Intelligent Design

It seems pretty obvious that if you have a universe that must be structured or developed in accordance to God then you have a definition of God that begs the question.
Or, alternatively, a description that fits the bill.
And since you don't, the first holds.
So how would someone persuade one of these ID desperations that their definition of God is what needs changing?
"Questioning Darwin", a PBS NOVA program IIRC, show a gentleman saying that if the Bible said 2 + 2 = 5 he would accept that without question and try to make his world work under that rule.

In other words, they have to change, you can't change them.
Or, alternatively, a description that fits the bill.
Question begging has a habit of doing that. ;)

As to your other point above, re: distinction between how? and why? I do agree, although unless your "how?" includes means of establishing the "why?" I'm not sure how one can establish the "why?" or indeed if there is one at all.
Question begging has a habit of doing that. ;)

As to your other point above, re: distinction between how? and why? I do agree, although unless your "how?" includes means of establishing the "why?" I'm not sure how one can establish the "why?" or indeed if there is one at all.
It was more that "how's" are the stomping ground of science. So the ways and means of arriving at a "why" answer (as per ID) is dubious.
It seems pretty obvious that if you have a universe that is not structured or developed in accordance to God, then you have a problematic definition of God.
Well I dont like to say this but I dont take it to a level of definition.
Then you also don't take it to a level of argument .... which doesn't seem to be the case.
You are probably right.

Perhaps I will leave it to you for any definitions.. you are in the game and know the history phillosophy etc so if you want to define it I am sure your input would be informative.

Certainly if I cant define anything and believe the case has not been established for the theist position I really need not argue..I dont know why I get involved in these threads other than I like everyone in the place and so I step back and think its all very interesting and happy that the world us working at all...I dont need spirituality but I appreciate its contribution to humanity and terrible things happen and good things happen
I certainly object to the notion my ansrstors were apes although looking at the photos I could see how folk could say such.

this comment makes me curious, why you would object to the idea of being part of evolution(be it from a single cell or multi cell thing etc)... ?
probably an entirely differtent thread topic though.

intelligent design
the fibonacci sequence suggests something quite formulated to a function of mathamatics.
though as some member mentioned (i forget who) if for example, life is formed through trillions of equations of possible outcomes then the process of winding back into those occurances becomes a mathamatics equation.
is that mathamatics equation a law ?

when it comes to intelligent design of humans, i am on the fence.
when it comes to intelligent design of trees fungi bacteria etc.. i am on the fence.
i tend toward darwinian evolution as a mechanism.
however, unravelling your question leaves little room than to ask if you refer to biological life.

could biological life have been designed ? well.. we see genetic engineering in various things. we also see how we cant possibly duplicate many things.
parts of the human psyche wish to simplify and comprehend things that seem complex while also giving a reasonable amount of trust to feel at ease with certain aspects.
Religion as a form of that is logical.
intelligent desgn as a beleif is logical.
logical to human minds
maybe not real, but very logical to human existance.

i hope i have not derailed the thread or killed it.
why you would object to the idea of being part of evolution(be it from a single cell or multi cell thing etc)... ?
probably an entirely differtent thread topic though.
I dont object I was stirring☺
I have heard theists get all upset and insulted by the suggestion their ancestors were apes.
i hope i have not derailed the thread or killed it.
I dint think so thanks for your input.
suggestion their ancestors were apes.

In their logic world then they don't have a problem coming from mud or clay

And of course we can go down the rabbit hole

Man made in the image of god

So he had the template for male

???? where did template for the female originate

And man made in the image of god so where did the god template come from? as per who designed god and for what purpose all the bits used for? as per god needs to eat so needs a stomach?

That's enough for someone who was not going to butt in until post 200

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I have heard theists get all upset and insulted by the suggestion their ancestors were apes.

This is rubbish as I suspect you know perfectly well. Some religious sects get upset by it. What is rather insulting is to tar all "theists" with the same brush and accuse them of rejecting basic science.
This is rubbish as I suspect you know perfectly well. Some religious sects get upset by it. What is rather insulting is to tar all "theists" with the same brush and accuse them of rejecting basic science.
I was watching "Questioning Darwin" (PBS) the other day and a preacherman said that if he found in the Bible a statement that 2 + 2 = 5 he would accept that and try to make his world work based on that information.

If you accept all the current science and STILL believe in a god or gods then you're not far from that man.
This is rubbish as I suspect you know perfectly well. Some religious sects get upset by it. What is rather insulting is to tar all "theists" with the same brush and accuse them of rejecting basic science.

You may be correct in that only

Some religious sects get upset by it.

and What is rather insulting is to tar all "theists" with the same brush

I don't see as insulting except for snowflake theist

However believing in Sky Daddy does give a massive indication the believers reject basic science

This is rubbish as I suspect you know perfectly well. Some religious sects get upset by it. What is rather insulting is to tar all "theists" with the same brush and accuse them of rejecting basic science.
Yes you are right.
No doubt only a small proportion.

This is rubbish as I suspect you know perfectly well. Some religious sects get upset by it. What is rather insulting is to tar all "theists" with the same brush and accuse them of rejecting basic science.
While "not all theists" is quite true, in point of fact the proportion of religious theists that reject basic science in some respect at least is not only very large but politically very significant - in the US and many other extensive and important populations on the planet, it's dominant.
how many americans over the age of 20 can list 10 of the capital citys in the world ?

how many can locate jerusalem, israel & saudi arabia on the globe ?

2% ?

But they might know about the 60+ gender versions you can attribute to yourself and be offended if not addressed correctly

Obviously much more important

Male (approx 49%) - Female (approx 49%) - Mixed (approx 2%)

The above so yesterday

But they might know about the 60+ gender versions you can attribute to yourself and be offended if not addressed correctly

Obviously much more important

Male (approx 49%) - Female (approx 49%) - Mixed (approx 2%)

The above so yesterday


you said the magic word to a conservative religous morality
dirty heathen copulation like animals or pure godly love making of inception of the heavenly souls...
its hardly a level playing field