I'm a Christian, flame me.

snakelord: I know it's not in your psyche to give up, have your read what was said by mis-t-highs and fahrenheit 451, and how c20 answered.
is it really worth the aggravation.

It's a shame you decided to ignore everything before this quote, but nobody's perfect.

C20 - Great! I'm sensing a knowledge of your own humility. I like.

Without trying to sound rude, I really couldn't care what you like or dislike.

C20 - No need already. I believe you.

While it was a good attempt at humour, it wasn't all that funny. In fact, it wasn't even remotely funny.

Once more: "I leave the requirement of evidence and proof on your lap"

Would you like to respond to that properly or continue your job as a clown?

c20 - Now why would you do that? What is a good reason for doing that very thing?

Right, sorry for the confusion. It shows the actual worthlessness in regards to 'truth' that this little book of yours has. There's many books, and many books that contradict your book. You have absolutely no position to be demanding that your book is 'truth'. No more so than anyone else - and yet all of you do it. How bloody naive.

c20 - Ok I am sensing you don't like the Bible. Ok.

An ignorant statement. This has nothing to do with 'like' or 'dislike', but 'reality' and 'fantasy'.

C20 - You don't want eternal life?

No. How many times do I need to say it?

Why ever not?

While I give one of several answers in my later post, you could always put it down to: 'god made me that way', if you prefer.

I'd like a good reason please. Just one. All I ask.

god made me that way.

If that somehow failed, in which case you'd simply be questioning god's reasons, and as a result I'd ask you to take the issue up with him instead of me - I can provide others:

I am happy with what I have, or in words you might use; happy with what I have been given. I do not ask for, want, or require any more than that.

If that somehow fails, let's try this: I could not stand an eternity of listening to nitwits like yourself. I tried church for 20 minutes and found it to be the most obnoxiously boring thing in existence. I really couldn't face an eternity of the same, endless, brainless tripe.

Once you given me it, I promise you can put me on ignore for the rest of your life on sci-forums.

I have no reason to put you on ignore. You're quite inoffensive.

How's that for a deal? To seal it so to speak? Now the reason?

Where does this need for bargaining come from? Even atheists are quite willing to give without receiving. I resent any notion to the contrary.

C20 - Is it really so hard to think that someone up there might actually 'love' you?

It isn't really an issue of 'easy' or 'hard', just that there is no evidence for it. Let me rephrase your question to you: Is it really that hard to believe there's a secret island in the Pacific which is home to a race of three legged flying pokemon?

As a further question: Is it really hard to think that someone down here doesn't care?

Is it that hard to step out of the boat so to speak?

What is this an appeal to? Again, I offer you my return question. Once you have answered it for yourself, you will understand my answer.

I tell you this, no mater what you think you have done, it is forgiven. It is done.

While that's most certainly interesting to know, it is of no relevance or bearing in my life.

C20 - In these perishable bodies yes I agree. We all die. Like seeds. Seeds are transformed. Caterpillar - Cocoon - Butterfly. Have hope, like the caterpillar has hope.

Who says a caterpillar has 'hope'? How does one support such a claim? Further to which, hope is worthless to the caterpillar that gets eaten.

C20 - It is done.

Where? Are you going back to your clown behaviour once again, or is this evidence/proof of yours just as invisible as everything else you claim?

C20 - God has taken you prisoner and will keep you.

That doesn't sound particularly pleasing. It always makes me laugh how you religious types use the very worst of human words to explain your god. I mean c'mon, you can do better than that. If I said "Osama Bin Laden has taken you prisoner and will keep you" would you be all that happy about it? What makes you think the very same word is any different for a different being?

The very meaning of the word denotes something that nobody likes.

You do not know what you are saying and are therefore innocent.

My innocence is irrelevant.

Death cannot keep you.

Sure, because it's not a continual process. Death happens once, and once it has: that's it. Game over.

C20 - Yes, love is fully sufficient for us. I agree. We live. Death where is thy sting?


C20 - Except love our families of course.

