I'll do my best not to ever marry in my life

It is completely necessary whether you wish to believe it or not. It may not be necessary to you personally or many other people personally, but there are very few women who want to have children without marriage. If no one married, there would be minimal birth rate. Eventually, we would have a very, very small amount of people on the planet.

Of course, if everyone was completely logical and unemotional (not gonna happen!) people could have kids without marriage.

"Ok so you say marriage is crucial for our species survival (I still don't agree with tht) then I say, every man 4 wives (just like the muslins)"

"1: People will fuck no matter what happens. And as long as people fuck, children will be born. The species is safe"

Go take a survey of your female friends. Ask them if they want to have kids without marriage. More importantly, two kids without marriage.

"I don't think the decision not to marry on the part of a few people will doom our species. There are six billion people. I won't reproduce anyway. So that leaves Avatar...."

Like I said, to certain people marriage is not important and it won't hurt the species. But, if everyone thought that way....

And Xev! Noooooooooo! You're robbing hte Earth of your genes!!!
It is completely necessary whether you wish to believe it or not. It may not be necessary to you personally or many other people personally, but there are very few women who want to have children without marriage. If no one married, there would be minimal birth rate. Eventually, we would have a very, very small amount of people on the planet.

But you assume that attitudes toward childbearing would stay the same while attitudes towards marriage shifted.

I find this unlikely. More probable that society as a whole would change.

Let's face it, there is always going to be some form of social bond between good parents, eh? Whether it is marriage or somthing elses simply depends on the society.

Of course, if everyone was completely logical and unemotional (not gonna happen!) people could have kids without marriage.

Why do you assume that marriage is the only possible bond?

Go take a survey of your female friends. Ask them if they want to have kids without marriage. More importantly, two kids without marriage.

*Very delicatly points out that her only female friends are gay, and cannot marry under US law*

Like I said, to certain people marriage is not important and it won't hurt the species. But, if everyone thought that way....

Yes, but is everyone going to think that way? I'm sorry, but you come awfully close to the slippery slope fallacy.

And Xev! Noooooooooo! You're robbing hte Earth of your genes!!!

And saving some innocent child from my parenting. :p
Besides, we'll have GE in no time.
I don't Xev. I'm just realistic and realize that until Aldous Huxley is right, we aren't about to willfully abolish marriage.
*Xev winks and points out that Tyler has such able and speedy fingers....*

Quit typing so fast!

Not as a society. But aside from children, I see no real benefits to marriage. And yes, I am jaded, but still....

Oh well! The insensibility rationalism causes is absolutely impressonant in my case!
Well, what can I say. My fingers have had extensive training......

"*Very delicatly points out that her only female friends are gay, and cannot marry under US law*"

Okey dokey then. Want me to pose a poll on sciforums? A little field research?

"And saving some innocent child from my parenting."

Bah, it'd be worth it!

"Not as a society. But aside from children, I see no real benefits to marriage. And yes, I am jaded, but still...."

Then to you there are no added benefits. But you must respect that many, many people value marriage for emotional and logical reasons.

"Oh well! The insensibility rationalism causes is absolutely impressonant in my case!"

Wait.....I think I hear Nelson!

Think of it like this. By not having kids you could rob the world of a Liszt (yes, I'm listening to La Campanella!). And I will shoot the person who says 'or of a Hitler!'. Given the choice I would gladly accept all the evil that happened in history if it came with all the beauty and art and genius.
Originally posted by Xev
But aside from children, I see no real benefits to marriage. And yes, I am jaded, but still....

Benefit, maybe the control of a society? A marriageless society won't work for everyone, agreed? So perhaps its just another tool to control something that ran rampent in the past. Namely too many "Baby's Mommas."
Croicky...I'm gone for fifty minutes and the thread is in halloooas! Hallooooas I say!

Nothing but viable arguments, they all make sense damnit! You might not marry 'the one,' then things'll get bad, you might marry 'the one,' then things'll be smooove. If you marry, you'll probably have kids, but then the world's population increases. Maybe we need a nuclear holocaust to trim the bushes a bit, heheheh:D I'm kidding, really....

And Xev I never thought about there being more than one, never ever, it's like an epiphany, wowwwww, here it comes, here it comes...BOOOM epiphany, there may be multiple loves of your life! Eeeeeeeeee!

But which to choose? There could be dozens of em! Harharharhar!
But which way??? North? South? East? West? North east? Northwest? Southeast? Southwest? North north east? North north west? South south east? South south west? I need some more information, maan, or else I won't be able to flowww, like a rapid in your hokey psychadelic stream...mmm i feel the luvin, yummy yum yum.

"Well, what can I say. My fingers have had extensive training......"

Not extensive enough....

"Okey dokey then. Want me to pose a poll on sciforums? A little field research?"

Nawp, I'll stipulate. I bet you're right.

"Then to you there are no added benefits. But you must respect that many, many people value marriage for emotional and logical reasons."

Oh of course. Most girls grow up planning their wedding and prom dresses. I grew up planning what I'd wear to the Nobel Prizes.

What can I say? I'm weird.

Although I can see marriage, with the right man, would be quite satisfying.

"Wait.....I think I hear Nelson!"

