In case you were wondering what Sistani thinks about gay people...


Caput gerat lupinum
Valued Senior Member
Wonder no longer.

Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani is the Shi'ite spiritual leader of Iraq.

Q: What is the judgement on sodomy and lesbianism?

A: "Forbidden. Those involved in the act should be punished. In fact, sodomites should be killed in the worst manner possible."

They wouldn't really make them listen to John Tesh, would they?

He won't stop the practice anymore than the religious freaks here in america the great will.

In Somalia, in '93, as a member of the us army, my unit was garrisoned in an old Russian tank factory with a group of about 500 Pakistani soldiers, all male. Homosexuality was common among the Pakistanis, and accepted. All 500 Pakistanis had cots on the floor of the factory in one big room. At night, you could hear some of them fucking on their cots--so could their officers. Accepted, or ignored. Either way, homosexuality is fine, if you go for that sort of thing. Fucking prudes.
I have total respect for both homosexuals and the Somali people, but...


So, a man cannot fuck his wife in the ass in Islam? Damn, son, that's one stupid-ass (ha!) religion. :p
Maybe those Pakistani bastards engaged in that vile act. It does not mean all Pakistanis do so. Those soldiers would be put to death if this ever got public in the Pakistani nation. Most Pakistanis are not homosexuals and agree with the quote in the first post. Infact, a majority of Pakistanis are married and have about 7 children average.
Who...cares? No one is saying that the practice is uniform, just that it is common. It's a naturally occurring anomaly.
DiamondHearts said:
Maybe those Pakistani bastards engaged in that vile act. It does not mean all Pakistanis do so. Those soldiers would be put to death if this ever got public in the Pakistani nation. Most Pakistanis are not homosexuals and agree with the quote in the first post. Infact, a majority of Pakistanis are married and have about 7 children average.

"Maybe those Pakistani bastards engaged in that vile act."

Typical muslim response to gays, why do you guys hate 600 million gays, and you have the cheek to call me a racist, being gay is natural as being hetrosexual, even some animals are gay, its called mother nature.

I am sick of muslim countries, & muslims ranting non stop about gays, even in the uk the leader of the muslim council hates gays, yet the dumb ass british government made him a Sir, sir dumb ass.

Gays are rife in muslim countries, one of the reason is you cover all the women up, its hard to be turned on by eyelashes.

We all no in jail even hetrosexuals have been kwown to cross over to the other side, when there is no birds to ogle, as there are mostly only eyebrows & eyelashes in muslim countries, no wonder you have so many gays, probably more than the west.

"Pakistanis are married and have about 7 children average"
Thats not hard when you have 3 or 4 wives pregnant at the same time, is the 7 children his yearly thing, thats 30 years of breeding x 7 = 210 children in a lifetime, no wonder there are 1 billion muslims, i reckon in a hundred years, muslims will out number non muslims by 6 to 1.

Get over your hatred of gays diamond, its a evil hatred that is right across the muslim world, even moderate muslims in the uk depise gays, something the united nations ignores, when is this all going to end, are muslim militants going to start bombing gay bars when there finished with america & israel.
I do not hate homosexuals as people, but I am against their act of being homosexual.

I believe that as a Muslim, it is unnatural to engage in sodomy and a vile and disgusting act.

I believe that homosexuality should be banned in the world, and that the world should recognize that this practice is a disgrace and demeaning of humanity.

Childbirth is a good thing and will result in many more Muslims. Maybe then the world will be a more just place.

Even better, maybe countries like America which support homosexuals above Muslims, and the countries that engage in perpetual war against Muslims will become completely homosexual and there will be no more men or women to fight us any more. Indeed, maybe I should promote homosexuality in the west to bring peace to the world.

Another reason why Homosexuality, Abortions, metrosexual, and many more sexual groups will emerge due to the corruption of the institution of marriage in the West.

Also, you are catholic right Vincent? What does the Bible say about gays?
DiamondHearts said:
I believe that homosexuality should be banned in the world, and that the world should recognize that this practice is a disgrace and demeaning of humanity.

Many believe Islam is a disgrace and a demeaning of humanity - perhaps it should be banned instead.
Childbirth is pretty disgusting and marriage doesn't make people straight.
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DiamondHearts said:
I do not hate homosexuals as people, but I am against their act of being homosexual.
Contradictory statement. You're making it sound as though homosexuality is a changeable opinion.

I believe that as a Muslim, it is unnatural to engage in sodomy and a vile and disgusting act.
It is not a case of "square peg, round hole". It's a case of "square peg, square hole".

