Intelligence on Mars


"intelligence on Mars" comprises a vast spectrum of structural anamolies on Mars; the 3 faces on Mars, the glass tubes, the D and M pyramids, the monoliths etc. I do not have to say any more. You know what you're suppose to be doing, I don't need to tell you(for the 12th time).
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Well... thats lot more for me to deal with :D

Glass tubes have been discussed a bit, the pyramid thingies is all new info for this thread.
(btw, those do fall nicely into category of "nasa is reliable source if the pics show something weird" right?)

I made quite a big leap towards compromise by not repeating myself as later pics showing the face wrong(simply because it appeared futile, not that i had such doubts), and instead deciding to confront the claims of propability of the face as such... So can you meet me halfway and promise to dump use of false logic?

So lets take one step at a time... Starting with the propability maths, for it was your first evidence, ok?
I think it's really very funny that crazymikey sees no problem with trusting Tom Van Flandern unquestioningly.

Particularly since Mr Van Flandern sees no problem with deliberately altering images to suit his own agenda, and fails to take the simple step of reworking the raw data to show the "details" that were apparently "hidden" by NASA.


crazymikey, you might be interested in Mr Van Flandern's analysis of the 2001 image
Here is an image on that page, which Mr Van Flandern apparently accepts is genuine:

Funnily enough, Mr Van Flandern changes his tune a little and states "visual appearance alone cannot be used as a basis for judging whether a feature is of natural or artificial origin", which effectively refutes your "proof" by family incredulity in your first post.

Mr Van Flandern then goes on to present some very tenuous "evidence" based on stand-back-shut-one-eye-and-squint type comparisons that are supposed to show facial details.

crazymikey, I suggest that you show remarkably poor judgement when you choose the sources in which to place your trust.

One last thing - the king-face image you presented to demonstrate the bad effects of filters was not filtered by MSSS, but by an ex-NASA scientist who wanted to push the view that the feature is artificial. Why would they do that? Did they want to alter he image to make it as artificial as possible, or did they simply want to bring out the significant detail?
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Clarification of earlier statement:
I was under the impression that all filters were applied by MSSS, but it seems this is incorrect.
See this page for details of who applied filters to the 1998 image.JPL
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Pete, you seem to be under the impression, that I am "trusting" Van Flandern. I do not need to trust anyone to see that Mars has some glaringly obvious structural anamolies. I also do not need to trust someone to know that NASA or MSSS cannot be trusted in presenting facts on possible ETI phenomena. I also do not have to trust someone to know that low-pass filters flatten details.

I guess the only thing I am trusting, are the existence of these structures "D and M pyramids", "3 faces", "Glass tubes", "Monoliths" on Mars by the satellite images on Mars. I'm assuming that MSSS cannot filter and examine every single image of Mars, and guard against every leak of data. Hence, why these images have surfaced.

The face on Mars was a special case, because it was causing much controversy, ever since it was originally caught by Viking. Now if with higher resolution imaging, it had still been confirmed to be a face, it would have only have fueled more controversy. So it makes political sense to me, that they would deliberately manipulate the image to hide the details. This does not mean, they do this with every case, or the entire staff of NASA and MSSS is corrupt.
Of course you don't necessarily trust Van Flandern... you independently came up with exactly the same arguments as he has on his site, and presented them here as unquestionable fact. Hmmm...

Do you realize that the original face on Mars image was publicized by NASA precisely because it looked like a face? As in they felt it would be good PR to show people something interesting? I wonder why they did that?

I think it's very funny that you don't appear to realize just how tenuous your evidence is! Have you ever thought you saw something, then on a closer look found that what you thought you saw wasn't there at all? The problem that we have with these "anomalies" is that there is no opportunity for a second look... or else the second look that shows it was something else is called a cover-up. Perhaps you should accept that sometimes, first impressions are false.

The bottom line is that there is no way of telling for certain from a single low resolution image just what an artefact's 3D configuration is, and just how much of the 2D image is a product of circumstantial lighting conditions or other factors.

If an image looks a lot like an artificial structure or sculpture, then certainly a possible explanation is that it is in fact artificial. However, a one-off low res image is not enough to be considered conclusive evidence. If follow-up images do not appear to be artificial structures, then it seems reasonable to me to conclude that they are not artificial.

