If you were a psychopath...

If a female rabbit does not remove the offspring away from the male rabbit soom after the birth, the male will eat the young rabbits. Try raising rabbits, this will happen. The same in hampsters, fish, and mice. Even lions have been known to get 'jealous' of younger lion cubs and kill them. Chimps also kill there own. Deer will abandon a young fawn if they sense it has a developmental problem. Its the way of the world, of life an death. The strongest of the species survives and thrives off of the weaker ones.

Yet most people are compassionate. Is that the product of our intelect and developed conscience, an imposed restraint of social ethics, or a character trait unique to our species? I would choose the last, but I am curious what others might think.
Yet most people are compassionate.

Already I have to disagree! I think most people CLAIM to be compassionate, but are they really? I don't think so.

And I know of no way to actually discover the truth ....other than to watch the "entertainment" dollars spent during major disasters, etc. For example, during the tsunami in Asia, the entertainment dollars remained almost the say as before or after. With the New Orleans disaster, the entertainment dollars remained the same, and even surged during the ongoing disaster.

What does that tell us? That maybe humans can be compassionate, yet still go out and celebrate and have a great time ...while others are suffering horribly?

I ain't so sure that I'd call that "compasson", would you?

Is that the product of our intelect and developed conscience, an imposed restraint of social ethics, or a character trait unique to our species? I would choose the last, but I am curious what others might think.

Well, just try to imagine what life would be like if there were no laws, no rules, no punishment for wrongdoing, etc. Try real hard to imagine it. Then you come back and tell me just how great and wonderful humans are.

Baron Max
If I were a psychopath I would just go around raping everyone that's below 18 in age and sexy, lmao Anyway I am not so no bad there... also I'm sleepie now hold me :Z
Already I have to disagree! I think most people CLAIM to be compassionate, but are they really? I don't think so.

And I know of no way to actually discover the truth ....other than to watch the "entertainment" dollars spent during major disasters, etc. For example, during the tsunami in Asia, the entertainment dollars remained almost the say as before or after. With the New Orleans disaster, the entertainment dollars remained the same, and even surged during the ongoing disaster.

What does that tell us? That maybe humans can be compassionate, yet still go out and celebrate and have a great time ...while others are suffering horribly?

I ain't so sure that I'd call that "compasson", would you?

I think that many have a fascination with disaster. And certainly the media will be there to serve it up. It did provoke many into acts of compassion in response.

PBS had a special yesterday regarding the science and tragedy of the tsunami in Asia. It does place things into perspective.

Well, just try to imagine what life would be like if there were no laws, no rules, no punishment for wrongdoing, etc. Try real hard to imagine it. Then you come back and tell me just how great and wonderful humans are.

Baron Max

I think it (we) would reorganize into another social structure, as it has been doing so for thousands of years. Whenever a social structure falls another evolves and takes its place. Iraq might be a good example of such. It also serves as an example for your point.

Would our efforts over there then be considered an act of compassion? Is the soldier then a warrior of love and compassion? I see no rational reason to place his or her life in jeapordy if we are nothing more than omnivore survivalist.
If I were a psychopath I would just go around raping everyone that's below 18 in age and sexy, lmao Anyway I am not so no bad there... also I'm sleepie now hold me :Z

Why would you specify "below 18 and sexy?"
I think it (we) would reorganize into another social structure, as it has been doing so for thousands of years. Whenever a social structure falls another evolves and takes its place.

And if you know your history very well, then you know that that "reorganization" is always brought about by force of arms! Ain't no other way to do it ....and as you've mentioned, Iraq is a prime example of it.

Would our efforts over there then be considered an act of compassion?

Many people think so. But this is not the thread to be discussing the Irag War.

Is the soldier then a warrior of love and compassion?

Of course! But you'll notice that you didn't specify from which perspective. Perspective is all-important in such discussions. But again, this is not the thread to discuss the war.

Baron Max
Why would you specify "below 18 and sexy?"

Everyone knows that women are at their "finest" at about that age! After that, women begin to get fat, ugly thighs and their tits begin to sag, and their faces begin to wrinkle. You didn't know that??

Baron Max
And if you know your history very well, then you know that that "reorganization" is always brought about by force of arms! Ain't no other way to do it ....and as you've mentioned, Iraq is a prime example of it.

The Roman Empire would be the best example.

Many people think so. But this is not the thread to be discussing the Irag War.

I simply pulled it down as an example for our discussion. You said that once governance is removed, chaos rules. The war in Iraq would be an example for your argument. It seems that it is trying to reshape itself despite our best efforts.

Of course! But you'll notice that you didn't specify from which perspective. Perspective is all-important in such discussions. But again, this is not the thread to discuss the war.

Baron Max

Perspective of those fighting the war, of course. We are talking about psychopathic personalities. Where better to search than in Iraq. There are plenty of masks to be worn there. My impulse is to place the most noble on our troops--those whom I do support.

