Intelligent debate between Theists and Atheists is Impossible on Sciforums

Whenever I see you calling something an ad hominem when it isn't an ad hominem, I'm going post my current tally. I will call it my "Lightgigantic must be a complete idiot for not even knowing what an Ad Hominem is Tally"

Ooooh. I see three already!


I think you have just scored yourself a point
Since when are you allowed to use logic? :)

Remember, it is either or: either the scientific or the supernatural approach, can't mix both of them...

Generally I don't like long explantions (unless it is the meaning of life or something) when something could be stated in 2 sentences....
religion tends to be more synoptic than science - the evidenceis that there are many advancements made in the name of science by the theisticly devout
People who "believe" the Big Bang as 100% truth are irrational, only less so than a Higher Power.

Actually they are just as irrational and perhaps more so.

Firstly, the BB is a theory. It is not a truth, not a fact, not a Law - but a theory - that happens to fit the vast majority of observations (but I'm not sure if it fits all).

No, the Big Bang is a hypothesis, it has to be tested and observed before it is a Theory that is if the test was successful.

Secondly, believing in a Higher Power fails any test of Occam's Razor - as it introduces an unknown / unknowable that is beyond testing.

But again it is a Hypothesis. Millennia ago we recognized Life only came form life, so some one advanced a hypothesis.
TW Scott

Actually they are just as irrational and perhaps more so.
Its my general observation that people say one thing is more irrational than another based on value judgements (ie relevance to their own needs, interests and concerns, as opposed to rationality)

No, the Big Bang is a hypothesis, it has to be tested and observed before it is a Theory that is if the test was successful.
And like many empirical theories, from macro evolution, to abiogenesis to the big bang and other theories of universal creation, its not clear exactly how, when or even if they can be tested

But again it is a Hypothesis. Millennia ago we recognized Life only came form life, so some one advanced a hypothesis.
At least with life comes from life, it is observable
Come on, please humor me.

I choose the greek gods. What is your choice?

By the way the point is, that it is not just atheist vs. theist, but theist #1 vs. theist #2 vs. etc.etc. atheist.

In short, the mutually exclusive religions debate with each other just as much as theists debate atheists.

So name your religion, don't be afafraid. And you can start with unproving that my greek gods never existed...
If you can't see that the defining god thread is in line with that (defining which qualities of god are superior to other qualities) I guess you will just have to satisfy yourself by building lego cars and smashing them up against walls

And like many empirical theories, from macro evolution, to abiogenesis to the big bang and other theories of universal creation, its not clear exactly how, when or even if they can be tested
But then theist fantasies have been around for thousands of years and they still can't even make it the hypothesis stage.
Only if the poster has something intelligent to say in the first place... :)

After reading 1-2 lines of The Visitor, I fell asleep and can't engage in any meaningful discussion...

Your eyelids are getting heavy........
Its my general observation that people say one thing is more irrational than another based on value judgements (ie relevance to their own needs, interests and concerns, as opposed to rationality)

And i base it on the fact that you could get a Theist to aggree to Big Bang by stating perhaps that is how god started his little experiment, but psuedo-science worshipper will not even consider the same thing.

And like many empirical theories, from macro evolution, to abiogenesis to the big bang and other theories of universal creation, its not clear exactly how, when or even if they can be tested

macroevolution is testable, but it like the others are only Hypothesis and should not be called theories. They only got their Teory misnomer becuase of people's laziness.

At least with life comes from life, it is observable

Yes which is why they thought that something vaguely living must have created life.

But then theist fantasies have been around for thousands of years and they still can't even make it the hypothesis stage.

On the contrary with theism there is the claim of direct perception of god and the process how to achieve that perception - with empirical theories there are no persons in the position of direct perception, what to sepak of processes that enable one to arrive at the position of direct perception
TW Scott
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Its my general observation that people say one thing is more irrational than another based on value judgements (ie relevance to their own needs, interests and concerns, as opposed to rationality)

And i base it on the fact that you could get a Theist to aggree to Big Bang by stating perhaps that is how god started his little experiment, but psuedo-science worshipper will not even consider the same thing.
still needs, interests and concerns

And like many empirical theories, from macro evolution, to abiogenesis to the big bang and other theories of universal creation, its not clear exactly how, when or even if they can be tested

macroevolution is testable,
but it like the others are only Hypothesis and should not be called theories. They only got their Teory misnomer becuase of people's laziness.
Whatever hairs you split to distinguish the distinction between hypothesis and a theory, I think that both of them share a similar realtionship more to each other rather than to the word "fact"

At least with life comes from life, it is observable

Yes which is why they thought that something vaguely living must have created life.
At least its a claim that, in the absence of abiogenesis, is still yet to be proven false
If you can't see that the defining god thread is in line with that

Yes, I responded in that thread. Waited for your reply, that never came...

The offer for the debate is still open. Your religion against the Greek gods...

P.S.: I will even be so nice, you can asign me pretty much ANY religion and I will defend it against yours ASSUMED we are using the same set of standards... I bet you won't take the challenge...
At least its a claim that, in the absence of abiogenesis, is still yet to be proven false
And when we do create "life" in the lab from raw elements and energy, it won't phase theists one bit. All we will have done is show that clever humans can replicate a small part of what god did before there were people, or bacteria. Right?

Since "god" is unprovable, beyond human perception, and in all ways "mysterious", the weak minded have adopted "him" as their life-approach because they don't really have to use logic, evidence, or reason in any capacity to examine or defend such a "being".

P.S. Maybe that's why intelligent debate between theists and atheists is impossible - anywhere.

On the contrary with theism there is the claim of direct perception of god and the process how to achieve that perception - with empirical theories there are no persons in the position of direct perception, what to sepak of processes that enable one to arrive at the position of direct perception
No LG, these are only claims that cannot be seperated from fantasy. They have yet to be presented in the form and with appropriate evidence that would be acceptable as a scientific hypothesis.

Another theist bashing site?
So isn't the article true then? If it is then it would seem that religion bashing would be appropriate, wouldn't it? Or do you want to somehow defend those religious attrocities?

So isn't the article true then? If it is then it would seem that religion bashing would be appropriate, wouldn't it? Or do you want to somehow defend those religious attrocities?

only if first you PROVE that atheists NEVER commit atrocities.

Otherwise, religion is nothing more than a convenient scapegoat.
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only if first you PROVE that atheists NEVER commit atrocities.
What a silly idea. Of course some atheists commit the worst kind of atrocities while others will have the highest moral code imaginable. You cannot draw any conclusions about atheists as a group other than they share a disbelief in gods.

Atheism lays no claims to being moral or good or charitable or loving etc, however, pretty much every religion especially the major ones do claim to hold all these things as sacred yet they still commit atrocities and what is worse, in the name of religion.

Otherwise, religion is nothing more than a convenient scapegoat.
It is neither convenient or a scapegoat, it is simply incredibly hypocritical and does commit the worst of the worlds atrocities and claims it doesn’t.

In that case there is no reason they should be interested in the morality of others.
Who do you mean? Some will be and some won't. What's your point?