In regards to atheism.

It is not a conclusion I reached, it is the way things are.
You have certainly concluded that it is the way things are.
Which is why great minds came up with a system of acquiring objective knowledge (scientific method), the best way. But that works with matter, and matter related stuff. It is limited to that alone. We're discussing spiritual matters.
You cannot use that principle to advance.
So God is a wholly subjective issue???
I accept that God is "real" in the mind, but from that understanding you can calculate, that God Is. Everything is an expression of God's energies. We (humans) are finite reflections of God and His energies.
How do you calculate that? It seems an awful big jump from God being "real" in the mind (i.e. wholly subjective) to God suddenly being what we are all expressions and reflections of (i.e. God having an objective existence).

Why do the energies you refer to need an owner? Why is it not sufficient for you to simply refer to them as energies, for example?

How is God anything other than a worldview, a means by which you can comprehend reality to your satisfaction, but with no actual objective existence? And a worldview that is only supported through circular reasoning?
I take from that you think that first I develop some sort of mental picture of God and give him attributes and then armed with my mental picture and comprehension of God I then seek evidence that fits the mental picture

Generally we can't help but develop mental pictures of things. So if you do, that is alright, as long as your intention is to advance yourself. The more you read, and understand, the hazing those mental images will become.
To sum up, foster the right attitude, and your mind will eventually clear, once you start to absorb the information. You won't lose what you already know or believe, but you will be in a position to observe them objectively.

So I form this mental picture,as no doubt the ancients did, where I give my made up God attributes of power to do anything and say this God could have created the universe and I observe the universe is there I therefore have my evidence that God exists....?

You need to clear your mind, not full it.

Or do you suggest I read scriptures where someone else presents their comprehension of God, no less imagined and no less made up, and happily and uncritically accept their concept that God created the Universe and armed with their version observe the universe is there and say I

I suggest you just chill, and empty your mind of preconceptions. That way you can process the information without your own interpretation colouring it.

Have you ever watch a movie, documentary, or read a book, that engaged you? Can you recall how you became engaged, and your state of mind?
If so, that's a good place to start.

I can imagine that approach in court.
"Your Honor we can imagine that whoever committed the robbery would look a sneaky type and if you look at the defendant he is certainly a very sneaky type and therefore guilty".

All that shows is you have imagination, and you use for stuff like that. Why don't you put that imagination under check, and use it to gain a better understanding of God.

Jan perhaps you have fallen victim to the second approach I entertained above

I haven't fallen victim, period.
But if that is how you see it, it's your loss.
Remember it is your position that is lacking, not mine.

Jan perhaps you have fallen victim to the second approach I entertained above.
You read a scripture which describes God as this and that and you are swayed by that made up work, (and be clear it is made up and issues from the mind of a man with no evidence that his work was influenced by God or the bottle, but I would pick the bottle because folk can say strange stuff when out of it,) and armed with a notion you found in an ancient work, you seek and declare the universe is clear evidence of God, the creator described in the book you just read

There's not a lot I can say to that, as you have already made up your mind, and it is now closed for business.

Me I observe the Universe and say I find no evidence suggestive of anything and can happily believe it was always here needing no explanation of creation.

I accept that. Notice I don't say you're wrong, deluded, conned, or stupid. It would be nice if you could accept my position without the need put it down (however subtly).

I lost the ability to walk properly, such that after the operation on my back I did I'm fact have to learn again how to walk.
And I think many folk find themselves in that situation.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Would you say you appreciate the art of walking now, more than you did when you took it for granted?

You prosecute the case for the existence of God the burden of proof is with you, it is up to you not me to present evidence and to make sure that evidence proves what's er it is that you wish to prove.

In reality, there's no need for that. It is what it is. People may be out in wilderness with no knowledge or access to that kind of culture.

Ultimately it is down to the individual person to realise what and who they are, and what is his/her relationship with God.

The question of whether or not God exists, is an atheist one. Otherwise there is no need to bring it up.