Give it up wouldya? Most 'families' can't cope with a decade of each other, let alone eternity. I'm not saying I don't love my wife, but I'm sure that would come about sometime within the next 60,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ,000,000,000,000 years. What do I do then? Have an affair? Find a new wife? Could I enjoy sexual relations with this new wife, or is it just bill paying and watching TV?

Hehe you nearly tricked me there. You were kidding right?

'Fraid not. Remember, the job of being a clown is yours not mine.

Paid For! Thank you Jesus. Bye Bye Satan. Hurrah!

He's leaving? Cool. I just wonder how he got here in the first place... I mean, who made him, knowing he would sucker the majority of humanity into hell, and then set him loose upon the world?

Oh btw, I don't believe in him either. The same goes for Lenny the leprechaun.

Faith. Hope. Love << You love this one dont you Snakelord. He he. You were kidding about being bored of your family huh? I know you were really.

Faith is believing what you know aint so. (Mark Twain). I'm inclined to agree with him.

Hope is merely the brave face of fear. It doesn't change anything though, shit still happens.

Love is cool, but you of all people should realise that it is a house of cards. Your wife left you, your parents insult you and so on. Do you really want an eternity of your parents insults, of your wifes disdain?

Perhaps you think they will magically love you afresh once you reach heaven, but then I would argue that the love is false, the love is forced. It's a pretence, nothing more. Let's say your wife did magically re-love you once you had reached heaven, would she also love the new man? Would you love the new man? Doesn't it seem a farce that you'd love the new man who spent his earthly life bonking your wife? Wouldn't that go against your very nature, and make you something that you are not? Again, it's all a pretence.

And no, I wasn't kidding.

Praise Jesus. He is Lord. We Live.

Ummm... no. Is that ok with you?
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SnakeLord said:
It's a shame you decided to ignore everything before this quote, but nobody's perfect.

Without trying to sound rude, I really couldn't care what you like or dislike.

While it was a good attempt at humour, it wasn't all that funny. In fact, it wasn't even remotely funny.

Once more: "I leave the requirement of evidence and proof on your lap"

Would you like to respond to that properly, or continue your job as a clown?

Right, sorry for the confusion. It shows the actual worthlessness, in regards to 'truth' that this little book of yours has. There's many books, and many books that contradict your book. You have absolutely no position to be demanding that your book is 'truth'. No more so than anyone else - and yet all of you do it. How bloody naive.

An ignorant statement. This has nothing to do with 'like' or 'dislike', but 'reality' and 'fantasy'.

No. How many times do I need to say it?

While I give one of several answers in my later post, you could always put it down to: 'god made me that way'. if you prefer.

god made me that way.

If that somehow failed, in which case you'd simply be questioning god's reasons, and as a result I'd ask you to take the issue up with him instead of me - I can provide others:

I am happy with what I have, or in words you might use; happy with what I have been given. I do not ask for, want, or require any more than that.

If that somehow fails, let's try this: I could not stand an eternity of listening to nitwits like yourself. I tried church for 20 minutes and found it to be the most obnoxiously boring thing in existence. I really couldn't face an eternity of the same, endless, brainless tripe.

I have no reason to put you on ignore. You're quite inoffensive.

Where does this need for bargaining come from? Even atheists are quite willing to give without receiving. I resent any notion to the contrary.

It isn't really an issue of 'easy' or 'hard', just that there is no evidence for it. Let me rephrase your question to you: Is it really that hard to believe there's a secret island in the Pacific which is home to a race of three legged flying pokemon?

As a further question: Is it really hard to think that someone down here doesn't care?

What is this an appeal to? Again, I offer you my return question. Once you have answered it for yourself, you will understand my answer.

While that's most certainly interesting to know, it is of no relevance or bearing in my life.

Who says a caterpillar has 'hope'? How does one support such a claim? Further to which, hope is worthless to the caterpllar that gets eaten.

Where? Are you going back to your clown behaviour once again, or is this evidence/proof of yours just as invisible as everything else you claim?

