Is Abortion a right someone should have?

J.J said:
Well because you killed another living being (the baby) with out any reason or with out the permit ion of the mother. Cause the baby is still considered a living being, and I’m not saying that the baby is not a living being, and I’m not saying that abortion is a very good thing to do, I just want to say that in our life we do things that's morally wrong but it is justified in our society, because of our own selfish reasons. For example if anyone said that killing is wrong then wtf are they eating? Nothing? Because plants are living and have life too... or why do we treat animal differently, why do we put them in a zoo for our own entertainment? but that's justified cause we are human beings we are selfish and are do things that's good for us, thus if it good for us then is justified. I believe we should have freedom and we should have the freedom to choose, thus abortion is justified if the mother chooses to do so. Two things to think about, if the choice of having an abortion is sooo wrong and bad why do most of the countries still allow it? Second question if you thing abortion is wrong then will you sacrifice your life for a new baby to be born if the population is over crowding?
Comments please

If abortion is killing then killing a pregnant woman is killing the woman and a child. If abortion is not considered a killing then killing a pregnant woman is killing a woman only and destroying property inside her. In either way all of this is killing and anyone who associates in killing is just as a sinner and as evil as anyone who has killed one, two, or more people.

Abortion is killing and yes if you somehow get to make my mom pregnant I will not kill the baby, I will beat you up severely, make you pay dearly, and so on... but the baby has the right to live and I will love that baby and when I look into the babys eyes I will not see your eyes but I will see the baby's own soul expressed in the baby's eyes.

Guys who screw girls just to have pleasure are just as sinners as the girls who become pregnant and do an abortion. Girls play just as a dangerous game as men, except their actions as seducers are not justified by this society, and I am not saying that is wrong. But, why hide behind the word "abortion"...say it right...the pregnant girl killed or better of...the pregnant girl arranged a murder of her baby for her own selfish wishes. The baby has the right to live and it is not of anyone's decision to terminate that life. Girls have the power, that most cant handle, the government should take into hands the power the women have over giving birth to a new citizen of the country.
hug-a-tree said:
I've always been pro-life, because I think abortion is wrong. I was recently arguing with my friend that abortion isn't a right that women should be entiled too. If you don't want to have children yet, then don't be screwing around.
That makes sense okay. So she says that a women who has been raped should still have the right to have a child aborted. But still that's just as wrong as before. There's still another life involed, and whether you have an abortion if it's due to rape or just carelessness it's killing a child.
She argues that when the child is inside you, it's not a real child. But that's not true! I don't understand how someone could think like that! The child is very much alive. It has a heart beat and everything. So it may not be out of your body, but it's still a living person whose rights are being ignored.
How could someone be so cruel to even think about having their child aborted?
What really get's to me is that 99% of the abortions done today are done by women who are over 27 who are making an income over over 35,000 a year. My friend says "well they don't have to have a child, if they don't want too. Why ruin her career?" uh, well why'd she get knocked up in the fisrt place? It's amazing that someone could even get pregnant in this day in age, what with all the birth control out there?
What do you think about this all?
No, I think abortion is a sin.

Instead, I believe, women should be forced to have the children they are carrying, because they lacked the self-control and self-respect to keep their legs closed, and they should be forced to raise children they do not want in a dysfunctional environment which will probably cause the child to hate itself or resort to violence and crime to gain the attention and love that is missing in their lives.

Then, when these kids grow up to kill others, we can excuse them as being the product of dysfunctional environments, absolving them from all responsibility, and then we should defend their right to have more children just like themselves.

We can then feel good about saving an unborn life, while remaining aloof and disinterested in its development or consequent maturity and well-being, thinking ourselves moral, compassionate individuals whose concern in others begins and ends during their childhood and for which we wash our hands clean from their futures.

Then morons, like you, can feel like they’ve done their humanitarian duty and later advocate capital punishment as a method of getting rid of the mistakes they protected into existence, not having the brain to think beyond their immediate moral satisfaction and pseudo-altruistic facades.

One more reason the right to abortion should be maintained is that it prevents imbeciles, like you, from ever soiling existence with their presence.
I see this forum likes needless bashing... anyway:

You claim Abortion is right because society justifies it and because most other countries still allow it... ehh... slavery? At one point in time, most of the Western world was in the slave trade... so thats morally correct? Yes it was accepted by society... so what? That justifies it right?

Im sorry, but personally i dont understand this logic... maybe its just me.
Since it is part of the woman's body until the cord is cut, it is her choice as to whether she can abort it or not. Religionists want to force women to not be allowed to do what they choose with thier fetuses, which is wrong, as it is not thier kid.
TheAlphaWolf said:
First off, Abortions are only legal in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it should be. They should not and are not legal for more formed fetus(es?).

