If religion is the opiate of the masses, what gets atheists high?

How does reality and truth get you excited? There's no mystery. No hope. Just plain old truth.
I am doing research on the current water shortages-globally- any body have any links or current information that would benefit a global watch group?-
How does reality and truth get you excited? There's no mystery. No hope. Just plain old truth.

how does religion then get you excited as a theist is of the belief that religion is both reality and truth?
Religion is full of excitement. Everlasting life. Battles between devils and angels. Raising people from the dead. Killing non-believers. Scandal! What's not to like?
Life in general is the definition of boring. Work? Are you kidding? How exciting is your family? Maybe you can adopt me?
Religion is full of excitement. Everlasting life. Battles between devils and angels. Raising people from the dead. Killing non-believers. Scandal! What's not to like?

nontheistic things are also exciting, the study of our universe, the formation and destruction of stars, war, disease, politics all very interesting stuff.
Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings would make the basis of some fine religions, I'm sure. So, what's your point?