If you want to open your 3rd Eye...


Valued Senior Member
Please tell me. I will try to open it for you. Tasawwuf

Rarely you will find someone who can honestly teach you and help you understand this knowlodge, Rather it is more likely that you will find those who deny its existence, those who act as literary critics for it, or those who outright argue against it Know that the reality of this interal soul of the human is connected to the holy presence (through the jabarut world or world of timeless lights But, the container in which it has been placed (ie, the body) bars it (from seeing the Creator) and beyond the container is where the sight (of the Entity of Allah) begins and rises And the soul of every human is alive and capable of knowing and perceiving these and other things And again it is only the body (and the attachment to the material world) which prevents it from doing so. But the ego, the lower self, and the whispers from Shaytan also have a major role in handicapping it.

The idea behind this example is that the jabarut world is the base cause for the existence of all creation. Creation first forms in the timeless-like tones of the jabarut world. And then it passes to the malakut world, which serves as the womb where the object of creation is further developed acquiring more meaningful form than it had in the jabarut world. And then when it is ready, this instance of creation is born into the mulk world by becoming apparent to the physical senses. Thus, the father, (jabarut) is the source of the sperm which is placed in the mother. And then after the embryo is conceived, it grows in the womb of the mother (malakut). And then when it is developed enough, the chold (mulk) is born. The human has all of these three parts with him. He has a physical body which is used in the mulk world. He has an astral body which can travel in the malakut world. And he has a soul which can connect with the jabarut world. As for Allah, He is independent of all of these worlds, but the vision and experience of Him is possible for the human when his soul is connected to the jabarut world.

Levels of the human soul which we can briefly summarize.

1) ammarah (ill commanding)
2) lawwamah ( oft-blaming)
3) mulhamah (inspired)
4) mutma`innah (at peace)
5) radiyah (content)
6) mardiyah (loved)
7) kamilah (perfected)

might post more tomorrow inshallah but too tired right now.
it is simple. do not believe any human ho claims they can help you. that tey have it and you dont. all you need to --what hasbeen termed, opening 3rd eye - is you yorself takin effortto go and get psychedelic substances. then you eat, an then you see.....
whats happened is that since psychedelics hae been demonized and dismissed, both by West and East, ideologies and gurus have taken their place to spin you dgomas and belief system that supposedly open your 3rd eye, and/or help you become whole via consumeraism.

dont dont dont ...dont believe the hype!
It's a waste of time Muslim. These biased white western scientists believe the government propaganda that they know everything and they are superior. They know more than any other culture in the world. It doesn't matter if every other culture in the world says there are 3rd eyes, telepathy and that humans have energy.

The Israelis have used their control of the media and government in the western countries to separate them from spirituality. To demonize and ridicule any person who claims any of those things truly exist.

As you know, people cut off from spirituality are easier to control for the Israelis. There is no resistance to Israeli control in any of the countries of Britain/USA/Canada/Australia. Proof that the method works. Cut people off from spirituality and they become sheep to be herded where you want.

This is also the reason the Israelis are intent on destroying Islam. Muslims are strongly religious people. That is why they fight back. Israel orders the western countries to destroy Islam so that Muslims will eventually become easily controlled sheep like the christians and catholics now are.
what does 'opening the 3rd eye' say to you?

it says to me---ie., is pointing out via metaphor that you have a 'left' and a 'right' eye....ok, left and right. couldalso say left brain and right brain, yes and no, good nd bad. matter ad spirit, life and death. get me

so OPENING the THIRD eye, which was supposed spiritually to reside in centre of brow. can you guess. it is simply saying you see the polarty of reality. you see that life imples death and death life, tat matter imples spirit , that light implies dark,,,,,,eytc etc. it is te actual insight into this

you mscientists who stick with 'all is matter' are the 'left eye' to the 'right eye' idealists who say all is spirit

d'ya feel me?
Levels of the human soul which we can briefly summarize.

