If Jesus was the author; are these lies?

you claim that songs are where to maybe see that jesus himself KNEW we were all equal and ONE with GOD

psalms are OT's

did david sing about jesus? Nope!

i posted a few scripts to fix ya up

King David said we were all gods.

He didn't sing about Jesus as in his name, but some people use a section of a psalm as evidence for Jesus being the messiah. I can't find the psalm, but if you want it I will try harder ;)
How do you concede that it is worse then times during the two world wars for example?
we have a gaza

we have the world in turmoil

there is a texas sized trash pile floating in the pacific

more species are going extinct now than since the KT

I mostly disagree. I think genes dictate more that mere instinct.

no word ever came from 'genes' so no idea of good and bad could be comprehended

If by mind you mean brain then some of this could well be genetic. Conscious I tend to agree with.

brain matter retains memories (affixed) and one bump in the head and no memories

consciousness on the other hand is not of fixed structures but the coherance of the life (energy) upon the mass of the body/mind.

Ok, I like to drill down to atoms too ;)
then to mention a coherance of em should be understood (think of an aura)

Do you believe in the soul or spirit?
not like some separate entity that goes floating around and meet up with the utter dead people.

but i see your wake as the spirit of your existence. (what you impose to existence (the splash upon the pond)) (remember; think mass and energy; not spirits and souls, the spirit would be the energy upon the mass rolling thru time)

ie... hold a lighter (bic), then give the flame life. See what the flame does during its reaction period. Once the process stops, no more flame but the heat is still covering time and will forever.

Are you suggesting that we are all just actors on stage being directed by an invisible force? Or are we fish swimming around freely in a big ocean?

no invisible force controlling you (neither good or bad; just change over time)

the g&b are what 'we the people' have been defining over time (knowledge evolves/evolved)

as fish, we consume during our journey (but we can choose what we eat and do, consciously)

be cool when the fish (people/mind) can comprehend why they breath and how to make BIG waves that last a long long time

(mass comprehending its existence)
King David said we were all gods.
is that what this means?

Gen 3:22 And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' -

He didn't sing about Jesus as in his name, but some people use a section of a psalm as evidence for Jesus being the messiah. I can't find the psalm, but if you want it I will try harder ;)

But jesus knew he was not 'the messiah' ('jesus THE Christ')

as he kept sharing it over and over in Matthew 16

as even the same chapter closed with:

27`For, the Son of Man is about to come in the glory of his Father, with his messengers, and then he will reward each, according to his work.

28Verily I say to you, there are certain of those standing here who shall not taste of death till they may see the Son of Man coming in his reign.'

Again, many interpretations out there; i see it as; is mankind free?

Aware of life, personally and individually capable of living forever and know it?

if not; then the work is incomplete and we all are of duty until then!

Jesus said follow the rules and be honest (await the truth) as i say, any who are not; are anti christ! (not awaiting the coming nor reading what the guy was trying to say)

i don't think jesus lied but i see a bunch of good from what he had to offer.
It is understood in some Christian circles that the ruler of this world is not greater than Jesus, but is in fact Satan himself.

mankind is who is 'ruling' the words of the world

the "invisible hand" has imposed to the west (the primary corrupting body; beast of many heads) that self is the beast of capitalism (adam smith 1776 "wealth of nations; primary 'bible' of any economics class; is what 'coined' the term; the invisible hand; look it up, scary stuff)

'revealing' that awareness is what the 'good guy' does

note: that mankind 'submits' to self and cause that collectively is accepted but of grave error to existence (life) (see what corporations do without the virtues of humanity being the priority)

that is your devil

there is no such thing as 'good and bad' without the conscious choice of human beings.

nature has nothing evil about it; people learn it and how/why and what cause(s)(d) mankind to 'leave the garden'

(my opinion)
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we have a gaza

we have the world in turmoil

there is a texas sized trash pile floating in the pacific

more species are going extinct now than since the KT

Well it's debatable if it is worse. Why are you interested in this particular item of topic? Do you think a messiah is due?

no word ever came from 'genes' so no idea of good and bad could be comprehended

The same can be said of instinct.

brain matter retains memories (affixed) and one bump in the head and no memories

consciousness on the other hand is not of fixed structures but the coherance of the life (energy) upon the mass of the body/mind.

So energy to you (consciousness) is a thing that has not been detected by science yet? I think the answer is yes by you, judging by your previous answers.

then to mention a coherance of em should be understood (think of an aura)

not like some separate entity that goes floating around and meet up with the utter dead people.

