Invitation to all Christians...

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I believe in one God not multiple Gods. I believe that Jews and Muslims worship one part of the total Godhead, God the Father. As a Christian I worship God in his triune form.
Also... heres the #1 slammer of a question... Why do YOU believe in Christianity? BUT please do not refer to or quote the Bible when answering.

Can't believe I'm writing this, but here goes:

Why do I believe? Hmm. That's a tough one.

Recently, I've been going through some soul-searching. I really wondered about posting this; but in the end, I just thought I should. Guess that's all. I just thought I ought to. So...

...I was never raised with religion. Not of any kind. In fact, while not being explicitly commanded not to attend any church, it was usually hinted at quite strongly that this would be considered a serious breach of offspring ethics in my family, and so I let it slide by during the formative years, since discretion is the better part of valour. Church was for funerals only; my father (an avowed communist) sometimes refused even that, and almost dodged my wedding. When I attended university, I did pursue religion for a while - to the fury of the old man. "Look, it's the Papist," was one such comment. The hard facts of life suggested to me thereafter, or I suggested to myself, that I didn't believe in anything. I told myself there was no God - even until recently I did so. Things change. It's a bit personal to get into the specifics, so let's just say I had a change of heart after a long period of consideration.

I still have to use reason to permit myself to accept anything, though; my faith...needs, if that's not too blasphemous...reasonability. Plausibility. Could there be a God? Well, I guess there could. I can't disprove God, or prove him; yet, again, I need some sort of 'evidence' to justify my faith in this being. I sort of feel that the Gospels represent "eyewitness accounts" of the events of the period - I mean, they're not terribly bad, they seem to pretty much cross-support, and to be honest we assume quite a fair bit about a lot of really ancient history from single, first- or second-hand accounts, so, well why not? What can I say? Faith, I guess.

But I still felt when I was younger (say, eight or ten) was that there was, in fact, a God. It was just a sort of emotional thing, which still strikes part of me as ridiculous. "Spiritual", I guess you could call it. (The term makes me cringe.)

I can't say where I picked it up. No one in my immediate family would have dared discuss it with me or anyone else and none of my friends talked about it, as far as I can recall. So, no idea where it came from. In point of fact, I was so completely ignorant of the Bible and it's manifold doings that when my school experimented with religious instruction in grade three and my teacher had got through the tale of Samson, I promptly stuck my hand in the air and asked "Well, what about Hercules, then? Isn't he in there?" Religious education was discontinued shortly after; given the response of my teacher and classmates, it may have been out of a sense of sheer dismay.

I digress. So I don't know where this feeling or what have you came from. It might just be that's it's difficult to explain the individual origin of a meme...yet I have faith, it would seem, that it is not so. I hope that helps somewhat; strangely, I actually feel glad to share this, which is odd.

Also, I like the "Triune" idea very much. It's really not so difficult as people make out, and it has an intellectual appeal, frankly. It's fascinating and complex but sensible. I like the idea of a God that gives me something to think about. I really like the idea; the search for its intricacy. It's odd...I kind of get a wierd happy feeling thinking about it.

So there we have it. I shared. Bit of a surprise, maybe, maybe not. Maybe I knew I was coming back here. I honestly wish I could say. I'm certainly not the best...Christian around. There. I said it. But I'm trying.

Anyway, hope that helps. Felt I should write this.


Can't believe I'm writing this, but here goes:

Why do I believe? Hmm. That's a tough one.

Recently, I've been going through some soul-searching. I really wondered about posting this; but in the end, I just thought I should. Guess that's all. I just thought I ought to. So...

...I was never raised with religion. Not of any kind. In fact, while not being explicitly commanded not to attend any church, it was usually hinted at quite strongly that this would be considered a serious breach of offspring ethics in my family, and so I let it slide by during the formative years, since discretion is the better part of valour. Church was for funerals only; my father (an avowed communist) sometimes refused even that, and almost dodged my wedding. When I attended university, I did pursue religion for a while - to the fury of the old man. "Look, it's the Papist," was one such comment. The hard facts of life suggested to me thereafter, or I suggested to myself, that I didn't believe in anything. I told myself there was no God - even until recently I did so. Things change. It's a bit personal to get into the specifics, so let's just say I had a change of heart after a long period of consideration.

I still have to use reason to permit myself to accept anything, though; my faith...needs, if that's not too blasphemous...reasonability. Plausibility. Could there be a God? Well, I guess there could. I can't disprove God, or prove him; yet, again, I need some sort of 'evidence' to justify my faith in this being. I sort of feel that the Gospels represent "eyewitness accounts" of the events of the period - I mean, they're not terribly bad, they seem to pretty much cross-support, and to be honest we assume quite a fair bit about a lot of really ancient history from single, first- or second-hand accounts, so, well why not? What can I say? Faith, I guess.

But I still felt when I was younger (say, eight or ten) was that there was, in fact, a God. It was just a sort of emotional thing, which still strikes part of me as ridiculous. "Spiritual", I guess you could call it. (The term makes me cringe.)

I can't say where I picked it up. No one in my immediate family would have dared discuss it with me or anyone else and none of my friends talked about it, as far as I can recall. So, no idea where it came from. In point of fact, I was so completely ignorant of the Bible and it's manifold doings that when my school experimented with religious instruction in grade three and my teacher had got through the tale of Samson, I promptly stuck my hand in the air and asked "Well, what about Hercules, then? Isn't he in there?" Religious education was discontinued shortly after; given the response of my teacher and classmates, it may have been out of a sense of sheer dismay.

