In case you were wondering what Sistani thinks about gay people...

Diamond hearts

I wonder what the worlds population would be now, if everyone had been born hetrosexual, 20 to 60 billion instead of the current 6 billion, imagine the turmoil the world would be going through no oil, shortages of food & water, half the world living in slums.Gays have been a positive thing in this world not a negative one.
As a Muslim i can never accept homosexuality because I believe man was created to be heterosexual.

The natural duty and life of man is dictated in the Quran where Allah (swt) says that man was created for woman, and woman was created for man. Both were created to live with each other in love and peace.

If I believed homosexuality is natural, I would not hold my current views, but the fact is homosexuality is a perversion from man's created way. If people were made to be homosexual then they would be ways allowed to have children homosexually, but this is not so.

There are many negative effects to homosexuality for human beings. The sex practiced by them is demeaning and disgusting and in a dirty area which can cause infections for humans. It is worth noting that gays are more likely to get AIDS and it is an epidemic in their populations.

Islam is not only religion, Islam is the natural way and Allah (swt)'s system for ruling the world. Islam is physics and natural math of the world. The sun, moon, earth, and universe are under the rule of Islam which is the natural law of Allah (swt). Everything surrenders to Allah (swt) in belief as a Muslim and is hence under the dominian of Islam. Those of humans are given freedom by Allah (swt) to accept or reject Islam, but they are still under the natural rule of Allah, hence under submission to Allah (swt). Children before puberty are Muslim, if they die, they go to paradise because the natural way is Islam.

Allah (swt) tests some people more than others and those who are born neither male nor female or both are not to be blamed for their sexuality since it is not of their own doing. We have people who are both male and female or neither and we still respect them as human beings. We feel pity for such a thing to happen to them, it is not of their own doing and we respect them for their patience and strength.

Homosexuality, unlike this, is not natural. It is entirely in the head of the individual.

I'm a devote Muslim who uses both conscience reason and faith to make my opinions of matters. Reason and common sense only prove Islam. And Islam is perfect and eternal for all people to embrace.

DiamondHearts said:
The natural duty and life of man is dictated in the Quran where Allah (swt) says that man was created for woman, and woman was created for man.

no, we were only created to serve allah!

It is worth noting that gays are more likely to get AIDS and it is an epidemic in their populations.

not girls!
DiamondHearts said:
Another reason why Homosexuality, Abortions, metrosexual, and many more sexual groups will emerge due to the corruption of the institution of marriage in the West.

I wasn't aware that metrosexual was a sexual group. I thought it was dressing stylishly. But what do I know, I live under the umbrella of the corrupt Western Hemisphere.

I'm assuming that by "corruption of the institution of marriage in the West" you are referring to legalized same-sex marriages. First, it isn't a wild-fire trend. To say the least it is a small "bush" fire in a few places. But besides that, it isn't going to increase the number of gay people. It doesn't give more benefit to being gay than being heterosexual. In all practicality it only has a legal effect: it allows gay couples tax advantages that are only recognized for married couples.

Don't start rubbing your hands together in jubiliation just yet, we Westerns intend to stay around for a long time! *Max smiles, while he pats his pregnant wife's belly*

DiamondHearts said:
As a Muslim i can never accept homosexuality because I believe man was created to be heterosexual.

But what proof is there that humanity was created to be anything, apart from being humanity? If the Quran is your only proof, it seems your proof is lacking. I could hardly claim certitude from any single religious viewpoint without external data.

Homosexuality, unlike this, is not natural. It is entirely in the head of the individual.

And yet, homosexuality is also a genetic state, though at low allelic frequency. Islam, by contrast, is not. It is - literally - "entirely in the head of the individual"; it is a learned state.

I'm a devote Muslim who uses both conscience reason and faith to make my opinions of matters. Reason and common sense only prove Islam. And Islam is perfect and eternal for all people to embrace.

But, as we've illustrated earlier, it isn't. There may be some good facets to islam, but there's no shortage of islamic mistreatment of good people. Nor moreover is the Quran lacking in error, misanthropy and conflicted message.