At the time when abortion is legal, the embryo/fetus is NOT a person. It doesn't feel, think, have emotions, has self awareness, or any of the things that make us human. It IS living, but so are bananas and cockroaches. The life that "baby" has is comparable to the life of a banana.
so in short: yes abortion should be legal up to the first trimester, I agree on the 24 hour rule, I think that BOTH parents must agree to have an abortion (otherwise, if they are competent, and agree to take care of the baby themselves, they should have the baby and give it to the parent who wants it... the other one should not have any responsability for the baby though).

Who told you they are not legal after first trimester?
You can abort a baby any where up to the day its due! They just flex the rules accordingly. My sis in law aborted a baby at 5 months, I was mortified and deeply upset by the whole matter, she however went shopping in Oxford Street with her mother the very next day. Not that it is relevant but they flew to the Uk from Dubai for this 'treatment' as it's illegal but back street there.
Hapsburg said:
Since it is part of the woman's body until the cord is cut, it is her choice as to whether she can abort it or not. Religionists want to force women to not be allowed to do what they choose with thier fetuses, which is wrong, as it is not thier kid.

So if the woman gives birth to the baby do you apply the same rule? She can rip its legs off, batter its skull, suck out its brains, as its her baby? This is what they do in the womb and at the end of the day, the baby feels pain in there just as easily as does out here, the inside of womens bodies aren't in the other dimension just because we can't see them! They abort up until birth, they just change the rules to suit.
Hey Dragon
your earlier post
"Abortion is killing and yes if you somehow get to make my mom pregnant I will not kill the baby, I will beat you up severely, make you pay dearly, and so on... but the baby has the right to live and I will love that baby and when I look into the babys eyes I will not see your eyes but I will see the baby's own soul expressed in the baby's eyes."
OK first of all is your mom hot! Cause she's a bit old so i don't know if she's good enough:p (Jking)
First of all, if you really into sins and all that idea then, haveyou realized that by beating me up are you commiting a crime? I thought you should turn to the other cheek and forgive? Where's the anger come from? I just want to prove that don't try to as you virtous when you are not! And another question you didn;t answer me! in situations like over crowded population then will you kill youself in order to let that baby live? See i guess you would say some thing like yes but you are actually just saying it because i tested you earlier and realized that you are just a normal human being when come to emotions, you cannot pass that block where you diss me back really shows some thing will piss you off so will you act so nice when i killed the baby you let your mother had with me? are you gonna kill me?
First of all do you want a children to be born and surffer or abortion where he or she don't have to suffer for the rest of their life. and i'm not saying that we should all fuck eacherother and have abortion , i agree that people should take responsibilities when they decided to fuck unsafely, but i mean if you believe abortion is that wrong and should not be existing then i guess many girls will get rape and suffer don't they?
J.J said:
......OK first of all is your mom hot! Cause she's a bit old so i don't know if she's good enough:p (Jking)....

My mom is hot even thou she is like 43. She jogs every day with my father, they eat salmon almost every day, no chips or soda, almost no meat, and lotsa vegetables, (only thing thou is they like corn oil and mayonaise...dammmit...that cholesterol)

J.J said: situations like over crowded population then will you kill youself in order to let that baby live?...

no I will not.

In such situation I will not take my life because it is a crime against myself. I care for myself and I care for others. My life's principle is never to be in such situation were I have to decide if I live or someone who I care for lives, that is the point of this life is to avoid such situations by making life as better as I can.

J.J said:
...See i guess you would say some thing like yes but you are actually just saying it because i tested you earlier and realized that you are just a normal human being when come to emotions

Well my answer is no. (my answer would be yes, if I was very old and knew I would die soon)

J.J said:
...First of all do you want a children to be born and surffer or abortion where he or she don't have to suffer for the rest of their life.

Well in my world suffering is better then death, for suffering harbers hope. I suffered while in Russia, I was without my mom (she left for America) and I worked till dawn on a field picking out colorado bugs (potato bugs) and growing potatoes while simultaneously studying for math and russian language, guess what... the suffering paid of, now I am with my mom, I am in America, and I am in one of the best universities. Most people say that they rather die then be slaves and such, or they rather die then do something they dislike...well with me...I rather suffer then die.

J.J said:
...and i'm not saying that we should all fuck eacherother and have abortion

That made me laugh big time.

J.J said:
...abortion is that wrong and should not be existing then i guess many girls will get rape and suffer don't they?

That's the whole point I am trying to get across here. When a girl gets raped and becomes pregnant she moraly has no right to decide if the baby should live or not. The baby is a new entity. This is the situation one of its kind. What a girl can do is avoid getting raped and not wear real short pants or enlarge certain parts of her body, basically a girl can stay normal and try attract only men she wants to attract. If a girl gets raped she is forced to take responsibility that she has no right to ditch. An anology is a nuclear missile launch, the person who is to push the button for nuclear launch by direct orders, has no right to decide if it is ok or not ok to push the button, that person must comply without questioning.
Hapsburg said:
So? There are too many people anyway. It's not like we need more until we expand into outer space and terraform planets, make colonies, etc.