That doesn't sound particularly pleasing. It always makes me laugh how you religious types use the very worst of human words to explain your god. I mean c'mon, you can do better than that. If I said "Osama Bin Laden has taken you prisoner and will keep you" would you be all that happy about it? What makes you think the very same word is any different for a different being?

The very meaning of the word denotes something that nobody likes.

My innocence is irrelevant.

Sure, because it's not a continual process. Death happens once, and once it has, that's it. Game over.


Give it up wouldya? Most 'families' can't cope with a decade of each other, let alone eternity. I'm not saying I don't love my wife, but I'm sure that would come about sometime within the next 60,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ,000,000,000,000 years. What do I do then? Have an affair? Find a new wife? Could I enjoy sexual relations with this new wife, or is it just bill paying and watching TV?

'Fraid not. Remember, the job of being a clown is yours, not mine.

He's leaving? Cool. I just wonder how he got here in the first place... I mean, who made him, knowing he would sucker the majority of humanity into hell, and then set him loose upon the world?

Oh btw, I don't believe in him either. The same goes for Lenny the leprechaun.

Faith is believing what you know aint so. (Mark Twain). I'm inclined to agree with him.

Hope is merely the brave face of fear. It doesn't change anything though, shit still happens.

Love is cool, but you of all people should realise that it is a house of cards. Your wife left you, your parents insult you and so on. Do you really want an eternity of your parents insults, of your wifes disdain?

Perhaps you think they will magically love you afresh once you reach heaven, but then I would argue that the love is false, the love is forced. It's a pretence, nothing more. Let's say your wife did magically re-love you once you had reached heaven, would she also love the new man? Would you love the new man? Doesn't it seem strange a farce that you'd love the new man who spent his earthly life bonking your wife? Wouldn't that go against your very nature, and make you something that you are not? Again, it's all a pretence.

And no, I wasn't kidding.

Ummm... no. Is that ok with you?

Your choice. I wish it were otherwise at this time.
That was it? Dude, it took me ages to write all that. :D

What is it with you and your blatant inability to answer questions? Just so you know, it comes across in general that you can't debate the issue because it's right.

Yes Rose, this is emotional blackmail.
SnakeLord - That was it? Dude, it took me ages to write all that. :D

What is it with you and your blatant inability to answer questions? Just so you know, it comes across in general that you can't debate the issue because it's right.

Response by C20: I live by the Spirit of God. It paints a very different picture to the spirit of the world. My views seem like nonsense to people. I accept that. Some people are unable to interpret what I am saying, others are able to interpret what I am saying. You musn't forget that either ;)
Just because there are atheists who do not believe in a God or gods, does not mean that there are not Christians that do believe. It would seem the atheist has no hope other than in this life and the Christian expects eternal life because Jesus say's so. One argument seems unconditionally more favorable than the other but this is my perception through faith. I cannot expect that which has no faith to think in terms of that which has faith. I may only encourage and speak my truth for it is not just to the atheist that I speak. I mean you no harm at all Snakelord. That I promise you.

Response by C20: I live by the Spirit of God. It paints a very different picture to the spirit of the world. My views seem like nonsense to people. I accept that. Some people are unable to interpret what I am saying, others are able to interpret what I am saying. You musn't forget that either
Just because there are atheists who do not believe in a God or gods, does not mean that there are not Christians that do believe. It would seem the atheist has no hope other than in this life and the Christian expects eternal life because Jesus say's so. One argument seems unconditionally more favorable than the other but this is my perception through faith. I cannot expect that which has no faith to think in terms of that which has faith. I may only encourage and speak my truth for it is not just to the atheist that I speak. I mean you no harm at all Snakelord. That I promise you.


What is it with you and your blatant inability to answer questions?
snakelord: I know it's not in your psyche to give up, have your read what was said by mis-t-highs and fahrenheit 451, and how c20 answered.

I can't help it :( It's the way I was created.

is it really worth the aggravation.

Strange as it may sound, I actually find it rather fun. I know, I know.. I need to get out more.