If islam is perfect, then it appears islam is not islam.

homosexuals arent any more prone to hiv than anyone else.
the issue is promiscuity. many many many homosexuals are monogamous.

i myself agree that homosexuality is wrong.....for ME. what someone else does with their dick does not give me a right to judge them.

well yeahhh, 'all in the head' says it all--a 'revealed/learned' religion. a patriarchal religion which believes in a 'God' apart---doesn't matter if you claim 'all is allah' it still--rhe concept still iis to be submissive to, as creature to creator

this is typically patriarchal idea-----part of the sky-god warrior cult gangs who brought so much miseery to Idigenous peoples, who were only in th head, but rathe organism and environment, and acceptedpsychedelic sacraments which were taken and enjoyed as a CELEBRTATION,
of life, death, the cyclic nature of reality. and were accepting of all form of sexulity for celbration of orgasmic ecstasy

bu the misery laden ascetic cults and/or patriarchy write denigrating propagandaabout women, and nonprocreative sex, and homosexuality, and NATURE>>>>>

tis pattern can be seen West AND East etc. continuuing into mechanical science agfe of west which ALSO denigrates Nature, an MEANING
You sound like loads of fun, DiamondHearts. If I lived in a predominately muslim country I'd kill myself.
Hey, maybe that's why there are so many muslims willing to be suicide bombers.
DiamondHearts said:
As a Muslim i can never accept homosexuality because I believe man was created to be heterosexual.
Yeah, except man wasn't "created", dummkopf. We evolved over a long period of several million years.
DiamondHearts said:
Allah (swt) tests some people more than others and those who are born neither male nor female or both are not to be blamed for their sexuality since it is not of their own doing. We have people who are both male and female or neither and we still respect them as human beings. We feel pity for such a thing to happen to them, it is not of their own doing and we respect them for their patience and strength.

Homosexuality, unlike this, is not natural. It is entirely in the head of the individual.

I'm a devote Muslim who uses both conscience reason and faith to make my opinions of matters. Reason and common sense only prove Islam. And Islam is perfect and eternal for all people to embrace.
OK, so you agree that some people’s sexuality is BIOLOGICALLY different than others.
For example people born as
Hermaphrodite (both sex organs) such as Gonadal dysgenesis
Or with
testicular feminization - people born a male (XY) but physically look female. Prior to DNA testing, these people would have easily passed their test of GOD, they would have lived as (and thought they were) a female.

Actually that’s interesting isn’t it? Because, people have been born with testicular feminization for millennia but they didn’t know it – however God would have known it. So why would God do that? It suggests that they were 1) NOT sinning by having same sex intercourse (man with man) or 2) that God is a weirdo with some odd fetish or 3) humans are a product of evolution and there is no God.

Anyway, what if we can SCIENTFICALLY demonstrate in that for Gays that look male physically that their sexuality is BIOLOGICALLY different than others?

Then what?

Is is OK as was the above examples (hermaphroditic/testicular feminization)? Well? Are you going to be scientifically consistent or pick and choose?

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Homosexuality is caused by a simple chemical imbalance, occurring before birth. It is simply a random biological anomaly. Postbirth environmental factors can affect the situation, but it is mostly determined by a hormonal ratio in the brain of estrogen to testosterone that is higher than the majority of our species. This anomaly has been shown, time and time again, to occur in other species, thus showing that it is a natural phenomenon.
Hapsburg said:
Homosexuality is caused by a simple chemical imbalance, occurring before birth. It is simply a random biological anomaly. Postbirth environmental factors can affect the situation, but it is mostly determined by a hormonal ratio in the brain of estrogen to testosterone that is higher than the majority of our species. This anomaly has been shown, time and time again, to occur in other species, thus showing that it is a natural phenomenon.
it is NOT an 'imbalance' at all. to say 'imbalance' is pesudo-shrink speak that proposes there is an 'ideal' balance.
It was tat idea tat had gays hounded by the psychiatric establishment when homosexuality was classed a 'mental illness'!
DiamondHearts said:
As a Muslim i can never accept homosexuality because I believe man was created to be heterosexual.

me)))i have come here, to this thread, after bringingup at another one how last night I had watched a documentary about Gay Muslims, and how sad it was to see the participants of te programme have to HIDE. all we saw were feet, backs, hands, blurred images, legs. onl TWO--very happy looking-Muslims, who were livingin London,
allowed their identities to be seen.
I felt So ad for these oters who were really fearful of being seen, and being allowed to be themselves.

