Interview with Christ...


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
I've heard Christ is visiting sciforums...
I would like to ask some questions to our infamous sciforums' Chirst... :D
(ie Qorl ...).

I have always wanted to ask those questions... ;)
  1. What is the secret of life?
  2. What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth?
  3. What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...? :D
  4. What is the most beautiful thing in the universe?
  5. Why we were created in the way we are?
  6. Why there is suffering in the world?
  7. What exactly is ignorance?
  8. What is eternity, and how does it feel like?
  9. How can we reach perfection, if it is possible?
  10. How can we reach true joy?

Thanks in advance, "Jesus"...
Oh... btw... What is your name, "Christ" or "Jesus"? :D

PS for everyone: I'm NOT saying this guy is Jesus... p-l-e-a-s-e...
But I wonder what he will answer... ;)
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TruthSeeker said:
I have always wanted to ask those questions... ;)
  1. What is the secret of life?

  1. Life is an open book with no secrets

    TruthSeeker said:
    [*]What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth?

    The power that maintains the order

    TruthSeeker said:
    [*]What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...? :D

    Who cares, ask Corinthian....or better ask the guy that was on the committe that had a say on the order and naming of the books of the bible.

    TruthSeeker said:
    [*]What is the most beautiful thing in the universe?

    Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

    TruthSeeker said:
    [*]Why we were created in the way we are?

    Because we are not created in any other way.

    TruthSeeker said:
    [*]Why there is suffering in the world?

    Suffering is in the eyes of the beholder.

    TruthSeeker said:
    [*]What exactly is ignorance?

    Ignorance is ignoring your conscious...or covering up the truth.

    TruthSeeker said:
    [*]What is eternity, and how does it feel like?

    Eternity is infinite, it can't be defined, it must be experienced.

    TruthSeeker said:
    [*]How can we reach perfection, if it is possible?

    We take baby steps in paying attention to our conscious.

    TruthSeeker said:
    [*]How can we reach true joy?

    We look inward at ourselves....all the happiness we need is right within us.

    TruthSeeker said:
    Thanks in advance, "Jesus"...

    I aint no jesus, but you're welcome.
Jesus is my name, Christ is my game.

Jesus never called himself Christ, others did because they thought he was the Messaiah. Christos in Greek means Messaiah in Hebrew.After Jesus's death people refered to him as Jesus the Messaiah after while they dropped the"the" and finally when the Greek bible was written he was Jesus Christ.

1. What is the secret of life? Survival.
2. What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth? Survival.
3. What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...? Words?
4. What is the most beautiful thing in the universe? Life.
5. Why we were created in the way we are? You weren’t created.
6. Why there is suffering in the world? You haven’t learnt to avoid it.
7. What exactly is ignorance? Lack of knowledge.
8. What is eternity, and how does it feel like? A long time. A long time.
9. How can we reach perfection, if it is possible? Evolve.
10. How can we reach true joy? Evolve.

There is a granite mountain so high that a raven can barely fly over it without touching it. In its beak, the raven has a scarf. Once every thousand years, it flies over the mountain, the very tips of the fringes rubbing against the granite. When the entire mountain has been ground into dust, that is one moment in eternity.

So say the Hindus. :eek:

Perfection is impossible to achieve here. Suffering is ubiquitous. True joy and perfection cannot be attained.
What is the secret of life? To achieve salvation

What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth? Worship God Above All Else.

What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...? A paragraph

What is the most beautiful thing in the universe? The image of God

Why we were created in the way we are? You were created in God's image.

Why there is suffering in the world? Sin

What exactly is ignorance? It's eternal life
(according to the garden of eden, knowledge is what brought sin, which brought suffering and death)

What is eternity, and how does it feel like? Happiness forever, ingnorance you won't know what sadness or any other negative feeling is.

How can we reach perfection, if it is possible? It's not possible only god is perfect.

How can we reach true joy? Yes, through faith.

It is jesus, not christ. Christ was given to me by my followers. My real name is Jesus.

This is the probably what christ would have told you if you asked him these questions.
The real christ FYI, not that Jesus wannabe Qorl.
ooo let me try....

What is the secret of life?
Wisdom is not something that is acquired externally. It is found within you. We were all born knowing everything we need to know, and the truly wise have become so, not by learning, rather by forgetting all they have learned that clouds judgement and obscures truth.