I can conclude God does not exist because the concept appears out of scriptures which offer no evidence that they hold any status higher than fictional works written by ancient folk who explained a world they did not understand by resorting to inventing Gods.
Men created God..God did not create men....and unfortunately Jan that is so far what the evidence tells us very clearly

This is what I'm talking about. From your perspective you are correct, but from my perspective, you are without God, which is why you have no comprehension God.

Is it possible that that could be the actual case?

Jan I have tried and there was a time I thought there was something to it.
Getting personal I believe there was a time where I was where you are now.
So why did I give up on the concept?
In truth I could see that I had become delusional and that there was absolutely no evidence of the existence of any God.

Then it's not currently for ypu
But don't make the mistake of thinking you correct, and I am wrong.

I respect the attempt and of course it is a helpful stepping stone to full understanding but a time comes where one needs to use what you learn and grow even further its sort of learning to walk by yourself and confidently.

Gee! Can't wait till I learn to walk by myself, in confidence! :rolleyes:

You asked to mend some of my ways, please do the same.

I was referring to my failure to always present as respectful just because I feel that I am always respectful I can not ignore that others can interprets my actions as lacking respect so I fail to make sure my respect is not just internal but I show to the world that I take the time to demonstrate respect.

You're very condescending. It seems you try to be subtle about it, but aren't very good at subtleties.

I accept that. Notice I don't say you're wrong, deluded, conned, or stupid. It would be nice if you could accept my position without the need put it down

I try not to Jan I really do but I do think its delusion and a con job I don't think you are stupid not for one moment.
I can't stop thinking you are wrong and just as you think I miss something I think you miss something.
Would you say you appreciate the art of walking now, more than you did when you took it for granted?

No I don't appreciate the art of walking now I am back for taking it for granted at least my shuffle but I am happy that I can walk and if I need the wheel chair that I can get it in and out of the car...mostly I use a walker cause when the burning gets too much I need to sit down.
And the walker is great to put shopping in.
I dont feel less of a man or that crap amd so many old men do...and I can drive ..and that I don't need help.

I play the cards I am dealt and know there are many folk who have it worse...
Ultimately it is down to the individual person to realise what and who they are, and what is his/her relationship with God.
I agree except I don't believe a god exists.
I really don't care if others believe in God other than I believe they are being conned but except for here I never preach that God does not exist...I avoid religion and politics and except for here and the other place I go let others do the talking.

Funny a girl at the pub said to me she liked me because I was a good conversationalist but I never say a word I just let her talk and show interest. Plus I don't look at her like she is a piece of meat probably makes her feel comfortable.
From your perspective you are correct, but from my perspective, you are without God, which is why you have no comprehension God.

Is it possible that that could be the actual case?

I would like to think I understand your perspective Jan.
I think I can understand how you see the universe.
I tried to present that for others here a few posts back.
I have a friend who is into tarot cards and he believes they work and it fawned on me one day he really does and I could see how his approach made sence to him.

I have had a lot of experience listening to others I sort of enjoy trying to understand how others feel, how they see the world and how that interpret things.

Once "they" would call me father confessor because I would listen without judgment.
People seem to like talking about how they feel etc and I like to be sort of helpful and caring.
I like being kind to people as well as animals.
But don't make the mistake of thinking you correct, and I am wrong.
I try Jan.
You asked to mend some of my ways, please do the same.
I am trying Jan but I am not perfect.
You're very condescending. It seems you try to be subtle about it, but aren't very good at subtleties.
You are probably correct.
I don't mean to be but I have the sence it turns upon how others see me not that inside I think I am otherwise.
I try to be polite but I do not consider myself subtle that's for sure but ones image of themselves often is not how others see them.

God exists for you. God does not exist for me.
I think there is a level you have yet to experience. You think there is a level I have yet to experience.

You're not in a position to say God does not exist, as a fact.
I am in a position to say that the existence of God is not a fact. I am in a position to say that Santa Claus is more of a fact than God. I can sit you right down on his knee.

You have no comprehension, or awareness of God, meaning you can't comment on people who are aware, saying their comprehension, and awareness, are false.
Then why can you comment on people who are aware of Santa Claus, saying their comprehension and awareness are false?

