Intellectually Dishonest Atheists Should Be Banned

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It's fictitious like a Tom Clancy book. Based on real places, real organizations, real equipment, even real wars, but made up for a purpose.
I can never tell if IceAge makes these posts with serious intent, or if hes just trying to make everyone on these boards hate him.

and you will fit right in, what color do you want your propeller to be?

but seriously, you only have 45 posts and your allready making demands.
John99, I never made a demand.
You should really think before you speak.

yeah i thought you were telling someone here to get lost, but you are good at jumping right on the attack bandwagon. Obviously being accepted is so important to you.
either your only putting that there 'cause i said "tell me..." or your not Jewish.

makes no difference to me, i've been to loads of bar's and bat's. :)

maybe your 11 years old.
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I'm Jewish by ancestry, not personal faith. I never wanted a Bar Mitzvah, although we did talk about it. I could not commit myself at that point. I have never even been to one. I am circumsized, if that makes you feel better. Had no choice about that one... bastards.
I was a non-conformist. I wouldn't say the Pledge of Allegience, either, until high school. Then I reasoned it was a fine thing to pledge, only I didn't say the "God" part.
The Bible records a swath of history from circa 400 B.C. on back to the origin of mankind, and other books provide wonderful corroboration of it.
What the hell are you talking about? Biblical tales don't stretch back 200,000 years.
The Bible is highly exaggerated in places and is quite inconsistent. It's not that good of a historical sourcebook, in comparison to the numerous numerical records from the period.
The atheists at this board who psycotically deny that the Bible is the most accurate account of 2,000 plus years of ancient history should be banned from this board, they treat other ancient books as writ, yet single out the Bible as being supposedly fictitious, surely insane.

I personally think that christians whose sole purpose in life is to please an invisible being who lives in the sky should all be burned at the stake....errr...i mean banned from this site.
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