Indian babythrow


Michael Jackson is called a psycho for holding a baby over a balcony. Throw a baby off a 50ft building and it's fine.. no problems at all...


Isn't religious and cultural freedom grand sometime? I mean there's cultural and religious freedom.. and then there's throwing a baby off a 50ft building..

I wonder if the claims that no child has ever suffered any injuries is actually true. Would they report it if the child was injured or killed?
Would the Government be able to outlaw it though?

It's just astounding how they could actually do it.
No, the government could not outlaw it, if all the people there want to do it.

Banning stuff pretty much does not work in India.

You'd hope a child does not get hurt. Imagine the guilt for the parents.

I get chills just looking at that video.:bawl:
You're thinking like a westerner.

If anything happened to a child, it would be destiny.

So the parents would not feel guilt, they would just try again.
You're all just jealous that India invented baby throwing before anyone else did.

Grow up.
Ermmm ok.

I'm thinking like a parent mostly. I got similar chills when I saw the images of the guy who threw the baby out of window to escape a fire.

But he did it to save the child. These parents are doing it for a totally different reason.

Kind of selfish of the parents if you ask me. Yes, in that I probably am thinking like a Westerner. I guess I just don't understand a tradition that would entail throwing a baby off a tall building to then bounce off a sheet below. To each their own I guess.:shrug:

Having said that, my 1 year old would probably love it. The child has absolutely no fear.:bawl:
Ermmm ok.

I'm thinking like a parent mostly. I got similar chills when I saw the images of the guy who threw the baby out of window to escape a fire.

But he did it to save the child. These parents are doing it for a totally different reason.

Kind of selfish of the parents if you ask me. Yes, in that I probably am thinking like a Westerner. I guess I just don't understand a tradition that would entail throwing a baby off a tall building to then bounce off a sheet below. To each their own I guess.:shrug:

According to the video, these are parents who could not conceive and did so after doing a mannat at the darga; apparently they believe the custom will ensure the health and longevity of the child.

A darga by the way is a shrine to a Muslim saint. So its not so much religious as superstitious.
According to the video, these are parents who could not conceive and did so after doing a mannat at the darga; apparently they believe the custom will ensure the health and longevity of the child.

A darga by the way is a shrine to a Muslim saint. So its not so much religious as superstitious.

As I said, to each their own. Scary to watch though. The kids are probably going "wee" as they drop down. My youngest would.:(

It's ironic that to ensure the health and longevity of their child, they need to throw it off a tall building.
Nothing wrong in testing gravity .....

Just joking ..... you would be arrested in my country for doing this ..........but , then again , no recorded damages ........... great tourist attraction ...... and if your faith is strong enough ..... then it might be true ... he,he .....:p
So its not so much religious as superstitious.

Because religion is not superstition??? :rolleyes:

But I am all for dangerous rituals! It is good for the economy, it is good for faith, and it is good for Darwinism!!
You're thinking like a westerner.

If anything happened to a child, it would be destiny.


thow a kid from a building, if he dies, it was destiny!
nice thinking

i'm going to go jump out of my window now... THIS IS NOT SUICIDE
Actually, the Spartans did, but they didn't catch them...

Yes; a sorely neglected part of the ritual, if you ask me.

Personally, I would have been happy with a "good show" or a friendly handshake. I suppose that might be seen as timid.
I was taught "thrown off Taygetos", here is Wiki:

"This is the mountain on which the Spartans would leave their unfit children to die in a place called Ceadas. In the antiquity, male Spartan newborns were abandoned here if deemed unfit after examination for vitality.

Most likely, the children were thrown off the mountain."