I'll do my best not to ever marry in my life

"I can stay up as long as you can."

Oh yeah? Care to lay bets?


War is Peace (Hey! Stop that!)

Asguard got my idea, you didn't...
The difference between you and him is that he has more brain cells or he can use his brain better than you.

It's all simple...:rolleyes: :bugeye: :eek: :D ;) :) :D :D :cool:

"Consider it done!"

Oh baby! Thank you for protecting my country from the brainless imbeciles that brainless imbeciles vote into office.

How ever can I repay you?
"Oh yeah? Care to lay bets?"
On staying up late with you? I will win!

"Asguard got my idea, you didn't...
The difference between you and him is that he has more brain cells or he can use his brain better than you.
It's all simple..."

Too simple for me!

"Oh baby! Thank you for protecting my country from the brainless imbeciles that brainless imbeciles vote into office.
How ever can I repay you?"

Lots, and lots, and lots of sex! Like I said! Sheesh, poor memory!

"On staying up late with you? I will win!"

Oh is that so?

"Too simple for me!"

God is Love, you are thinking of love. Love is Truth, not to be confused with truth.

"Lots, and lots, and lots of sex! Like I said! Sheesh, poor memory!"

Good. You meet me in the parking lot, I'll be the one with the red Alda Romeao.
"Oh is that so?"
Very much so! Well, er, unless we have all that sex first. I think I may get tired!

"Good. You meet me in the parking lot, I'll be the one with the red Alfa Romeao"
Be there in 5!

And Xev......So do you feel the same Love for me as you do for Hitler?
"Very much so! Well, er, unless we have all that sex first. I think I may get tired!"

My ancestors had a custom of betting on who would collapse first on the wedding night, bride or groom....

Pint of Finlandia says I outlast you.

"Be there in 5!"

I'd wait a year if you asked.

"And Xev......So do you feel the same Love for me as you do for Hitler?"

To be blunt, I'd bash his brains in.
I'd fuck your brains out.

"My ancestors had a custom of betting on who would collapse first on the wedding night, bride or groom....
Pint of Finlandia says I outlast you."

Fine, fine. Remember, Americans are about quantitiy.....not quality ;) - how's that for a low shot?

"I'd wait a year if you asked."
Aw! How sweet!

"To be blunt, I'd bash his brains in.
I'd fuck your brains out.



"Fine, fine. Remember, Americans are about quantitiy.....not quality - how's that for a low shot?"

It's a well known and scientific fact that Americans are better in the sack than the people of any other nation.

Why? Simple. We get laid more.

*Xev places her hand on her heart*

Oh say can you see,
By the dawn's early liight....


I like the words you make up better than the words Nelson makes up.
"It's a well known and scientific fact that Americans are better in the sack than the people of any other nation.
Why? Simple. We get laid more."

Quantity over quality!

Actually, in North America, Newfoundlanders fuck the most.

"I like the words you make up better than the words Nelson makes up."

That's just because you're so impressionist.

"Quantity over quality!"

Experience, my darling Canuck, experience.

You're jealous, like the rest of the world.

What soooo proudly we haiiiled
At the twighlight's last gleaming........

"That's just because you're so impressionist."

Yeah, well, "doing sex with a slut" is fine with you, because you're just blinded by reason.
"Experience, my darling Canuck, experience.
You're jealous, like the rest of the world."

Of course. Because Americans have such fame as love makers!

"What soooo proudly we haiiiled
At the twighlight's last gleaming........"

I love how the national anthem of your country shows such pride in war.

"Yeah, well, "doing sex with a slut" is fine with you, because you're just blinded by reason."

Yeah, well, I'm taller than you!
"Of course. Because Americans have such fame as love makers!"

We have enough trouble with over-immigration, Tyler. You think we'd advertise another one of the reasons that America is wonderful?

"I love how the national anthem of your country shows such pride in war."

Thanks. I knew you - HEY!!

Watch it, or I'll say nasty things about Canada.

"Yeah, well, I'm taller than you!"

That's fine with me.
"We have enough trouble with over-immigration, Tyler. You think we'd advertise another one of the reasons that America is wonderful?"