We're immersed in lots of things, why pick on ficticiuos gods.
I pick on lots of things. Fictitious gods aren't even close to the top of my list.

How do you know God doesn't exist?
How do you know Santa Claus doesn't exist?

As a theist, I spend quite a considerable amount of my life not being aware of God, because my mind wanders. So I have some experience of being atheistic.
That isn't what atheism is.
You need to demonstrate otherwise


You confirmed that we are both talking about the objective existence of God.
You acknowledge that he doesn't exist for some, yet not for others. That is not objectivity

I've confirmed, and have been confirming that God Is. Why don't you deal with that?

No. Counter-intuitively, we rationalists have a lot more to discuss about the concept of god than you believers.

What makes you think you are rational?

You've said your peace - God Is. That's not even a meaningful sentence. But you have nothing else - no evidence, no logic to back it up, nothing but your faith.

Do you mean 'piece'?

It won't mean much to you, but I'm okay with that. I would be just waiting my time trying to explain it to someone, for God does not exist, but tries to justify his position as the correct one.

Now it's a sentence. A sentence is a single, complete thought.

I'm okay with whatever you wish to speculate about God.

God does not exist as far as you're aware, which means you're without God, hence the original meaning of atheist.

You cannot currently go beyond that mindset.

I can't stop thinking you are wrong and just as you think I miss something I think you miss something

I don't say you miss something. You do.
You recognise that you are atheist don't you?

I would like to think I understand your perspective Jan

It's really quite simple. I believe in God. That's all you need to know.

I am trying Jan but I am not perfect.

You don't have to be perfect. Just think about what you say. Remember it is easy to put people down. If we both start doing it, the discussion will be short lived.

God exists for you. God does not exist for me.
I think there is a level you have yet to experience. You think there is a level I have yet to experience.

Don't worry about levels
That just confuses the issue.
It is the way it is.

You're not in a position to say God does not exist, as a fact.
As far as you're aware?
No. Facts have nothing to do with my awareness. Facts are facts whether I'm aware of them or not. The existence of God is NOT a fact. If it was, you could demonstrate it, like you can demonstrate the fact of rain.

How do you know Santa Claus doesn't exist
In what sense?
In any sense. How do you know Santa Claus doesn't exist?

That isn't what atheism is.
What is it then?
You don't have "experience of atheism" because you aren't constantly thinking about God.

Atheism is a lack of belief in gods. A baby is born atheistic. He/she is likely to hear the myths about gods and may or may not acquire a belief in gods.
SP is somehow under the impression that because "zen" is a word associated with Buddhism, and Buddhistm is associated with atheism, that it is an atheist concept.
He couldn't be further from the truth. Buddha had no problem with the obvious existence of God, as the Absolute Truth, and the Vedas a literary incarmation of God.
Buddha chose not to impart that knowledge to his disciples, as they had lost the capacity to perceive it.

If you like, we'll have a look at some of the quotes by Buddha that shows this, although there is a good chance you will deny it.

I now understand why Buddha didn't impart that knowledge, but taught meditation.

I was just using your disingenuous tactic of special pleading in hope that you would get the point. I didn't mean it, Zen isn't anything like I was saying. But you see, anyone can claim special knowledge, but no one else has any reason to believe it without evidence.
You recognise that you are atheist don't you?

Yes of course I recognise I am an atheist if I come here and am reminded that others such as yourself Jan believe in God otherwise when wandering about in the world I just think I am a normal sort of person, a man, a father, an astronomer, a guitarist, an artist and a decent Australian and so on but don't ever qualify myself as an atheist.

God does not exist and I don't remind myself he or it is not there...I see people around the church sometimes when I go to MacDonald's for breakfast...I don't think of them believing in God in my mind they are just "bible bashers" a social group rather than believers in God.

So when I meet someone like you its like "wow here is someone who actually believes there is a God" almost in disbelief and it is only my experience with my tarot reading mate that I can stop from blurting out "are you crazy".

