If there's a God:


excellent example of..
human (not atheist) fallacy..

the root of all mind games and illusions..

the mosquito bite..

the question mark which if dissected will generate more question marks..and no..you can't catch up with them all.....you'll die before you do..

the question which will make most sense (and you should try it) when answerd by:

" i don't know".., or "beats me"

can't someone outwit all of you people??
I think you have outwitted yourself with your own gibberish here. What the heck are you talking about?

I think you have outwitted yourself with your own gibberish here. What the heck are you talking about?

i'm just saying that knowing that logic isn't able to solve everything 100%.. makes your logic potentially 100% capable of solving anything..
Do my best to live a good life, help others, 1st do no harm & resist evil.

good positive thinking..

but what if god was good? will you neglect his crieteria for good and live by yours..

if god told you to be evil in order to be let into his eternal hevan..will you do so?
Why did the stupid motherfucker invent Low functioning autism? Or Lesch Nyhan's Disease?

I think C.S. Lewis said it best here, and I'm paraphrasing: We have to remember God is like a person, but God is not a person.

We could be a universe entirely existing in a single atom of a blade of grass, a single race of gnat in an infinite series of races of gnats. What would be the nature of a God to take a personal interest in an individual like that, of many gnats? What's the nature of a God like that? I don't know. I know I do believe in infinite compassion and forgiveness, and that for every dead child and every illness and plague on the world, that there are a hundred right acts, a thousand right answers, etc. And it probably sounds like a fluff answer, but I think it's up to humans to set things right in our corner because that affirms any kind of concept like "holiness."

I am fully understanding I might be wrong, but it feels very right to think this way. So... *Shrug.*
I think C.S. Lewis said it best here, and I'm paraphrasing: We have to remember God is like a person, but God is not a person.

We could be a universe entirely existing in a single atom of a blade of grass, a single race of gnat in an infinite series of races of gnats. What would be the nature of a God to take a personal interest in an individual like that, of many gnats? What's the nature of a God like that? I don't know. I know I do believe in infinite compassion and forgiveness, and that for every dead child and every illness and plague on the world, that there are a hundred right acts, a thousand right answers, etc. And it probably sounds like a fluff answer, but I think it's up to humans to set things right in our corner because that affirms any kind of concept like "holiness."

I am fully understanding I might be wrong, but it feels very right to think this way. So... *Shrug.*
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Do my best to live a good life, help others, 1st do no harm & resist evil. ”

good positive thinking..

but what if god was good? will you neglect his crieteria for good and live by yours..

if god told you to be evil in order to be let into his eternal hevan..will you do so?

IF I determine gods are good, it is because I see their morals are similiar to mine.

I can't be evil.
Actually what we have to remember is that we actually know nothing of any gods. All we have are the fantasies of madmen.
Actually what we have to remember is that we actually know nothing of any gods. All we have are the fantasies of madmen.

Aw, man. Are you saying no seven-eyed lamb is really going to douse me in blood and scoop me up to Heaven?

I think C.S. Lewis said it best here, and I'm paraphrasing: We have to remember God is like a person, but God is not a person.

We could be a universe entirely existing in a single atom of a blade of grass, a single race of gnat in an infinite series of races of gnats. What would be the nature of a God to take a personal interest in an individual like that, of many gnats? What's the nature of a God like that? I don't know. I know I do believe in infinite compassion and forgiveness, and that for every dead child and every illness and plague on the world, that there are a hundred right acts, a thousand right answers, etc. And it probably sounds like a fluff answer, but I think it's up to humans to set things right in our corner because that affirms any kind of concept like "holiness."

I am fully understanding I might be wrong, but it feels very right to think this way. So... *Shrug.*


That's Deism which excludes worship, duty, obedience, sin, revelation, prayer, etc etc etc
The unenlightened by definition cannot recognize whether someone else is enlightened or not.

How would you know?

Any way, I've never seen this "definition" any where nor is it a doctrine in Buddhism.

Rather the enlightened can make themselves know and demonstrate their attainment satisfactorily.

In zen the are a number of examples of would be masters who either failed the test or decided they weren't settled yet, just as there are examples of people succeeding. I'm less familiar with the other traditions, but I do know the Tibetans get quite frisky in their challenges.