The natural duty and life of man is dictated in the Quran where Allah (swt) says that man was created for woman, and woman was created for man. Both were created to live with each other in love and peace.

me)))and tis is your belief system. SEE IT! a belief that dictates. we know of dictators dont we?it is fascism right. But your belief--patriarchal beliefs--create a big dictator in the SKY. and much much evil comes from this AWFUL idea!!

If I believed homosexuality is natural, I would not hold my current views, but the fact is homosexuality is a perversion from man's created way. If people were made to be homosexual then they would be ways allowed to have children homosexually, but this is not so.

me))))silly logic. Many heterosexual couples choose not to procreate. Some cannot conceive. What does tat make them? your dictator-god frowning on tem?....NO. the whole emphasis on PROCREATION is indotrinated in patriarchal religion. The very meaningof 'sin' in Hebrew means 'missing the mark'--ie., shedding semen on the ground. because the patriarchah are semen-centric, the belioeve any waste is against 'God'. can you not see the absurdity of all this nonesense??
Prepatriarchl religion understood ECSTASY as being as, if not more so, important than procreation.

There are many negative effects to homosexuality for human beings. The sex practiced by them is demeaning and disgusting and in a dirty area which can cause infections for humans. It is worth noting that gays are more likely to get AIDS and it is an epidemic in their populations.

me)))Again, homophobic propaganda. Try and understand the sexual TOGETHERNESS as being more important. it could be argues the dick, cunt are also used for urnatingout of, yet they are still sexual organs. The anus is a very sensitive place, and also seat--pardon thepun, ahaha--of 'kundalini' in tantric sexuality. Many gay men ARE clean, as many heteros are. There is nothing at all wrong with anal sex. Oly wat you have been made to believe from your homophobic indoctrination.
Regarding the 'AIDS' propaganda you spout. Well i've said it, it is evil propaganda, andnot just from patriarchal religionists eithe, but also a major major EVIL scam from corrupt medical science. See, for example:

Islam is not only religion, Islam is the natural way and Allah (swt)'s system for ruling the world. Islam is physics and natural math of the world. The sun, moon, earth, and universe are under the rule of Islam which is the natural law of Allah (swt). Everything surrenders to Allah (swt) in belief as a Muslim and is hence under the dominian of Islam. Those of humans are given freedom by Allah (swt) to accept or reject Islam, but they are still under the natural rule of Allah, hence under submission to Allah (swt). Children before puberty are Muslim, if they die, they go to paradise because the natural way is Islam.

me))))))make NO mistake, Diaond Hearts. Iam not under rule of your dictator-god. 'He' is a viscious horrendous creation creation by divisive, ugly-minded male mindset!

Allah (swt) tests some people more than others and those who are born neither male nor female or both are not to be blamed for their sexuality since it is not of their own doing. We have people who are both male and female or neither and we still respect them as human beings. We feel pity for such a thing to happen to them, it is not of their own doing and we respect them for their patience and strength.

me)))'they' do not WANT your 'pity'. they DEMAND you give up your superiority, and cruelty.

Homosexuality, unlike this, is not natural. It is entirely in the head of the individual.

me))))))NO, wht YOU believe is 'entirely in the head'. your indoctrination has dulled any deep feeling. I dont say this wit bitterness, i am being deadly serious to you!

I'm a devote Muslim who uses both conscience reason and faith to make my opinions of matters. Reason and common sense only prove Islam. And Islam is perfect and eternal for all people to embrace.

me)))'reason' and 'common sense' can be THEmost vile cruel things withOUT deep natrual feeling


hmmmmmm'peace'?? for WHO?......seems a contradiction after hearing your views.
DiamondHearts said:
As a Muslim i can never accept homosexuality because I believe man was created to be heterosexual.

