Intellectually Dishonest Atheists Should Be Banned

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The atheists at this board who psycotically deny that the Bible is the most accurate account of 2,000 plus years of ancient history should be banned from this board, they treat other ancient books as writ, yet single out the Bible as being supposedly fictitious, surely insane.
Demand for banning someone just because of opposite view is quite silly.

If we'll ban all users, who will discus? We don't need this forum then.

BTW, I'm not atheist, but don't you think that it would be sad for world's knowledge, if the Bible is the only source for past 2000 years?
the origin of mankind eh? you mean that scientists in the early centuries CE recorded the evolution of homo sapiens in the bible?
To the Scesspooooooolllll with this thread!
This is were this belongs you know! ;)
I can never tell if IceAge makes these posts with serious intent, or if hes just trying to make everyone on these boards hate him.
I dont consider a document which once contained over 10 gospels, but now consists of only four gospels historical evidence.
Where did the rest of history go? I guess it never happened!
1. Historians have determined that the story of a worldwide flood, as set forth in the book of Genesis, is a myth. For example, Andrew White reports that nineteenth century Egyptologists found that Egypt had a flourishing civilization long before the biblical Flood of Noah and that no such flood had ever interrupted it.

2. Scientists are seriously challenging a recent, fascinating proposal that Noah's epic story - setting sail with an ark jam-full of animal couples - was based on an actual catastrophic flood that suddenly filled the Black Sea 7,500 years ago, forcing people to flee. In a detailed new look at the rocks, sediments, currents and seashells in and around the Black Sea, an international research team rejects the Noah flood idea, arguing that all the geologic, hydrologic and biologic signs are wrong. Little that the earth can tell us seems to fit the Noah story, they say. An international team lead by Ali Aksu argues there was no Black Sea flood at that time, and little else to support Noah's story. Instead, they see evidence that 7,500 years ago the Black Sea was already full, that it wasn't very salty, and more water was running out of the Black Sea than was pouring in through the Bosporus. As it does today, they said, the narrow strait carried a two-way flow 7,500 years ago, with salty water going in via the bottom, and less-salty water coming out on the surface. So, no flood.

3. In addition, the book of Exodus claims to contain an historical account of the escape of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, but historians and archaeologists have been unable to verify the events related in that book. No known Egyptian records refer to the biblical Moses, the devastating plagues that God supposedly inflicted on the country, the escape of the Hebrew slaves, or the drowning of the Egyptian army. Moreover, Andrew White reports that the records contained on Egyptian monuments show that the pharaoh ruling at the time of the alleged escape of the Jews was not overwhelmed in the Red Sea.

4. Another case in point is the biblical record of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and their subsequent 40-year wandering in the Sinai wilderness. According to census figures in the book of Numbers, the Israelite population would have been between 2.5 to 3 million people, all of whom died in the wilderness for their disobedience, yet extensive archaeological work by Israeli archaeologist Eliezer Oren over a period of 10 years "failed to provide a single shred of evidence that the biblical account of the Exodus from Egypt ever happened."

5. Matthew 27:45 states that while Jesus was on the cross, there fell over the whole land a darkness which lasted from midday until three in the afternoon. Andrew White states that although Roman observers such as Seneca and Pliny carefully described much less striking occurrences of the same sort in more remote regions, they failed to note any such darkness occurring in Judea.

6. Concerning the issue of the alleged historical accuracy of the Gospel accounts, Robert Ingersoll wondered why it was that the first century Jewish historian Josephus, "the best historian the Hebrews produced, said nothing about the life or death of Christ; nothing about the massacre of the infants by Herod; not one word about the wonderful star that visited the sky at the birth of Christ; nothing about the darkness that fell upon the world for several hours in the midst of day; and failed entirely to mention that hundreds of graves were opened, and that multitudes of Jews arose from the dead, and visited the Holy City?" Ingersoll also asked: "Is it not wonderful that no historian ever mentioned any of these prodigies?" Ingersoll's questions are particularly cogent when one considers that there are still in existence at least some of the works of more than sixty historians or chroniclers who lived in the period from 10 C.E. to 100 C.E. Those writers were contemporaries of Jesus, if in fact he ever existed.

Besides, intellectual dishonesty is not a valid reason for banning, so be thankful of that.
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Kings have been called by different names, next.
irrelevant, with that reasoning you could say Adams real name was Fred and Noahs, Tony and Moses real name was Bert. wasn't goliaths real name mini. it seems the bible only refers to everybody else by the given name but for this poor old So and So, whoever the poor bastard really is.
The atheists at this board who psycotically deny that the Bible is the most accurate account of 2,000 plus years of ancient history should be banned from this board, they treat other ancient books as writ, yet single out the Bible as being supposedly fictitious, surely insane.

All I want to know what your parents did to you. No, scratch that, I really don't.
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