I get it that you do believe.

I don't get how you can believe however.

Similar to our Mormon mate who accepts that Joe Smith borrowed a golden bible from an angle and translated it with his hat over his face and returning the bible such that the angle takes away any physical evidence of his storey.

I can only think.." Are they crazy".."how can anyone fall for such made up crap?".

And yet some 20 million people believe that is true and I can't get past " are they crazy?"

I can only rationalize belief in God as something that got into our make up over thousands of years of refining superstition causing a glitch in rational thought for some.
Its like a dog will chase a car when thousands of years of hunting kicks in...he can't help it..I guess superstition has come come from thousands of years of believing nonsence.

I often think the leaders used religion to maintain control and that they would not have believed what they forced the tribe to follow and that maybe my genes came from tribe leaders.

I was happy to employ religious folk in my office.

But my point is there is nothing in me which you say is a natural tendency to believe whereas I presume you somehow lean to the existence of a God.

And when I find absolutely no evidence of God, and I work out the scriptures contain mistakes one can attribute to ancient superstitious folk and can't help feeling I am right.

There is no reason a God exists other than as a product of human invention and I have no problem of even leaving out a small qualifier that there is always the possibility in the same way I have of saying there is no possibility that the easter bunny exists.

So I must accept that you Jan believe in something that is hopelessly wrong in my view and refrain from calling you wrong and out of respect I will walk that fine line.

I just can not wait until you get to the next level of enlightenment and abandon superstition and become confident you can say god does not exist without fear of being damned.

I would rather relate on the basis we are both musicians.

That's all you need to know.
I have a need to explain why anyone can believe there is a God.
Its like you hear about folk who self harm and you ask "why do the do that?" "What is going on in their head when they do that".
I also wonder why folk buy old advertising signs as if they were desirable..
I wonder a bit about things humans do that seem strange to me.
Remember it is easy to put people down. If we both start doing it, the discussion will be short lived.
I know but I can't help thinking you must be crazy to believe there is a God and that you are wrong...and I feel bad that I are OK Jan and it upsets me I can't be more accepting but I can't and I really try.

I sat yesterday looking at clouds and trees but the more I thought the more atheist I became.

You have a great day.

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I observe the Spirit train remains at station REALITY

Still going Woo Woo

Not taking any EVIDENCE on board as fuel

Wheels still spinning

No sign of it going anywhere let alone progressing to station SENSIBLE

So when I meet someone like you its like "wow here is someone who actually believes there is a God" almost in disbelief and it is only my experience with my tarot reading mate that I can stop from blurting out "are you crazy".

You think it's crazy, because 'You can't see God, therefore God does not exist'.

I don't get how you can believe however.

To me it's obvious.

I can only rationalize belief in God as something that got into our make up over thousands of years of refining superstition causing a glitch in rational thought for some.

At least you're thinking about God. That may come in handy some day.

I often think the leaders used religion to maintain control and that they would not have believed what they forced the tribe to follow and that maybe my genes came from tribe leaders.

You don have many options, if you want to justify you position. So I'll leave you with that one.

I was happy to employ religious folk in my office.

Well done.

But my point is there is nothing in me which you say is a natural tendency to believe whereas I presume you somehow lean to the existence of a God.

God just Is.

And when I find absolutely no evidence of God, and I work out the scriptures contain mistakes one can attribute to ancient superstitious folk and can't help feeling I am right.

Oh, so you have looked for evidence?
Let's talk about that. What have you done?

There is no reason a God exists other than as a product of human invention and I have no problem of even leaving out a small qualifier that there is always the possibility in the same way I have of saying there is no possibility that the easter bunny exists.

Which is why you're atheist. Everything you say about God, is from the pov of a person without God, and you don't know you're without God. Why do you like to discuss God so much, when you're a happy-ish atheist. Go and live the bit of you life you have left.

So I must accept that you Jan believe in something that is hopelessly wrong in my view and refrain from calling you wrong and out of respect I will walk that fine line.