I digress. So I don't know where this feeling or what have you came from. It might just be that's it's difficult to explain the individual origin of a meme...yet I have faith, it would seem, that it is not so. I hope that helps somewhat; strangely, I actually feel glad to share this, which is odd.

Also, I like the "Triune" idea very much. It's really not so difficult as people make out, and it has an intellectual appeal, frankly. It's fascinating and complex but sensible. I like the idea of a God that gives me something to think about. I really like the idea; the search for its intricacy. It's odd...I kind of get a wierd happy feeling thinking about it.

So there we have it. I shared. Bit of a surprise, maybe, maybe not. Maybe I knew I was coming back here. I honestly wish I could say. I'm certainly not the best...Christian around. There. I said it. But I'm trying.

Anyway, hope that helps. Felt I should write this.



Wow, thats deep. I'm glad you chose to share that with us.
I believe in one God not multiple Gods. I believe that Jews and Muslims worship one part of the total Godhead, God the Father. As a Christian I worship God in his triune form.
M*W: I'm so sorry you are worshipping a false god. There is no christian god at all!
Is there a reason you feel the necessity to be so nasty? If you don't believe in a Christian God, or any God that is fine. What was the purpose of your post directed toward me? Did you feel some compunction to inject that particular bit of nastiness or is that your usual mode of behavior?
if you are willing to admit the christian god is make up then you can worship a made up god.

it is based off of earlier pagan gods. the virgin birth, twelve disciples...the whole works.
No, I am not willing to admit that I worship a made up God.

It is amazing how nasty atheists are. I don't find any theists with the nasty streak atheists have. I guess it is something inherently lacking in the makeup of many atheists. Either that or they are so unsure of their beliefs they feel some sort of necessity to denigrate the beliefs of others in order to reinforce their own. A third possibility is that are simplyl nasty little children who don't know how to carry on a discussion in an adult manner.
You have evidence for this, I assume? I don't assume the Christian god is made up.
gods are not made up?? really? that's interesting.

so horus isn't made up? jesus christ and the virgin birth isn't made up? okey dokey.
No, I am not willing to admit that I worship a made up God.

It is amazing how nasty atheists are. I don't find any theists with the nasty streak atheists have. I guess it is something inherently lacking in the makeup of many atheists. Either that or they are so unsure of their beliefs they feel some sort of necessity to denigrate the beliefs of others in order to reinforce their own. A third possibility is that are simplyl nasty little children who don't know how to carry on a discussion in an adult manner.

Now you are being unrealistic. How is it nasty to say someone considers your god made up? because in fact it is.

not arguing against or in favor of any so-called creator. we are talking specifically of the christian god and that is definitely made up.

and as far as nasty streaks, please you are losing your credibility with that statement, their are plenty of theists that very much so have a nasty streak.
gods are not made up?? really? that's interesting.

so horus isn't made up? jesus christ and the virgin birth isn't made up? okey dokey.

Ok, prove they are. Should be easy, I guess. Which statistical test were you planning to use? Can I get the syntax?
Ok, prove they are. Should be easy, I guess. Which statistical test were you planning to use? Can I get the syntax?

You must be joking. Prove they are made up??? Prove they aren't.

If someone asserts a certain god is real and not made up. It is on them to prove it.

If they say it's a faith, then they don't now do they?
Peta9 said:
Now you are being unrealistic. How is it nasty to say someone considers your god made up? because in fact it is.

You are not saying it is your belief that the Christian God is made up. You are saying it is a fact.

I could say I think you are a four dollar whore. That is a suposition on my part and I am admitting that I could be wrong and you might not in actuality be a four dollar whore. If I state as fact that you are a four dollar whore I am not allowing for the possibility that you are not.

The difference between the two statements is not all that difficult to grasp.
I believe in one God not multiple Gods. I believe that Jews and Muslims worship one part of the total Godhead, God the Father. As a Christian I worship God inhis triune form.
M*W: How do you know this god exists? You can't sense him. He's not in any case a reality. Why do you think this god of yours exists?
You are not saying it is your belief that the Christian God is made up. You are saying it is a fact.

I could say I think you are a four dollar whore. That is a suposition on my part and I am admitting that I could be wrong and you might not in actuality be a four dollar whore. If I state as fact that you are a four dollar whore I am not allowing for the possibility that you are not.

The difference between the two statements is not all that difficult to grasp.

LOL, you are showing your true christian hateful colors so well. Your analogy is ridiculous.

A god is nothing but pure speculation and at best a belief, not a fact. If you can't grasp that, then you are very lost.

And maybe if you actually researched the historical background of your religion, you might understand how it is 'made' up from earlier myths or 'personality' traits superimposed onto your god.

As I stated, i can't refute a nonexistence of any type of creator or creators. I'm merely pointing out the historical relevance in making up your god, it's personality and religion.
How do you know the universe began with a Big Bang that had no cause other than itself, in other words that simply happened and created everything out of nothing?

There are things I cannot prove that I yet believe. I cannot prove my wife loves me yet I believe it with all my heart.

I believe in the existence of God because I find that existence more believable than the alternative that everything that happens and has happened is simply the result of chance.
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