Influencing children to become homosexual

Should parents ever try to infulence their children to become homosexual?

  • YES

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 40 95.2%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
Do you guys think it is OK for parents to try to influence their childern to become homosexual?
D'ster said:
Do you guys think it is OK for parents to try to influence their childern to become homosexual?

This poll makes no sense. Since homosexuals cannot reproduce ( with each other), presumably all homosexuals come from heterosexuals.

Unless you are stating that sexuality is learned behavior or alternately, that we are all bisexual and choose our sexuality according to "influences".

In addition since it is only recently that homosexulas started adopting (please correct me if I am wrong), it is in heterosexual families where homosexuals are born. So do you mean to say they were influenced by their parents? How? Why?

Please clarify if I misunderstood your premise.
Your question is virtually meaningless since people cannot be influenced to become either hetero- or homosexual. They're born that way. What they can be influenced to do is to be honest with themselves and their families and accept their own homosexuality if that is what they were born with.

If someone has a kid who they suspect is gay, it would be a kindness to urge them to disover whether in fact they are gay, rather than influencing them to live a sham life of pretend heterosexuality. I know a couple of people who went through that. When they finally figured out what was wrong with their lives in their 20s or even their 30s, an awful lot of people got hurt.

So your question should be restated: Is it OK for parents to influence their children to accept their sexuality, whatever it is?

The answer to that question is yes, and it applies to both straight and gay parents of both straight and gay kids.
It is no more or less inappropriate to advocate homosexuality in a child than it is to advocate heterosexuality. I personally think that the kind of predestination attempted in such legendary quotes as Madonna saying she wanted to adopt, wanted a boy, and he would turn out gay is ridiculous; to the other, so is the use of homosexuality as an intimidator of children, e.g. "Don't do that, you look like a queer!"

Bottom line is that there is only so much energy parents should devote to their children's sex lives. Beyond that, it just gets creepy.
D'ster said:
Do you guys think it is OK for parents to try to influence their childern to become homosexual?
It is 100% legal. We must be open-minded and tolerant of all legal actions, even if we disagree or would not choose them for ourselves.
Frankly, I cannot vote on this poll.

It's like asking :
Are you still beating your wife?
1. Yes
2. No

What if I'm not beating my wife? How do I answer?
Well if you're not beating your wife, what the hell is wrong with you?

The best way to combat Islam is to raise a bunch of fags. Fags with good fashion sense and the guts to tell other people to kill Muslims.

It is your patriotic duty to raise homos.
Actually, Roman, no need to invoke the killing of Muslims. See, even in "middle America", where "family values" reign supreme, the children are subject to what is described as the "Whore Wars". The conspiracy theory on the Whore Wars is essentially that a bunch of homosexual fashion designers exact their revenge on a puritanical American bigotry by compelling young girls to dress up like sluts. Add to that the accusation that the pop record industry represented in, say, the Billboard Top 200, is largely subject to the whims of a small number of homosexual men parading pretty boy-toys and virginal sluts in front of the American audience. In the end, economy will do more to undermine the anti-Americanizing sentiments in any region of the world than death.

I cannot vouch for either the Whore Wars conspiracy theory or the Top 200 scandal, as both come to me by word of mouth and with varying but incomplete weight of credibility. In other words, it sounds interesting, but I've never bothered to look it up.

Point is, you don't have to kill them. How did Christianity survive and even flourish from the post-Roman dark age through industrialization and enlightenment into modernity? The gnostics still unknowingly survive in the form of grasping theologies in the modern world. A "personal Jesus", or a "personal relationship with God" are very unorthodox ideas in the history of Christian orthodoxy and establishment, and verge on the heretical. Point A, Point B: how? Perhaps major themes can be identified to explain the transition that are also general enough terms to redefine in consideration of the Muslim experience. This is a fertile period in which a new seed of understanding may yet germinate among the Muslim cultures. Look to it with hope, not fear.

And please, don't make me get out my green hat. Enough with the "guts" to advocate killing. Some folks don't get the humor, you know. But, for the record, that is a witty li'l post of yours.

Patriotic, indeed.
Roman said:
Well if you're not beating your wife, what the hell is wrong with you?

The best way to combat Islam is to raise a bunch of fags. Fags with good fashion sense and the guts to tell other people to kill Muslims.

It is your patriotic duty to raise homos.

Well actually, if all you want is to kill Muslims, I could do it much more easily by killing myself, as I am one :D . Or you could inform these "other people" who are led by homosexuals. And since I have good friends who are "fags" as you so eloquently put it, I'd hate for them to have it on their conscience. Plus, since I am not American ( nor Arab, nor Middle Eastern nor even a fag myself), well the patriotic duties lie elsewhere, I'm afraid. :eek:

Oh and its hard for me to beat my wife because I am a woman. I do beat my husband though, if that helps, but only occasionally and I ALWAYS apologise after :rolleyes:

Assumptions assumptions
(I'm shaking my head here, patronisingly)
P.S. I have to add, I always did have a soft spot for the chest thumping types. I love you.
The question of this poll is whether a set of people should promote the idea they believe in unto a developing person. Human adaption is also a factor that depends on how good the ideas of humans and their beliefs are copied unto the youngsters. Therefore the question is whether homosexuals really have the power to influence the young human to accept the beliefs they are led by. And the obvious answer is: NO. Otherwise this world would have died of long ago.

