Is Abortion a right someone should have?

QuarkMoon said:
Because it's not just her child. Until women are able to have children asexually, the man who helped create that baby has just as much say in the future of that fetus as she does.
only if he is financialy and emotionaly capable of dealing with it
if the woman doesn't want the child then he is soley resposible for it

but on the other hand why force her to do something she does not want to do
don't let this baby, group of cells or whatever interfer with what is right
leopold99 said:
only if he is financialy and emotionaly capable of dealing with it
if the woman doesn't want the child then he is soley resposible for it

but on the other hand why force her to do something she does not want to do
don't let this baby, group of cells or whatever interfer with what is right

That same requirement can be turned onto the women as well. Are you trying to say that women never abandon their children? It happens, lots of times, but it is irrelevent. If the man is there and not a dead-beat dad, than he has as much say as she does. If he wants the child but she doesn't, than he can take care of the child or the child can be put up for adoption.

Because it's not just her child. Until women are able to have children asexually, the man who helped create that baby has just as much say in the future of that fetus as she does.

So, where the father agrees to the abortion, it would be permissible, in your view? That would cover a reasonable portion of cases.

What about where the father is no longer around? (The relationship is over, or there never was a relationship in the first place.)

And why not? If a child is so unwanted that the women will resort to abortion, why not use both so accidental pregnency is an even smaller possibility?

You don't seem to get it. Very few woman take the deliberate attitude "I'm going to have sex. I don't want to get pregnant, but I won't use any contraception. If I get pregnant, I can always have an abortion."

If abortion was a simple process, a few more women might take that view (though I doubt it). As it is, abortion is a very difficult process in many ways. In many cases, it is not even readily accessible as an option.

Do you really believe that women who have unwanted pregnancies get pregnant deliberately, or recklessly? You're obviously a male who has not talked to many (or any?) women about this.

Does that responsibility not fall on the consensual partners? Are they not accountable in the slightest?

Often, in practice, they are not held accountable. I agree with you entirely that that is a bad thing.

And this is somehow worse than terminating and not giving the fetus a chance at life? How do you figure? I would think a chance at a fulfilling life is better than termination.

Again, you ignore the fact that there are competing interests at work. You concentrate on the interests of the potential child to the exclusion of everything else.

Adoption. Adoption. Adoption.

Unplanned pregnancies are encumbering, as I said. A pregnancy can stop a girl from going to school or university. It can stop a woman from working.

And did you ignore the emotional issues I raised above? Putting a child up for adoption after undergoing an entire pregnancy can be extremely difficult for woman. They can have lasting feelings of regret and loss as a result.

Bottom line once again: For some women, adoption is the right decision; for others, it isn't. Each woman facing an unplanned pregnancy is the best judge of her own situation, and should have the right to decide for herself.
QuarkMoon said:


you forget 1 thing. teenage sex
what if the female doesn't want to give birth?
what if she doesn't even want to get pregnant but does?
adoption sounds so good, but i have heard some truly ugly things about it
no, a woman has a god given right to have an abortion, no if's and's or but's

you would have a different outlook if at 35 you had to have your dick cut off.
angrybellsprout said:
pretend that rape justifies dumb sluts having abortions.
Right. Make the woman not only have to deal with the rape itself, but 9 months of a situation she never wanted to be in in the first place that will completely fuck her current life up. And while you’re at it call her a "dumb slut" for going and getting herself raped as well.
Murdering our children, the most defenseless humans, is far worse than murdering an adult...
I fail to see how ‘murdering’ a foetus that is merely a few weeks old is far worse than murdering a grown human being. A foetus has no idea it even exists, whereas an adult has experienced the world, emotions, senses, identity and awareness. They know what they have to lose. A foetus doesn’t even know it is a foetus.
QuarkMoon said:
Because it's not just her child. Until women are able to have children asexually, the man who helped create that baby has just as much say in the future of that fetus as she does.
Fine. If the woman does not want the child but is willing to go through the 9 months of pregnancy then let the father have the child. Problem is, a lot of men (and I know of many) who refuse to let their partners have an abortion because it's 'their child too’ end up leaving both the woman and the child, which they so desperately said they wanted, not long after the birth.
Something else which hasn't been mentioned yet.

Abortions will happen, regardless of whether they are legal or not. If women cannot access legal abortions, some will resort to dangerous, illegal procedures. This is historical fact.

Far greater net harm results when abortion is illegal than when it is legal.
QuarkMoon said:
That same requirement can be turned onto the women as well. Are you trying to say that women never abandon their children? It happens, lots of times, but it is irrelevent. If the man is there and not a dead-beat dad, than he has as much say as she does. If he wants the child but she doesn't, than he can take care of the child or the child can be put up for adoption.
try watching a video of childbirth and see if your opinion doesn't change

if childbirth alternated between men and women i gaurentee you there would never be more than three children per couple
James R said:
Again, you ignore the fact that there are competing interests at work. You concentrate on the interests of the potential child to the exclusion of everything else.
thats probably where a lot of people get hung up
they are so concerned about (insert phrase) that they are blinded to everything else
James R said:
Something else which hasn't been mentioned yet.

Abortions will happen, regardless of whether they are legal or not. If women cannot access legal abortions, some will resort to dangerous, illegal procedures. This is historical fact.