You think auras surround living entities?

but i see your wake as the spirit of your existence. (what you impose to existence (the splash upon the pond)) (remember; think mass and energy; not spirits and souls, the spirit would be the energy upon the mass rolling thru time)

I get you, why can't this be detected by science?

ie... hold a lighter (bic), then give the flame life. See what the flame does during its reaction period. Once the process stops, no more flame but the heat is still covering time and will forever.

Makes sense to me, strangely enough. wonderfully put actually.

no invisible force controlling you (neither good or bad; just change over time)

the g&b are what 'we the people' have been defining over time (knowledge evolves/evolved)

as fish, we consume during our journey (but we can choose what we eat and do, consciously)

be cool when the fish (people/mind) can comprehend why they breath and how to make BIG waves that last a long long time

(mass comprehending its existence)

I think this is more believable then what most religious folk believe, maybe one day it will be proven by science then we can make them BIG waves.

EDIT: Have you seen the movie 2001 - A Space Odyssey? If you haven't I'd recommend it :)
is that what this means?

Gen 3:22 And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' -


But jesus knew he was not 'the messiah' ('jesus THE Christ')

as he kept sharing it over and over in Matthew 16

as even the same chapter closed with:

27`For, the Son of Man is about to come in the glory of his Father, with his messengers, and then he will reward each, according to his work.

28Verily I say to you, there are certain of those standing here who shall not taste of death till they may see the Son of Man coming in his reign.'

You are correct.

Again, many interpretations out there; i see it as; is mankind free?

Aware of life, personally and individually capable of living forever and know it?

if not; then the work is incomplete and we all are of duty until then!

Jesus said follow the rules and be honest (await the truth) as i say, any who are not; are anti christ! (not awaiting the coming nor reading what the guy was trying to say)

i don't think jesus lied but i see a bunch of good from what he had to offer.

I don't think he lied, I tend to think he was simply a great teacher and a great man. I believe he was more at one with God then any other historical figure before or after, he was perhaps divine.
mankind is who is 'ruling' the words of the world

the "invisible hand" has imposed to the west (the primary corrupting body; beast of many heads) that self is the best of capitalism (adam smith 1776 "wealth of nations; primary 'bible' of any economics class; is what 'coined' the term; the invisible hand; look it up, scary stuff)

'revealing' that awareness is what the 'good guy' does

note: that mankind 'submits' to self and cause that collectively is accepted but of grave error to existence (life) (see what corporations do without the virtues of humanity being the priority)

that is your devil

there is no such thing as 'good and bad' without the conscious choice of human beings.

nature has nothing evil about it; people learn it and how/why and what cause(s)(d) mankind to 'leave the garden'

(my opinion)

I believe there is a pyramid of power within the west(in particular) that controls conflicts, money, vaccines etc... maybe they answer to someone.

Ultimately each individual is responsible for their own actions, they are either with Jesus or not(as Jesus said).

Just an opinion.
Well it's debatable if it is worse.
not really........ chernobyl alone takes the whole cake!

Why are you interested in this particular item of topic? Do you think a messiah is due?
a mess of a man?

any human being that can enable mankind to comprehend life and know how to live forever by choice, bound to the 'last word' (math to prove it)

may be someone to watch out for

bet that quack hates the magic seeking monkeys. (and most any liar)

as well, bet the truth combines all knowledge............

just think of the mess, as a man who cares nothing for self but that life (mankind) has a chance to live and know it

The same can be said of instinct.
not really because instinct lives on the processes of mass and energy

which in reality do not operate on a random process, as accepted within the current beliefs

So energy to you (consciousness) is a thing that has not been detected by science yet? I think the answer is yes by you, judging by your previous answers.
Most any can detect a conscious life by the articulation but the life of mass (in physics) is not comprehended within the scientific community. (the system has not been able to define what the life of mass is)

ie...for a common sense example: what is the difference between a dead body and a live body? can you tell anyone that answer and it be true and verifiable to the math?

You think auras surround living entities?
ever look at warm blooded life with a infra-red scope? Heat is not a property, it is just em.

I get you, why can't this be detected by science?
it is and why your common sense can observe it too. (if a pond is dead flat and you see ripples on the pond, what is the first idea that would come to mind? Perhaps a life is close by? A duck? Perhaps a fish? you may not have seen the life itself but the wake is there.