The natural duty and life of man is dictated in the Quran where Allah (swt) says that man was created for woman, and woman was created for man. Both were created to live with each other in love and peace.

Allah (swt) tests some people more than others and those who are born neither male nor female or both are not to be blamed for their sexuality since it is not of their own doing. We have people who are both male and female or neither and we still respect them as human beings. We feel pity for such a thing to happen to them, it is not of their own doing and we respect them for their patience and strength.

Homosexuality, unlike this, is not natural. It is entirely in the head of the individual.

I'm a devote Muslim who uses both conscience reason and faith to make my opinions of matters. Reason and common sense only prove Islam. And Islam is perfect and eternal for all people to embrace.

"A Moslem who is the active partner in sexual relations with other men is not considered a “homosexual” (the word has no pre-modern Arabic equivalent); quite the contrary, his sexual domination of another man may even confer a status of hyper-masculinity. He may use other men as substitutes for women, and at the same time have great contempt for them. This depraved view of sex, common in mainstream Moslem societies, is commonly found in the West only in prisons. In all cases it is the presence of love, affection, or equality among sexual partners that is intolerable. Equality in sexual relations is unimaginable in Islam, whether heterosexual or homosexual. Sex in Islamic societies has never been about mutuality between partners, but about the adult male’s achievement of pleasure through domination.

It is difficult to establish precisely the number of homosexuals that have been executed in Iran since the Islamic revolution in 1979, since not all sentences are widely publicized, but estimates range from several hundred to 4,000 (3). According to Amnesty International, at least three homosexual men and two lesbians were publicly beheaded in January 1990. The Islamic Penal Law Against Homosexuals, approved in July 1991 and ratified in November of that year, is simple. Article 110: “Punishment for sodomy is killing; the Sharia judge decides on how to carry out the killing.” Article 129: “Punishment for lesbianism is one hundred (100) lashes for each party.” Article 131: “If the act of lesbianism is repeated three times and punishment is enforced each time, the death sentence will be issued the fourth time.”
Islam's law against Homosexuality started with the Prophet Muhammad (s) declaring this act illegal and forbidding the anal sex even among male and female.

Homosexuality is against the nature of man and should be condemned because it deviates man from his goal of life which is to worship Allah swt and live with a family (wife and children) in respect to the rules of Allah swt the most high.

Yes it is true that Islam forbids the practice and even thoughts of Homosexuality and punishes those who engage in this vile act and eradicate this from society. Islamic people are also completely against homosexuality and believe completely that laws should be made to ban this act in their nations. This is the popular will of the people of Islamic countries.

Islam only recognizes the institution of marriage and sexual activity within this marriage only between a male and a female.

It is also a fact that AIDS is more common among Homosexuals than heterosexuals, and often anal sex results in bleeding and transmitting viruses to individuals. AIDS is also common among prostitutes and those who engage in sex with many partners, which is also completely against the teachings of Islam. This shows why AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases are so rare in Islamic countries.


(Q), any homosexuality in Islam (especially those among Muslims) is illegal in Islamic law. There is no such thing as hyper-masculinity or status homosexuality in Islam. Islam is against all forms of homosexuality.

Regrets, but the evidence tends to disagree with your final statement. Perhaps you should spend some time in an islamic country.

However, I'm thankful at least that you don't deny islam punishes gay people. Death. Wow. That's enlightened.

You mean other than the fact that I am originally from a Muslim country and have visited many Muslim countries.

Maybe you need to spend some time in the Muslim world.
DiamondHearts said:
(Q), any homosexuality in Islam (especially those among Muslims) is illegal in Islamic law. There is no such thing as hyper-masculinity or status homosexuality in Islam. Islam is against all forms of homosexuality.

So, you completely and unequivocally believe in a god yet deny the reality of facts?

Actually, that's not surprising any more.

Will you be visiting Earth any time soon?