yes, I'd say that Allah is similar enough to the God of the OT to be the same God. But maybe it's two Gods with similar dispositions. The God of the NT is altogether completely different.

That's what I assumed as well.

I'm shocked that the usual entourage of self-appointed experts on Islam are unable to answer this question. They parade through this forum continually bleating how wrong we all are and how we misinterpret their religions doctrines.

And yet, not a peep from them, to a most important question. :shrug:
Yes, I'd say that Allah is similar enough to the God of the OT to be the same God. But maybe it's two Gods with similar dispositions. The God of the NT is altogether completely different.
If you got in a time machine and went back to ask Jesus whether the God he spoke of was a different God than that of the OT writings....I believe he would say no.

Its usually assumed that the NT deity is kinder and gentler...and yet, you will some the most wrathful statements from Jesus himself.
Well, I think if you were to time travel to the time of Jesus you'd find he was just made up. The OT god is a ME God and the NT is Greek. Completely different Gods with the Greek God being civil and the OT God being nomadic and primitive, simple minded really. You know: Me no like you, me flood earth now, you go dead dead.... OR you die for me, me give you sweets and poontang-pie in heaven, all you can eat.
I just assume its ultimately the same god because I don't care for minor differences.
I just assume its ultimately the same god because I don't care for minor differences.
The OT god is a ME God and the NT is Greek. Completely different Gods with the Greek God being civil and the OT God being nomadic and primitive, simple minded really. You know: Me no like you, me flood earth now, you go dead dead.... OR you die for me, me give you sweets and poontang-pie in heaven, all you can eat.
The Greek Gods could talk like Tarzan too...remember they drank wine, got into fisticuffs, and had girlfriends.
Amazing! Still no answers from the Muslim crowd.

It must be such that the Muslims here were not able to find this answer in their usual Islamic propaganda websites, as they've demonstrated time and again they can't think for themselves.
... the god of the Old Testament?

The Christian 'God' was originally a quadrinity but it didn't like one of it's constitutents and gave it the boot. That's when it became a trinity and Allah (the expelled god-piece) went on to create his own homocidal cult.
yes, allah is eloh-- elohim-- in the bible.
M*W: I understand the connection between Allah and Eloh. However, "elohim" is the plural meaning many "gods." Who are these other "gods" the "elohim" represent?
As I understand : Jews believe in one God . The Muslims believe in one God . The Christians believe in God and then they add Jesus as a God ,as a son of god , as a king , as the king of kings ....etc. So the Jews and Muslims have the same understanding of God but not the Christians .
As I understand: Jews believe in one God. The Muslims believe in one God. The Christians believe in God and then they add Jesus as a God, as a son of god, as a king, as the king of kings .... etc. So the Jews and Muslims have the same understanding of God but not the Christians.
M*W: Yes, that's an interesting statement. Having been a Roman Catholic, the religion borders on polytheism. Leaving christianity is the best thing I've ever done.
I think Sophia (who is still found in Greek Orthadox) was an equal of God. But this was NT God not old testament God. Actually, she cut off his balls in the Wisdom of Sophia for being a monotheistic prick.
As I understand : Jews believe in one God . The Muslims believe in one God . The Christians believe in God and then they add Jesus as a God ,as a son of god , as a king , as the king of kings ....etc. So the Jews and Muslims have the same understanding of God but not the Christians .
I think you'll find early Jews worshiped one God. They believed in many Gods but choose to worship one (well, actually they had a Goddess at one time too).
It is a universal understanding that the Jews follow Moses as a prophet ( messenger ) ,the Muslims follow Muhammad as a prophet ( messenger ) , and the Christians follow Jesus . Of course they are many aspects to religions than these three people . So after moses the Jews believed in one God . After Muhammad Muslims believed in one God . So I do not see the Gods here .
I think maybe we agree, Jews and Muslims are aligned in having a nearly identical God. Which may even be the same ME God. I've even wondered if Mohammad wasn't really a Jew? Or maybe he wanted to be a Jew?

Anyway, the Xian God is GreccoRoman, probably invented by Greek Jews living in Alexandria and perhaps Athens and is clearly a compilation of earlier Egyptian and Persian methos

Again, I'm thinking two different Gods.