No one can even show the soul exists and you've already found several levels within the non-existent soul. A truly 'mulhamah' fantasy.
no one can say what does and dosent exist if you dont know either way Q. its neutral and open for debate,

no one here can prove to me that any of these thigns exist,

Gravity (yes gravity prove that it pulls or pushes you cant things just orbit and fall)
black holes,
quantunm mechanics,
the big bang,
the universe is expanding from a central point, (it could be imploding but we are on a dimentional axis with a mirror type effect so it appears to be expanding we seriusly dont know we are just humans)

many more things,

anyway this is to advanced i doubt anyone here is ready for this type of advanced spiritual advancements, its not something that you should meddle in either its mentally dangerous for regular people, you will see things that you are not ready to see, do not try this type of fusion (it is an advanced technique that will change your mind and cannot be reversed, it is very simple concept) some people gain shen in many different ways most without meaning to, you will only attain shen through true hardship and suffering of the mind, untill your ego is destroyed totally you will not be truley ready for this, most people aquire shen and then go into deep deppression because they cannot handle what they have seen, the void of eternal nothingness is scary tot hose who look into it but fear does not reside inside of there,

be carefull how deep you delve into the subconcious realms. rid your ego before or you will suffer,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
no one can say what does and dosent exist if you dont know either way Q. its neutral and open for debate,

no one here can prove to me that any of these thigns exist,

Gravity (yes gravity prove that it pulls or pushes you cant things just orbit and fall)
black holes,
quantunm mechanics,
the big bang,
the universe is expanding from a central point, (it could be imploding but we are on a dimentional axis with a mirror type effect so it appears to be expanding we seriusly dont know we are just humans)

many more things,

anyway this is to advanced i doubt anyone here is ready for this type of advanced spiritual advancements, its not something that you should meddle in either its mentally dangerous for regular people, you will see things that you are not ready to see, do not try this type of fusion (it is an advanced technique that will change your mind and cannot be reversed, it is very simple concept) some people gain shen in many different ways most without meaning to, you will only attain shen through true hardship and suffering of the mind, untill your ego is destroyed totally you will not be truley ready for this, most people aquire shen and then go into deep deppression because they cannot handle what they have seen, the void of eternal nothingness is scary tot hose who look into it but fear does not reside inside of there,

be carefull how deep you delve into the subconcious realms. rid your ego before or you will suffer,


THE last thing we need righrt now is yet MORE propaganda warning off people exploring their own bodyminds.....!

this has been the strategy of most, particularly patriarchal 'mystery' schools, west AND east, and is designed to keep a small elite supposingly in the KNOW

the Christian concept of'hell' is part of ths 'boo boo' scam. it is the warning to explore ones Depth. so artists were employed to depict all forms of ghoulie woolies to scrare offf the people being drilled in conformity to authority

BUT, i dont recommend that. of course exploring mind can bring joy and terror. but hy, we are LLaduls, righ. an we dont need another self-appointed adult takin to us like kids

THEmain facilitator for exploring depth hs always been psychedelics. NOTICE how the 'myster' movemebts prohibit psychedelics. this is cause they seek to thrall you wit warnings about devling to deep. and makin sure you kee their teirascetic regime, with promise of the 'biggie' thrill at the end

we dont trust all that. be an INDEPENDENT explorer. you are unique and thus if you wanna'open te third eye'---which really means, partake of the psychedelic sacrament, then DO it. This way is FAR more easier than all tis patriarcvhal mcho bullshite about haveing to live an rduous life bla bla. let THEM do that

once read in a book explaining Quantum physics and Einsteinian shit, how the sun takes the EASIEST route. as does all Nature. so whys it it is certin humans wit some kinda workf-etic ascetic obsession, always wannna go for the hard fruitless route, huh?
no one can say what does and dosent exist if you dont know either way Q.

An absolutely brilliant use of circular logic.

anyway this is to advanced i doubt anyone here is ready for this type of advanced spiritual advancements

One need only drop acid to be ready.
phlogistician said:
My 'third eye' opens when I take a piss.

And yes, duendy, that's a patriarchal, fallocentric comment.

gave me a laugh anyhow. good to know yo got sense of humour. ......tho ...some of tha thangs yyu say...........well
They don't care. They only want to say it is make believe. You could give it to them for free and they would run away.