Intelligent debate between Theists and Atheists is Impossible on Sciforums

The same way I am concerned when any logical fallacy becomes the established norm within a field of communication
Then why do you not apply that same concern for logical fallacies to your own arguments?
You continue to raise analogies that are logically fallacious, despite being advised of their fallacious nature (e.g. brain/mind = car/driver etc).
Okay can someone explain to me how believing in a Higher Power is any more irrational than believing the Big Bang. We don't have hard proof of either, just conjecture.
People who "believe" the Big Bang as 100% truth are irrational, only less so than a Higher Power.

Firstly, the BB is a theory. It is not a truth, not a fact, not a Law - but a theory - that happens to fit the vast majority of observations (but I'm not sure if it fits all).

Secondly, believing in a Higher Power fails any test of Occam's Razor - as it introduces an unknown / unknowable that is beyond testing.

There is a certain level of irrationality in taking a more complex but viable "theory" over a far simpler one (i.e. not abiding by Occam's Razor between two valid theories) - but a far greater level of irrationality when one doesn't even go with a viable "theory" but with an untestable, unverifiable idea.

But don't confuse irrationality with being wrong.
It is quite often the case that you can be irrational and get the right answer. But you would still have been irrational in your thought process.
Does this mean you care solely because you want to rid the forums of fallacy?

Not so ambitious to get rid of it - hopeful that the standard of civil discussion (which can acommodate the occassional and forgivable slip into fallacy) gets re-established would be more accurate
Then why do you not apply that same concern for logical fallacies to your own arguments?
You continue to raise analogies that are logically fallacious, despite being advised of their fallacious nature (e.g. brain/mind = car/driver etc).

As Prince James has pointed out, dualism is documented in even western philosophy -

Dualism is any theory or system of thought that recognizes two and only two independent and mutually irreducible principles or substances, which are sometimes complementary and sometimes in conflict. Dualisms are distinguished from Monisms, which admit only one element or kind of element, and from Pluralisms, which admit more than two elements or kinds of elements. The polarities of a dualism are distinguished from the thesis and antithesis of a Dialectic, in that the former are stable and mutually exclusive and the latter are dynamic, always tending toward synthesis.

Dualisms are of two basic kinds, metaphysical and epistemological. Metaphysical dualisms admit two substances, such as world and God, or two principles, such as good and evil, as a means of explaining the nature of reality. Descartes argued a metaphysical dualism between mind - thinking substance - and body - extended substance. He held that all elements of reality are ultimately one or the other of these two heterogeneous substances. Epistemological dualisms use two substances or principles, such as consciousness and phenomena or subject and object, to analyze the knowing process. In general, an epistemological dualist distinguishes that which is immediately present to the perceiving mind from the retrospective determination of the real object known.

Its not clear why you are saying it is fallacious, when all that you have evidenced is that it contradicts your value system (ie you prefer to accept something perhaps you could call pluralistic materialism instead of metaphysical emergent dualism)

Such philosophical premises of dualism also find their application in neurology eg - Karl Pribram
People like to talk about religion the same way they talk about politics: with appeals to emotion, and from an ideological perspective. There is not so much a focus on finding the truth, or understanding those who differ, as there is an insistence on convincing one's opponent to adopt one's own views and agenda[1]. And failing that, since it is a goal not often achieved, the resultant hopelessness and frustration lead to name-calling and indignant counter-name-calling, ad infinitum.

It is my contention that this -- the intent of the members in engaging in discussion, which is inherently disrespectful -- is precisely the reason why an intelligent debate cannot be sustained here.

1. Note the underlying assumption here that the opponent's beliefs are of no intrinsic value, but are only there to be manipulated in order to further a certain goal. This, one might argue, is rather immoral, as it dehumanizes the opponent.
As Prince James has pointed out, dualism is documented in even western philosophy....

Its not clear why you are saying it is fallacious, when all that you have evidenced is that it contradicts your value system (ie you prefer to accept something perhaps you could call pluralistic materialism instead of metaphysical emergent dualism)

Such philosophical premises of dualism also find their application in neurology eg - Karl Pribram
I have no issue with the idea of dualism, or its usefulness etc.
I do have issues with dualism when the dual concepts are claimed as truth - rather than merely as a useful philosophical tool.

Yes, it is useful in many cases to see the personality as separate from the material brain - but to actually then claim that this is the truth - as you do, and especially if based on nothing but the usefulness of the philosophical concept - is where my issue lies.

So please stop introducing red herrings - which is a logical fallacy, just in case you missed it. ;)
(and to which I refer you back to my post).
I have no issue with the idea of dualism, or its usefulness etc.
I do have issues with dualism when the dual concepts are claimed as truth - rather than merely as a useful philosophical tool.

Yes, it is useful in many cases to see the personality as separate from the material brain - but to actually then claim that this is the truth - as you do, and especially if based on nothing but the usefulness of the philosophical concept - is where my issue lies.

