Is Abortion a right someone should have?

“ Originally Posted by J.J situations like over crowded population then will you kill youself in order to let that baby live?... "

no I will not.

In such situation I will not take my life because it is a crime against myself. I care for myself and I care for others. My life's principle is never to be in such situation were I have to decide if I live or someone who I care for lives, that is the point of this life is to avoid such situations by making life as better as I can.

Buddy Dragon the sad thing is the world is not as nice as you think it is......

""Well in my world suffering is better then death, for suffering harbers hope. I suffered while in Russia, I was without my mom (she left for America) and I worked till dawn on a field picking out colorado bugs (potato bugs) and growing potatoes while simultaneously studying for math and russian language, guess what... the suffering paid of, now I am with my mom, I am in America, and I am in one of the best universities. Most people say that they rather die then be slaves and such, or they rather die then do something they dislike...well with me...I rather suffer then die.""

Again dragon the world is not as nice, and it is not because you suffered and then you find happiness it is because you should not suffer in the first place.

That's the whole point I am trying to get across here. When a girl gets raped and becomes pregnant she moraly has no right to decide if the baby should live or not.

Did you just take away a human right?

By Dragon
This is the situation one of its kind. What a girl can do is avoid getting raped and not wear real short pants or enlarge certain parts of her body, basically a girl can stay normal and try attract only men she wants to attract.

Once again you don't know there are such people is perverts? I'm trying to say that you cannot avoid trouble by not getting in to trouble. Simple example if you drive safly ,you still can say that you will never get into an accident cause other people might be driving while they are drunk.

If a girl gets raped she is forced to take responsibility that she has no right to ditch.

Dame then i guess i can piss my boss off by rape his daughter (lol)

has no right to decide if it is ok or not ok to push the button, that person must comply without questioning.

While i would call that person stupid. If i tell you to jump a building will you? if you do. then i guess i don't have to say any more( it explains itself )

Man, first of all if you don't allow abortion, then you think people will think about having a baby? I say no, cause if the woman is pregnent in your theory there is no turning back. And what will that lead to? a decreasing of population?
It might promote protected sex though, but after our generation we are gone!

ONE very simple question do you think it is fair to take responsible for something you didn't do? Well i don't think so.

Survival of the fittest. I hold evolutional niche above cows, so thus I have the right to kill them.

There is no heirarchy of evolutionary niches. To say that one species is "above" another is meaningless, in a biological sense.

Anyway, are you "above" a newborn human child? Does that make it ok to kill it?

One shall not kill another human being, one can kill other animals except human...

What do you mean by "can"? I guess you mean it is ethically ok to kill other animals. Why? So far, you have given no reasons. All you have done is to make a bald assertion that humans are "above" other animals, but you have provided no justification for that statement.

Yup since I am "above" the cow gives me the right to kill, however that right is limited, thus the cow I kill must be only if I need the food.

You can get all the sustenance you need without ever eating meat. So, by your own argument, killing the cow is never necessary. You never need that food.

So, by your own argument, you should never kill a cow. And yet, you seem to think it is ok to do that. You're inconsistent with your own stated morals.
James R said:
..So, by your own argument, you should never kill a cow. And yet, you seem to think it is ok to do that. You're inconsistent with your own stated morals.

I have two words for you: B12, protein

ponder what that is and why cows are needed for food.


And J.J I see that you are promoting abortion. Well then it is ok for girl to fuck anyone, get pregnant, ditch the offspring, fuck again, get pregnant....and so on. And by driving safely I can avoid getting into accident more then anyone else. Girls are like drivers, you drive safely, you have 99.999999999999999999999% chance of not getting into accident, of not getting raped. But if you got raped, then you have no right to kill that newly formed human being. Because the baby is a new human being the girl has no right, if you say do an abortion you take away baby's rights as a human being, right to live. The girl isnt the GOD to decide who is to live and who is not to live. The guy who has raped the girl should be punished by being sent to prison and the girl who has got into situation where she was raped should also be punished by allowing the baby to live. If you fuck ur boss's daughter then you shall be punished. And no I will not jump and die if you tell me to jump, because if I jump then I will die, thus I will kill myseld, and no human shall kill any human, this includes oneself.
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WOoooooooooo HOLD UP you Cow Poking Buffoon.
I Quote "
By Dragon
This is the situation one of its kind. What a girl can do is avoid getting raped and not wear real short pants or enlarge certain parts of her body, basically a girl can stay normal and try attract only men she wants to attract.

