If you were a psychopath...

Yeah, throw that deer tick bit in too. These deer ticks must be stopped! It's for the children!!! Think about the poor children covered in deer ticks!!!!! Is that what you want? We need more hunting to save the children from deerticks.:)
Although im not suggesting we should create 'extra emotions', empathy can go as far as you want it to go, you can place artificial limits on it, or you can excersise it like any other aspect of yourself - entirely upto you.

I have empathy for people and animals that I don't know, but I don't feel responsibility to take time out of the day and consider others' hardships.
Wow, this thread has taken a twist. I do think that hunting, as with any sport, involves a search for an emotional reward--catching your prey, reaching a goal, winning. Since we are dumping the original topic, I would throw out a guess that those who do not hunt might possibly satisfy this need through other avenues.
Actually, I think that sociopathy towards non-human animals is not so different from sociopathy towards other human beings. Both involve a failure of the ability to place oneself into another's shoes and see the world from their point of view. The only difference is that sociopathy towards non-human animals is widely accepted as "normal" in our society, whereas sociopathy towards other human beings is considered disfunctional.
I agree, the pathology of the sociopath is more relevant to one who goes against societal norms rather than being most closely linked to an inherent lack of empathatic reasoning (as it proports to be).
This was the relevance of why hunting was brought up in the first place, for those who feel we've lost track :p
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The deer population must be controlled somehow. Why not in a way that is enjoyable for hunters?
Because its sick to enjoy death and the pain of another being,
Isnt that one of the central tennants of our entire moral system - to enjoy the pain of another makes one sick?
If this only applies when dealing with our species doesnt that make somewhat of a mockery of our entire value system and the concept of morality itself?
If youre really saying its only sick to enjoy the death one species (coincidentally your own) out of the millions that exist on our planet then im at a loss to see how this holds up ethically. Id say that view-point is only defensible by invoking same-species preservation.
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Because its sick to enjoy death and the pain of another being,
Isnt that one of the central tennants of our entire moral system - to enjoy the pain of another makes one sick?
If this only applies when dealing with our species doesnt that make somewhat of a mockery of our entire value system and the concept of morality itself?
If youre really saying its only sick to enjoy the death one species (coincidentally your own) out of the millions that exist on our planet then im at a loss to see how this holds up ethically. Id say that view-point is only defensible by invoking same-species preservation.

It would need be justified by way of diminishing the value of life for that particular critter.
Because its sick to enjoy death and the pain of another being,
Isnt that one of the central tennants of our entire moral system - to enjoy the pain of another makes one sick?
If this only applies when dealing with our species doesnt that make somewhat of a mockery of our entire value system and the concept of morality itself?
If youre really saying its only sick to enjoy the death one species (coincidentally your own) out of the millions that exist on our planet then im at a loss to see how this holds up ethically. Id say that view-point is only defensible by invoking same-species preservation.

No problems with killing plants though?

Must you turn every discussion into an animal rights discussion?

If you look back, you'll see that I did not lead the discussion in this direction. Moreover, your claim that I turn every discussion into an animal rights discussion is just a bit exagerated, don't you think?

That said, what's wrong with hunting for fun?

It involves hurting and usually killing an innocent, autonomous being for one's own selfish pleasure.

Most moral codes do not condone such self indulgence at the expense of other beings. People have no trouble seeing that it is wrong to hurt or kill another human being for one's own entertainment, yet when it comes to animals they suddenly come across all stupid and uncomprehending. Why?

Man evolved as a hunter-gatherer. Males, in particular, were the hunters.

In the cave man days of yore, hunting was necessary for survival. In modern times, hunting is unnecessary. You can go to the supermarket and hunt for your food there instead.

While I personally have never hunted, it seems reasonable that after millenia of evolution as a hunter; hunting would fulfill some atavistic instinct which is probably stronger in some than others.

Does that make it right? (Can you say "appeal to nature"?)

Having sex with members of the same sex seems natural to some and I'm sure you would defend a person's right to do this although to many it seems twisted and perverted. To others, hunting seems natural and right and enjoyable. Should the homosexuals be allowed to do what is natural to them while this is denied to the hunters?

Well, you say, the homosexuals aren't hurting anyone, while the hunters kill sentient beings.

You've responded to your own argument. Thanks for saving me the effort.

Is it worse for the deer to be killed by a human than a wolf? Is it worse to be killed by a gun or run over by a car?

Does a wolf kill solely for pleasure? Is the wolf able to make moral decisions at all? Now consider the human.

As for the gun or the car, your implication that all the hunted animals would be killed accidentally anyway if people did not hunt is patently ludicrous and not worthy of serious discussion.

Deer are prey animals. It's why they have eyes on the side of their heads. Hunting is natural for some humans. Being hunted is natural to deer.