That's because you are too cold to see the LOVE in your heart.

"Think of it like this. By not having kids you could rob the world of a Liszt (yes, I'm listening to La Campanella!). And I will shoot the person who says 'or of a Hitler!'."

Or of a Hitler.

Just try and make good on that, Canuck. I'm American and we're armed to the teeth.

"And Xev I never thought about there being more than one, never ever, it's like an epiphany, wowwwww, here it comes, here it comes...BOOOM epiphany, there may be multiple loves of your life! Eeeeeeeeee!"

Why, you know Polly, it's somwhat rare for men to have the stamina to achieve such "multiple epiphanys".

I thought as you did once. There's more than one "one", IMO.

I'm not trying to say that this is somthing that I know and you don't but - oh fuck, never mind.
Originally posted by Pollux V
But which way??? North? South? East? West? North east? Northwest? Southeast? Southwest? North north east? North north west? South south east? South south west? I need some more information, maan, or else I won't be able to flowww, like a rapid in your hokey psychadelic stream...mmm i feel the luvin, yummy yum yum.


Love 'em all. No one said you had to choose. I'm not about to tell you how to flow, that's in your bag, not mine.
"Not extensive enough..."


"Oh of course. Most girls grow up planning their wedding and prom dresses. I grew up planning what I'd wear to the Nobel Prizes.
What can I say? I'm weird."

Is it red? I like red.

"Although I can see marriage, with the right man, would be quite satisfying."

There you go.

"That's because you are too cold to see the LOVE in your heart."


"Or of a Hitler.
Just try and make good on that, Canuck. I'm American and we're armed to the teeth."

Ha! I'll take out my sharpened stick on you! Or maybe hope you can bomb some of your own men...... Oh wait, you only bomb our men.


Just saying that you could likely use practice....*Hint*Hint*Hint*

"Is it red? I like red."

Actually, it was. You remember what J. Lopez wore to the Grammys some years back?

Along those lines.



It's just too simple for you to understand. :bugeye: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:

"Ha! I'll take out my sharpened stick on you!"

*Digs out an Uzi, a Kamazkilov, and a .22. *

" Or maybe hope you can bomb some of your own men...... Oh wait, you only bomb our men."

Ooooh! That stings!

Take it back before I boo "O Canada".
"Just saying that you could likely use practice....*Hint*Hint*Hint*"

I'm anxious to learn!!!

"Actually, it was. You remember what J. Lopez wore to the Grammys some years back?
Along those lines."

Hellllllllllllllllllllls yes!

It's just too simple for you to understand"

Ah, you're right. The many assorted faces prove your point excellently!

"*Digs out an Uzi, a Kamazkilov, and a .22. *"

Sharpened sticks always win. It's beyond obvious!

"Ooooh! That stings!
Take it back before I boo "O Canada"."

Do that and I'll, um, make people dislike Bush!!!
I would like to get married eventually. The piece of paper and ceremony and al means nothing much to me. What I value is the word of someone with integrity, who likes me enough to declare straight out that she wants to stick around.

"I'm anxious to learn!!!"

As anxious to teach....

"Hellllllllllllllllllllls yes!"

Only in velvet, because it would be rather chilly.

"Ah, you're right. The many assorted faces prove your point excellently!"

Thank you, you seem enlightened, unlike most of the people here.

"Sharpened sticks always win. It's beyond obvious!"

How much have you been smoking?

"Do that and I'll, um, make people dislike Bush!!!"

Oh god, Tyler, if you could keep the son of a bitch from being re-elected I'd do anything for you.

Erm, excluding treason and murder.
"As anxious to teach...."
Good! Then we're set!

"Only in velvet, because it would be rather chilly."
I can keep you warm....

"Thank you, you seem enlightened, unlike most of the people here."
Now can I explain to you what Iran is like despite never being there?

"How much have you been smoking?"
Hey, if every American just smoked pot we'd have a lot less war.

"Do that and I will do anything for you.
Except, well, treason and murder are out of the question"

Okay, I was just thinking I should come up with some cute, clever euphanism. But I'll just say it straight out.........sex it is. And not just once or twice. I mean lots of it.
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"I can keep you warm...."

Some looooong nights in that part of the world.....

"Now can I explain to you what Iran is like despite never being there?"

Oh of course. Why don't you also explain how 2+2=5?

"Okay, I was just thinking I should come up with some cute, clever euphanism. But I'll just say it straight out.........sex it is. And not just once or twice. I mean lots of it."

Hmmm, sex with an attractive man and that moron out of my White House......

Gee, I dunno, can I think about it?

*.00000005 nanoseconds pass*

"Some looooong nights in that part of the world....."
I can stay up as long as you can.

"Oh of course. Why don't you also explain how 2+2=5?"
TWO DOES NOT EQUAL FIVE!!!!!!!! :( :rolleyes: :eek: :confused:
THE ONLY TRUTH IS THAT ZERO IS EQUAL TO INFINITE!!!!! :rolleyes: :cool: :cool: :D ;) :eek:\

"Hmmm, sex with an attractive man and that moron out of my White House......
Gee, I dunno, can I think about it?
*.00000005 nanoseconds pass*

Consider it done!