That is a Bunch of TOTAL CRAP! Most Rapes that happen have nothing to DO with "what the women looked like"... It had to do with some strange omnipotent Power to make another human submit to humiliation. What about The Men who have Been Rapped by Other men>? Do you think it was because they were wearing short shorts and enhancing their body parts? no... you Twit, RAPE is POWER PLAY..... It is not a Sexual Decision, It is a Low self esteemed person trying to prove they can Over power another human... so Don't throw that Crap up their Dragon. Oh An If the women, who's Rapped Gets Pregnant, and get HIV... Don't you think she would be doing the baby a service by not letting it Suffer the advanced genetic meltdown through age, and just abort it? That show Mercy You Cow Pile.... you Claim to be Moral, But your wrong. Ever Been Rapped Buddy?
PHPlatonica said:
WOoooooooooo HOLD UP you Cow Poking Buffoon.
I Quote "
By Dragon
This is the situation one of its kind. What a girl can do is avoid getting raped and not wear real short pants or enlarge certain parts of her body, basically a girl can stay normal and try attract only men she wants to attract.

That is a Bunch of TOTAL CRAP! Most Rapes that happen have nothing to DO with "what the women looked like"... It had to do with some strange omnipotent Power to make another human submit to humiliation. What about The Men who have Been Rapped by Other men>? Do you think it was because they were wearing short shorts and enhancing their body parts? no... you Twit, RAPE is POWER PLAY..... It is not a Sexual Decision, It is a Low self esteemed person trying to prove they can Over power another human... so Don't throw that Crap up their Dragon. Oh An If the women, who's Rapped Gets Pregnant, and get HIV... Don't you think she would be doing the baby a service by not letting it Suffer the advanced genetic meltdown through age, and just abort it? That show Mercy You Cow Pile.... you Claim to be Moral, But your wrong. Ever Been Rapped Buddy?

Well...being 6feet and 2 inches tall, knowing Judo, and getting raped? not likely...I'll run away or in the worst case scenario beat them up. Now abou the powerplay...that's somethin new, never thought about that, I mean I am attracted to maky girls around me, I wanna have sex with them, but if I do and they do not wish for sex with me, then this will be called raping. However the reason I would have raped a girl, is not for a powerplay, but because I am sexually attracted to the girl and thats all, but I wouldnt rape anyone anyways. However if this power thing is appealing to others, then I am missing somethin here, and good thing that I am missin this power thing u are talking is a cause of rape, because then I will be less likely commit such assault on another human being.
draqon said:
Well...being 6feet and 2 inches tall, knowing Judo, and Taekwando...
Sorry, I just had to laugh at this...
Hapsburg said:
Sorry, I just had to laugh at this...

Bullshit? why, you think I dont know martial arts or you dont think Im that tall?
I just seems a bit too much like the all-too-common internet phenomenon known was self-wanking. :p
Wow... Hurray that you know how to defend your self, but rest assured if your being stalked, the stalker would already know these things about you. I assume you never heard of being knocked Unconscious by a dose of Drugs? Poison Dart even... eh, Could happen... and while you are all Sweepy in your little safe Mind, you could wake up, tide up, ass up, and Being Bung Holed by some freaky Fuck and you Would have never seen it coming. When You Talked to a Lawyer or another person about this, it could be Maybe you were just to Damn sexy to NOT Rape... DO some research baby. 87% Of All Rapes have nothing to do With Sexual Pleasure.
PHPlatonica said:
Wow... Hurray that you know how to defend your self, but rest assured if your being stalked, the stalker would already know these things about you. I assume you never heard of being knocked Unconscious by a dose of Drugs? Poison Dart even... eh, Could happen... and while you are all Sweepy in your little safe Mind, you could wake up, tide up, ass up, and Being Bung Holed by some freaky Fuck and you Would have never seen it coming. When You Talked to a Lawyer or another person about this, it could be Maybe you were just to Damn sexy to NOT Rape... DO some research baby. 87% Of All Rapes have nothing to do With Sexual Pleasure.

yes i know there is evil out there...thats why I avoid everyone and everything.

