If Jesus was the author; are these lies?

The last word in what subject?

Science, philosophy etc...

if all of existence works ONE way

then the math is the last word; equal to all mankind/the universe

to theology: vindication defined

to science: self explanitory

to philosophy: the underlying priniciples, confirmed
you are irrelevant (a punching bag)

What spark?
Which individual?
No answers?

if all of existence works ONE way
then the math is the last word; equal to all mankind/the universe
to theology: vindication defined
to science: self explanitory
to philosophy: the underlying priniciples, confirmed
Mathematics won't vindicate theology.
And will have little to help philosophy.
You're spouting rubbish again.
No answers?
Lots' of them; you don't read! (comprehend)

as are noted in the below comments

yu dont' have much depth in knowledge and why your comprehension of the terms and combining is so distant.

Mathematics won't vindicate theology.
Perhaps go back to Roger Bacon of the 13th century.......... OLD folks knew before you ever did. Can everyone see how the ignorance of the dywyddr is focused on just ranting, rather than actually observing and pursuing comprehension.

the punk like to just rant; "NO, your wrong" but unworthy of asking why.....

And will have little to help philosophy.
philosophy offers analogies tot he human experience; comprehensing how and why it works is hugenormous. (who likes the new 'creation' of a word?)

this is kind of cool

if all of existence works ONE way
then the math is the last word; equal to all mankind/the universe
to theology: vindication defined
to science: self explanitory
to philosophy: the underlying priniciples, confirmed

seems like my learning is on a roll
Lots' of them; you don't read! (comprehend)
blah blah blah etc.
Oh but I do read - you STILL haven't answered:
What spark?
Which individual?

philosophy offers analogies tot he human experience
But no mathematics.

Perhaps go back to Roger Bacon of the 13th century
Mathematics and theology?
Yeah right.
Specious links based on a priori belief...

seems like my learning is on a roll
No, your inane waffling is on a roll.
Last edited:
Oh but I do read - you STILL haven't answered:
What spark?
Which individual?

if you read the thread; you would already know that.

You are proving your stupidity with that inquiry!

But no mathematics.
the underlying principles of life are found within a variety of philosophical approaches. (disciplines) ie.... what is life?

again; you do not have enough comprehensible knowledge to understand that.

And for a philosphy to have merit, equally, it must be grounded to reality.

Mathematics and theology?

Did you look into Roger Bacon? Of course the answer is; No...................

Combine your comments and it is really easy to see; you DO NOT have enough math, theology, philosophy or science to maintain a conversation or debate.

perhaps you should step away from the forum and learn something beyond your degreed education? (perhaps try common sense for a change; then maybe you could walk and chew bubble gum at the same time)

Newton was just as bad as Roger but you won't comprehend that either.

The Opus maius, minus, tertium, the related foundational work in Philosophy of Nature, De multiplictione specierum, and the work on burning mirrors, De speculis comburentibus, together with an optical lens, were sent to the Pope ca. 1267-68. They were seen as a preamble to a proposed major work on Philosophy. Together with these in the 1260s, he produced the Preface to the Works for the Pope, Communia naturalium, Communia mathematica, Epistola de secretis operibus naturae et de nullitate magiae. The Compendium studii philosophiae can be dated to about 1271. This latter is largely a work of polemic on the state of studies at Paris and an apology for his scholarly situation. It does, however, contain an important section on his theory of language and signs, which has enabled scholars to grasp the full range of Bacon's new semiotic interests. He completed the edition of the important work in medieval politics and statecraft, the Secretum secretorum at Oxford some time after 1280. It used to be the view of scholars [Easton, 1952] that Bacon had composed this work in the 1240s and was the main influence in his search for a “universal science.”

in short; he was a friar who spend over a decade under house arrest pursuing the truth within the 3 branches of knowledge.

HE knew there was a combining frame.

And if you read this WHOLE thread and actually used a brain; then each line item i wrote would be easy to understand.

but as oooosual, the moderation here in sciforum allows trolls and bigots like you to continue.....

i copy most everything and even find the people like you just for my records

some think it is OK for people to be like you; i don't!

it is people like you that hinder the progression and i will remember that enabling others to judge will allow each of them to both impose and maintain the absolute in truth!

people like you will be extinct soon enough

ps.... have you even read the OP?
if you read the thread; you would already know that.
Well let's see: so far we've mentioned Jesus, Francis Bacon (as Shakespeare! WTF?), Thoth, Roger Bacon and maybe a couple of others...

You are proving your stupidity with that inquiry!
Since you simply dropped the comment into the thread (with no reference as to who or what the "spark" is) I'd say the stupidity is all yours.

the underlying principles of life are found within a variety of philosophical approaches. (disciplines) ie.... what is life?
Nope, philosophy can talk a lot but it can't discern what's truly factual.
Especially as far as "what is life" goes.

And for a philosphy to have merit, equally, it must be grounded to reality.
But not necessarily mathematics.

Did you look into Roger Bacon? Of course the answer is; No...................
Wrong again.

Combine your comments and it is really easy to see; you DO NOT have enough math, theology, philosophy or science to maintain a conversation or debate.
Neither do you: you simply look stuff up and somehow assume that you know what it means.
As witness your nonsense about the second law of thermodynamics being wrong.

then maybe you could walk and chew bubble gum at the same time)
Ah, resorting to ad homs again?

Newton was just as bad as Roger but you won't comprehend that either.

in short; he was a friar who spend over a decade under house arrest pursuing the truth within the 3 branches of knowledge.
HE knew there was a combining frame.
Wrong again.