Far greater net harm results when abortion is illegal than when it is legal.
the nasty coat hanger revisited
James R said:
Abortions will happen, regardless of whether they are legal or not. If women cannot access legal abortions, some will resort to dangerous, illegal procedures.
Too true.
And some will try and do it themselves. My friend became pregnant at 14, but her parents refused to take her to the clinic to have the abortion she wanted, so she ended up trying to do it herself with a piece of wire. It wasn’t pretty. She fucked herself up completely, when she could have just had the abortion safely and cleanly.
There would be considerably more cases like that, and more people dying than just foetus’ if it were illegal.
Nysse said:
I fail to see how ‘murdering’ a foetus that is merely a few weeks old is far worse than murdering a grown human being.
you can't "murder" a fetus.
like james said abortions are going to happen
in back alleys with coat hangers
or in sanitary hospitals

it should also be stressed that abortion is not a cure for pregnancy
leopold99 said:
try watching a video of childbirth and see if your opinion doesn't change

if childbirth alternated between men and women i gaurentee you there would never be more than three children per couple

I don't see how this is a valid argument for why only women should have a say. No one knows why nature decreed that women will be the only one's who can have children, but that doesn't exclude the father from responsibility, compassion and love for the child or fetus, remorse and sadness after an abortion.

Nysse said:
Fine. If the woman does not want the child but is willing to go through the 9 months of pregnancy then let the father have the child. Problem is, a lot of men (and I know of many) who refuse to let their partners have an abortion because it's 'their child too’ end up leaving both the woman and the child, which they so desperately said they wanted, not long after the birth.

I agree with the first part. As for the "what if" scenario, adoption can remedy that. You folks might be getting annoyed by my insistence on adoption, but I am only matching your insistence on abortion. In my opinion, adoption > abortion, except in situations such as rape or incest. That is where your argument of making a women have an unwanted child is valid. To have to give birth to a child that was a result of rape or incest would be immoral.

James R said:
You don't seem to get it. Very few woman take the deliberate attitude "I'm going to have sex. I don't want to get pregnant, but I won't use any contraception. If I get pregnant, I can always have an abortion."

And that does not answer my question in the slightest. If a pregnency is so unwanted, why wouldn't the consensual partners use both condoms and birth control pills? Too lazy?

And did you ignore the emotional issues I raised above? Putting a child up for adoption after undergoing an entire pregnancy can be extremely difficult for woman. They can have lasting feelings of regret and loss as a result.

Can't that same exact argument be used against abortion as well? Are you saying women who have abortions don't feel regret and loss as a result? If that argument can be used against adoption, can it not than be used against abortion? Adoption has all the emotional consequences of abortion, niether choice is free of emotional harm. The consequence of unprotected sex. However, to try and make the argument that adoption is somehow more emotionally damaging and more immoral than termination is futile because it's just not true!

Something else which hasn't been mentioned yet.

Abortions will happen, regardless of whether they are legal or not. If women cannot access legal abortions, some will resort to dangerous, illegal procedures. This is historical fact.

Far greater net harm results when abortion is illegal than when it is legal.

In my opinion, that is really the only valid argument for abortion. What you say is 100% true, but this alone does not justify termination of a fetus that is not a result of rape or incest.

leopold99 said:
but on the other hand why force her to do something she does not want to do
don't let this baby, group of cells or whatever interfer with what is right

Call it what it is, a fetus. By law it is only a child after it has taken at least a single breath outside of the womb.
QuarkMoon said:
I don't see how this is a valid argument for why only women should have a say. No one knows why nature decreed that women will be the only one's who can have children, but that doesn't exclude the father from responsibility, compassion and love for the child or fetus, remorse and sadness after an abortion.
try shitting a watermelon then have someone tell you that you WILL shit another wether you want to or not

as for the second part, men are not nurturers by nature
and don't even begin to say what a woman feels about abortion unless you are one
QuarkMoon said:
Call it what it is, a fetus. By law it is only a child after it has taken at least a single breath outside of the womb.
what it is? untill that unbilical cord is cut it is like any other part of a womans body
you wouldn't deny a woman to have cancer excised would you?
and yes it is the same thing, why, because evolution is a fact thats why
how do you know that cancer would not devlop a brain?
of course it's far fetched but it serves the arguement
leopold99 said:
try shitting a watermelon then have someone tell you that you WILL shit another wether you want to or not

as for the second part, men are not nurturers by nature
and don't even begin to say what a woman feels about abortion unless you are one

You are repeating the same argument that I, as well as numerous others, have already responded to. This is the last time I'll respond to it. Whether men are nurturers by nature or not (I don't see how that is relevent), they still feel regret, sadness, loss, and remorse for an abortion. Just because a man doesn't give birth to the child, he still helped create it so therefore he is emotionally attached.
leopold99 said:
what it is? untill that unbilical cord is cut it is like any other part of a womans body
you wouldn't deny a woman to have cancer excised would you?
and yes it is the same thing, why, because evolution is a fact thats why
how do you know that cancer would not devlop a brain?
of course it's far fetched but it serves the arguement

I have no idea what you are talking about. Perhaps some sleep is in order, goodnight!
James R said:
A large proportion of unwanted pregnancies are teen pregnancies. Is it ok to irrevocably change the life of, say, a 15 year old girl, because of a silly mistake?

One question I have - has the likelihood of a 'mistake' changed at all since the legalisation of abortion?
leopold99 said:
like i told angry, a man is totally resposible for a womans pregnancy thats why

This may come as a surprise to you but women like sex too. A women could take a birth control pill just as easy as a man can put on a glove.