I have two words for you: B12, protein

ponder what that is and why cows are needed for food.

Where do you people get this myth from?

dragon, do me a favour and read the "Animal cruelty" thread.

Meat is not the only source of protein or B12. Millions of vegetarians live perfectly well without meat. Therefore, on that basis alone, it is quite obvious that eating meat is not necessary.

You just eat it for fun.
draqon said:
yes i know there is evil out there...thats why I avoid everyone and everything.
perhaps then that is a smart way to live... but seems rather loanly. Esspecialy For some one who know Martial arts... Tell me this, have you ever thought that perhaps you were apealing to a stranger and never even knew it? Silence of the lambs? etc.... There is much in the issue of Rape... ask any child molster or necropheliac...... It's not some "Imaginary" thing.. it's alive and thriving..... You should take heed in your words before you spill them. You may end up with an Unwelcomed anxiety
james R.: you are so pathetic... people need meat for protein and B12, beans which contain 2nd largest amount of B12 cannot grow everywhere, and beans do not have enough B12 for healthy human body, huh....lets see...who doesnt eat much meat? why thatll be indians of course...ever seen regular indians? they look like no meat and can barely walk and do work...good for nothing, just playin sufferin. So no people eat meat not for fun but because they need it for good nutrition.

And PhPlatonica: I am trying to avoid as much human contact as I can, and I am not saying this just because this statement goes with this thread, I am saying this because that is my life, I try to be as self-independent as I can, I moved away from my parents as soon as I could, and as soon as I find a college tuition covering job then I shall be free from my parents finances as well. I do not attend any social gatherings, if anyone smiles or looks at me I try to act next time somehow so that they do not notice me, I try to blend in with environment, I try to walk fast and make no sound so that if anyone is watching they do not remember who just walked there. And the reason I do it is because I am sick and fckng tired of people looking at me like I am some piece of shit, they look at me like I am going to do something evil or something, so I avoid everyone. And by avoiding everyone I also help myself so that I am less prone to being attacked. I travel by bike and wear dark clothes, when I go to classes I go to those classes only, in free time I try to find out any ways I can get inside other building without being outside, and I have found many underground passegeways in my university, that only I and staff knows. The only time I go outside for fun is at night, I go on my bike and travel very fast, I have good vision and so far in these 10 years I havent had any accidents. I also try not to look into people's eyes, because people will remember me if I look into their eyes. I also dont look into people eyes because usually I see an expression, "you are a piece of shit" or "I am fckng afraid of this guy" or "another asshole"....and yes I am very lonely, I dream everyday of having a friend, of sharing some of my ideas with a friend, being happy for once to be around people, but there is no such thing in this world for me, the past haunts me and I cannot forget the way my parents treated me like a slave yet loved me dearly to pay for my education.
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And J.J I see that you are promoting abortion. Well then it is ok for girl to fuck anyone, get pregnant, ditch the offspring, fuck again, get pregnant....and so on. And by driving safely I can avoid getting into accident more then anyone else. Girls are like drivers, you drive safely, you have 99.999999999999999999999% chance of not getting into accident, of not getting raped. But if you got raped, then you have no right to kill that newly formed human being. Because the baby is a new human being the girl has no right, if you say do an abortion you take away baby's rights as a human being, right to live. The girl isnt the GOD to decide who is to live and who is not to live. The guy who has raped the girl should be punished by being sent to prison and the girl who has got into situation where she was raped should also be punished by allowing the baby to live. If you fuck ur boss's daughter then you shall be punished. And no I will not jump and die if you tell me to jump, because if I jump then I will die, thus I will kill myseld, and no human shall kill any human, this includes oneself.

