I'll do my best not to ever marry in my life

Avatar: What in God's nonexistant self is a wagtail?


Did I interrupt an "intimate moment" or somthing?

you just cant understand the logic in illogical Truth and Love"

Well, if the fish analogy doesn't work for you, don't use it.

"Stars are cool? As cool as a maple leaf? Hardly!"

You're right, stars aren't as cool as leafs.

They're cooler!

"We have the beaver. Possibly the mightiest and grandest of animals."

What in the fuck have you been inhaling?

The bonobo is the mightiest and grandest animal.
A wagtail is a bird with a fan-like tail which wags. Here we have a type we call the Willy Wagtail.
"Did I interrupt an "intimate moment" or somthing?"

Just saying goodbye to Freddy as he heads back to Sweden! You do know he's returning to Sweden, right?

"You're right, stars aren't as cool as leafs.
They're cooler!"

Yeah, well at least we don't have to make up some stupid childesh symbol. We used a real Maple Leafs. You guys just used some pointy thing doesn't look like a star at all!

"What in the fuck have you been inhaling?
The bonobo is the mightiest and grandest animal"

The only animal I can think of that's cooler than the beaver is the sloth. And the sloth can only be outdone by the ancient sloth, which was significantly bigger and more powerful.

Does anyone else think the sloth must be magical? How the hell are these things still around? Every animal on the planet has some kind of defence mechanism or hiding system. The sloth is incredibly slow and remarkably useless physically. These things MUST be magical!
do I have to teach English to you Xev?!

here is webster, but I don't like the way as he puts it:bugeye: :mad:
Main Entry: wag·tail
Pronunciation: 'wag-"tAl
Function: noun
Date: 1510
: any of various chiefly Old World oscine birds (family Motacillidae) related to the pipits and having a trim slender body and a very long tail that they habitually jerk up and down

how many HAPPILY married couples do you people actually know. Seriously, sit down and think about it.

Shoot me before I get married.

Hi Pollux
Welcome to sciforums Linzi (is that the real way to spell your name?)! I take it you're a friend of pollux'.

Anyway, perhaps the goal should be to not rush into marriage rather that to rule it out completely, hmm?
Perhaps you're right, Tyler. Thanks for the greeting. Yeah, I know Pollux. He's been bugging me about sci-forums forever.

I dunno, I've never seen a happily married couple.

So I guess that's another person for the "Sciforums death pact"

Welcome to Sciforums, Linzi.
Originally posted by Avatar
Really, I think that there are only disadvantages of being married.
my solution is only to live together.
the disadvantages are->

1- if you later want to go seperate paths, there is no lawsuit or anything of that kind.
2- you can decide to leave her and she won't be able to do anything against you.
3- romance is not lost, but if/when it is then there is no marriage which artificially holds your relationship together
4- you are being controlled, monitored (no bachelor parties or going to the striptease clubs)
5- your funds are being considerately drained over time.
6- ..... please add more

particullary marriage decreases your freedom and I value freedom over all.

this is my oppinion, say what you think in this case

Avatar, if you live in the United States, check your state laws on Common-Law Marriages. I studied Business and Law quite in depth, and a common-law marriage does not require a official wedding to marry. You can legally marry by just living together and telling each other you are husband and wife.

The main thing to initiate a common-law marriage is this:

1) You both acknowledge to each other that you are husband and wife and while in public you carry it out that way.

Anyway, I see nothing wrong with marriages, just find the right person. If a girl doesn't suit you, don't cling to her, NEXT! her. There are alot of other fish in the ocean.

Marriage should be build on love and trust...I personally think it will be beneficial to marry. In The Millionaire Next Door and The Millionaire Mind, a good majority of millionaires aren't geniuses by any measure. Its a good book if you want statistical studies on the behavior of millionaires. The key to understanding millionaire behavior is that they invest (not spend), build businessess, learn from their mistakes, and have like-minded spouses.

That is where the benefit comes in.
Welcome to sciforums, LinziLoca.

I see you have been a member for sometime but have not been active.

So you believe that most if not nearly all are unhappy that are married? Then why stay together? It can not be all "kids hold us together".
Here's a strange one for ya.
My parent's have been married for 40 years. They still walk hand in hand. They are an extremely happy couple. All us little Anvil throwers have been out of the house for several years. Now the kicker is this, I, myself 38, have been divorced twice. I have a brother ,30ish, that has never been married. A sister, 40ish, that is locked into an unhappy marriage. Too scared to divorce or admit to any unhappiness.
What causes this type of action? We didn't fall into the same life as our role model's.
So your sister's age is greater than the number of years of your parents' marriage? I thought that kind of stuff is rare back then.