What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth?
Cause and effect.

What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...?
It doesn't matter.

What is the most beautiful thing in the universe?

Why we were created in the way we are?
You have to clarify that one. My first response is that your parents found each other sexually attractive, but, for some reason, I don't thinks that's what you were looking for.

Why there is suffering in the world?
Why shouldn't there be?

What exactly is ignorance?

What is eternity, and how does it feel like?
Eternity does not exist except in our own ideas.

How can we reach perfection, if it is possible?
It isn't.

How can we reach true joy?
Be self centered, but not self absorbed. Think selfishly, act selflessly.

I like my answers more than Jesus' (Qorl's). :D
1: What is the secret of life?

2: What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth?
To love each one as you love yourself. The law of the prophets.
Do to others what you want others to do to you.

3: What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...?
I don't think that Jesus would know word-for-word what it said, or maybe he would, I rather think that he would know the message, not the words.

Personally I like to read the Corinthians, they explain things in a good way. I also like what they say about the gifts and the nature of Jesus.

4: What is the most beautiful thing in the universe?
Life. Love.

5: Why we were created in the way we are?
Because the word of God would be fulfilled.

6: Why there is suffering in the world?
Because of our selfishness and unbelief, whenever we do wrong, there has to be compensation.

7: What exactly is ignorance?
To close your eyes knowing that it's important that you have them open, but I tend to agree with one_raven :). Like it.

8: What is eternity, and how does it feel like?
Eternity is. What is? What do you mean? What is?
What does it feel like?

9: How can we reach perfection, if it is possible?
By trusting God. By not explaining every little thing that happens in your mind.

10: How can we reach true joy?
Trust your feelings. You feel what you feel, don't deny it just because it doesn't seem to fit with the situation - it fits. Don't try to argue about it in your head, cause then the time will go away when it actually did fit.
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Qorl said:
Truth Seeker;
I knew you're coming. To escape to destiny is impossible, that's why you always wonted to ask those questions.

1 What is the secret of life?
-To live.
2 What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth?
- Love.
3 What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...?
- 2 is answer.
4 What is the most beautiful thing in the universe?
- Universe.
5 Why we were created in the way we are?
- To learn.
6 Why there is suffering in the world?
- Sex.
7 What exactly is ignorance?
- Fear.
8 What is eternity, and how does it feel like?
- Infinite - open book.
9 How can we reach perfection, if it is possible?
- To be or not to be.
10 How can we reach true joy?
- With happiness.

Michael the creators son.


Hey... those are pretty good answers...! I wasn't expecting that... :D
But... what about...:

"6 Why there is suffering in the world?
- Sex."
Well, if it wasn't for that, we wouldn't exist in the first place. Explain yourself, please...

"9 How can we reach perfection, if it is possible?
- To be or not to be. "
What do you mean by that...?

"10 How can we reach true joy?
- With happiness. "
We find joy through common superficial happiness...?!?!?

Btw... what do you say about this:
Matthew 24:30
"30 "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory."

I didn't see ya coming on the clouds... :D

Thank you for your time
For everyone, thank you for all your answers.

Btw, here, in Victoria BC, there is another guy that says that he is Jesus... I should post a picture of him and his bike sometime... :D
3: What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...?
I don't think that Jesus would know word-for-word what it said, or maybe he would, I rather think that he would know the message, not the words.
It is a pretty important message. It is actually the most important and significant message in the Bible. It says "let all that you do be done in Love". Well, I ask you, what is "all"? All is everything. That sounds pretty broad to me. So, it is indeed a very important message - it includes all that we do in our lives. Not to mention that if everyone would care for one another, this world would be a much better place to live. This is also the formula for perfection. When you Love, you have the capacity of forgiveness and the recognition that nobody is perfect. That, ironically, makes you a pretty perfect person (or at least pretty close to that). This was what I was expecting "Jesus" to answer, but he answered "to be or not to be", so I'm waiting for his reply... :D :cool:
Hey "Jesus", what do you say about this?

Matthew 24:23-28
"23 "Then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There He is,' do not believe him.
24 "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.
25 "Behold, I have told you in advance.
26 "So if they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go out, or, 'Behold, He is in the inner rooms,' do not believe them.
27 "For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
28 "Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather."

