Intellectually Dishonest Atheists Should Be Banned

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The atheists at this board who psycotically deny that the Bible is the most accurate account of 2,000 plus years of ancient history should be banned from this board, they treat other ancient books as writ, yet single out the Bible as being supposedly fictitious, surely insane.
The atheists at this board who psycotically deny that the Bible is the most accurate account of 2,000 plus years of ancient history should be banned from this board,
they treat other ancient books as writ, yet single out the Bible as being supposedly fictitious, surely insane.
:eek: What ancient books do athiests take as writ exactly?
The atheists at this board who psycotically deny that the Bible is the most accurate account of 2,000 plus years of ancient history should be banned from this board, they treat other ancient books as writ, yet single out the Bible as being supposedly fictitious, surely insane.

Why are they "pychotic" ?? For disproving the bible? ( not a hard task at that)
The onus is still on you to prove the bible is the word of God and this "accurate account of history" you keep referring to.

I guess you are feeling pretty desparate now that you have no way to refute the claims of Iasion and others.
Oh I see, you ignored my request to quote an example for your statement this thread is based on and stoop to kindergarten arguement, very impressive.:rolleyes:
The atheists at this board who psycotically deny that the Bible is the most accurate account of 2,000 plus years of ancient history should be banned from this board, they treat other ancient books as writ, yet single out the Bible as being supposedly fictitious, surely insane.

That's very funny, surely insane.
Ha, name a historical account in the Bible which has been proven to be false.

That's been done by Iasion and several others here. Why re-hash the same thing again?
They keep showing you and all you do is post one liners or preach and then go thru the same thing again.:confused:
Ha, name a historical account in the Bible which has been proven to be false.
what just one, as there are hundreds, there you go, KJV 2kings 17-4: And the king of Assyria found conspiracy in Hoshea: for he had sent messengers to So king of Egypt, and brought no present to the king of Assyria, as he had done year by year: therefore the king of Assyria shut him up, and bound him in prison.
whos is this So person,
there has never been a king of Egypt at this time or any other time, called "So" or with any similar name.
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