I never met darwin either; but i know his wake and he lives in that knowledge; (i like to say thx, quite often)

the comprehension of this reality is not conveyed within learning and to imagine each child looking over their bow to see where they are going and to the stern to see what they are leaving; will be enabled by UNDERSTANDING

I think this is more believable then what most religious folk believe, maybe one day it will be proven by science then we can make them BIG waves.
you are just as capable as any, right now

screw awaiting any to tell you or approve of 'common sense'

you are equally capable and YOU have the internet to dig into the material enough to cure your inquiries when left with an uncertainty.

when drilled down to the last word, find the uncertainties are not a property of law. (old school; wrong paradigm) but the action could have been caused by the property of entanglement from the energy shared between systems (there is no such thing as a complete closed system; ever)

that means; you may not know why the wind is blowing west but be certain with no uncertainty; a causality does exist and it is not your duty to accept the uncertainty but to realize there is just more to learn

listening to me is not what makes you comprehend

you are just as capable as any others, equally and rather than me just publishing the math and say (here's the last word)

i say any can know for themselves if they just observe light as the life of mass (electromagnetic energy/em/light in one or more of here wavelngths)

ie... there is no electric charge in time without it's magnetic field (in perpendicular planes); means all energy is of em, in one fashion or another.

that is last chapter to mankind; What the energy (life) of mass is.

try this;

when U-235 is split; what is the energy? (light) and that imposes momentum to mass; all cases.

mass is just energy affixed in time (see the ankh)

the "last word" describes that transistion (the final ToE)

and the monkey man of a mess; is the only life on the globe with it between his ears...............................

are you getting the picture?

nothing is more important than the knowledge....... as that 'truth' is what sets mankind 'free'

You are correct.

I don't think he lied, I tend to think he was simply a great teacher and a great man. I believe he was more at one with God then any other historical figure before or after, he was perhaps divine.

what a fair post.......

I still don't understand why one mans story, told by many men, is takin so literally!

Even if the bible was full of 'truth', it would be mans perceptions of what was happening, and the stories are not neccessarily what really took place.

The books were written by men. 'God' didn't write no book!

Jesus was not the author neither, he was the glorified man that others wrote about.

I don't see religion beginning with lies and deceit on purpose, I see it as misperceptions from primitive man. However allowing us to continually misperceive our ancients message is deceitful if we know what isn't true, even if we don't know what is true!

My biggest question would be:
We know man wrote the books, so why would we think they didn't include their perceptions?
My biggest question would be:
We know man wrote the books, so why would we think they didn't include their perceptions?

This would have happened no doubt, but the four gospels were written by different people and most of the events that happened are included in each account but obviously written differently because of their perceptions.

It doesn't matter what you think of these so called primitive men it is whether or not the gospels make any sense to you or not. If not then that's your prerogative.
This would have happened no doubt, but the four gospels were written by different people and most of the events that happened are included in each account but obviously written differently because of their perceptions.

It doesn't matter what you think of these so called primitive men it is whether or not the gospels make any sense to you or not. If not then that's your prerogative.

I think our ancestors experienced things they didn't understand. Many stories were told of their perceptions (not all stories are in religion, look at some cave drawings and stuff too!).
The stories weren't meant to deceive, but our ancestors didn't really know, so they believed.
If you don't take the stories too literally, you will find many stories that were likely based on real events.
If you are capable of seeing the world in many different perspectives, then maybe you can explore what could have been happening, for such stories to be told.
But to just 'Believe' without knowledge, sorry but I don't believe in blind faith, and I never will. Furthermore, I find blind faith along with blind pride very concerning. Soldiers that ask very few questions are created using blind faith and blind pride!
I refuse to put all my eggs in any one basket, based on beliefs. So unless I ever KNOW, I will always be exploring the many options while keeping as many doors open as I see possible. ;)
But to just 'Believe' without knowledge, sorry but I don't believe in blind faith, and I never will. Furthermore, I find blind faith along with blind pride very concerning. Soldiers that ask very few questions are created using blind faith and blind pride!
I refuse to put all my eggs in any one basket, based on beliefs. So unless I ever KNOW, I will always be exploring the many options while keeping as many doors open as I see possible. ;)

It's not a question of belief, it's a way of life. If everyone lived as Jesus did the world would almost be perfect.
Can you elaborate on the above please?

energy-mass-time; the trinity; does combine (the transistion of energy/mass in time) is definable.

the missing link WAS the property of entanglement (the gravity of the matter)

the rest is 'stupid easy' (go back to the basics; maxwell/tesla/bose)

but don't ask me for the script.

not gonna happen!