Oh. You're right. Silly me. America always gives up oppurtunities to brag.

"Thanks. I knew you - HEY!!"

"Watch it, or I'll say nasty things about Canada."
Go right ahead. I dare ya'.

"That's fine with me."

Originally posted by Xev

It's a well known and scientific fact that Americans are better in the sack than the people of any other nation.
"Oh. You're right. Silly me. America always gives up oppurtunities to brag."

Like we need more people sneaking in here.....:rolleyes:

"Go right ahead. I dare ya'."


Your country is cold and much of it is a frigid wasteland. And your currency is ugly and not worth as much as ours. And what the fuck is with you guys and Tim Hortons?! And it's, ummmm, ah, our flag is prettier!


Puh-leeze. The country that produced that godawful "Crocodile hunter" guy cannot have the best lovers.
"Like we need more people sneaking in here....."
If they're Euros you better let them in........
Your hockey teams could use the support.

"Your country is cold and much of it is a frigid wasteland. And your currency is ugly and not worth as much as ours. And what the fuck is with you guys and Tim Hortons?! And it's, ummmm, ah, our flag is prettier!"

I like the cold! Frigid wasteland? You mean the very northern areas? Bah! It may be frigid, but its some of the rare nature left in this continent! And Tim Hortons is an institution!! Donuts and coffee and what not!! At least our main out-of-home food source is centred around home-food!!

By the way, our flag kicks ass!! A maple leaf? What could be more peaceful than having a fucking leaf as your symbol?

P.S. There are more bald eagles in Canada than America, you know?

"If they're Euros you better let them in........
Your hockey teams could use the support."

Ouch! That stings.

"I like the cold! Frigid wasteland? You mean the very northern areas? Bah! It may be frigid, but its some of the rare nature left in this continent!"

You have mostly cold. We 'Mericans have all sorts of climates. More diversity.

"And Tim Hortons is an institution!! Donuts and coffee and what not!! At least our main out-of-home food source is centred around home-food!!"

Not fair refuting my arguments with logic, you impressonant rationalist.

"By the way, our flag kicks ass!! A maple leaf? What could be more peaceful than having a fucking leaf as your symbol?"

Stars are cool. And blue is a cool color.

You don't have any stars. We have 50. So our flag is at least 50 times better.

Thus endeth Xev's pathetic attempt at blind patriotism.

"And have you ever tested any Australians?"

Mhmm. You mean like, personality tests?


The results being that:

You're all a bunch of bloody head-cases! :p
Originally posted by Avatar
Really, I think that there are only disadvantages of being married.
my solution is only to live together.
the disadvantages are->

1- if you later want to go seperate paths, there is no lawsuit or anything of that kind.
2- you can decide to leave her and she won't be able to do anything against you.
3- romance is not lost, but if/when it is then there is no marriage which artificially holds your relationship together
4- you are being controlled, monitored (no bachelor parties or going to the striptease clubs)
5- your funds are being considerately drained over time.
6- ..... please add more

particullary marriage decreases your freedom and I value freedom over all.

this is my oppinion, say what you think in this case

marriage is a religious institution. If you are an atheist there is no point for marriage.
it's mainly a legal institution. you can get married by a judge if you want. no priest needed.
"Ouch! That stings."

"You have mostly cold. We 'Mericans have all sorts of climates. More diversity."

Maybe. But I hate southern heat. Useless weather.
We do have a good range. BC and the Eastern provinces have quite the different climates. And Nunavut and the Northest Territories/Yukon have amazingly beautiful landscapes.

"Not fair refuting my arguments with logic, you impressonant rationalist."

you just cant understand the logic in illogical Truth and Love

"Stars are cool. And blue is a cool color.
You don't have any stars. We have 50. So our flag is at least 50 times better.
Thus endeth Xev's pathetic attempt at blind patriotism."

Stars are cool? As cool as a maple leaf? Hardly!
And look at your animal. The bald eagle. An animal, that first of all, has no significance to your nation over any other. There's more of them in Canada than the U.S. That's right, we got your animal!! We have the beaver. Possibly the mightiest and grandest of animals. If humans lived like the beaver, there would be no war, murder or social problems.

And we'd have big teeth.