And if you read this WHOLE thread and actually used a brain; then each line item i wrote would be easy to understand.
Bishadi, one thing that is virtually guaranteed is that your posts are never easy to understand.
I'm still trying to work out what "fasod" means.

but as oooosual, the moderation here in sciforum allows trolls and bigots like you to continue.....
Ah, I see your problem: you don't understand that you're the troll and bigot.

i copy most everything and even find the people like you just for my records
People who think?

it is people like you that hinder the progression
Again thanks.
I like to hinder the progression of stupidity.

and i will remember that enabling others to judge will allow each of them to both impose and maintain the absolute in truth!
You and truth merely have a passing acquaintance.

ps.... have you even read the OP?
More of your nonsense and misinterpretation.
again, another post that shares the lack of comprehension

Well let's see: so far we've mentioned Jesus, Francis Bacon (as Shakespeare! WTF?), Thoth, Roger Bacon and maybe a couple of others...

Since you simply dropped the comment into the thread (with no reference as to who or what the "spark" is) I'd say the stupidity is all yours.
principle underlying 'how it works'


If you comprehended 'what life is' then you could perhaps have a clue.

Nope, philosophy can talk a lot but it can't discern what's truly factual.
Especially as far as "what is life" goes.

But not necessarily mathematics.
and you prove your ignorance with them comments.

To comprehend anything of science, then to realize that 'life' must be undertood to mathematically define it, is more than just an idea.

Science and the medical field live on the math of science so comprehending how it works is a universal quest within the fields.

Just as to represent anything philosophically, must be grounded to the base principles of how existence and life works otherwise, they are opinions rather than facts.

To have enough depth in philosophy, you would know that many truths within have been proven rationally before scientifically.

The perfection of comprehension combines the objective to the rational within knowledge, that is conveyable in words and math.

Meaning: for the absolute in natural truth to exist, it must be verifiable in math.

(that is what Roger was so intent on (the math) and he and Newton were extremely involved with bringing 'light' into the arena as being of extreme relevance to that universal frame)

Newton did not have the 'evidence' of entanglement (a property of light) otherwise, gravity would have been defined a long time ago. (my opinion)

Neither do you: you simply look stuff up and somehow assume that you know what it means.
As witness your nonsense about the second law of thermodynamics being wrong.

this is what i hate about punks like you; Do you have any idea why i contest the 2LoT?

Directly asked; can you define what the argument is?

Or do you not have the depth to articulate a debate!
If you comprehended 'what life is' then you could perhaps have a clue.
Wrong again.
You don't "comprehend how life works" either.

(that is what Roger was so intent on (the math) and he and Newton were extremely involved with bringing 'light' into the arena as being of extreme relevance to that universal frame)
And Bacon was working from an a priori belief.

Newton did not have the 'evidence' of entanglement (a property of light) otherwise, gravity would have been defined a long time ago. (my opinion)
More of your utter nonsense.
Entanglement has nothing to do with it.

this is what i hate about punks like you; Do you have any idea why i contest the 2LoT?
Directly asked; can you define what the argument is?

Of course I know why you contest the second law of thermodynamics.
I know exactly why you do so.
You're crackpot and have no clue as what it really means.
You misunderstand it and believe it's incorrect because your "thinking" is flawed.
And Bacon was working from an a priori belief.

Was. Did you wonder why he was under house arrest for over a decade?

bet ya didn't.

again, that comprehension thing is bugging you

More of your utter nonsense.
Entanglement has nothing to do with it.
like above on life

you just ain't got no understandin (i will bet you didn't even know what entanglement was until i showed up; it has to do with science. physics, bell labs, mit and what is being defined in todays world)

Of course I know why you contest the second law of thermodynamics.
I know exactly why you do so.
You're crackpot and have no clue as what it really means.
You misunderstand it and believe it's incorrect because your "thinking" is flawed.

just say, "no i don't know why of how you contest the 2nd"

then you will have posted something

you are a troll oli

no matter which name you log under

p/s... same sex 'needs' will go extinct too!
Was. Did you wonder why he was under house arrest for over a decade?
Non-sequitur and irrelevant.

you just ain't got no understandin (i will bet you didn't even know what entanglement was until i showed up;
You're assuming again.
And you're wrong again.

it has to do with science. physics, bell labs, mit and what is being defined in todays world)
Well duh.
But not the way you think it does.

just say, "no i don't know why of how you contest the 2nd"
then you will have posted something
But I do know why you contest it.
You're a crackpot.

you are a troll oli
no matter which name you log under
Assuming again?

p/s... same sex 'needs' will go extinct too!
Which has what to do with me?
I'm straight.
But you're wrong about it going extinct too.
Non-sequitur and irrelevant.
cop out....

he wrote many items discounting the absolution of the beliefs, rather that reality stands by itself

You're assuming again.
And you're wrong again.

Well duh.
But not the way you think it does.
so you don't know what it is or how the property applies in physics or evidence;

is that what you are saying?
But you're wrong about it going extinct too.

same sex needs; will be extinct along with ignorant beliefs

nature shares exceptions but reality always trumps culture
cop out....
Wrong again: the subject under discussion was mathematics & theology.

so you don't know what it is or how the property applies in physics or evidence;
is that what you are saying?
No, I'm saying that YOU don't have a clue.
You don't go by evidence, you work from delusion and misunderstanding.

same sex needs; will be extinct along with ignorant beliefs
Supposition based on what?
Your bigotry?

nature shares exceptions but reality always trumps culture
What does culture have to do with homosexuality?
Oh don't tell me: you're ignoring all the examples in the animal kingdom.
Gonna tell us more lies?
If u open ur minds u'll discover that those verse are telling of the coming of ''Parakilitos''(Greek word)
i'll let u search then i'll continue
If u open ur minds u'll discover that those verse are telling of the coming of ''Parakilitos''(Greek word)
i'll let u search then i'll continue


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* Try different keywords.
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