If there's a God Is there also a Devil?


The Hellbound Hellhound. AWOOO
Registered Senior Member
On the forums we are always trying to prove or disprove the existence of God, but what about the devil. Havent heard much on him lately, so here is a forum dedicated to the proving or disproving of the devil (or what ever u belive in). The floor is open and all yours. Have fun!
The devil is simply another god in Christian mythology. Both are only fictional concepts. It would be easier to prove the existence of Donald Duck who we can at least see and hear.

Sure.. and I'm Michael Jackson..


Devil is getting beat up on the day set aside for discipline. That's all you need ta know bout that.
Devil is getting beat up on the day set aside for discipline. That's all you need ta know bout that.
so u belive in a devil?
p.s. i got the idea of the title from dreamwalker :D
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greywolf said:
so u belive in a devil?
p.s. i got the idea of the title from dreamwalker :D

I believe in the annihilation of the concept of evil. As for the devil, he too is a spirit. You can't see spirits Kat, just so you know. :)
In that case we shouldn't believe there is a planet called Pluto.

//Resists urge to roll eyes. :)

In that case we shouldn't believe there is a planet called Pluto.
Pluto can be seen through a telescope.

Try again.

The correct argument is to state that just because we can't see something that doesn't mean that it does not exist.

And the answer to that is - then demonstrate some other mechanism where we can detect the existence of the devil or a spirit of any kind.

There are some 6 billion people on the planet and billions have already died, and presumably they all have/had spirits. So from that vast selection it should be very easy for you to prove that at least one of them exists, right? And then you can substantiate your claim.

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Katazia said:

Pluto can be seen through a telescope.

Try again.

The correct argument is to state that just because we can't see something that doesn't mean that it does not exist.

The end justifies the means smartypants. After all, you still knew what I was trying to say.. :p

And the answer to that is - then show some other mechnaism where we can detect the existence of the devil.


The existence of temptation for one.

EDIT: I don't know what you mean by "mechanism" but then I've been known to see eye to eye with you on several occasions.. :)

The end justifies the means smartypants. After all, you still knew what I was trying to say.
Yes but you were still unable to produce an example of evidence. You made a bad choice and I wasn’t going to help you make that choice.
The existence of temptation for one.
So if I am tempted to help someone who is calling for help when I wouldn’t usually then that is somehow evidence of the devil?

EDIT: I don't know what you mean by "mechanism"
Anything that provides physical evidence of existence. For example we cannot see gravity but we can measure its effects very precisely.

The problem you would face in trying to show that a devil is responsible for so-called evil in the world is that psychology, genetics, environmental influences, indoctrination, and propaganda, etc., can also explain abnormal and deviant behaviors. All of which are credible and natural explanations. There is no reason to suppose there is or need be any supernatural influence.

You cannot see the wind, yet it exists. How do we know? Because you can see the effects of it. The same is true of God.

Yes I do believe in the existance of Satan. He is a fallen angel who wants to overthrow God, yet since God created him, God will defeat him and cast him into hell for all of eternity.

And if you want to claim that people have spirits then try to explain what these spirits do that the brain can't, where they reside, and how they react with the physical world.

And of course any single or tiny scrap of credible evidence to indicate that a spirit could or does exist would be very helpful.

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You can't see the wind, but you can detect it. You can measure it through various means. By what means does one detect the presence of the interloper?

You cannot see the wind, yet it exists. How do we know? Because you can see the effects of it. The same is true of God.
Not quite. Show me an effect that you claim is caused by God that doesn’t have a more credible natural explanation?

Yes I do believe in the existance of Satan. He is a fallen angel who wants to overthrow God, yet since God created him, God will defeat him and cast him into hell for all of eternity.
But that is just quoting Christian mythology. Neither that nor your belief provides any type of proof for a devil god.

I take believe of it because of my faith in God, not because I have proof.
You cannot see the wind, yet it exists. How do we know? Because you can see the effects of it. The same is true of God

Wind can be measured using certain scientific instruments, and is understood to such a high degree, (usually), that it can be forecast in advance. There is not one solitary piece of evidence to suggest the existence of any god. In reality, even bigfoot, even aliens, even mothmen, even el chupacabra, even the bloody loch ness monster have more evidence to suggest their existence.

You're hanging onto a fantasy because, like the rest of us, you're going to die one day. Yes, it sucks.

Yes I do believe in the existance of Satan. He is a fallen angel who wants to overthrow God, yet since God created him, God will defeat him and cast him into hell for all of eternity.

Just like a Superman comic. Seriously, it's so... lame.
The Bible mentions several days where God caused causes there to be "long days." day that lastet more than twenty four hours. These accounts have been confermed through chinease records. What else could explain this? I curious to know what you think.