In case you were wondering what Sistani thinks about gay people...

DiamondHearts said:
Not allowing Muslims to visit the Holy Mosque does not make them similiar to urine, this is a huge exaggeration. It's not me who is being xenophobic, it is you.

Tell that to the one who compose the list of unclean things.

We did not invent the list, bigot.

Also I am Muslim and I am more at liberty to discuss the views of another Muslim than you who has continued to deride Muslims ever since i joined this forum.

Then you should similarly have nothing whatever to say regarding the conversion of anyone from islam to any other religion. "Verily, I tell you, there will not be peace until your nation allows the spread of non-islam."

Does that sound familiar at all?

GeoffP said:
Tell that to the one who compose the list of unclean things.

We did not invent the list, bigot.

Then you should similarly have nothing whatever to say regarding the conversion of anyone from islam to any other religion. "Verily, I tell you, there will not be peace until your nation allows the spread of non-islam."

Does that sound familiar at all?


What kind of upside down world do you live in where I am considered a bigot.

Please present a post where I have ever shown racism and bigotry against others.

Unlike you, I have said I respect other religions many times and have said all men are equal as to their race.

DiamondHearts said:
What kind of upside down world do you live in where I am considered a bigot.

Please present a post where I have ever shown racism and bigotry against others.

Oh oh, that will be a long post.
DiamondHearts said:
What kind of upside down world do you live in where I am considered a bigot.

Please present a post where I have ever shown racism and bigotry against others.

Unlike you, I have said I respect other religions many times and have said all men are equal as to their race.


As Q said that will be a long post, why don't you in the meantime show where Geoff is racist. I'll wager you can't :p
DiamondHearts said:
What kind of upside down world do you live in where I am considered a bigot.

Dar-al-Harb, apparently. Don't forget to wash your ears out; I wouldn't want to contaminate you by speaking to you.

Please present a post where I have ever shown racism and bigotry against others.

You believe kufr are "filthy", and you defend others that do. Unless you're saying that list is bull?

Unlike you, I have said I respect other religions many times and have said all men are equal as to their race.

Are you perhance calling me a racist? Like to see you try to back that one up.

DiamondHearts said:
What kind of upside down world do you live in where I am considered a bigot.

Please present a post where I have ever shown racism and bigotry against others.

Unlike you, I have said I respect other religions many times and have said all men are equal as to their race.

what about your homophobia? yu run away from facing this fear, don't you?
DiamondHearts said:
It is also a fact that AIDS is more common among Homosexuals than heterosexuals, and often anal sex results in bleeding and transmitting viruses to individuals. AIDS is also common among prostitutes and those who engage in sex with many partners, which is also completely against the teachings of Islam. This shows why AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases are so rare in Islamic countries.

Explain Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, the Philipines, Finland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzogovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Laos, and Bangladesh. They aren't Islamic countries.

Also explain Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia, which are Islamic countries and which have a higher AIDS rate than almost all the countries in the western hemisphere.
Muslims said:
126. If a Pak thing touches a najis thing and if either or both of them are so wet that the wetness of one reaches the other, the Pak thing will become najis. Similarly, if the wetness of the thing which has become najis, touches a third thing, that t hird thing will also become najis. It is commonly held by the scholars, that a thing which has become najis transmits its najasat, but indefinite number of transmissions is improbable. In fact, after certain stage it is Pak.
For example, if the right hand of a person becomes najis with urine, and then, while still wet, it touches his left hand, the left hand will also become najis. Now, if the left hand after having dried up, touches a wet cloth, that cloth will also become najis, but, if that cloth touc hes another wet thing, it cannot be said to be najis. In any case, if the wetness is so little, that it does not affect the other thing, then the Pak thing will not become najis, even if it had contacted the Najisul Ayn.

Pak meaning clean, najis meaning dirty. This is like reading something from the middle ages. Oh wait, the Muslims are still stuck in the middle ages. What a primitive people. I'm so glad that President Bush is bringing Jesus to the middle east. It's about time that place got westernized.
Athelwulf said:
Explain Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, the Philipines, Finland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzogovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Laos, and Bangladesh. They aren't Islamic countries.

Actually, Bangladesh is Islamic. They are the more intelligent half of Pakistan.
Athelwulf said:
Explain Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, the Philipines, Finland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzogovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Laos, and Bangladesh. They aren't Islamic countries.

Bold countries are Muslim.

Athelwulf said:
Also explain Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia, which are Islamic countries and which have a higher AIDS rate than almost all the countries in the western hemisphere.

Ethiopia is Christian. Also Sudan and Somalia are noteable exceptions and the HIV/AIDS in many parts of Africa is not due to homosexuality or prostitution but is common in normal individuals.

I was alluding to the fact that almost all the dark green nations and grey nations are Muslims.


Roman said:
Pak meaning clean, najis meaning dirty. This is like reading something from the middle ages. Oh wait, the Muslims are still stuck in the middle ages. What a primitive people. I'm so glad that President Bush is bringing Jesus to the middle east. It's about time that place got westernized.

You probably didn't understand what I wrote, I suggest you re-read my posts presenting the proper understanding of this topic in Islam.

As far as supporting Bush in Christianizing the Middle East, I don't really care because it will never succeed and eventually backfire. For showing such medievel hatred, you must be quite primitive yourself.

Xerxes said:
Actually, Bangladesh is Islamic. They are the more intelligent half of Pakistan.

What do you get out of raising one Muslim country over another, and why do display such hatred for Pakistan?

For me, I view human intelligence as equal and view that all races and ethnicities are equal in their mental capabilities because they are all human beings.

I don't favor one ethnicty over another, I view this idea of superiority as arrogance and racism.
