If religion is the opiate of the masses, what gets atheists high?

Take a look around here. You will quickly realize that bitterness is the opiate of the atheists.
M*W: Why is it that those of you who blindly believe in something that isn't there have the nerve to say that atheists are bitter? We're not the one's who've been fooled!

This "atheists are bitter" statement has been made by virtually every christian on this forum. It's time to put up or shut up. By "put-up," I mean provide the statistical significance of this statement... or shut-up!
M*W: Why is it that those of you who blindly believe in something that isn't there have the nerve to say that atheists are bitter?
in case you haven't noticed, atheism is also a metaphysical claim, so its not clear how you have changed your diet

We're not the one's who've been fooled!
and how do you propose to falsify the notion of god existing?

This "atheists are bitter" statement has been made by virtually every christian on this forum. It's time to put up or shut up. By "put-up," I mean provide the statistical significance of this statement... or shut-up!
well I think we can count you as one example of bitterness
in case you haven't noticed, atheism is also a metaphysical claim, so its not clear how you have changed your diet
No it is not - it is merely a lack of a specific belief that others happen to hold. No metaphysics about it.
Some atheists, true, do have a metaphysical belief in the non-existence - but that is not a requirement for atheism.

and how do you propose to falsify the notion of god existing?
Not required for atheism - merely a lack of belief in the existence of god.

If I hold a ball in my hand (which I am doing now) and ask you what colour it is, you could "believe" it is RED (with no actual proof, other than maybe someone told you it was red) - or you could "believe" that it is NOT RED (i.e. any colour other than RED).
The third option is merely not to have a belief in the ball being any specific colour at all - i.e. realise that one doesn't have the necessary information / evidence to support either the belief in RED or the belief in NOT RED.

Belief in RED is akin to theism.
Belief in NOT RED is akin to atheism (strong).
The third option is akin to atheism (weak).
And why is it that the theists are so mind mumbingly illogical?

I feel so much less bitter having said that.

p.s spud Emperor is a bit'a mashed potato on the bottom of his own shoe.
Oh! and what gets atheists high? irony, sarcasm, pathos, shit like that....don't worry theists have these things surgically removed when they find the little lost dog of religion.

Don't hurt yourselves looking for them, they've gone....gooooorn!
Irony, sarcasm, pathos? This sounds like a Greek tragedy. What a life you atheists must follow.
Greek tragedy or Shakespearian epic - your pick.
Better than the Beano or Dandy, that's for sure. :)
Yeah Why, I will die laughing, and if not I will live laughing even if sometimes a little too loudly.

Timely mention of Greek tragedies, my mate Spiros died a couple of days ago with a speargun unceremoniously embedded in his rectum! ( it sure didn't do him any good)
light said:
This "atheists are bitter" statement has been made by virtually every christian on this forum. It's time to put up or shut up. By "put-up," I mean provide the statistical significance of this statement... or shut-up! ”

well I think we can count you as one example of bitterness
That's exasperation.

It is true that a very high percentage of overt atheists that theists notice will appear exasperated. Funny, that.
Belief in RED is akin to theism.
Belief in NOT RED is akin to atheism (strong).
The third option is akin to atheism (weak).

and when the whole issue about the "redness" is beyond the purview of empiricism, it all belongs in the realm of metaphysics (which then brings to bear issues like faith)
in case you haven't noticed, atheism is also a metaphysical claim, so its not clear how you have changed your diet

and how do you propose to falsify the notion of god existing?

well I think we can count you as one example of bitterness
M*W: You don't know me. You might think you know Medicine*Woman... but you don't know me. Both M*W and I are atheists, and neither one of us is what you would call "bitter." Calling atheists "bitter" is what christians do out of their own insecurities. I don't have a god, and I don't need a god. You have a god, but it's really not there. So, which one of us has a reason to be bitter?
and how do you propose to falsify the notion of god existing?

Probably in the same way as you would denounce Allah, pretty easily.

And so we get high just running around feeling just a bit smarter and more logical than most, if a little frustrated by the general standard of knobbery going on in the general populus.

