If there is a soul what does it do in an afterlife

Hmm so why isn't everyone out there taking first love injections?

Please quote the research.
Don't be rediculous sam. Surely you know of the numerous studies of the biochemical basis of love and all emotions for that matter? You have google. Use it. Let's move on.
Of course not. I just probably don't take it for the mystical gobbledygook that you do. It's biochemical, dude.

How then do you measure your will?

I presume that you are intelligent enough to be aware that some dispute free will, so how then do you prove it to them?
And yet it fails to mend a broken heart.
Aww, how sweet. When it's well enough understood, it will. The stress of loss of love is very harsh on all of youe systems. A pill would be nice.

Never forget: You are nothing more than a gene delivery system. A very sophisticated smart bomb into the genetic future. All of your emotions and drives are ultimately fine tuned by a billion years of evolution to get your true core entities - genes - into the next generation.

The rest - life - is a byproduct that we naturally find desirable, lest we not be careful with our packages.
How then do you measure your will?

I presume that you are intelligent enough to be aware that some dispute free will, so how then do you prove it to them?

There is no such thing as free will, only the assumption or fantasy of it.

We are at the mercy of evolutionary forces which guide all our behaviour. We just don't know it.
How then do you measure your will?

I presume that you are intelligent enough to be aware that some dispute free will, so how then do you prove it to them?
I don't. The debate re free will or not is of no interest to a pragmatist like me. It seems to entertain hordes of philosophers though.
Is there any evidence?
Are you asking for evidence that anguish over the loss of a love is not a huge motivator to retrieve that love and assert your dominance over those who would steal it from you? Hmmm... Never been there I see...
Are you asking for evidence that anguish over the loss of a love is not a huge motivator to retrieve that love and assert your dominance over those who would steal it from you? Hmmm... Never been there I see...

When last I went to a funeral it was not quite like that.
Uh, both. As for inducing it, I have no idea. They say chocolate has some of the same effects in a mild way...

From what I have read the hormones and neurotransmitters involved are -

Phenethylamine ( a psychoactive compound related to morphine)
dopamine (increases heart rate and blood pressure ie sympathetic neurotransmitter)
norepinephrine (stress hormone)
serotonin (involved in regulation of body temperature, mood, sleep, vomiting, sexuality, and appetite.).

If I give a mix of these hormones/nerotransmitters to a person, do they cause the induction of love or merely generate the symptoms of it?
When last I went to a funeral it was not quite like that.

Woah there. I thought we were talking about losing a girlfriend or a wife to another man. Like that.

Loss due to death is a totally different thing with different results.