You are welcome to suggest that there is some sort of cover-up, but without evidence such suggestions seem pretty weak to me.

I suggest you look into the background of Tom Van Flandern, Richard Hoagland, and Michael Malin. Which of these men would you choose to trust, and why?
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Now heres a funny thought, how about applying crazymikes logic flow into "evidense against the artificiality".

1. He has been shown unreliable --> 2. Nothing he says can therefore be trusted(*) --> 3. Original viking photo is fake and all the newer ones are real --> Any evidense he can possibly come up with can be played down according to #2.

* unless he says something which can be used against him

Do you really want to play by these rules? :D

(edit: Nothing personal, just an example to show exactly how weird logic has been used as "proof" of artificiality)
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It's funny because if there was a coverup those pictures would never see the light of day. But yet crazy himself is posting them here for us to see...directly from the source! Not from an ex-KGB agent, not a NASA insider, not a wistleblower but from NASA and MSSS's sites!

lek I agree with you. 1 + 1 =/= 3 which is how his logic sounds. a belief that ET exists on MARS + the belief that there is a NASA coverup = ET faces on Mars.

He keeps on saying he has evidence of a coverup, of alien existence, of the Mars faces but he doesn't SHOW it. So really we're suppose to take his word for it. Well no dice given his thought processes work with nothing but heresay and conjecture.
Dear everyone,

The face on mars is quite real. It was made by the Clrnaps by 3,411,129,907BC in tribute to their creator. After losing the Clrnap/Koreshian war the Clrnaps made their own society on mars over 3 billion years ago. I was there at the founding of their society during the final battle of that war as a imbedded journalist, or as we call them then “target practice gimps”. One of Clrnap leaders declared that they would make a face on mars of their creator, a face that they would make with their own bare feet, at lest that what I think it said its hard to interpret their language, nothing but clicks and clucks.
Exploding_Necquim said:
Dear everyone,

The face on mars is quite real. It was made by the Clrnaps by 3,411,129,907BC in tribute to their creator. After losing the Clrnap/Koreshian war the Clrnaps made their own society on mars over 3 billion years ago. I was there at the founding of their society during the final battle of that war as a imbedded journalist, or as we call them then “target practice gimps”. One of Clrnap leaders declared that they would make a face on mars of their creator, a face that they would make with their own bare feet, at lest that what I think it said its hard to interpret their language, nothing but clicks and clucks.

I thought you said the Koreshian lost to the Clrnaps not the other way around?
Exploding_Necquim said:
Dear everyone,

The face on mars is quite real. It was made by the Clrnaps by 3,411,129,907BC in tribute to their creator. After losing the Clrnap/Koreshian war the Clrnaps made their own society on mars over 3 billion years ago. I was there at the founding of their society during the final battle of that war as a imbedded journalist, or as we call them then “target practice gimps”. One of Clrnap leaders declared that they would make a face on mars of their creator, a face that they would make with their own bare feet, at lest that what I think it said its hard to interpret their language, nothing but clicks and clucks.

LOL. Did they use trusty Portland cement? Or sweet sweet sugar!
Dear WellCookedFetus,

Oh is this your story now? Did this happen to you and not to me? Well listen up everybody he is about to tell his amazing story the one that happened to me and not him!
Dear WellCookedFetus,

Are you sure about it? Are you sure that since it happened to me and not to you I should be the one to tell it? Oh then yes I thought I did. Now I will continue with or without interruption. The Clrnap creator was a mad farmer/scientist during the late 21 century, his name is Ed. D. Vaz and as a Arabic Hispanic he has a large nose mouth and jaw, as well as being bald, which is why the face on mars looks the way it does.
The Clrnap creator was a mad farmer/scientist during the late 21 century
So the creator went back in time to create them 3,411,131,911 years ago, so within the next 100 years we will be capable of time travel, interesting.
Pete said:
Of course you don't necessarily trust Van Flandern... you independently came up with exactly the same arguments as he has on his site, and presented them here as unquestionable fact. Hmmm...

If you are going to ask me a question. You let me answer it, rather than jump to your own conclusions. This is just common sense.

Now that we have that clear. I did not independently come to the realization of the structural anamolies on Mars.