So please stop introducing red herrings - which is a logical fallacy, just in case you missed it. ;)
(and to which I refer you back to my post).
Then why do you talk of the self/body being a monistic truth?
People like to talk about religion the same way they talk about politics: with appeals to emotion, and from an ideological perspective. There is not so much a focus on finding the truth, or understanding those who differ, as there is an insistence on convincing one's opponent to adopt one's own views and agenda[1]. And failing that, since it is a goal not often achieved, the resultant hopelessness and frustration lead to name-calling and indignant counter-name-calling, ad infinitum.

It is my contention that this -- the intent of the members in engaging in discussion, which is inherently disrespectful -- is precisely the reason why an intelligent debate cannot be sustained here.

1. Note the underlying assumption here that the opponent's beliefs are of no intrinsic value, but are only there to be manipulated in order to further a certain goal. This, one might argue, is rather immoral, as it dehumanizes the opponent.

It seems that the premise, at least from the theists point of view, is that the atheist makes the claim that the foundations of theism are groundless - this leads to an automatic defense of principles.
A theist however may not contend the foundations of science (they may contend what those foundations are capable of indicating - like for instance a theist may state the origins of the human mind and the universal creation are beyond the purview of empiricism)
This is evidenced by a theist having the opportunity to work within science, but the atheist doesn't have the opportunity to work within religion.
In other words the theist has the tendency to be automatically dehumanized by atheists
"Intelligent debate between Theists and Atheists is Impossible on Sciforums"

Yes it is!
You cant debate intelligently with people who cling to pre intellectual reasoning, no matter how they try to dress it up with pseudointellectual superfluousness.
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Dualism is a very basic concept. Children are tuned to it more than adults, it seems the natural way we are evolved in that we simply don't need to know how complex things work in order to see it's value.

In the movie where the dad and son change bodies is a concept everyone can understand because of dualism. But it is obviously impossible since the neural network in both brains remains the same after the change. To accomodate both personalities and unique brain functions, there would obviously need to be a dramatic rework of each brain, not a soul.
LG, the problem is not that atheist or theist lack the intelligence to debate without ad-hom, the relaxed attitude of this forum allows to some extent all the ad-hom, and minor flame war to flare up time to time, it's something that works on both sides releasing frustration on one another, do to the anonimity of the forum, and the relaxed attitude ad-hom is usual around this site, sciforums is not a formal debate website.

If you would like to debate your beliefs in a atheist forum which has very stric rules and formal debates subforums I would suggest to go here:

Other then that don't bitch or will lose the priviledge of calling an idiot, an idiot! when it's warranted;)
This is evidenced by a theist having the opportunity to work within science, but the atheist doesn't have the opportunity to work within religion.
In other words the theist has the tendency to be automatically dehumanized by atheists

Science is a process for finding out how things work. What process is there in religion? If a process exists, why do religions disagree with one another? How does one "work within religion?"
The reason for the nonexistence of a decent debate is really simple:

Both group have different standards. One uses facts, science and history, the other uses superstition, faith, myth.

So obviously, there can not be a decent debate until they start to use the same standards....
Science is a process for finding out how things work. What process is there in religion? If a process exists, why do religions disagree with one another? How does one "work within religion?"

Scientist disagree with eachother too, and you are most likely not a scientist.
I don't think it's possible to avoid having any axioms at all.
I don't know how to justify one's chosen axioms, because any justification is based on some other axiom... maybe some meta-axioms are required?

Try these.
  • Axioms should be useful
  • Axioms should be minimal
Taken together, I think these form the essence of Ockham's razor at a fundamental level. If someone implicitly uses some different set of meta-axioms, then I don't think it's possible to argue that they're wrong... all one can do is disagree.

Based on those meta-axioms, I like the following axioms:
  1. Objective reality exists
  2. My senses give a generally reliable impression of reality
  3. Past experience is a generally reliable indicator of future occurences (inductive reasoning is valid)
Again if someone chooses not to accept those axioms, I can't argue that they're wrong.
Excellent post, i entirely agree, alot of the time all you can really do is atempt to deconstruct each others axioms, and probe why someone assumes/believes xyandz.
Evidence as much as we like to band it around most of the time objectively doesnt count for anything, all we can do is argue over why something counts as evidence according to our internal systems of logic.
I.e. i might say theres enough evidence to suspect that evolution is the actual process by which complex life has imerged.
However someone whos heavily into creationism might point to litterally one flaw in the theory of evolution and because of that flaw abandon the theory altogether on the grounds that the evidence simply isnt substantial enough for them yet.
Very hard to argue against!
Scientist disagree with eachother too

You mean like a scientist saying evolution is false? Or like when there are several hypothesis for something lacking in evidence?

and you are most likely not a scientist.

Maybe, but you don't need to get a PHD to be a scientist - Go conduct experiments in your back garden. Scientists are more rock 'n' roll if they are 'self taught'.
Every question I've ever asked you was ignored, lightgigantic. You have no place criticizing how debates are handled.
Not so ambitious to get rid of it - hopeful that the standard of civil discussion (which can acommodate the occassional and forgivable slip into fallacy) gets re-established would be more accurate

I see. So there is this meme floating around sci-forums that is promoting fallacy (ad-hom specifically). Why do you think it's so infectious and what's your strategy to handle it?