If there's a God:

I love humans that go, "I'm above the human condition." >.< Trust me, we all experience pride, humility, hubris, etc. Your statement alone...
You know better about me than I do???
I can't state a fact without invalidating it???

I said nothing of above or below or better or worse or superior or inferior.
God. Would you like a hand off your high horse, sweetheart?

The fact that you get your feathers ruffled when I suggest you're not immune to pride speaks volumes for itself.
What makes you think my feathers are ruffled???

You know better about me than I do???
I can't state a fact without invalidating it???

I said nothing of above or below or better or worse or superior or inferior.

This little shriek of a statement kinda makes me think you're a little fussy about it. It doesn't exactly scream zen serenity.
Okay. You've rofl-ed my waffles enough.

The fact you get your panties in a bunch over my word choice demonstrates you are not immune to pride in appearance, even if it's only on an internet board. ;)
One of the ways in which enlightenment is understood in Buddhism is that an enlightened person is not subject to suffering anymore, an enlightened person does not experience suffering even though they might be tortured.

People generally are subject to suffering.

A state of no suffering is thus foreign to the run-of-the-mill person; they cannot relate to it even though they might desire it or have some notions about how it might be like.

Not what I asked you to do, but the result it the same. Thanks :)
So.. you are not enlightened.
Do you know of people that are enlightened ? And how do we know that they really are ?