Deer did not evolve to "be hunted". They evolved to escape from hunters. There's no such thing as "natural prey". No sentient animal wants to be eaten.

Can't you see how silly these kinds of arguments are? I mean, just think for a moment before you post.

Hunters do not go out of their way to cause pain or discomfort for their prey.

They go out of their way to kill. Did you forget about that part?

The deer population must be controlled somehow.

Can you rephrase/repeat that please? not sure i understand you.

The hunter chooses the hunt rather than focus on the significance of the animal's life. Again, I think it is the thrill of the hunt for which the hunter searches and not the animal. I doubt the hunter dwells in the morality of the hunt.

Is that a symptom of a psychopath? The ability to kill without thinking of such things?
Most moral codes do not condone such self indulgence at the expense of other beings.

They don't? Most of the world's people eat meat of some kind on a daily basis. Surely you're not saying that all of those people have moral codes against it, yet do it anyway??? If so, "moral code" is a rather weird term to use, ain't it?

..., hunting was necessary for survival. In modern times, hunting is unnecessary. You can go to the supermarket and hunt for your food there instead.

Yeah, so we pay others to do the "dirty work" for us ....thus we can wash our hands of the blood, huh? Interesting moral values, ain't it. "Killing is wrong! .....but if you kill it and butcher it and put it in neat packages, then it's okay." Geez, we're a really, really strange fuckin' animal, ain't we? :D

They go out of their way to kill. Did you forget about that part?

Do you kill rats and cockroaches, James? Mosquitoes? Flies? ...any other kind of creature? If so, aren't you being a tad hippo-critical in your arguments?

Baron Max
Because its sick to enjoy death and the pain of another being,
Isnt that one of the central tennants of our entire moral system - to enjoy the pain of another makes one sick?

Maybe it's not sick, maybe it's normal. You see, most people think death and pain is tasty a least and enjoyable at worst. This means most people actually do cause pain for fun, sadism is normal.
Yeah, so we pay others to do the "dirty work" for us ....thus we can wash our hands of the blood, huh? Interesting moral values, ain't it. "Killing is wrong! .....but if you kill it and butcher it and put it in neat packages, then it's okay." Geez, we're a really, really strange fuckin' animal, ain't we? :D

Do you kill rats and cockroaches, James? Mosquitoes? Flies? ...any other kind of creature? If so, aren't you being a tad hippo-critical in your arguments?

Baron Max

Everyone kills, everyone has killed, there is no one here who can avoid it. The question is why?

Most people do not enjoy killing, and thats the difference. Some people enjoy it, it's a thrill!
Why can we say that sentience is where to draw the line of when killing is wrong, yet theory of mind is irrealevent to morality.
No problems with killing plants though?
I think youre trying to highlight a double-standard which doesnt even exist, plants dont have a central nervous system, nerve-endings and a brain with which to subjectively experience pain. They do not have the capacity to suffer as basic organisms as it is not a necessary aspect of their surival.
Yeah, it is. But it's also usually reserved for the killing/harming of humans, not animals.

Baron Max

That raises another thought. How many other species kill their own? Is it as common with deer or rabbits as it is with men? There must be parallels between all.

BTW: All of this talk about meat... I had to stalk, kill, and eat a burger. I discovered that the psychopath behind the mask is... Burger King.
I think youre trying to highlight a double-standard which doesnt even exist, plants dont have a central nervous system, nerve-endings and a brain with which to subjectively experience pain. They do not have the capacity to suffer as basic organisms as it is not a necessary aspect of their surival.
So just because here's no brain or nervous system, it ok to kill other beings for your personal gain? What about the Superman type? If they can't feel from the neck down, is it ok to eat their arms and legs? They aren't ever going to use them again. They can't feel it. Are there any psychological side effects that result from losing legs that you don't use? Then what about vegitables that have no feeling? Should we eat them?
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That raises another thought. How many other species kill their own? Is it as common with deer or rabbits as it is with men? There must be parallels between all.

BTW: All of this talk about meat... I had to stalk, kill, and eat a burger. I discovered that the psychopath behind the mask is... Burger King.

If a female rabbit does not remove the offspring away from the male rabbit soom after the birth, the male will eat the young rabbits. Try raising rabbits, this will happen. The same in hampsters, fish, and mice. Even lions have been known to get 'jealous' of younger lion cubs and kill them. Chimps also kill there own. Deer will abandon a young fawn if they sense it has a developmental problem. Its the way of the world, of life an death. The strongest of the species survives and thrives off of the weaker ones.

Hunting 'seasons were developed as a check and balance to keep deer herd, and other prey, from over populating AND from being over hunted.


scroll down to about half page. This is where i live.