Intelligence on Mars

Avatar: It's about Astronomy, and Exobiology, and Cosmology. So i'm not sure what your problem is.

Because of statements like this:

MSSS or NASA, it does not matter. The fact of the matter is, if there are intelligent structures on Mars, they would not be revealed. Much like some astronauts who are sworn to secrecy on "what's out there"

And why would YOU know the truth? Or are you just assuming again?

Those that been revealed, clearly shows structures and what seem to be faces. I am not sure if this is the 5th, 6th, or 7th time, I've said this, but show me, that such structures can form naturally in areas of geology on Earth.

And for the 5th, 6th, or 7th time show us they are of alien origin. Really do that. Pete has shown YOU similar phenomenon right here on earth regardless of what you think.
Avatar: In so little time, of you joining these ET topics, you have shown yourself to be very untrustworthy and hypocriticial. If you feel threatened by discussing ET openly, then just ignore the topic.

ET comes under the category of exobiology and astronomy. As this is the forum where this is discussed, there should be no objections from anyone.

Intelligence on Mars is a valid hypothesis, and that is what we are discussing. If you have a problem with discussing it. Then, well, I don't care :)
look at my post count and babble again
you're not the first one here making aliens chip that geological formation
besides this topic of yours covers only a few pages, clearly not a week's read
and it's not the subject that I don't like, it's the way it is being discussed, which is - not scientifical
MSSS or NASA, it does not matter. The fact of the matter is, if there are intelligent structures on Mars, they would not be revealed. Much like some astronauts who are sworn to secrecy on "what's out there"

And why would YOU know the truth? Or are you just assuming again?

I am not assuming. I have proved it. However, that is another story:

If there is intelligence on Mars, do you think the government would allow NASA or MSSS to openly reveal it? Do you even accept the hypothesis that the government would hide ET contact?

I am only testing the claims of "NASA" here. Are you testing them, or do you take everything they say, at face value?
crazymikey, you said earlier:
The proof I have, is actually admitted by JPL on their web site. They passed the MGS photograh's through a high and low-pass filter. Why, did they apply computer filters on the images, before it was released to the scientific community?

Since you appear to not have actually found the page in question, allow me to point it out for you:
PIA01442: Mars Orbiter Camera Views the "Face on Mars" - Comparison with Viking

When you read it, you will feel justified by these statements:
Image processing has been applied to the images in order to improve the visibility of features. This processing included the following steps:
  1. The image was processed to remove the sensitivity differences between adjacent picture elements (calibrated). This removes the vertical streaking.
  2. The contrast and brightness of the image was adjusted, and "filters" were applied to enhance detail at several scales.
  3. The image was then geometrically warped to meet the computed position information for a mercator-type map. This corrected for the left-right flip, and the non-vertical viewing angle (about 45° from vertical), but also introduced some vertical "elongation" of the image for the same reason Greenland looks larger than Africa on a mercator map of the Earth.
  4. A section of the image, containing the "Face" and a couple of nearly impact craters and hills, was "cut" out of the full image and reproduced separately.

However, if you read a touch further, you will see:
Also see PIA01236 for the raw image.

A section of which I have shown you.
So, to answer your question "Why, did they apply computer filters on the images, before it was released to the scientific community?":

1) The applied filters before press release to make the image more than a featureless gray blur.
2) The scientific community knows better than to use press release images, and always uses the raw data such as I have shown you.

If they say this is the "raw" image, I won't take their word for it either
If you have an unshakeable faith in ETI on Mars to the extent that you discount all counterevidence on the grounds that you just "don't believe it", then this discussion is pointless.
I'm much more inclined to believe Michael Malin than Richard Hoagland, but that's just me.
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I am not assuming. I have proved it. However, that is another story:

No,really, it isn't. If you're going to say things like that you better be able to back it up with REAL EVIDENCE.

If there is intelligence on Mars, do you think the government would allow NASA or MSSS to openly reveal it?

No. Why? More funding so they can get more probes there and even a reason to get the Manned Mars initiative some steam. Plus it would capture the world's attention and all sorts of research would begin.

Do you even accept the hypothesis that the government would hide ET contact?

All depends. If you throw in a plot from Stargate about keeping the earth safe from bad aliens than maybe, but only to protect the public. I don't think there would be much difference from finding out we're not alone. I mean I wouldn't drop my life and preach in the woods about the end of the world....besides people already do that.

I am only testing the claims of "NASA" here. Are you testing them, or do you take everything they say, at face value?

Here's what I think. It's not a matter of what I take at face value, but I trust them far more than I trust your or your agenda. I've seen them get people to space, send probes to other planets and have seen beautiful photos of other galaxies. All I see you do is bitch about NASA and aliens.

MSSS are claiming they applied filters to the image, because the image was otherwise unusable. That sounds perfectly reasonable. What is not reasonable, that they would apply a filter, that flattens the details even further.

If you have an unshakeable faith in ETI on Mars to the extent that you discount all counterevidence on the grounds that you just "don't believe it", then this discussion is pointless.

I know that ETI exists. I don't know, that ETI exists on Mars. I am just saying to you, that I would not trust NASA or MSSS as I know if ETI life was found, it would not be directly revealed.

However, we both know, there are many structures on Mars. Which I am finding no other explanation for, other than ETI, as I know ETI exists, it is the only explanation that works. I am, however, fully open to other explanations, provided they have substance.