How much power do you hold to pass on your beliefs to the future?
No, it's not okay for parents to try to make their kids gay. Besides, it's not like they'd succeed any more than parents could at trying to make their kids straight.

It is okay, however, to let the kid know that any orientation (even heterosexuality) is okay, and that whatever their orientation, they will be loved all the same.

samcdkey said:
Frankly, I cannot vote on this poll.

It's like asking :
Are you still beating your wife?
1. Yes
2. No

What if I'm not beating my wife? How do I answer?
I interpret the question with attention focused on the word "try". To me, the question doesn't explicitly assume that one's orientation can be influenced, even though I admit it does imply so. To me, it's only asking if it's okay for parents to try to make their kids gay.

samcdkey said:
This poll makes no sense. Since homosexuals cannot reproduce ( with each other), presumably all homosexuals come from heterosexuals.

In addition since it is only recently that homosexulas started adopting (please correct me if I am wrong), it is in heterosexual families where homosexuals are born.
How is that relevant? :confused:
tiassa the mighty said:
Point is, you don't have to kill them.

But it makes for faaaaaar better Tv. And rhetoric. And when killing em doesn't go so well, the antics we act to destract form our piss poor performance with guns and killing (let's face it, the American public doesn't like a dead body, even if it's some raghead slut) are grrrrrrreat! Like frosted flakes! Like Amendments to my constitution that forbids fagdom! Like dense fucks who don't get hyperbole! Please eat my asshole, you muslim whore!
Athelwulf said:
No, it's not okay for parents to try to make their kids gay. Besides, it's not like they'd succeed any more than parents could at trying to make their kids straight.


I interpret the question with attention focused on the word "try". To me, the question doesn't explicitly assume that one's orientation can be influenced, even though I admit it does imply so. To me, it's only asking if it's okay for parents to try to make their kids gay.

Then it should have been asked in a way that makes it clear; the way the poll is worded gives the implication that it is possible and all that remains is the intent on the part of the parents.

How is that relevant?

I noticed the term parents does not clarify the sexual preferences of the parents. I believe there are homosexuals who have adopted children. I have friends who are homosexual and I know heterosexuals who believe that homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt as they can influence the child's sexual preference. What I am trying to point out is that if the heterosexuals could not do it, how can the homosexuals?
It is a real simple question.

My point is I see all the time the majority of parents doing things that are hetrosexual in nature in guiding there children behaviour.

Boys on the average are givin more masculine activity's and roles in life while girls are givin more feminie activity's and roles in life. I know plenty of parents that do many different natural things it try to influence there children into a hetrosexual way of life.

And I think that is a good thing to do.

So my question is simple:

Do you guys think it is OK for parents to try to influence their childern to become homosexual?
D'ster said:
It is a real simple question.

My point is I see all the time the majority of parents doing things that are hetrosexual in nature in guiding there children behaviour.

Boys on the average are givin more masculine activity's and roles in life while girls are givin more feminie activity's and roles in life. I know plenty of parents that do many different natural things it try to influence there children into a hetrosexual way of life.

And I think that is a good thing to do.

So my question is simple:

Do you guys think it is OK for parents to try to influence their childern to become homosexual?
Ok. It's been shown that, excluding things like traumatic abuse, parental "guidance" and behaviors have almost no effect on the life outcome of the child. What counts is the genetic tendencies that the parents so kindly gave the child (represents about 50% of the variation in behavior) and the external influences that the child encounters throughout life (the other 50%).

Boys and girls are NOT given roles. In independent trials encompassing thousands of children and decades of time, boys overwhelmingly choose the trucks to play with, and girls choose the dolls. This is established fact. You can no more "influence" you child to be more same-gender oriented than you can influence him/her to grow a third eye.


Please, for gods sake, don't infer that my statements about boys vs girls is an absolute. The tendencies are overwhelmingly gender-correlated, but certainly not 100%.
As soon as the child is born so does the parents path of influence begin, the parents are making choices for that child, color of room, type of toys, clothes and all and any personal interaction with the child as the child grows and matures, all in hopes of infuencing this childs behaviour.
D'ster said:
As soon as the child is born so does the parents path of influence begin, the parents are making choices for that child, color of room, type of toys, clothes and all and any personal interaction with the child as the child grows and matures, all in hopes of infuencing this childs behaviour.
Yes, exactly. "all in hopes of infuencing this childs behaviour". Unfortunately that is all it is. This is not my opinion. It is supported by behavioral research. All of the parenting advice given over the years (and still given regularly) is, in the words of one researcher, "flapdoodle".

You may not like it, but you can't change the facts. Studies of:

- Normal siblings
- Fraternal twins
- Identical twins
- Adopted siblings

all raised together and apart and with similar or widely varying environments show this. Sorry. Your best hope as a parent is to provide a warm, loving, supportive environment and trust that your (and your spouses) genetic legacy is a good one.