If religion is the opiate of the masses, what gets atheists high?

God is exciting. He'll throw you in Hell on the slightest whim. You'll crackle and burn for eternity. He'll interfere on life on Earth, so that one team of fans praying to him will win a football game over another. Yes. God is quit an interesting character.

what football game?
Any football game is full of fans on opposing sides praying that their team wins. Of course, I wouldn't expect an atheist to know that.
Well, then that wouldn't be the hand of God, now, would it? Just pick the side that practiced harder? No, pick the team that intercepts the ball at the last minute and runs it in for a touchdown. Now, that's God's touch.
Well, if atheists cherish reality so much, and religion is part of reality, why aren't you atheists in church?

No one said atheists cherish reality alone, I enjoy fiction, imagination, and fantasy as much as anyone. Religion also fascinates me, but their books are more interesting than their churches. Don't some churches have people going around waking people up?

No, dead people have nothing more to say. Carl Sagan's little article and few books don't beat the Bible for excitement.
No, dead people have nothing more to say. Carl Sagan's little article and few books don't beat the Bible for excitement.

If by 'excitement' you mean 'for purely entertaining, not to be taken literally, contradicting statements written by primitive people' excitement, then yeah, I agree with you 1000%.
Sagan's article addresses the very point you bring up, is science lacking in wonder and mystery? No, he says, and describes how he first learned what stars were.

I agree, the Bible is full of fascinating tales of war and intrigue and sex, but so are many books, and more to the point, so is reality itself.
Who can part the red sea? Or kill every first born using a ghostly spirit of death? Reality pales in comparison.
Who can part the red sea? Or kill every first born using a ghostly spirit of death? Reality pales in comparison.
Suit yourself, believe in a fiction because it's more personally thrilling. It's not the worst reason I've heard.