If there's a God:

You again overlooked the fact that I was making a more general point, but I'll bite anyway.

Why is LFA a problem? Lemme see. Lack of language, lack of any kind of self sufficiency unless you want to count peeing on the sofa by yourself, random behavioural 'seizures' involving smashing yourself in the head with your fist and/or trying to wrench your family members' metacarpal bones out of their normal position...yeah, disorder.

Lesch Nyhan Disease? I'll let Wikipedia answer that one:


Enjoy. :)

So you seem to be suggesting that these things impede the progress of a life without (added) difficulties and problems.

I take it you are working out of the assumption that the purpose of this world is to facilitate such a mode of life, and since the world obviously doesn't function in that way, it reflects some issue of the creator, yes?
Not it isn't, its a bald unsupported claim on your part.

Nice try, but considering if some one is enlightened is not considering the "Buddha-range." Nor would I worry too much about "madness and vexation" from considering "Buddha-range." As Bankei said, my magic power is that when I'm hungry, I eat and when I'm tired, I rest.

As I said: the enlightened can make themselves know and demonstrate their attainment satisfactorily. Just as the Buddha did and all the various master through the ages have done. If your teacher can't satisfactorily demonstrate that he has something to teach, move on. If he says he can't be questioned, run.

Sure walking into a crowd and declaring yourself enlightened is not particularly smart. But they have means by which enlightenment is verified and masters are acknowledged.

Bottom line in Buddhism is put up or shut up. Empty claims of enlightenment are insufficient.

So? If you want to learn how to recognize something subtle and difficult to see it may require some study. When a would be biologist looks in a microscope they don't see what a professor of biology does. A novice artist doesn't see what a master artist does.

But the master can point out what they see to the student. That is part of what we like to call "teaching."

Sure they can. Why do you think the charlatan preys on the gullible and excludes anything which remotely looks like skepticism?

But even the gullible can eventually catch a clue, which is how false guru exposé sites get going.

There is still hope for you. Just remember - when there is a basis to a claim, the person making it is not afraid of skeptical inquiry.

Whom are you arguing against? Because it sure isn't me.
Why did the stupid motherfucker invent Low functioning autism? Or Lesch Nyhan's Disease?

Maybe it, or they, didn't. Perhaps they don't involve themselves with the affairs of living things, which must seem generally irrelevant in the context of the immensity of the universe. Thus, blaming them for random genetic abnormalities is a pointless venture.

The vast majority of humans are as toddlers futilely fumbling thru the daunting darkness of their sad short time here. Punishment from gods who could easily have lit their paths is a callous cruel concept.
Any being or group of beings in control or having the power to control everything is responsible for everything.

That's incredibly naive and childish. It's like asking your parents to fix everything for you. Sometimes you just gotta start living on your own two feet, instead of being a fucking baby.
That's not particularly delusion-proof.

lool..strange of you to say so..but you're right.. i know that..EVERYTHING can be an illusion..but i think the best way to vanquish that possibility to a minimum is to experience it yourself..

besides..an illusion isn't so bad if it is yours..it's stupid when you live in others' illusions..
The fact that it is absurd foolishness, at best.
no, not the fact that it's absurd..but the fact that you can't think of it as anything BUT absurd..i can imagine you trying with all your might trying to give it a chance of not being absurd..but can't..

so why is that?? what is stopping you??
arrogance?(i don't think so, but that happens to a lot to people who refuse certain possibilities from the start..you can say like a war general not accepting defete or something..)

The vast majority of humans are as toddlers futilely fumbling thru the daunting darkness of their sad short time here. Punishment from gods who could easily have lit their paths is a callous cruel concept.
if you know that then why keep "futilely fumbling thru the daunting darkness of your sad short time here" instead of listening to the answers the grownups sent by god are telling you?
isn't that the same question before this one?

I said nothing of an easy path.
You did mention that it should be easy for god/s to light the path to enlightenment however ....

Punishment from gods who could easily have lit their paths is a callous cruel concept.

..... I'm just curious what you think such a path would look like (since the one we have at the moment is apparently not so well lit)

Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Any being or group of beings in control or having the power to control everything is responsible for everything.

That's incredibly naive and childish. It's like asking your parents to fix everything for you. Sometimes you just gotta start living on your own two feet, instead of being a fucking baby.

That's incredibly absurd.
It's not like that at all.
no, not the fact that it's absurd..but the fact that you can't think of it as anything BUT absurd..i can imagine you trying with all your might trying to give it a chance of not being absurd..but can't..

You can't help thinking of absurdity as reality because you stopped thinking.

so why is that?? what is stopping you??
arrogance?(i don't think so, but that happens to a lot to people who refuse certain possibilities from the start..you can say like a war general not accepting defete or something..)

When you accept absurd cruel fantasy, you are defeated.
When you stop thinking, you have accepted defeat.

if you know that then why keep "futilely fumbling thru the daunting darkness of your sad short time here" instead of listening to the answers the grownups sent by god are telling you?
isn't that the same question before this one?

I've listened to you quite enough. You have no answers.
Accepting absurd cruel fantasy as reality is not a sign of being grownup.
Attempting to convince others to accept your fantasy without proof is childish.
IF they were gods who want me to know they exist, they wouldn't need your bothersome blundering blathering baloney.