in demon haunting and possession


in these situations god is the releaser

why ? ( by the way asking god to do so does not always work)

what is really going on ?
first there is no such a thing as daemons or demons and so yes "possession" is a chemical phenomena. Some of those people are a little off in the head and many others are just suggestible and are "hypnotized" (unknowingly play acting) what they "think" possession should be like. I've seen people hypnotized to think they are a bee or a man pregnant. Afterwards they go back to being perfectly normal.
and for those who do neither and still experience the experience , then the explaination is....

Two possible answers.

1. They are trying to make money on their so called abilities as being "possessed".

2. They are mentaly ill.
first there is no such a thing as daemons or demons and so yes "possession" is a chemical phenomena. Some of those people are a little off in the head and many others are just suggestible and are "hypnotized" (unknowingly play acting) what they "think" possession should be like. I've seen people hypnotized to think they are a bee or a man pregnant. Afterwards they go back to being perfectly normal.

so your comparing possession to being hypnotized

I'm looking for a possession where an exorcist screams "LEAVE this woman in the NAME of JEEEEESUS!" & the demon says "What the crap is a jeeeezus?"