Irish dog fighting.


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member it still thought of as a cultural thing? Or maybe its just a guy thing.

DUBLIN, Ireland - A star of Ireland’s Gaelic soccer league was exposed Thursday as a director of an illegal dogfighting club, an underground gambling activity that has wrecked the reputation and career of Atlanta Falcons football player Michael Vick.

The 17-month undercover investigation by BBC Northern Ireland’s “Spotlight” program, being broadcast Thursday night, found evidence of 15 illegal dogfighting operations in the British territory of 1.7 million.

The program secretly filmed Gerard Cavlan, a 31-year-old member of the County Tyrone soccer team, discussing his ownership of more than a dozen dogs — and bragging about how one “hard-mouthed dog” gripped another in its jaws.... it still thought of as a cultural thing? Or maybe its just a guy thing.

Hmm, either way or both ways, that would be making a very, very bold generalization, wouldn't it?


Michael Vick likes dogfighting. Michael Vick was a black man ...therefore all black men like dogfighting.

Michael Vick likes dogfighting. Michael Vick is an American ...therefore all Americans like dogfighting.

Gerard Cavlan and Michael Vick are males. Cavlan and Vick like dogfighting ...therefore all males like dogfighting.

Cavlan is Irish and likes dogfighting. Therefore, all Irishmen like dogfighting.


Baron Max
I don't know about culture/guy thing, the only lable I'd put on it is barbaric, cruel and stupid. Same thing goes for rooster and bullfights.

How 'bout ant fighting? I have some friends who enjoy putting black ants in with red ants and watch 'em go at it. Is that barbaric, cruel and stupid, too?

Or is it okay to kill the ants with poisons, but cruel and barbaric to be killed in a fight with another ant?

Baron Max
How 'bout ant fighting? I have some friends who enjoy putting black ants in with red ants and watch 'em go at it. Is that barbaric, cruel and stupid, too?

Or is it okay to kill the ants with poisons, but cruel and barbaric to be killed in a fight with another ant?

Baron Max

LOL!! I'm not even going to touch that. :D
I'm glad he wrecked his career and rep.

How 'bout ant fighting? I have some friends who enjoy putting black ants in with red ants and watch 'em go at it. Is that barbaric, cruel and stupid, too?

Or is it okay to kill the ants with poisons, but cruel and barbaric to be killed in a fight with another ant?
Both are cruel and barbaric.
How 'bout ant fighting? I have some friends who enjoy putting black ants in with red ants and watch 'em go at it. Is that barbaric, cruel and stupid, too?

Or is it okay to kill the ants with poisons, but cruel and barbaric to be killed in a fight with another ant?

Baron Max

Why can't they just put themselves inside of a ring and kick the shit out of each other instead. I'm sure many would be happy to watch them go at each other. ;)
How 'bout ant fighting? I have some friends who enjoy putting black ants in with red ants and watch 'em go at it. Is that barbaric, cruel and stupid, too? Or is it okay to kill the ants with poisons, but cruel and barbaric to be killed in a fight with another ant?
  • Dogs were the first domestic animal, we've been living with them a good 5,000 years longer than any other species.
  • They domesticated themselves voluntarily. They wanted to live with us.
  • We did not invite them to live among us so we could eat them. We didn't even harness them for musclepower.
We have a special relationship with dogs and therefore far more people are outraged over cruelty to a dog than cruelty to a cow, a rat, a cockroach or an ant.

I don't like cockfighting but it doesn't turn my stomach or make me weep the way dogfighting does.
We did not invite them to live among us so we could eat them. We didn't even harness them for musclepower.
We have a special relationship with dogs and therefore far more people are outraged over cruelty to a dog than cruelty to a cow, a rat, a cockroach or an ant.

I think you're somewhat mistaken, Fraggle. It was quite normal for the Native American tribes to eat their dogs ....even if they were "domesticated" and often used as beasts of burden.

There are many people in the world who eat dog meat regularly.

So, Fraggle, ....who's this "we" of which you speak???

Like many people, you've read a few people's speculations, then assumed that it was true. Histories and archeaologist don't always get it right, ya' know?

I don't like cockfighting but it doesn't turn my stomach or make me weep the way dogfighting does.

Well, why can't you accept that people who like dog fighting are just a bit different to you? Not all people like or dislike everything that you do.

Baron Max
I think you're somewhat mistaken, Fraggle. It was quite normal for the Native American tribes to eat their dogs ....even if they were "domesticated" and often used as beasts of burden.

There are many people in the world who eat dog meat regularly....

I'd eat dog, but it would have to be raised to be eaten. I'd have to be starving to eat a pet.
The calves we bottle fed we got attached to and sold when they got older. (I miss you Buttons and Whiskey :bawl:) The others that stayed with their Mom's we had butchered. Its hard to kill what you love, even harder to eat it.
Its just another example of human arrogance to force animals to fight each other, its barbaric. How would you like it if you were forced to fight some other person ? I'm sure there would outrage if the gladiators were introduced again.. so why do it to animals ?
I'd eat dog, but it would have to be raised to be eaten. I'd have to be starving to eat a pet.
The calves we bottle fed we got attached to and sold when they got older. (I miss you Buttons and Whiskey :bawl:) The others that stayed with their Mom's we had butchered. Its hard to kill what you love, even harder to eat it.