I don't understand your opposition, but it doesn't matter to me. I wont mention Iraq again in this thread.
If a female rabbit does not remove the offspring away from the male rabbit soom after the birth, the male will eat the young rabbits. Try raising rabbits, this will happen. The same in hampsters, fish, and mice.
That happened with my friend's hampsters like 6 years ago.
Even lions have been known to get 'jealous' of younger lion cubs and kill them.
Not jealoussy, it's just so they can mate. There is some infanticidethat's unexplained, but with lions it's usually about mating.
Deer will abandon a young fawn if they sense it has a developmental problem.
That's how people should be.
An extract I found interesting as a subject of discussion:

Imagine - if you can - not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles with shame, not a single one in your whole life, no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken.

And pretend that the concept of responsibility is unknown to you, except as a burden others seem to accept without question, like gullible fools.

Now add to this strange fantasy the ability to conceal from other people that your psychological makeup is radically different from theirs. Since everyone simply assumes that conscience is universal among human beings, hiding the fact that you are conscience-free is nearly effortless.

You are not held back from any of your desires by guilt or shame, and you are never confronted by others for your cold-bloodedness. The ice water in your veins is so bizarre, so completely outside of their personal experience, that they seldom even guess at your condition.

In other words, you are completely free of internal restraints, and your unhampered liberty to do just as you please, with no pangs of conscience, is conveniently invisible to the world.

You can do anything at all, and still your strange advantage over the majority of people, who are kept in line by their consciences will most likely remain undiscovered.

How will you live your life?

I actually think I was like that, when I was a wee one ......
Now I am so different - probably booooring and reponsible and mature ...

Still, Sam , when I read this, I think of this cruel joke :

Alice met a beautiful lovely man at the funeral of her grandma .....
She did not get his adress or phone number - but she dreamt about him and wanted him so much ..... she was head over heels in love with him ....

3 months later she murdered her sister ---- WHY ?????????????

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They don't? Most of the world's people eat meat of some kind on a daily basis. Surely you're not saying that all of those people have moral codes against it, yet do it anyway??? If so, "moral code" is a rather weird term to use, ain't it?

Meat eaters generally manage a kind of double-think. Their expressed attitudes to animal suffering are very different to their practical actions (or lack thereof) with regard to it.

Yeah, so we pay others to do the "dirty work" for us ....thus we can wash our hands of the blood, huh? Interesting moral values, ain't it. "Killing is wrong! .....but if you kill it and butcher it and put it in neat packages, then it's okay." Geez, we're a really, really strange fuckin' animal, ain't we? :D


Do you kill rats and cockroaches, James? Mosquitoes? Flies? ...any other kind of creature? If so, aren't you being a tad hippo-critical in your arguments?

No. Haven't I explained this before? I do not consider mosquitoes and flies to have the same degree of consciousness, and particularly self-consciousness as animals such as cows, sheep and so on. Nevertheless, I still do not pull wings off flies just for the fun of it.
No. Haven't I explained this before? I do not consider mosquitoes and flies to have the same degree of consciousness, and particularly self-consciousness as animals such as cows, sheep and so on.

Okay, fine. Then why shouldn't you allow others to make their own adjustments to the "degree of consciousness" that you do yourself?

All you're doing and saying, James, is "I'm right, you're wrong!" ...and that ain't the way to make friends and influence people, is it? Is that the way you approach "diplomacy"?? :D

Baron Max
Still, Sam , when I read this, I think of this cruel joke :

Alice met a beautiful lovely man at the funeral of her grandma .....
She did not get his adress or phone number - but she dreamt about him and wanted him so much ..... she was head over heels in love with him ....

3 months later she murdered her sister ---- WHY ?????????????


The answer to the riddle :
Alice was a psychopath , she wanted her man ... and had met him at a funeral in the family ..... so she decided , she wanted to go to a new funeral in the family , to meet him again .....
Only problem , you need a corpse for a funeral ... so she murdered her sister ...
No. Haven't I explained this before?
Not sure, but I'd be interested to read it. Link?
I do not consider mosquitoes and flies to have the same degree of consciousness, and particularly self-consciousness as animals such as cows, sheep and so on. Nevertheless, I still do not pull wings off flies just for the fun of it.
Would you kill any mammal? Let's start with.. a mouse. Would you kill a mouse? What about large reptiles? Can you supply us with a complete list of things you'd be prepared to kill without having sleepless nights about it?

PS What's self-consciousness got to do with it?
So just because here's no brain or nervous system, it ok to kill other beings for your personal gain? What about the Superman type? If they can't feel from the neck down, is it ok to eat their arms and legs? They aren't ever going to use them again. They can't feel it. Are there any psychological side effects that result from losing legs that you don't use? Then what about vegitables that have no feeling?
Wow youre really scraping the bottom of the barrel here but ok lol.
Clearly even if i sentient animal cannot 'feel' a part of their body its not ok to remove those body parts. due to psychological distress, and also the possibility that they may die in the process.
Once again, plants cannot experience psychological distress, so it does not apply, they arnt members of the hunter/predator paradigm so they havent evolved to experience those type of responses.