.... :cool:
It is actually the most important and significant message in the Bible. It says "let all that you do be done in Love".
Yet it is hidden away as an obscure entry in the 46th book of the bible. Clearly the authors of the bible didn't agree with you on the importance of the message.


The Bible is a collection of books, not just one book. The book that I'm referring to was originally a letter that Paul sent to the Corinthians. The letter wasn't designed to be in a book.


I understand that but my point is that the message of 'love' is not prolific throughout the bible which is in essence the instruction manual for Christianity. Had 'love' been such an important message as you seem to want us to believe then why is it not emphasized more frequently and more prevalently than we observe?

You state that love is the MOST important message yet the bible does not reinforce your opinion. It seems to me that you have adopted the idea that love is a panacea yet you are ignoring the large number of other diverse characteristics of humanity, intellectualism is but one other important property that both complements the role of love and at times makes love unnecessary.

I do not see that a perfect society will be the necessary result if everyone simply loves everyone else. I do not have to love someone to be able to effectively communicate and live alongside them without conflict. To suggest that everyone must love everyone imposes a level and depth of emotional commitment that is over the top and will essentially devalue love when used in a more intimate relationship.

A perfect world would be one where everyone exhibits a desire to cooperate, be prepared to understand another’s point of view, to be always compassionate, and to desist from any potential hateful conflict. This is not love but instead is the essentials for a peaceful society.

Perhaps you are using the term ‘love’ in a more encompassing mode than you should.

Love is irrelevant. All this "love would make the world a better place," is unfounded. It's all about survival, which is better served by strength than by love. There are two trees, right next to each other...

Tree A says to Tree B: "It's ok, I love you, you may take the water supply first"

Tree B says to Tree A: "Thnx"

Tree A dies of thirst, or they just keep insisting how much they love each other, and they both die of thirst. Or..

Tree A says to Tree B: "Fuck you, it's my water"

Tree A survives, Tree B, (the weaker tree), dies. Tree A has ensured survival of itself and it's future offspring.

The world does not care for love, simply survival. Just like the snail who cleans garbage from ponds doesn't care about love for the other fishes who will suffocate, but merely it's own survival. It cleans the pond to survive, (food), not to find friends.

Much like the man who questions the religious man. To ensure survival of his kind, the religious man will cast the other person off as devil possessed, while the non religious man casts the religious man off as a lunatic. While it might seem better to just say "i love you regardless," doing so simply lowers the chance that your kind will continue to exist.

The sooner you notice that love is irrelevant, the better.
The world does not care for love, simply survival
Nothing but love will enter there, love is the most important thing.
who care what the world can't take it with you.
What is the secret of life?

Who says there's a secret?.

What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth?

What is heaven?. and how come are we under it?. There's no written universal laws. Respect life, and thus respect that which lives.

What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...?

So what other lies have we here?.

What is the most beautiful thing in the universe? Existence.

Why we were created in the way we are?

You'r making the false assumtion that we were created?. Thus we've evolved and that's why we are the way we are. (If the creator has created us from his image, and he is perfect than we shall also be perfect, thus we are not perfect, this makes the creator not perfect as well.) There was no creator.

Why there is suffering in the world?

You have been lied to from birth, generations have been lied to from birth we live in a great big lie, thus we suffer for this. Let go the lie, and you will only see others suffer.

What exactly is ignorance?

Assuming with out having any knowledge of what the hell you'r talking about.

What is eternity, and how does it feel like?

Life is not eternal, thus you won't feel a damn thing after you die, you simply die, just like when you swap a fly of the table, and it dies, you die, the fly does not go to heaven cause it was a good fly nor does it go to hell because it was on your table, it simply got killed and you killed it!. Murderer.

How can we reach perfection, if it is possible?

What is your perception of perfection?, what is perfect to you?, to be a being with no identity, no evidence of existence, no free will, only to be believed by faith, this is not perfection thus this is only an illusion from ancient mythological times where people believed their dreams to be real, Jesus was presented by a dream that Joseph had, thus to reason of why he should keep Mary and let the little bastard be born, not a bastard but his self proclaimed son.

How can we reach true joy?

I'm no dad, but many of my friends are, thus they tell me their happiest moment in life was the first child. To me my happiest moment is not having to change any freaking diapers. LOL. :bugeye: