If there is no God

then life sucks..

Why ? Your life will still be the same..
What if you're ninety years old, and are happy with your life and with how you lived it, when it is discovered beyond any doubt that there is no god ?
Would you then say "My life sucks and it always sucked !" ?
Seems a bit strange to me..
with god you can live forever..without you'll die someday and......zero..

of course for the unbelievers of the god who might exist they could get tortured forever..in which zero is a lot much better..
Two questions
1) You do agree if there are no Gods then that the so-called Prophets were all liars and the Philosophers were just people who enjoy pontificating?

2) IF there was a God, and It wanted you to worship It, BUT you still died and Zero - would you still worship It?
Am I the only one who doesn't have a clue what you're trying to communicate here?
I'm trying a new form of communication called: so? what do you think? :)

heh... just kidding. I just don't think enough people stop and think about the true implications of there not being a God. It not only says a little something about their life, but also of the personality of the "Prophet" they venerate.

Also, while Buddhism morphed into a typical religion it's beginnings clearly set it apart, and I'd say, a cut above the rest of the other superstitious. IF we stop and think about it for a minute, JUST EXACTLY what sort of people were so-called Prophets? Either mad-men or liars, whereas for Buddhism this was a man who just pontificated on the human condition - two completely different starting points that dramatically flavor the respective religions that have developed from these people .. ..

Oh Draqon, I have no idea WHERE your ideas come from? Are they your own and if so where did you adopt them from?
If there is no God ...

Buddha was still a philosopher.

But, Mohammad was then a liar.

And Paul was a liar (or more likely pure nuts) too.

Joseph Smith Jr. was also liar.

Ron Hubbard still might not be a liar (I mean Xenu is an Alien not one of the Gods)

Seems to be that there are no Gods.

I fail to see what's so hard about connecting the dots?

And alternatively, if there is a god, buddha simply enables atheists to participate in sub-religious principles and enrich their otherwise spiritually bleak lifestyles ....


Do you think that Scientologists lead spiritually full lives?

Do you think that following the rules of a superstition, like not eating chicken and praying towards Holywood really creates any sort of enhanced life? I suppose but, maybe not for me....

I can get more "spiritually" enhanced life essence from a really really good f*ck :D
with god you can live forever..without you'll die someday and......zero..

of course for the unbelievers of the god who might exist they could get tortured forever..in which zero is a lot much better..

Lol. It's so funny you say zero. Everyday I go out and look at people, they all are zero's to me, because they do not contain any real value.

Do you think that Scientologists lead spiritually full lives?
But they certainly have recourse to a levy of sub-religious principles
Do you think that following the rules of a superstition, like not eating chicken and praying towards Holywood really creates any sort of enhanced life?
At least it spares chickens the misery of a lifestyle geared up for the slaughterhouse and enables one to acknowledge that there are things greater than one's self (like Hollywood)

I suppose but, maybe not for me....
poor you

I can get more "spiritually" enhanced life essence from a really really good f*ck :D

and when you get sick of that (or more likely, your partner does) perhaps you might be inclined to begin seriously investigating buddhism

Which do you think is more spiritually fulfilling: Scientology or Islam?


(this is partly because I don't understand why you don't think Scientology is spiritually fulfilling).