In this case, that would be areas of natural geology on Earth, that have the same structures. I request you, to show me this, and I will gladly revise my stance on ETI on Mars.
If there is intelligence on Mars, do you think the government would allow NASA or MSSS to openly reveal it?
I think they'd be powerless to stop it being revealed.
What is not reasonable, that they would apply a filter, that flattens the details even further.
It doesn't matter what filters were applied because everyone has access to the unfiltered image.

I know if ETI life was found, it would not be directly revealed.
I suggest that you are mistaken, and that you are blind to the possibility of being mistaken.

In this case, that would be areas of natural geology on Earth
Are you suggesting that Earth and Mars have the same geology?
If there is intelligence on Mars, do you think the government would allow NASA or MSSS to openly reveal it?

No. Why? More funding so they can get more probes there and even a reason to get the Manned Mars initiative some steam. Plus it would capture the world's attention and all sorts of research would begin.

Do you even accept the hypothesis that the government would hide ET contact?

All depends. If you throw in a plot from Stargate about keeping the earth safe from bad aliens than maybe, but only to protect the public. I don't think there would be much difference from finding out we're not alone. I mean I wouldn't drop my life and preach in the woods about the end of the world....besides people already do that.

I am only testing the claims of "NASA" here. Are you testing them, or do you take everything they say, at face value?

Here's what I think. It's not a matter of what I take at face value, but I trust them far more than I trust your or your agenda. I've seen them get people to space, send probes to other planets and have seen beautiful photos of other galaxies. All I see you do is bitch about NASA and aliens.

In other words this is about faith and trust in NASA? I am not asking you to have faith in me. I am asking you to objectively anaylse the evidence.

However, it is quite interesting, that some of those who claim there are structures on the Moon and Mars, and "sworn secrecy" are NASA scientists :)
Let's not get into that. It will only digress from the topic.
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In this case, that would be areas of natural geology on Earth, that have the same structures. I request you, to show me this, and I will gladly revise my stance on ETI on Mars.
bloody liar :)
the same structures? are you even understanding what you are saying? the same structure would be a complete copy. don't be redicilous. You have been shown that human faces can form through geological processes and that is enough, we don't need a second Mars face on earth to prove that. besides I am sure that even if there was a Mars face dublicate on earth we wouldn't have ever noticed it, simply because we can see geological formations on earth with a much larger detail.
And that also beyng obsolete now , because of Mars Global Surveyor (sp) which is doing a 3d map of Mars.
Pete said:
It doesn't matter what filters were applied because everyone has access to the unfiltered image.

No, that does matter. You would not apply a filter to flatten details, unless you were trying to hide details.

I suggest that you are mistaken, and that you are blind to the possibility of being mistaken.

We will not get into this. We've had debates on this for several months, over 1000 posts. If you had any objections or any explanations, you should have made them known. However, now the verdict is quite clearly in favour of ETI.

Are you suggesting that Earth and Mars have the same geology?

Are you suggesting that Mars has different laws of nature and physics? Interesting hypothesis; please support it :)
Those that been revealed, clearly shows structures and what seem to be faces. I am not sure if this is the 5th, 6th, or 7th time, I've said this, but show me, that such structures can form naturally in areas of geology on Earth.

And for the 5th, 6th, or 7th time show us they are of alien origin. Really do that. Pete has shown YOU similar phenomenon right here on earth regardless of what you think.

Still waiting there crazy.

In other words this is about faith and trust in NASA? I am not asking you to have faith in me. I am asking you to objectively anaylse the evidence.

No this is not about faith or trust at all. But I have OBJECTIVELY analyzed your stance on this topic and I have chosen to side with NASA because I have ZERO evidnece that ET exists so I won't make the huge logic jumps you do with the Mars "faces".

MSSS are claiming they applied filters to the image, because the image was otherwise unusable. That sounds perfectly reasonable. What is not reasonable, that they would apply a filter, that flattens the details even further.

Well use the raw image data then and stop bitching. Even my $300 digital camera filters the input. With digital technology its unavoidable but not always a bad thing.
Avatar said:
Mars has differen weather and environment, if you haven't noticed it

So does Anatartica, and from where I am(UK), India :)

I am enjoying this theory of Martian Geology being different to Earth geology. Please carry on :D
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And for the 5th, 6th, or 7th time show us they are of alien origin. Really do that. Pete has shown YOU similar phenomenon right here on earth regardless of what you think.

Trying to evade, I see? Well, the structures, show intelligent design. Now you, turn, can you prove it is natural ;)

In other words this is about faith and trust in NASA? I am not asking you to have faith in me. I am asking you to objectively anaylse the evidence.

No this is not about faith or trust at all. But I have OBJECTIVELY analyzed your stance on this topic and I have chosen to side with NASA because I have ZERO evidnece that ET exists so I won't make the huge logic jumps you do with the Mars "faces".

I have chosen to "side" with NASA - in other words, it's just about, picking sides. The one who tickles your fancy and sounds the best, is the one you choose. Almost, as good, as picking a religion. Not scientific in the least.

Well use the raw image data then and stop bitching. Even my $300 digital camera filters the input. With digital technology its unavoidable but not always a bad thing.

I also have a digital camera, and my digital camera, does not apply automatic low-pass filters ;)