Of course you do, what other option is their. You're without God, therefore God doesn't exist for. I get it. Just be happy man.

I just can not wait until you get to the next level of enlightenment and abandon superstition and become confident you can say god does not exist without fear of being damned.

I see that you like your condition, and such I think it best you remain in it, until such you feel you've had enough denial.

I have a need to explain why anyone can believe there is a God.

It's obvious that God Is.
I understand why you don't believe in God. Because God doesn't currently exist for. Simple really.

At least you're thinking about God.
Yes thinking about God and how the prospect of existence of God is more than remote... for me.
Oh, so you have looked for evidence?
Of course I have Jan.
And I find none.
When I ask for evidence none is presented.
Let's talk about that.
Yes let's do that, given I have found no evidence, do you have any leads.
Don't worry about what evidence do I require just put up anything you have.
I think if you can present something, anything, that would be a good start.
You mentioned how scriptures influenced you maybe start there...
Maybe you had a situation that seemed like a miracle... I don't know what evidence you can call upon?
What have you done?
I read the bible I read something you mentioned to me re the battlefield, I found out that cart loads of scriptures were sent from India to China,
I have asked you today, and in the past, for the evidence you think could help.
Why do you like to discuss God so much, when you're a happy-ish atheist.
Well I came here for the science.
Because I am not a scientist there is little I can discuss.
With religion there is little to discuss and I find it novel.
It turns on God s existence or non existence.
I get sucked in.
I enjoy reading the back and forth posts.
I try and learn a different method of arguing to the way I do it.
Go and live the bit of you life you have left.
Good advice there Jan but there is not enough left to start any new hobbies.
Talking about religion takes me away from reality.
Because God doesn't currently exist for. Simple really.
Very true.
But your use of the word "currently" hints that you have evidence ready to present such that you will show God does exist.

If one day I don't reply you can assume that Alex has left the building.

Where you will find evidence of God, is not outside, but stems from inside your own mind. If you ever read the New Testament, especially Romans, the bible tells you where to find God. It talks about the outer man dying; product of the cultural superego, and the inner man being reborn; inner self.

Most people don't understand what that means. The outer man is learned from the outside via culture. This is the herd man. The inner man is connected to independent thinking and intuition, which is referred to as the inner spirit of truth or Holy Spirit. In Romans the distinct is sons of God versus sons of the bond woman. If you are a son of God, you are above the mass mind.

The atheists assumption of the proof of God is something analogous to, if you can't find fire under the water, fire does not exist. They look in the wrong place and then conclude it does not exist. This is why you try to get beyond the mass mind.

Be not conformed to the world, but be transformed by a renewing of the mind. Conformity to the world is connected to the needs of the outer man. The bible says Jesus left behind a comforter who will be with you, as an inner voice. Read the Undiscovered Self by the late psychologist Carl Jung. This is an example of one area of psychology finding what had been known for 2000 years. This POV is taboo to many psychologist, who make a living off other others being dependent on them; outer voice.
If "God Is" does that make the bible is as well?

Shut up Wellwisher and like a good Republican grab Mother Marry by the pussy.
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The atheists assumption of the proof of God is something analogous to, if you can't find fire under the water, fire does not exist. They look in the wrong place and then conclude it does not exist. This is why you try to get beyond the mass mind.

Totally incorrect

Most people would understand why fire does not exist under water

Although underwater welders and rust might dispute that assertion

But looking for proof of god has never been restricted to only under water

Can you name any place where god has NOT been sought?

Where you will find evidence of God, is not outside, but stems from inside your own mind.

I said earlier that god is real (as in the mind of he who believes), but does not exist that the way of it?

Is it ...Although God does not exist you believe he is real so you can follow the rules men have made up which is how they think a God would want things and provide rules that should make life better but nevertheless that made up God in the mind does not exist outside of the mind???

If that is the case I don't need a placeholder, a god in my mind, to be at peace, be kind, avoid lust, gluttony and all that stuff.

I don't get is not out there why do you need a make believe structure to be a decent person?

However I thank you wellwisher for your input.
