Intelligence on Mars

I see absolutely no reason to think that political motivations would lead an administration to hiding evidence of a past ETI civilisation

Yet, how do you know it is a past ETI civilization? Further more, if even a past ETI civilization is revealed, it will indirectly expose other ETI interactions with Earth.

This provides every impetus and every political motivation for an administration to hide evidence of ETI life.
crazymikey said:
Yet, how do you know it is a past ETI civilization?
Was that facetious, or are you seriously suggesting the possibility of a currently active Martian civilisation?

Further more, if even a past ETI civilization is revealed, it will indirectly expose other ETI interactions with Earth.
Are you suggesting that this is part of a larger X-Files type conspiracy? That NASA, MSSS, and various branches of the US (and other?) government are currently involved in ETI interactions?
If that is one of your premises, then it's no wonder your proof is falling on deaf ears.

You can't persuade a logical person with a valid logical argument unless that
person agrees with the truth of your premises.

This provides every impetus and every political motivation for an administration to hide evidence of ETI life.
I do not accept your premises, therefore I can not accept your conclusion.

You are welcome to present evidence for your premises, but I'm inclined to become bored if it's stuff I've seen before.
Your theory:
crazymikey said:
This is how I make my judgement FYI.

FOR: ETI exists, and if he they can visit Earth; they can visit Mars
FOR: Viking takes a image of a face on Mars
FOR: There are structural anamolies on Mars
FOR: JPL applies image-degrading filters to 98 face image
FOR: Mars may have had suitable atmosphere and even water, and still could
FOR: It makes political sense that the government would cover-up tell-tale signs of ET life on Mars.

Your evidence is:
1. pics

AGAINST: ETI doesn't exist
AGAINST: Face on Mars is a Mesa
AGAINST: "Glass tubes" are sand dunes
Its about origin of "anomalies", assuming they were formed naturally wouldnt mean eti cant exist, so 1st one there has nothing to do with this.

What supports natural forming of said anomalies:
1. Mechanisms to shape terrain into complex forms exists on mars (erosion, vulcanic activity etc)

1. More detailed pics showing the "anomalies" to be less anomalous.

To use the cover-up argument to dismiss pics contradicting pics you chose to be right is quite strange.
Its not an online webcam they are flying out there. If they wanted to cover up something you wouldnt have those pics of yours to begin with. Theres plenty of material not showing anything but normal looking rocks for them to publish instead.
I don't think any of us have been saying ET doesn't exist. All we have been saying is as of yet there is no viable evidence that they come around here.
Was that facetious, or are you seriously suggesting the possibility of a currently active Martian civilisation?

Pete, there cannot be a logical discussion, without you at least being open to the possibility of a currently active ET civilization. Thank you for trying.
Hey anything possible, but for us to take it as fact your going to need evidence and proof.

What supports natural forming of said anomalies:
1. Mechanisms to shape terrain into complex forms exists on mars (erosion, vulcanic activity etc)

Then show me(for the 13th time)

To use the cover-up argument to dismiss pics contradicting pics you chose to be right is quite strange.

I have already covered that point: only precautions can be taken to guard sensitive information from leaking. If some information does leak; actions need to be taken to cover any information that poses a threat. This is much like the release of sensitive UFO documents, which are then promptly covered-up.
Show what? Are you now saying erosion and vulcanic activity dont exist? (read what you quote please)

Press conferences and their official webby having these pics is hardly a way to "leak" info...
You demanding me to show you exact replica of the mountain on earth for reference, well sorry, cant do that. Does that prove anything? : No.

Faces were posted, you ignored them as bad. To me cydonia face is as bad (latest pics).

And you cant dismiss the latest data based on your coverup theory, unless you Prove the theory, so far all you got is motive for theory (questionable one) and your belief that coverup exists.
Press conferences and their official webby having these pics is hardly a way to "leak" info...

The Roswell UFO incident was "leaked" in exactly the same way, further more, on the orders of the man who ordered the first nuclear strike force. Thereafter, it was promptly covered-up by the government. Hence, such "leaking" does happen.

You demanding me to show you exact replica of the mountain on earth for reference, well sorry, cant do that. Does that prove anything? : No.

I am asking you to show me something similar to the structural anamolies on Mars, in areas of natural geology. Please don't bother to respond to the 14th request, it's clear you cannot do that, hence I've already rejected your arguments.
You just dont get it, do you. You beeing too narrowminded to see faces anywhere but mars doesnt change the facts.

Theres erosion, it can create complex details, so its possible.
The newer pics stand, until you prove the coverup.

If you plan to include more ufo stuff in here as proof, you have to prove those as well. ( and plural of anecdote isnt proof)
crazymikey said:
Pete, there cannot be a logical discussion, without you at least being open to the possibility of a currently active ET civilization.

Anything's possible. Maybe the Matrix is real. I would personally rate the likelihood of the Matrix being real as only slightly less than the likelihood of an active ETI civilisation on Mars.

Now, the premises for your conclusion that there is political motivation for an administration to hide evidence of ETI life appear include:
1) There is a currently active ETI civilisation on Mars
2) The administration is already engaged in interaction with ETIs, which is being deliberately covered up in a vast conspiracy including NASA, MSSS, and the ESA.

I admit that these are possible. However, I do not consider them reasonably probable (reasonably probable being somewhat better than 1000 to 1 against).

Therefore I can not accept your conclusion.
Not sure what happens to the moderators with the last three off-topic and/or unsensible remarks ;)

Anything's possible. Maybe the Matrix is real. I would personally rate the likelihood of the Matrix being real as only slightly less than the likelihood of an active ETI civilisation on Mars.

Now, the premises for your conclusion that there is political motivation for an administration to hide evidence of ETI life appear include:
1) There is a currently active ETI civilisation on Mars
2) The administration is already engaged in interaction with ETIs, which is being deliberately covered up in a vast conspiracy including NASA, MSSS, and the ESA.

I admit that these are possible. However, I do not consider them reasonably probable (reasonably probable being somewhat better than 1000 to 1 against).

Therefore I can not accept your conclusion

You would rate the Matrix being more probable in the absence of evidence, over ET civilizations visiting Earth and Mars, in the presence of evidence. Yet talk about reasonable probability?

Please do discuss your calculations and rationale in working out:

1) There is a currently active ETI civilisation on Mars
2) The administration is already engaged in interaction with ETIs, which is being deliberately covered up in a vast conspiracy including NASA, MSSS, and the ESA.

I do not consider them reasonably probable (reasonably probable being somewhat better than 1000 to 1 against).

It sounds more like an uneducated opinion to me, than scientific analysis. Am I right?
crazymikey said:
Please do discuss your calculations and rationale in working out:
Perhaps you could address the list of our questions about your unsubstantiated claims first? It's funny how your 'proofs of eti' completely dodge providing any proof for your claims in favor of changing the subject and attacking others.
crazymikey said:
Not sure what happens to the moderators with the last three off-topic and/or unsensible remarks...
What happens is that you do not hit the "Report Post" button.