If you were god what would you do differently?

Renewable teeth set, just like sharks'. No need for dentistry, just pull it out and there is a new one in a few weeks....

that was a huge oversight in god's behalf...
You know what I'd do differently.

I'd stash some evil fruit and make a talking snake to convince some people to eat it, then get all pissed off at them and then kill HEAPS of people and then finally impregnate some jewish virgin with my own son then kill him too, then I'd torture everyone who didn't believe that I killed my son to save people.

Oh wait a second...
abolish money..

I remember watching an episode of scrudge mc duck when I was a kid, they abolished money on an island in one episode, the just replaced the currency with bottlecaps and that became the new currency.

A lesson learned I think... lol
Yes, I am stubborn when it comes to matters religious because religion is the route of all evil. That's another story. a god is the invention of the ignorant to explain that which they cannot explain. History is riddled with it from Mesopotamia to the present day (although present day is less so, by far).

Ancient Mesopotamians claims that gods inhabited the earth but were a lazy lot, so the created humans to till the land and provide. Why would gods need food? They also had the world full of demons and monsters.

Ancient Egypt with their many gods who controlled everything including the daily rise of the Sun (Ra), death, the flooding of the Nile and every day natural features of life in Egypt. Unexplained phenomenon was always 'god' created.

Along came the church in Rome and they butchered by the million anyone who was 'different'; all in the name of a god.

This is the same god that is worshipped in the Middle East, but by a different name. The same god that allows the butchery of innocents. The same god that allows child cruelty (the worst crime on the planet), the same god who allows war, mass murder.

Oh yes, you worship a god alright - the god of revenge; the god of hate, the god of complete nonsense.

The world was not created at a whim by some god, the Universe neither. Everything has a perfectly solid explanation in Science and Physics. We are here due to a chemical accident, something that happened in a small pool, somewhere on a hostile environment. IF I were this non entity which does not exist, all I would have to do is say 'BE' - no evolution, no chemical accidents; just 'BE'.
Yes, I am stubborn when it comes to matters religious because religion is the route of all evil. That's another story. a god is the invention of the ignorant to explain that which they cannot explain. History is riddled with it from Mesopotamia to the present day (although present day is less so, by far).
1, God CAN BE a route to evil,this is dependent on the person who is claiming that God told them to do this..
2,yes,God has been used to explain the unexplained,again this is dependent on the person explaining it and the gullibility of the listener, science has dis-proven several explanations by the church as to why things happen .
3,neither of these either prove or disprove God existance

Ancient Mesopamians claims that gods inhabited the earth but were a lazy lot, so the created humans to till the land and provide. Why would gods need food? They also had the world full of demons and monsters.
yes..i also wonder this..also i wonder why he would want sacrifices..again this is due to the ppl who are saying they know God better than everyone else.(anyone can know God, there is no 'I know God better than you')

Ancient Egypt with their many gods who controlled everything including the daily rise of the Sun (Ra), death, the flooding of the Nile and every day natural features of life in Egypt. Unexplained phenomenon was always 'god' created.
see above comment

Along came the church in Rome and they butchered by the million anyone who was 'different'; all in the name of a god.
again dependent on the person and the gullibility(of course there are also political pressures involved in the gullibility)

This is the same god that is worshipped in the Middle East, but by a different name. The same god that allows the butchery of innocents. The same god that allows child cruelty (the worst crime on the planet), the same god who allows war, mass murder.
this is a case of blaming God for ones own failure to act.if you seen someone getting raped would you ignore it? if you did then would you blame God because the rape was 'allowed' to happen?
God works through ppl, and unfortunately ppl are fallible, as are religious leaders,

if you did not, i am sure the person who was getting raped would thank God for saving her through you..(of course this statement is dependent on her beliefs)

Oh yes, you worship a god alright - the god of revenge; the god of hate, the god of complete nonsense.
keep in mind that this attitude comes mostly from the old testament,and completely disregards the new testament, which is a case of selective hearing..

The world was not created at a whim by some god, the Universe neither. Everything has a perfectly solid explanation in Science and Physics. We are here due to a chemical accident, something that happened in a small pool, somewhere on a hostile environment. IF I were this non entity which does not exist, all I would have to do is say 'BE' - no evolution, no chemical accidents; just 'BE'.
1, Not EVERYTHING is explained by science, science can only explain that which can be measured,human nature cannot be measured.
2,imagine the narrow criteria required for that pool to generate life. any number of things could have been been misaligned to prevent such a thing.
3, i won't argue against evolution,nor will i argue a specific 'God did this', my beliefs do not always line up with mainstream religious beliefs, but i do believe in God,I also will not try to convince you that God exists, this is between you and God..but i will argue against unreasonable arguments against God (like the one above about blaming God)

Do not hate God because the ppl who claim to represent him are screwed up, hate the ppl who are encouraging this misrepresentation of God, by trying to use God to control ppl..

<dunno if this last part makes sense or if i am just trying to hard to make a point>
thanks squirrel a good reply. I do not hate god, because god does not exist, nor does any other god for that matter, irrespective of belief. Yes, MAN is the culprit in all cases, not any 'god' but IF there were a supreme being HE, or SHE would not allow what goes on in his or her name. Everything is becoming explained by science. Daily we read of new discoveries or explanations of what is. Sites such as space.com or Nasa.gov all have answers which were not available even 50 years ago. I repeat 'answers' not beliefs. Yes your post does make sense, all of it, and I understand it all.

It still comes down to one basic question though without all my explanations, or indeed, yours - is there a god. The answer in unequivocably NO.
but IF there were a supreme being HE, or SHE would not allow what goes on in his or her name.
how would you know what he would or would not do?
IOW this is a statement designed to 'pigeonhole' God, to put him in a box,to define him, to limit what he can or cannot do..

It still comes down to one basic question though without all my explanations, or indeed, yours - is there a god. The answer in unequivocably NO.

it is not unequivocal, since there is no way to either prove or disprove his existence..(i have posted my opinion as to why this is before)

It all comes down to whether you choose to believe or not AND what you choose to do with that belief, you can choose to listen to others and be susceptible to their fallibility or you can choose to challenge the current dogma as to who/what God is.(do as your told vs think for yourself)
Logic dictates there is no god. Its impossible.

i just finished reading Issac Asimiv's Naked sun,
and a quote you just reminded me of, Baley was talking about Daneel the robot saying that robots are always logical but not always reasonable..

IOW Logic alone cannot determine the existence of God.
I have already stated my reasons Knowledge91, there is no way a god created all this we see today (or yesterday).
I do not have enough time nor the space to state every reason why I believe there is no such thing as a god, its an invention of a troubled mind. I am also realistic enough to state that this is MY opinion, as yours is yours. Neither of us can prove the negative. Suffice to say I believe its all a load of bunk.
I do not have enough time nor the space to state every reason why I believe there is no such thing as a god, its an invention of a troubled mind. I am also realistic enough to state that this is MY opinion, as yours is yours. Neither of us can prove the negative. Suffice to say I believe its all a load of bunk.

Regardless of your personal belief in a God or No God. You should be able to fantasize this question and formulate an answer about what you would do differently if you were God. I know there is no God, but the concept is available to play with, and I can't see any reason not to. After all It's not like I'll get struck by lightning from a pissed off God is it?:D
Give everyone a shot at being God because God and Jesus are gone but not get to have his powers, they just get me to listen to them intently for 5 minutes because theres a line. And im not sure why I wouldn't be gone if Jesus and God were, I probably was the one nagging them to leave with me already.