1: I needed the original images
2: I needed to anaylse the work of researchers and their theories
3: I needed to come to my own judgement based on an objective analysis of the points FOR and AGAINST

This is how I make my judgement FYI.

FOR: ETI exists, and if he they can visit Earth; they can visit Mars
FOR: Viking takes a image of a face on Mars
FOR: There are structural anamolies on Mars
FOR: JPL applies image-degrading filters to 98 face image
FOR: Mars may have had suitable atmosphere and even water, and still could
FOR: It makes political sense that the government would cover-up tell-tale signs of ET life on Mars.

AGAINST: ETI doesn't exist
AGAINST: Face on Mars is a Mesa
AGAINST: "Glass tubes" are sand dunes


ETI does exist, and they have been visiting us for a long time. Hence, I don't see how it is far-fetched, they would be on Mars. I also entertain the possibility that Mars may have had, or still has, it's own indigenous life.

The original images of the face were very provoking indeed, and made a large impact. Hence, it makes political sense, that a government that is going to every length to cover-up their existence, would also do something to cover this up. The fact that JPL have applied so many filters, that only degrade image quality, only supports that.

In addition to this, there are many other face structures found on Mars and other structural anamolies, that are equally as bizarre. Hence, it not the case for the face alone anyone. This only means, the face is one of many stuctural anamolies on Mars.

In addition to this: Latest scientific data suggests that Mars has a suitable atmosphere, and possibly water, and perhaps at some stage, it was suitable to support life.

Finally, the fact that these structures do not form naturally, and this is admitted by a NASA scientist themselves in reference to the "glass tube" structure, only supports the case for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Hence, given all the points in favour, it becomes far more likely, there is some ET intelligence on Mars. This is why I come to this conclusion. It is not about trusting anyone, it is objectively analyzing the data, something that you should be doing too :)

I don't think you realize, sir, but you are fighting on one leg. Now that I explained my position, and I certainly am open to the possibility that I am wrong about the structures, however given, that no one has been able to support their arguments for natural formation, it only leads me to further adhere to my position on intelligence on Mars.

Do you realize that the original face on Mars image was publicized by NASA precisely because it looked like a face? As in they felt it would be good PR to show people something interesting? I wonder why they did that?

I think it's very funny that you don't appear to realize just how tenuous your evidence is! Have you ever thought you saw something, then on a closer look found that what you thought you saw wasn't there at all? The problem that we have with these "anomalies" is that there is no opportunity for a second look... or else the second look that shows it was something else is called a cover-up. Perhaps you should accept that sometimes, first impressions are false.

The bottom line is that there is no way of telling for certain from a single low resolution image just what an artefact's 3D configuration is, and just how much of the 2D image is a product of circumstantial lighting conditions or other factors.

If an image looks a lot like an artificial structure or sculpture, then certainly a possible explanation is that it is in fact artificial. However, a one-off low res image is not enough to be considered conclusive evidence. If follow-up images do not appear to be artificial structures, then it seems reasonable to me to conclude that they are not artificial.

You are welcome to suggest that there is some sort of cover-up, but without evidence such suggestions seem pretty weak to me.

I suggest you look into the background of Tom Van Flandern, Richard Hoagland, and Michael Malin. Which of these men would you choose to trust, and why?

I shall research their backgrounds. Some points:

I certainly do not believe the entire staff at NASA and MSSS is working for a shadow government. I also do not believe the original image taken by Viking had an ulterior motive or that any foul play was invlved. You cannot control every bit of information; you can only take precautions, and once the information is out, an initative to cover any information that poses a threat.

This is why these images can surface. Yet be assured, if they photographed an entire metropolis on Mars, do not expect it be revealed. Unless, you really think the government would openly come out with the existence of an alien civilization as soon as it is discovered. Think, politics my friend.
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Dear Lemming3k,

The story on how chickens became the master race known as Clrnaps is a long and argues one, but no they were not created in the pass they immigrated to the past. But this is all beside the point. The Clrnaps created the face on mars billions of years ago to memorialize their creator.
I see absolutely no reason to think that political motivations would lead an administration to hiding evidence of a past ETI civilisation.
I see absolutely no reason to think that political motivations would lead an administration to hiding evidence of a past ETI civilisation.
*same here