Ok Dragon i'm not promoting abortion or anything, i am just saying that it should be a free choice. Look are you saying that an un born baby that might even die before birth or born with some kind of cancer is more important than a girl a living human beings life? Also if let's say that these coupple don't want child so they have protected sex but if accident happens and she got pregnent, she don't have to choice or right to do what she wants?
Well i guess the only way to make sure 100% no kids is not having sex, and uh.. that's gonna suck! lol

Another thing, do you think that when two people want a child they will care more about the child? and even though is their responsibilities to let a child born you think they'll carry out the same responsibilities to a unwanted child?

Since you so into saving the un existed life form, then let me tell you, abortion exist until now in our society is because first of all control the population, second of all it create less problem, for example if you don't allow abortion, then i guess being a female will suck, cause i better many guys will leave their girl friend if they are pregnent and she is stuck with a baby.
And the other example you said that Well then it is ok for girl to fuck anyone, get pregnant, ditch the offspring, fuck again, get pregnant....and so on. i didn't say that and i think i mention that in earlier post too, i don't promote that but don't you think by not allow abortion you are cutting off the chance undo or to live normally for a nice girl who don't want to have a baby but did by accident?
As i said earlier too, this world is not as nice as you think it is, i will be nice though but don't you understand from the history that proves that we are human beings we are selfish, it is true that no human shell kill another human being, if everyone do that then our panet will be peace, but again back to reality it won't happen. and are you saying that you should not fight back if someone want's to kill you? if the only way to stop him is kill him?
james R.: you are so pathetic... people need meat for protein and B12, beans which contain 2nd largest amount of B12 cannot grow everywhere, and beans do not have enough B12 for healthy human body, huh....lets see...who doesnt eat much meat? why thatll be indians of course...ever seen regular indians? they look like no meat and can barely walk and do work...good for nothing, just playin sufferin. So no people eat meat not for fun but because they need it for good nutrition.

another question for dragon see even though you say that killing is bad and wrong, you still made exceptions and thus shows you are selfish too cause you are making excuses for yourself on the question of we should not kill!
J.J said:
james R.: you are so pathetic... people need meat for protein and B12, beans which contain 2nd largest amount of B12 cannot grow everywhere, and beans do not have enough B12 for healthy human body, huh....lets see...who doesnt eat much meat? why thatll be indians of course...ever seen regular indians? they look like no meat and can barely walk and do work...good for nothing, just playin sufferin. So no people eat meat not for fun but because they need it for good nutrition.

another question for dragon see even though you say that killing is bad and wrong, you still made exceptions and thus shows you are selfish too cause you are making excuses for yourself on the question of we should not kill!

thou shall not kill a human being, thou can kill an animal that is not a human being for need only
An Embryo is NOT a Human Being.... you need to Define human Being's on an acceptable agreeable area... Then argue your "god" thoughts....
PHPlatonica said:
An Embryo is NOT a Human Being.... you need to Define human Being's on an acceptable agreeable area... Then argue your "god" thoughts....

PHPlatonica thank you for opening my eyelids so that my eyes can see the truth that shines so dim in this world. Yes, mothers should murder they unborn child while their small baby hasnt had a chance to develop. Mothers should arrange the killing of that little innocent forming human being, because it is their right to do it, because the innocent baby has no right to live. Thank you, abortion is sacred, for mothers hold the power of the spear and power is in their wishes. Remove that forming creature that could have seen the light of this world, remove him out of the only home there was, and kill, murder, and destroy every bit of the baby in acid.

Smile, for I have seen the truth, the art of abortion is fine indeed, the phylosophy of abortion hold truth above all.


Ok enough of this play. Umm PhPlatonica I actually understand the need of abortion its just I love this world so much that if it was me who was that baby I would love to live no matter what. But I do see why abortion is important, it is needed in society to control population, to control genetic stability, and so that the baby isnt left on the street because he was a result of rape.
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