You wouldn't be saying that if you were the one that was going to die.
PHPlatonica said:
I'm Just going to Throw this out here, Not that it's an Opinion But more it's a thought.
The Catholic church's are HIGHLY against not only abortion, but also Birthcontrol.

Yes, that's true. They are HIGHLY against it. I was wondering what's so bad about birth control so I looked it up. Apparently, if you’re Catholic, you should wait until you’re married to have sex. Also if you are having sex it is just too make life, and having a condom on is preventing life. So when you have sex for the heck of it it's a once you can't have children anymore you’re not supposed to have sex. I don't get it all that much. I don't know where it says that in the Bible. I do go to mass but I don't know all the..well.."rules" I guess.
I wonder then, how do you all feel about organ Donations?

And uh.... Last time I checked, We ALL Die... The question at hand is should some one else determan whether we Die sooner rather then later
hug-a-tree said:
Yes, that's true. They are HIGHLY against it. I was wondering what's so bad about birth control so I looked it up. Apparently, if you’re Catholic, you should wait until you’re married to have sex. Also if you are having sex it is just too make life, and having a condom on is preventing life. So when you have sex for the heck of it it's a once you can't have children anymore you’re not supposed to have sex. I don't get it all that much. I don't know where it says that in the Bible. I do go to mass but I don't know all the..well.."rules" I guess.

REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALY.... Then Explain "Wet Dream Ejaculations" And Female Menstration.. There were potential Lives in THOSE eggs that Got waisted.
PHPlatonica said:
I wonder then, how do you all feel about organ Donations?

And uh.... Last time I checked, We ALL Die... The question at hand is should some one else determan whether we Die sooner rather then later

stem cells are the future...we can use stem cells to grow specific organs and impant them into humans...the cells will not be rejected because the organs were made out of the body's own cells. Now as soon as Bush steps of his pedistal...stem cell research should be given the priority it deserves...
draqon said:
stem cells are the future...we can use stem cells to grow specific organs and impant them into humans...the cells will not be rejected because the organs were made out of the body's own cells. Now as soon as Bush steps of his pedistal...stem cell research should be given the priority it deserves...
I agree
Science is a Fun Game, and we can learn much through science.
There was Something that Science has decided to put forth as a "Lable" and generic explanation of the Prossess of lifes begining.
1 a archaic : a vertebrate at any stage of development prior to birth or hatching b : an animal in the early stages of growth and differentiation that are characterized by cleavage, the laying down of fundamental tissues, and the formation of primitive organs and organ systems; especially : the developing human individual from the time of implantation to the end of the eighth week after conception
2 : the young sporophyte of a seed plant usually comprising a rudimentary plant with plumule, radicle, and cotyledons
3 a : something as yet undeveloped b : a beginning or undeveloped state of something

The Brain and Stem Cells dont actualy Develope until The human brainstem is fashioned around the 7th week of gestation and matures in a caudal to rostral arc thereby forming the medulla, pons, and midbrain. The medulla mediates arousal, breathing, heart rate, and gross movement of the body and head, and medullary functions appear prior to those of the pons which precede those of the midbrain.
How this is done: In the case of the developing embryo, the notochord seems to have a highly specific "organizing influence" on the primitive ectoderm layer just above it. Through the release of special chemicals, the overlying ectoderm is induced to divide more rapidly, forming a thickened mass called the neural plate. A crease or fold soon appears in this plate. The crease rapidly deepens and becomes known as the neural groove. The entire embryo is lengthening as this happens. The neural groove continues to deepen until its sides, the neural folds, arch over and fuse with each other forming a short segment of completely enclosed tube. This newly formed "neural tube" will become the nervous system. The actual fusion of the walls to form the tube occurs first in the center of the embryo about midway between front and rear poles of the still rapidly lengthening little organism. However, you can probably visualize how the newly formed section of neural tube rapidly begins to roof over in both a frontward (anterior or rostral) and a backward (posterior or caudal) direction. It is as if there were two zippers in the newly formed roof of the developing neural tube. As these zippers are pulled simultaneously away from each other toward the two ends of the embryo, the neural folds come together and the neural tube lengthens progressively in both directions. Finally the neural tube is almost completely enclosed in both directions, leaving only a small unroofed portion or opening at each end. These residual openings are called neuropores and under normal developmental conditions will soon be closed, thereby forming a complete neural tube. During this process a front-back polarity has been established in the still-lengthening embryo. Accordingly, the small unroofed area of the neural tube at the front end is called the anterior neuropore; the one at the rear end, the posterior neuropore.

The Play of the central nervouse system and Brain:
Nociceptors and Pain
Scientists studying the nervous system have discovered small nerve endings in the skin and other tissues that respond only to strong stimuli, such as a pinch. When these nociceptors are activated, they transmit signals to the brain that can lead to pain. This discovery led to an understanding of how pain occurs and how nociceptors can be altered after injury, resulting in improved methods of pain relief.

So, BEFORE the 7th Week, The "fetus" Will SCIENTIFICLY Feel No Pain.