Is Abortion a right someone should have?

PHPlatonica said:
...So, BEFORE the 7th Week, The "fetus" Will SCIENTIFICLY Feel No Pain....

so you are saying before the 7th week its ok for the forming baby to be killed?
Pain is nothing, Life is everything.
That is EXACTLY What I am Saying. Life in this state is nothing more then a Mere "POTENTIAL"..... a blueprint and instructions for a species that can't even agree on disagreeing. Why Bring another into this melting, Delusional, Misguiding world if we have the chance to Halt and stop that process?
Human species IS a Parasite. We Feed on one another's achievements, knowledge spiritual Views. Why then should we not halt the Process before it is even able to begin?
A side argument to this would be that you antiabortionists ARGUE the Pain of the Fetus, the Chance not given.... one Can NOT know Something they have NOT Experienced. Their, antiabortionists, Feelings are not based on Facts but rather Empathy.
the Fetus has nothing to compare "life" to other then the fact that is should Divide cells.
You Can not argue Something you have not experienced. But the Pregnant mother who IS a Conscious Being, full Of Pains and feelings, Has a better knowledge to whether or not this "fetus" should come into Existence through HER body. SHE Has Endured the trials and Errors and excitements of life. Not the Fetus. There for that little cell splitting parasite is NOTHING at all until it begins it's Process of the Central NERVOUS SYSTEM>
A 5 month old baby in the womb is a baby (and many have been born at that time) it is not fetus. It has fully functioning pain receptors and brain functions.
So? Hey, my head hurts when I trip and whack my head on the road. Does that mean I should sue the pavement companies for assault and battery? Pain is a part of life, simple. If the fetus feels pain when being aborted, then boo-fucking-flip-friggity-hoo, it's a hell of a lot less than it would later feel in life whilst falling, tripping, slipping, and getting punched, slapped, beaten, and bruised.

Pain is nothing, Life is everything.

Why is life everything?

Have you ever killed a fly? Was its life everything?

Are you vegetarian? If not, why isn't the life of the cows you eat "everything"?

Is it really the case you think only human life is everything? If so, why? What's so special about humans?
If the fetus feels pain when being aborted, then boo-fucking-flip-friggity-hoo, it's a hell of a lot less than it would later feel in life whilst falling, tripping, slipping, and getting punched, slapped, beaten, and bruised.

By your argument, if I shoot you in the head and you feel no pain, what does it matter? Boo-fucking-flip-figgity-hoo.

Should any human being under whatever cisrcumstances kill another human being? no.

What if somebody attacks you on the street to get your money with, say, a baseball bat? If you fight back in self-defence and kill that person (perhaps unintentionally, in the act of defending yourself), would that be justifiable?
boo-fucking-flip-friggity-hoo!! I LOVE IT!! OMG>>.. That was the Most Honest ... well.. Phrase EVER!
hu hum... but I digress.... It's still the womens choice to EXECUTE, MURDER, KILL, Stop Life, WIPE OUT, TAKE OUT, (Mmm Chinese)
SCRAPE OUT an UNWANTED PARASITE... Period... No More Questions.
Life's full of Pains... It's not any one else's choice but the women's. So "BACK OUT OF MY BODY BABY CHEEKS"
'so back outtamy body baby-cheeks' haha love that!
why is it, ok, why is it this culture screams for life life life, and yet puts up with te most horrendous existence? get me?

for example, i dont hear te oneshear against abortion screamng about the awful poverty most peole have tolive in te world. is it right kids are hunted and shot down like rats in South America the Philipines etc?....they've been chukcked out of teir homes and have to fend fo themselves from reall really young. can u IMAGINE that. some have even had to live in fukin SEWERS!
tes children in Africa now sleeping in the streets. its heartbreaking to even see,

do you anti-abortionists also not believe in euthanasia. i know our U culture dont. a woman who was so terminally ill she was in agony had to go tru the legal crap of high court to rry and get the right to die in dignity. she failed

so why is this?? this is someting that really interests me and i wanna explore it spcifically in nothe tred soon. all about tis clinging to life

its like you are saying death is bad. why is it bad? why is aborting an unwanted baby bad. why allowing a prson who wants to die bad. it MUSy be somehangup about DEATH. otherwise why the pssion

u know some people involved in abortion have actually been shot. ironic really cause they killers didn't worry bout death for THEM did they?...hmmmmmmm

you who forever go on accusing women. is you whose gonna carry that babe, gonna feed it, bring it up? so why are you always making out you care
do you ever tink about te abuse and brutality done to children by their prents. or is that a side issue? it is womans body and she has freedom to terminate her preganancy. admittedly hopefully at an early stage of course. and even bettter birth prevention
I totally agree... Most Who bitch, cry and wine... "Boo hoo, Baby didn't get a chance"
Well They never consider the kids who are slain to shit because their parent its a fucking nut Job!, I think that's a bit WORSE then a Vacuum Sucking out an Embryo that CAN'T EVEN FEEL YET BECAUSE THE BIO NERVE ENDING AREN'T CREATED! Hello World wake up and Smell the After birth... This World SUCK SHIT, and to ENFORCE a women to carry another Parasite into the world is WRONG... Stay the Fuck Out Of My Womb.... Want a baby? Have one... Can't Have a baby? Go to a Fucking 3 world and adopt sorry ass holes.
James R said:

What if somebody attacks you on the street to get your money with, say, a baseball bat? If you fight back in self-defence and kill that person (perhaps unintentionally, in the act of defending yourself), would that be justifiable?

no because I killed that person (which I will never do because I have been in such situations, but not with baseball hat of course, and no I didnt kill the guy, I ran away)
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James R said:

Why is life everything?

Have you ever killed a fly? Was its life everything?

Are you vegetarian? If not, why isn't the life of the cows you eat "everything"?

Is it really the case you think only human life is everything? If so, why? What's so special about humans?

Survival of the fittest. I hold evolutional niche above cows, so thus I have the right to kill them. One shall not kill another human being, one can kill other animals except human, if one kills another human being he shall be punished, one shall not make the situation were he is forced to kill another human being.
draqon said:
Survival of the fittest. I hold evolutional niche above cows, so thus I have the right to kill them. One shall not kill another human being, one can kill other animals except human, if one kills another human being he shall be punished, one shall not make the situation were he is forced to kill another human being.
So because you are evolutionarily "Above" a Cow, that gives you right to Kill and Devour it? What about Retarded persons or persons Stricken with Downs Syndrome. Should we kill them off as well because THEY are evolutionarily Under us.... you contradict your self. Define human.
PHPlatonica said:
So because you are evolutionarily "Above" a Cow, that gives you right to Kill and Devour it? What about Retarded persons or persons Stricken with Downs Syndrome. Should we kill them off as well because THEY are evolutionarily Under us.... you contradict your self. Define human.

Yup since I am "above" the cow gives me the right to kill, however that right is limited, thus the cow I kill must be only if I need the food. And no human should be killed. The one who is sick or has a down syndrome should not be killed. Now what I define human? I define human anything that has human DNA, that is human code. Think of humans as a program, a sick human is just another variation of a program that does not do some of the function a regular program does, whereas viruses and all other programs that were originally meant for a different function then the "human" program.
Oh yea! well..... ***************** Kicking up Dirt..................
So There...... I .................dont have a comeback..... *blush*