So you think everybody on the planet is a monkey man of mess?

each can be just as capable but there is only one idiot that stupid to put in so much, by choice

think of it as the same type of advance as newton, darwin, einstein, etc....

that can be combined with socrates, thoth, confucius, jesus...etc....

basically,the three branches of knowledge can be combined

i call it "Understanding" (aka... the book of life; to understand what life is as the evolution of knowledge combined so that an 'owners manual' can be observed; right from the shoot; each child born can be taught the truth on the first pass)

each of the contributers throughout time added bricks to knowledge; the evolution of as (that 'last word' is the) name of the boss (describing the process existence (life))

remember, existence itself (all mass, all energy, all time) is the boss (mother nature or "god" if that is the idea you like)

nothing magical about it

just the last word derived from knowledge (the gifts within existence (god) from the contributers (mankind over time)) combining to enable understanding (mass comprehending its existence)

(all of this is my opinion but most every line can be observed throughout the beliefs; practically verbatim..........)

ie..... ever wonder why SOOOOOOOOO many faiths talk about the 'name' of ????? From the egyptians to judaism; the name is the last word.

all i did is pursue the comprehension of

don't make me special just responsible (by choice)

some can talk about truth

and ONE can back it up
But it doesn't matter what any of these people in the past said(the last word) or done, the human race has seemingly decided its own fate mostly out of ignorance and pride, greed etc....

Jesus for example created a BIG wave, but only got 1 or 2 billion people listening and most of them aren't really listening or understanding...

Newton caused a BIG wave which has been built on. Eventually we get to Einstein which cost a lot of human lives, get the idea?

What is the point in believing in science when humans are holding guns? Yes, I can communicate with you easily blah blah blah, equally we can blow up the world, in time maybe the universe...
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But it doesn't matter what any of these people in the past said(the last word) or done, the human race has seemingly decided its own fate mostly out of ignorance and pride, greed etc....

i can see that too

selfish ideology is learned (created)

Jesus for example created a BIG wave, but only got 1 or 2 billion people listening and most of them aren't really listening or understanding...
because them afterwards created additions when someone of intellignce began questioning to a level that even Jesus could not address.

meaning; Jesus shared great wisdom (forgiveness) as well removed the homage of the 10 commands (requisite of church)

Newton caused a BIG wave which has been built on. Eventually we get to Einstein which cost a lot of human lives, get the idea?

love em both

but as oooosual, it is people after the contributers that often ruin the works

newton knew of causality but had no idea what the 'force' of gravity was but described the 'evidence' of inertia/momentum without it.

afterwards, them mechanics were combined within the new law (the 2nd) via planck (that error imposed a macro analogy (hot always goes to cold) without the causality of heat)

The big E, was a stud in that he knew, the frame was wrong (standard physics) because that 'spooky action' was not addressed (hence space bending)

What is the point in believing in science?

because it picks up where theology cannot perform; the comprehension of natural phenomena at it is observed within existence itself (nature/god) ie.... see copernicus, lavoisier, newton............ darwin!

not a one is taking from existence (god) but contributing to, by choice (the making of a saint) even when the establishment is against!

the good, contribute (give of self, for others) the bad (oppress, take; impose a loss to the common) are selfish.

each is capable of both (see gen 3)

the point is knowledge evolves and is easily proven by noting that words evolve and are the creations of mankind (fractals within existence)

Yes, I can communicate with you easily blah blah blah, equally we can blow up the world, in time maybe the universe...

much speculation on that last part

but will mankind use the firecrackers?

i tink so as from revelations to veda, quran, torah, hopi to aboriginal; they all have something to say about the 'fire from the sky'

and if you like speculation

then i say, when the 4 colors of mankind (red, black, white, yellow) are aware of the truth; then know your brothers to be your judges.

mankind once freed, will be capable of equality, judging and world PEACE

all based on understanding the light (what life is, in fact)
You are correct about Einstein, it was the crazy monkies who used his brilliant work like a great white shark kills its prey.

The knowledge is in the hands of crazy monkies too, and it seems the crazy monkies always make it to the top of anything they do, strange that...

Funnily enough Jesus claimed to be the light...

John 8:12 (New International Version)

The Validity of Jesus' Testimony

12When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
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It's not a question of belief, it's a way of life. If everyone lived as Jesus did the world would almost be perfect.

#1 Even if it's a way of life, it's still a way of life that is believed to be the way. Beliefs not knowledge.

#2 I never said I didn't like Jesus's message. When I read between the lines, when I see the stories as man's perceptions of what was happening at the time, I see an extrodinary man in Jesus.
I don't know nor do I pretend to know the truth, but for so many stories to be told about one guy, I imagine he was a very unique man, with beautiful perceptions of what we wanted the world to look like.
You don't have to believe in religion to want unity. In fact most religions prevent unity because they will only accept one unknown answer as the truth, and therefor leading to conflict with those that have contradicting beliefs.
I want unity, and I see Jesus's messages as someone that once strived for that same thing a long time ago.
At the same time, we are no where even close to unity, and without unity we need control to prevent chaos. If we learned some unity, we wouldn't need control to prevent chaos, but will we ever learn? That remains to be seen.
I agree with everything you said Pipes75.

What is the point of knowledge when a crazy monkey is wielding it?