I believe that homosexuality should be banned in the world, and that the world should recognize that this practice is a disgrace and demeaning of humanity.
Again, homosexuality is not a changeable opinion, gay people are born like that. You can't ban homosexuality no more than you could ban feet.

Childbirth is a good thing and will result in many more Muslims. Maybe then the world will be a more just place.
:rolleyes: Right....

What does the Bible say about gays?
Strangely enough, very little at all. Some things are simply misinterpereted.
My belief is that homosexuality is not natural, and no one is born homosexual. This is a perversion of man's true nature.

Creating excuses for them, does not help. This is due to weakness and conditioning of people and those around them, which makes them believe this vile act is acceptable.

Homosexuality is a disgrace of humanity, and this practice should be banned in the world nations.

Allah guide you all. Peace.
The usual hate screed from Diamond. Nothing new.

DiamondHearts said:
I believe that homosexuality should be banned in the world, and that the world should recognize that this practice is a disgrace and demeaning of humanity.

Even better, maybe countries like America which support homosexuals above Muslims, and the countries that engage in perpetual war against Muslims will become completely homosexual and there will be no more men or women to fight us any more. Indeed, maybe I should promote homosexuality in the west to bring peace to the world.

No surprise there.

DiamondHearts said:
My belief is that homosexuality is not natural, and no one is born homosexual. This is a perversion of man's true nature.

And yet, you would probably subscribe to the mistaken belief that all people are born muslim. Is this not then a perversion of their true nature? No one can be "born" in any religion.

Creating excuses for them, does not help. This is due to weakness and conditioning of people and those around them, which makes them believe this vile act is acceptable.

Weakness, she claims! How? What is this weakness? Also, explain how homosexuality is morally wrong, without reference to religion. Go on.

Homosexuality is a disgrace of humanity, and this practice should be banned in the world nations.

Strangely enough, there's no homosexual lobby trying to kill us all. It makes one wonder what really ought to be banned.

DiamondHearts said:
My belief is that homosexuality is not natural, and no one is born homosexual. This is a perversion of man's true nature.

we're not born as heterosexual either, we're born without sexuality.

Homosexuality is a disgrace of humanity, and this practice should be banned in the world nations.

who cares what other people do, it's their life, is it not?
DiamondHearts said:
My belief is that homosexuality is not natural, and no one is born homosexual. This is a perversion of man's true nature.
Tell me DiamondHearts what about people naturally born with both a penis and a vagina? What does you all knowing Islam say about them?

What about men XY born with vaginas and look just like women. As a matter of fact if they were not DNA tested no one would know they were XY and they would live there life thinking they were a barren woman. There are many Pakistani women out there with no children that are really men. What does you all knowing Islam say about them?

What about men born with 3 X (female) chromosomes? That’s one more than a woman. XXXY. What does you all knowing Islam say about them?

You know, I’d love it if DiamondHearts found out they were the opposite sex. Haaaa that’d almost convince me there were Gods and they did dole out justice!

Homosexuality is not natural? Stop talking out of your arse ;)

spidergoat said:
Childbirth is pretty disgusting and marriage doesn't make people straight.

Hear hear!!! If I ever have kids, I am not allowing my wench to give birth. We are adopting.
DiamondHearts said:
My belief is that homosexuality is not natural, and no one is born homosexual.
Tell that to homosexual animals that are found in nature all the time.
DiamondHearts said:
My belief is that homosexuality is not natural, and no one is born homosexual. This is a perversion of man's true nature.

Creating excuses for them, does not help. This is due to weakness and conditioning of people and those around them, which makes them believe this vile act is acceptable.

Homosexuality is a disgrace of humanity, and this practice should be banned in the world nations.

Allah guide you all. Peace.

Replace 'homosexuality' with 'Islam' and you've said it all.
DiamondHearts said:
My belief is that homosexuality is not natural, and no one is born homosexual.

That is because the koran tells you this, and like all muslims you are all taking the koran word for word.

Unlike other religons, i am a catholic i dont give a shit if the bible tells me homosexuality is wrong, i have a mind of my own, we are capable of ignoring shit like a eye for a eye, that sought of shit is bollocks.

Diamond if you tried to think for yourself for once, instead of using the koran to map out your entire life & thinking, you might just realise the koran is wrong on gays.

And for once, just once i would like to a muslim on television talk in a positive way about homosexuality, instead of all the hate they spew up about it.