Invitation to all Christians...

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I haven't shown any hatred, Christian or otherwise, Peta9. I am simply trying to show you the difference between saying "I believe something to be", and "something is". I don't know how much simpler I can make it.

You haven't said you don't believe in the existence of God. You have said there is no God. I say you are wrong. If the non-existence of God is so evident that you can state it without equvication you should have no trouble proving that God does not exist.

I await your proof.
How do you know the universe began with a Big Bang that had no cause other than itself, in other words that simply happened and created everything out of nothing?

There are things I cannot prove that I yet believe. I cannot prove my wife loves me yet I believe it with all my heart.

I believe in the existence of God because I find that existence more believable than the alternative that everything that happens and has happened is simply the result of chance.

I don't but I can't call it a fact.
I haven't shown any hatred, Christian or otherwise, Peta9. I am simply trying to show you the difference between saying "I believe something to be", and "something is". I don't know how much simpler I can make it.

You haven't said you don't believe in the existence of God. You have said there is no God. I say you are wrong. If the non-existence of God is so evident that you can state it without equvication you should have no trouble proving that God does not exist.

I await your proof.

Bull, I never said there is no creator or creators. I don't know that. I just don't believe that religion is necessarily on the mark either when it's manmade. No one knows if there was a creator, no creator or if there were many creators. Or even creators have anything to do with this universe. Possibly this universe is just an accident.

It is still pure speculation or a belief at this juncture, not a fact.
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Peta9 said:
How is it nasty to say someone considers your god made up? because in fact it is.

Peta9 said:
if you are willing to admit the christian god is make up then you can worship a made up god.

Peta9 said:
we are talking specifically of the christian god and that is definitely made up.

Okay, you have said there is no Christian God. You haven't said you don't believe in a Christian God or that you question the existence of a Christian God. You have stated unequivically that there is no Christian God. Since you do not know if a Christian God does or does not exist you cannot be intellectually honest when you make those statements. They are your opinion not proven fact.
Okay, you have said there is no Christian God. You haven't said you don't believe in a Christian God or that you question the existence of a Christian God. You have stated unequivically that there is no Christian God. Since you do not know if a Christian God does or does not exist you cannot be intellectually honest when you make those statements. They are your opinion not proven fact.

I can prove the christian god is made up because it is a direct copy of earlier pagan gods and they were made up. It's a concept.

A belief is not a fact. A belief could in fact be true but it is still a belief until it is proven.

That's why even your religious text states you must go on "faith." Geez...

I know all about the parallels between Christianity and other religions. I spent four years studying religion as a formal course of study. I can discuss Astarte, Moloch, the Greek gods, their Roman counterparts, the semi-divinity of Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Since religion is an attempt to give mankind a set of moral precepts by which to live I would fully expect there to be parallels. The fact that there are in no way lessens my belief in the Christian God.

On that note I am signing off until tomorrow and going to bed.

I know all about the parallels between Christianity and other religions. I spent four years studying religion as a formal course of study. I can discuss Astarte, Moloch, the Greek gods, their Roman counterparts, the semi-divinity of Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Since religion is an attempt to give mankind a set of moral precepts by which to live I would fully expect there to be parallels. The fact that there are in no way lessens my belief in the Christian God.

You can believe to your heart's content. I believe in other things tentatively that i can't prove either. But i know I can't call it a fact or true and insist it is. I may think it is because it's pure speculation on my part but that's it.
Furthermore, I understand this whole crap was started by Medicine Woman's comment about worshipping a false god etc etc... but please... I created this thread in order for Christians to share thier beliefs in helping me further understand Christianity. Please take your "who's right and wrong" debate crap elsewhere. I made it clear in the first post my guidelines for this thread, and though they are not mandatory, I do expect people to have the descency and respect to follow them. Thanks again.
If one likes, even the Trinity is flawed theologically under the right light. It should be really the 9 in one, since God is written to have seven spirits.
You must be joking. Prove they are made up??? Prove they aren't.

Four eyewitness testimonies from the same period. That's enough to convict for murder these days.

And yeah, there is a certain faith to it. A personal feeling. If you don't have it, that's your affair. MZ was asking for statements on belief.
Four eyewitness testimonies from the same period. That's enough to convict for murder these days.

And yeah, there is a certain faith to it. A personal feeling. If you don't have it, that's your affair. MZ was asking for statements on belief.

That is your belief. As for your limited understanding, a personal feeling is different for everybody. I just don't have 'personal' feelings or resonate with your flavor of faith. Doesn't mean others don't have spirituality or personal feelings. What an insanely ignorant but quite typical thing for a christian to say and believe. LOL.
That is your belief. As for your limited understanding, a personal feeling is different for everybody. I just don't have 'personal' feelings or resonate with your flavor of faith. Doesn't mean others don't have spirituality or personal feelings. What an insanely ignorant but quite typical thing for a christian to say and believe. LOL.

And what a nasty and typical thing for an atheist to say.

The thread was started so that people could explain their reasons for being Christian not so some nasty little person could keep hopping in to insult the beliefs of others. If you wish to insult Christians why not start a thread of your own rather than trying to hijack this one?
And what a nasty and typical thing for an atheist to say.

The thread was started so that people could explain their reasons for being Christian not so some nasty little person could keep hopping in to insult the beliefs of others. If you wish to insult Christians why not start a thread of your own rather than trying to hijack this one?

Intellectually just as dishonest. Everything I said was true. He implied others do not have spirituality if they are not 'christian'. That was ridiculous and 'nasty', touche. If he didn't want to be corrected, he should not have said it. Simple as that.

There was nothing nasty about my comment, which speaks of your own hidden nastiness.
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He implied no such thing. You are looking for an argument so you see slights where none exist.

He said being a Christian depended in part on faith. He did not say others could not also have faith.

All you have done since you first began posting in this thread is post nasty little, anti-Christian comments.
He implied no such thing. You are looking for an argument so you see slights where none exist.

He said being a Christian depended in part on faith. He did not say others could not also have faith.

All you have done since you first began posting in this thread is post nasty little, anti-Christian comments.

I posted facts. And he most certainly implied it.

Maybe because i have too much experience with the nastiness of christians.

Alright, i'm done.

It's not my thread.
You posted what you feel are facts. You perceived that he implied it because that is what you wanted to perceive.

If you are truely finished posting in this thread that would be great since you obviously have no idea of the purpose of the thread and are posting only to be nasty.
You posted what you feel are facts. You perceived that he implied it because that is what you wanted to perceive.

If you are truely finished posting in this thread that would be great since you obviously have no idea of the purpose of the thread and are posting only to be nasty.

it's interesting you say the last few posts were nasty but not his reply to me in the slightest. Which it was clear what he was implying.

You easily turn a blind eye to your own. No more credibility or trustworthiness. It speaks for itself.
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