If you were god what would you do differently?

I'd expose myself! :eek:

In an unrelated news article, million of innocent children, impressionable youths and men with low self-esteem have been flocking to pyscho-therapy to deal with the appearance of a colossal schlong hanging above the Earth.
Really? How would that make life easier/better? I guess a question would be better to explain my view.

How many chickens do you trade for your computer?

yea..i know..reality says it ain't gonna happen..

but imagine a world where if you needed a computer and i had an extra one,i would just give it to you..

same as if i needed a chicken and you had an extra one..

how many ppl in this world have stuff that they don't need, that others do...
<sure you can have my treadmill..i have only used it once since i got it,and just use it for a coat rack now..>

i just watched a show about egypt, the ppl there help others when needed..if one person needs help gathering up their harvest, a bunch of ppl will get together and help them harvest,if someone needs a house built they would get together and help them build a house..

same concept..joe needs a chicken, mary has a chicken to give, mary needs a couch,john has a couch to give,john needs a car, joe has a car to give..etc,etc..pretty soon money is not needed..

as far as jobs go..wouldn't it be better if you had a job you loved doing rather than one you had to do because it paid better?
Appear over the world like an avenging angel and SHOUT that all cruelty will end - or else!
I'd reveal myself to my mortal underlings and get rid of the guessing game of "faith."

I'd also make sure they knew I was actually an extraterrestrial that understands all forms of science to the highest degree possible: "It's not magic, folks, this IS science."