And we feel completely comfortable not ever having to knock on doors to make others take a broader view.
Oh yeah, and flying in the face of the devil and never feeling guilty for a little hedonism.
My favourite way of getting high as an atheist is going surfing on Sunday mornings when good ole Mother Earth turns on a spectacular show of omnipotence.. the sun is on my back, saltiness of nature tightens my free brown skin and I fly across waves like Neptune himself, now there's a God I can look up to.. hang on I just found religion, phew! saved by a six foot barrel of Neptune's juice.

p.s Ocean people call the god of water and weather Huey and he's a party guy and we know he's real and not all at once.
M*W: You don't know me. You might think you know Medicine*Woman... but you don't know me. Both M*W and I are atheists, and neither one of us is what you would call "bitter."
You don't have to know a person intimately to catch the drift of their emotional state
Calling atheists "bitter" is what christians do out of their own insecurities.
can you name a philosopher (even an atheist one) that declares that reverses (ie meeting with bitterness) can be avoided in this world?

I don't have a god, and I don't need a god. You have a god, but it's really not there.
and as we have said before
the only way you could "really" know is if you have access to all knowledge in all places in all times (omniscience)
since that is "really" not the case, its obvious that you are "really" bluffing

So, which one of us has a reason to be bitter?
if all one has going for them is this world (which has the predictable consequences leading to death), its not clear how you have any other option other than bitterness
Probably in the same way as you would denounce Allah, pretty easily.

And so we get high just running around feeling just a bit smarter and more logical than most, if a little frustrated by the general standard of knobbery going on in the general populus.

And we feel completely comfortable not ever having to knock on doors to make others take a broader view.
Oh yeah, and flying in the face of the devil and never feeling guilty for a little hedonism.
My favourite way of getting high as an atheist is going surfing on Sunday mornings when good ole Mother Earth turns on a spectacular show of omnipotence.. the sun is on my back, saltiness of nature tightens my free brown skin and I fly across waves like Neptune himself, now there's a God I can look up to.. hang on I just found religion, phew! saved by a six foot barrel of Neptune's juice.

p.s Ocean people call the god of water and weather Huey and he's a party guy and we know he's real and not all at once.
that was a rather mind numbingly illogical attempt to falsify god
You don't have to know a person intimately to catch the drift of their emotional state
M*W: No, you are wrong. We make assumptions about other personas on the Internet, but we do not have the facts about who they really are. Even in person, we do not have all the facts of who someone is. Again, we assume who they are. Even on a personal basis, we cannot know each and every detail of another person. So, assuming that all atheists are 'bitter' is your erroneous belief. That is simply what you want to believe, and not what is the truth.

can you name a philosopher (even an atheist one) that declares that reverses (ie meeting with bitterness) can be avoided in this world?

M*W: That depends on what the word 'bitterness' means to each of us. To me,'bitterness' is a word of regret that leaves one with a continuing negative attitude. As I look back at my life, I can say that any bitterness I may have comes from the places I never got to see, the people I never met, and the things I never got around to doing.

You are implying that, because I don't believe there is a god, that I must be bitter. That simply doesn't make sense to me, because that's like saying I'm bitter because there are no unicorns, or pots of gold at the end of rainbows. How can one be bitter when something doesn't exist? That's delusional! Since leprechauns don't exist, I should be bitter about that? Since the tooth fairy doesn't exist, I should allow negative feelings of loss (bitterness) into my thought processes? No. Even when I found out that christianity was a farce, I wasn't bitter then either. It was like an awakening understanding that what I had believed was a lie. It was a relief to know the truth. The reason I still study it, is because I don't understand how I could have allowed myself to be duped for as long as I was.

So those of you who think atheists are bitter, you need to re-evaluate your understanding of the word in connection with your own beliefs.

and as we have said before
the only way you could "really" know is if you have access to all knowledge in all places in all times (omniscience)
since that is "really" not the case, its obvious that you are "really" bluffing

if all one has going for them is this world (which has the predictable consequences leading to death), its not clear how you have any other option other than bitterness[/QUOTE]