You might appreciate this little story, Orleander. :)

A visitor to a farm noticed a pig had a wooden leg, so he asked the farmer why.

The farmer replied, "Well, that pig is rather special. He once saved us and our house because whe a fire started he woke us up in time to get out and call the fire department."

"That's interesting, but what does it have to do with his wooden leg?"

"Another time, when my tractor turned over on me in a distant field and fuel was leaking on the hot engine, he ran and got my wife. That's the second time he saved my life."

"Yes, that's interesting too, but I still don't understand why he has a wooden leg."

"Well," said the farmer, taking a slow breath, "when you love something that much, you only want to eat it a little at a time." :D
I think you're somewhat mistaken, Fraggle. It was quite normal for the Native American tribes to eat their dogs ....even if they were "domesticated" and often used as beasts of burden.
And that makes eating dog acceptable because....?

There are many people in the world who eat dog meat regularly.
All those people can die in a fire for all I'm concerned. IMO, eating dog is not much different than eating a person. If they can't find any better animals to eat than a fuckin dog (i.e. chickens, fowl, rabbits, etc.), then they have bigger problems.
Even if dog tasted better than pussy, I still wouldn't eat one.

So, Fraggle, ....who's this "we" of which you speak???
That 'we' he speaks of are all the people that consider pets as family members (not as humans, but family members). They are the breeders, the dog trainers, the dog handlers, the sled dog racers, the ASPCA(and all its members), the Humane Society (and all it's members). Do I need to go on?

Like many people, you've read at least tens of millions of people's speculations, then assumed that it was true. Histories and archeaologist don't always get it right, ya' know?
Fixed it for you.

Well, why can't you accept that people who like dog fighting are just a bit different to you? Not all people like or dislike everything that you do.
First, please tell me, for the love of all that is good, that, by your statement above, that you do not advocate dog fighting. Because w/o further clarification, that's what it sounds like.
Secondly, not only are people who like dog fighting different from me (as I consider my dogs family members), they are worthless degenerate pieces of shit. They are the dingleberries of society, and need to be wiped clean.
I would have no problem calling the cops on even immediate family members if they were dog fighting.
And that makes eating dog acceptable because....?

For exactly the same reason as eating cows or pigs is acceptable.

All those people can die in a fire for all I'm concerned.

Well, that certainly says a lot for your tolerance of others, don't it?

Even if dog tasted better than pussy, I still wouldn't eat one.

And yet you condemn others who do? Your tolerance of other cultures is something to behold.

First, please tell me, for the love of all that is good, that, by your statement above, that you do not advocate dog fighting. Because w/o further clarification, that's what it sounds like.

That has virtually no bearing on the discussion. Or are you one of those people who thinks that one can't argue a position without holding that same belief?

Secondly, not only are people who like dog fighting different from me (as I consider my dogs family members), they are worthless degenerate pieces of shit. They are the dingleberries of society, and need to be wiped clean.

Hmm, you are the epitome of tolerance and understanding of other cultures and other people's likes and dislikes. Congratulations.

Baron Max
He's Male and he's Irish. Therefore yes..a bit behind the times.

It wasn't so long ago that that the Americans were paying for Terrorism via Noraid..of courxce we don;t here from that now. 9/11 put a swift end to that debacle.

Purely coincidentally the IRA started making peace moves shortly afterwards....nuthin to do with no money then.

LOL...what a topsy turvy world we live in.
Cases in which cruelty to animals is due to a deliberate wish to be cruel (as opposed to neglect), are known as zoosadism, and have been repeatedly linked via research with abuse and cruelty to people (including the more sensationalist examples of torture and killing).

Psychological studies have shown that individuals who take pleasure in inflicting harm on animals are more likely to do so to humans. One of the known warning signs of certain psycho-pathologies, including anti-social personality disorder, also known as psychopathic personality disorder, is a history of torturing pets and small animals, a behavior known as zoosadism.
LOL...what a topsy turvy world we live in.

It's always been that, modern high-speed communication and news is the only thing that's changed.

Can you imagine what it would have been like in, say, the 17th century if, after months, even years, a news article arrived in some distant land that there was dogfighting in Ireland? I mean, who would have even cared after all that time had passed?

And interestingly, in just a few days, if the news doesn't keep plugging the interest in dogfighting, it will all be forgotten ....and new happenings will take it's place in the news. Look back over the topics in the news, say, a year ago ....did it make any difference? Does it make any difference now?

Mostly we're all news whores, and we express our opinions and outrage, etc by whatever the news media tells us to! News whores.

Baron Max